THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 31, 1961 — 22 JNF Slates Youth Fete for Independence Day Pioneer Women Launches Activities Schiff Commends Itshovitz-facobs Marking World Jewish Child's Day Detroit Jews for Engagement Told Their Aid to JNF Planning for the initial phase of Pioneer Women's annual World Jewish Child Day campaign are (from left) Mesdames Bernard Chaims, dance co-chairman; Wilbur Shapiro, dance chairman, and Saul Rose, overall chairman. Detroit Council of Pioneer Women launches the commemorative campaign • with a dance, featuring Panchito and his orchestra, April 8 at Adas Shalom Synagogue. * * * Mrs. Sam Wasserman, presi- movement) Through this pro- dent of Detroit Council of Pio- gram, over 100,000 children neer Women, announces that have been brought to Israel Mrs. Saul Rose will serve as from 75- countries and rehabili- general ; chairman of Pioneer tated in special children's "vil-( Women's annual observance of lages, settlements and institu- World Jewish Child's Day. tions. . Hailing the Bar Mitzvah Year Activities on behalf of this of Israel, in conjunction with event will open with a dance Youth Aliyah's 27th anniver- April 8 - at Adas Sholom Syna- sary, Mrs. Wasserman outlined gogue with Panchito and his • t to facilitate orchestra. Mesdames Wilbur the three- rogram Shapiro and I. Chaims will serve the cum pa chil- as chairmen for this initial on in event in the spring campaign. dr A cannister drive in which fla- several hundred members of iginally dedic sh Pioneer Women will participate orate the 1,5 azi locally is scheduled to begin c dren killed d's April 16 continuing through holocaust, Worl of April 23. Chairing this second a me day no • s Pio- phase of the campaign will be ities furth i escue Mesdames Albert .H e r m a n, Child neer Aliyah Louis Diamond and E. Markov- Yout Progra igration sky. (child res e and i Also participating will be a number of children who will receive "Todah" (thank-you) certificates for each coin book filled to help their little friends abroad. This phase of the cam- paign will be sponsored by the Individual chapters of Pioneer Women. JWV Activities LT. ROY F. GREEN AUXIL- IARY will meet April 11 at the JWV Memorial Home to make plans to service the Ann Arbor Veterans Hospital and for the coming joint installation with the Post. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mesdames Esther Hecker and Florence Sriro. * * *. The next meeting of the SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN AUXIL- IARY will be held Monday eve- ning at the home of Raye Wei- mer, 21150 Pembroke. Hostesses will be Kaye Weimer and Sarah You'll love Kaminsky. Anne Rubin, chair- man, announces the annual Moth- ers and Daughters Day affair will be held May 8 at Mabel's Tea CHEF 130Y-AR- DEE Room, 13031 W. Seven Mile. For information and reservations, call Mrs. Rubin, KE 5-4031. * * * CHARLES AND AARON KO- GAN AUXILIARY will hold elec- Just heat 'n'eat! tion of officers 8:30 p.m. Thurs- day at the home of Marilyn Ep- Oak Park. Hear family, guests, cheer for stein, 22120 * Church, * * that real Italian flavor created by CHARLES AND AARON KO- famed Chef Boy-Ar•Dee. Tender GAN POST will hold its annual little macaroni pies...filled with election April 30 at the JWV Memorial Home. Guest speaker tangy Italian Cheesewsimmered will be William Cohen of the with savory tomato sauce and American Jewish Congress and cheese... seasoned the real Ital- member of the executive com- of the Jewish Community ian way. So much tastier and mittee Council. The annual "Man of the easier than the frozen kind. So Year" award will be presented much thriftier, too costs only to Cohen. MEAT LESS CHEESE RAVIOLI - about 15c per serving! Albert Schiff, president of the Jewish National Fund of America, in a statement issued this week, commended Detroit Jewry for its support of the JNF and urged continued ef- forts in behalf of the Israel reclamation agency. Linking his commendations with a Pass- over appeal, Schiff stated: "In the first years of the or- ganized Zionist