Why ologize? U. S., Bonn to Observe Eichmann T Israel Tightens Security Around JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Israel public, although the num- Foreign Ministry here an- ber of seats for them presum- nounced that the United States ably will be increased as foreign Government has officially ap- interest declines at later stages plied for facilities for a special of the trial. representative who will attend It was also revealed here the proceedings of the Eich that Eichmann had been taken mann trial, to open April 11. from his closely guarded cell The West German Govern- to a court in connection with inent, the announcement re- a request from a West Ger- vealed, will also send a special man court for evidence from mission of nine persons from him. The evidence was sought Bonn to cover the trial. Four for a libel case involving members of this mission are Hans Globke, State Secretary listed as "high officials." The to W. German Chancellor governments of Austria and _ Adenauer, who has been Yugoslavia have similarly ap- under fire on charges of plied to Israel for facilities for anti-Jewish activities as an special representatives they in- official of the Ministry of the Interior during the Nazi re- tend to have at the trial. It was later announced in gime. A rumor in connection with Bonn that Dr. G. von Preuschen, of Wiesbaden, has been ap- the trial was quashed when pointed as the West German Justice Minister Pinhas Rosen Government's official observer. said the government would At the same time, it became. not grant immunity to Nazis known that the prosecutor's of- who might come to testify. fice at Frankfurt will have its He made the statement in reply to comment in the own observer at the trial. Security was tightened in the section of Jerusalem lead- ing to the building where the Eichmann court is to sit. The street fronting the Beit Haam —where the trial will take place—was barred to all traf- fic. Eichmann, now closely guarded in a jail cell in northern Israel, is to be moved to a special cell in a building near the. Beit Haam. Israeli police and security of- ficials have thrown a veil of secrecy around the details of when 'Eichmann is to be moved to his new place of confinement. There was some speculation that he has al- ready been placed in his new cell near the court room. Meanwhile, a Haifa District Court rejected a petition for an early hearing on a civilian claim against Nazi Adolf Eichmann for recovery of 1,501 Israeli pounds worth of property which belonged to the family of Jo- seph Mandel in Hungary during the Nazi era, it was disclosed. During the hearing, a written statement from Eichmann was presented to the court in which the Nazi disclaimed any knowl- edge of. looting of Jewish prop- erty in Hungary and its transfer to Germany. Mandel, who is now a Swiss citizen who came to Israel to file his claim, was represented by Shmuel.ffamir, who argued t h at Eichmann might be condemned and exe- cuted before .a hearing on the civilian' claim for property re- covery could be held. A representative for Attorney General Gideon Hausner, who will be chief prosecutor in the Eichmann trial, argued against the Mandel motion. He said it was more important to hear first the charges against Eich- man of responsibility for the murders of millions of Euro- pean Jews. The court rejected Manderis request. A report on the preparations made by Israeli authorities for holding the trial of Eichmann was given at a press conference here by Yosef Nahmias, Israel Police Inspector General. The complete details of the trackdown and capture of Eich- mann "have not yet been pub- lished" and may not be known until the entire affair is his- tory, Nahmias said. He disclosed that 474 of the 750 seats which will be avail- able in the Bet Haam court- room where Eichmann will be tried next month have been set aside for local and foreign cor- respondents. Sixty seats are reserved for the Israel Foreign Ministry for distribution to diplomats and official observers. Thirty tickets will be given daily to the Government Tour- ist Corporation for distribution to visitors from abroad. Only a few hundred seats have been set aside for the Knesset, Israel's Parliament,' that Eichmann's counsel, Rob- ert Servatius, had sought immunity for such proposed defense witnesses. Rosen said that if any Nazis were brought to Israel, he would take all possible steps to prosecute them. Rosen added that the govern- ment had no intention of pay- ing for the transportation of defense witnesses. Another disclosure was that several hundred threatening letters, written in Nazi style terminology' about the Eich- mann trial, have been received from other countries. A govern- ment press office spokesm said that the. letters were of a large number on the ial and that most of the ters expressed satisfaction o the seizure of the Nazi spec ist in mass murder. The Israel gave ent press bureau also de re- ports that official a had been given to a seminar for tourists th which American attor would be able to attend trial. PONTIAC and TEMPEST fl BARNETT PONTIAC 9 WATCH FOR THIS According to the reports originating in New York, a' travel agency promised free entrance to the court room to participants in one of its tours set up specially for lawyers. A spokesman for the bureau issu- ing entry