movement, the Jewish people created a tool to carry out this process of re- demption in all its aspects. This tool is the Jewish National Fund, the Karen Kayemeth Le- israel. It is this fund, nurtured by the contributions of millions of Jews in all lands, rich and poor alike, that gradually re- deems the land of Israel.. "The job of redemption now is mainly a physical one. Israel is a sovereign Jewish State, but the Jewish National Fund re- mains the instrument of the en- tire Jewish people. By virtue of its recent agreement:with the government of Israel, the JNF has been charged with sole re- sponsibility for the rehabilita- tion and development of Israel's land. The JNF is performing much the same tasks as than fifty year ut on much vaster grander scale. The need greater, for th populati Israel h quadru d in st years one. folio g a . It ha raine and now r of J ea and conve d the unes of the Coasta garden spot and is n - a work on the tough, th ny eg "The ewish - tional F' has ea ed and tinued upport o especi ly the Je ier "Ther is no m app pr time t consider the activ* and ne of the . Jewish al Fund n Passqver day of re A youth celebration of Israel pre- Independence Day ill es sented under d 2:30 p.m. Jewish Nati Leon Fram Hall April 16 ael. of Tem n . ers are invited. All r Th . eve is co-sponsore shomer Hatzair,, the Uni Synagogu State T Bri Youth Mi . sha and ebr Sch 1. MISS ANITA ITSKOVITZ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Itskovitz of Indiana Ave. announce the engagement of their daughter, Anita, to Melvin Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Jacobs of Talbot Ave., Huntington Woods. The bride-elect is a senior at Wayne State University's Col- lege of Education and is affil iated with Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. Her fiance is a student in Wayne State University's College of Pharmacy and is affiliated with Phi Sigma Delta fraternity. An August wedding is planned. Freedman Orchestra & Entertainment LI 7-2899 4...0%.*00%**01.001%./•••...06%.00- Vacation-Temporary-Wake-up COYLE TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE VE 7-6701 ovies In Natural Color The Only TRUE REMEMBRANCE Of Your Affair Lincol ln n Let Our Weddings Bar-Mitzvahs Specialty 8-7773- 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Experience Help Your Planning Nathan Joins Board of Manischewitz Co. Robert R. Nathan, president of the consulting firm of Robert R. Nathan Associates, Inc., of Washington, D.C., and distin- guished economist, well known in high execu- tive and legis- lative circles in the United States as well as to the heads of many foreign gov- ernments, has been elected to the board of directors of the B. Mani- schewitz Com- pany, Bernard Manischew t z. president, -an nounced. In addition to his present re- R. R. Nathan sponsibilities in the United States, Nathan is now serving as economic adviser to Vietnam, Israel, Puerto Rico' and El Salvador. He and his firm have also served Burma, Colombia, France, Iran, Ghana and Korea. Nathan is well known, not only for his present, but also his early works on behalf of the State of Israel. In 1946, • he was co-author of "Palestine, Prob- lem and Promise." He is author of "Mobilization for Abundance" and other books and reports. JOSEPH GREENLEAF of Scarsdale, N.Y., has been ap- pointed chairman of the con- ference of the Reconstructionist Fellowship of Congregations to be held April 27 to 30, at Beth Shalom Synagogue, White Plains, Classified ads bring fast results! N.Y. "S dy Recovery," "Sympat or "Bon Voyage" is, ym- more important than wha how you say it. Express best wishes are hnuch. re, effe "v § f. ste-te ons gift in an d sat- - whatever our Large wines and- ottle or case needs. • ...and CHARGE • n-6 ,0047- tos,47 - /mkt 3205 W. McNICHOLS RD. (at Wildern., ■ • ' DETROIT 21. MICHIGAN _ driving to WHITCOMB Sul rings T via oute 94 YEAR 'ROUND RESORT • Wo'rld Famous S THIS MORE from A DA1 per person • ouble occupossqj European Mae or Information write, or cal, oseph, Michigan, YU 3-2501 WRITE FOR BROCHURE 'ft: ea