permits for the trial said that no entry tickets had been approved for any such organized lawyers' tour. Brandt Warns .Germans on Eichmann Trial Impact YOUR EMPTIES TO veal the names of the potential of the witnesses or to indicate the "a number of such persons. He in did not reply when asked by a his testimony, newspaperman whet her he gineer told of Eic thought Israel's ruling against is henchm n immunity to such witnesses had housand prejudiced the defense efforts told they However, he declared there wa special r E "some hope" that some of th When Re Cro 24695 COOLIDGE NEAR TEN MIL witnesses might agree to g schedule to vi the camp 0 AK PARK 31, MICHIGA N to Israel to testify for th check o the treatment defense. corded t re to Jews from • PACKAGE LIQUOR STORE JTA) ROME, (JTA)—Charges th a mark, hmann ordere hat agencies of the Roman Catholic erezin be "dressed • CHAMPAGNE • WINE hav- hierarchy helped Eichmann to g new apartmen uilt and .• BEER_ • , FINE FOODS flee from the Allies after the nishing decen lathing to • UNIQUE GIFT ITEMS collapse of the Hitler regime th ' • mates. vsky said that was challenged by church offi- the forbidden to talk cials here. to the Red Cross workers, the FINEST SELECTION 0E – The charges were made by rabbi of the camp being or- PASSOVER' Simon Wiesenthal, a Polish Jew dered to deliver an address in • WINES • BRANDIES which he thanked the Germans from Austria, in his memoirs. . • LIQUEURS Wiesenthal, who hunted Eich- for their "excellent treatment." ALSO FOR PASSOVER mann for 15 years and finally Later, stated Pakovsky, the • DAIRY PRODUCTS traced him to Argentina, said rabbi and several other Jews in his memoir • DELICATESSEN a • mann who were forced to participate in the deception were mur- had been by • BEVERAGE dered. Luigi Hind then re of Rome, man Saint M OPEN SUN. THRU Hospic nd by the Capuchi MANOR HAVEN Friars n- Rome. FRI. 'TIL 11 P.M. NURSING HOME In statement th SAT. 'TIL MIDNIGHT 1607 South Lafayette mag ne Vi Royal Oak Across from Detroit Zoo PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Ro Bishop 24 Hour Nursing Care that ichmann Take All Medical Cases ve b LINCOLN 1-4428 LI 8-6644 one f the efu REAR PARKING and SERVICE the atican ed to fl safe Bishop Hudal, cons or in the Vatic For the Best Deal on the grega n of the Ho Leaders for '67 said ann's i The "Wide Track" not kno if those aide • "I am est 'ce- man e Bi p said. y d as a C istian in those nfused years was to reseue SEE those who could be rescued. I can neither confirm nor deny HARVEY GELLER ALLEN CHARNES General Sales Mgr, Assistant Sales Mgr. whether among thos r there as E' none t co past a Sales Service were a The 14505 MICHIGAN Intl Curia e. TI 6-1122 BETWEEN SCHAEFER & GREENFIELD Oapuchi Friars issued ate- ment on behalf of thers D 0 0 0 Nenedetto , and Ant o who 0 were accused of ha g helped the Nazi, declar' that the Curia "categori y denies that ichmann a guest of the College in Rome's Via Scilia because the Insti: tute's discipline prohibits this." The statement added that Eichmann might have had con- tacts with the order but it would have been "under a false name because Father Benedetto worked for the persecuted and DISPLAYED ONLY BY had previously extended the same assistance, in agreement with the ecclesiastical authori- ties, to thousands of Jews." - BONN, (JTA)—Willy Brandt, mayor of West Berlin, warned Germans on his return from a visit to the Unit ed States, against underestimating the negative impact the trial of Adolf Eichmann w a u 1 d have on American public opinion. He said that the recent past of German history would widely discussed again, but h added: "This trial 'also give Germany the chance to make it quite clear abroad that the Nazi past no longer has any future in this country." In the West German capital Dieter Wechenbruch, assistant to Eichmann's defense attorney, Robert Servatius, said that some witnesses in West Ger- many were available for the defense in the trial, but were not willing to risk going to Israel. Wechtenbruch, who arrived here. from Israel in connectio with the final preparations the trial, said that the witne ses fear going to Israel, since the Israeli government announced it will not guarantee immunity from prosecution of witnesses whose complicity in Eichmann's crimes may be established through their own testimony. The attorney refused to re- Sharp Shoppers Shield Czech Engineer Provides Evidence of Cruelties Committeed Eichmann Direc pe • Wire to Ne WASHI —A ness 'cco t • the do uelties ag der d during W Naz' S Col. s been o he choslova and ished orities, the Czec ere an- nounced Tues The report ac ding to Czech Embassy many by a Italian engineer, J ovsky, who was inter . . three a half yea t the concen rat camp Tereziff rlrth of Prag P vsky's tes n shows t ichma n rs aI y had red the tables nt of a e ghetto erezi in Octo 1941. B een 1941 a 45, Pa d ec 1 a d, 2,000 Je men, en d children p ssed rough e Terezin camp. 0 e total, asserted, 87,0 were sent t exterminate • chambers at A eblinka and Maidan , and more than 34,000 died at Terezin. "At the end ME BERS OF THE DETROIT ER MEAT DEALERS ASSOCIATION El All member meat markets are under the jurisdiction of the Councel of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit. THIS SHIELD IS YOUR PROTECTION Dl 101 1Dl 1D 1CI1 ID -="1