26 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 17, 1961 — Tomi Keitlen Relates Madison's New Book, 'Leaders Mirsky-Sperka and Liberals,' Analyzes Careers of Troth Announced Ex-Presidents, Brandeis and Black CHARLES A. MADISON cia• interest for Jewish readers because of the analysis of the Supreme Justice's interest in Zionism. Brandeis, in Madison's essay, was "a relentless fighter" and "it was his good' fortune to have become during his life- time an honored prophet in his own land." That s t a t u s, of prophecy, gained recognition even from opponents who hated and abused him. President Taft, for example, whom Brandeis caught telling a lie, had said of him: "He is such a muckraker, an emotionalist for his- own pur- pose, a socialist." But several years later Taft said: "I do not see how we could get along without him (on the Bench)." When Brandeis was slurred, during his attacks on the New Haven Railroad's efforts at monopoly, "the thrust cut deep" when reference was made to his "oriental" mind. "Reflection made him resent- ful," Madison states, "but it also caused him to probe the nature of the slur. The more he learned about anti-Senn- tism the more sympathetic he felt toward his fellow Jews." His experiences in New York, Tomi Keitlen, attractive b ler, author of the new be ill be "Farewell to Fear," "Adven- guest speaker at t tures in Human Rela ns" work- shop sponsored by the Metro- politan De t r o i t Bnai Brith Women's Council, Tuesday at McGregor Memoria Building. Mrs. Keitlen will 1 how she outwitted the handica f blind- ness, by choosing c rather than fear, in a life sud- denly without sight. She will be speaker after the workshop and luncheon. Sessions begin 9:30 a.m. Since h e r blindness, Mrs. Keitlen, • lecturer, business ex- cutive, social servant and er, with the aid of her !don Rott Mr. a Brookl engag : Dean of Sper Th of th Mus nd his -NOTES erj ory Over ei as c seeing-eye to ski, m un learned travel alone t ou climb a out th world. n stil • a ayl:s,m a cal the 2-968 ael eague; or Def ne , al assistant r di- A. rec or. 25% OFF on Sterling Silver Flatware DELAINE JEWELERS Charles A. Madison, former "Music As You Like It" Detroiter, managing editor of EXCLUSIVE FREE OFFER the college department of Holt, Rinehart and Wihston publish- to For Information Call 15750 LIVERNOIS ing house, author of seVeral . of DI 1-5511 LI 7-0896 books and many articles on labor per movements and labor leaders, is n Sc ine Arts. he the author of one of the most o studi art in Israel d interesting books written in urope an attended the many years — "Leaders and hiva Univer Tea e I Liberals in 20th Century Amer- ute for W en. e fi e CUSTOM-MADE — 8 GAUGE — GLASS CLEAR . k ica" — just issued by Frederic ttended er- Also Plastic Throws: CHAIRS, 98c, SOFAS, $1.98, None Higher Ungar Publishing Co., 131 E. when he became arbitrator in 'ty and w CALL 23rd, N. Y. 10. en ool. H Rab- the cloakmakers' strike. brought DI 1-1000 PROTECT-O-COVER CO., 18055 JAS. COUZENS al Seminary merica In this notable work, Madison him closer to Jewry. Madison a memb the New "sought to delineate the person- writes that his "interest in an Bar Ass alities and events that have Zionism was a logical conse- York helped to change the United quence of his New York expe- ciations. COME . . . ENJOY TRADITIONAL PASSOVER SEDORIM States from the almost classic rience." Madison goes into great ' A May 28 wedding is planned. JUST AS YOU REMEMBER THEM . . . AT laissez-faire economy of 1900 to detail to describe Brandeis' The couple will reside in the relatively well-regulated in- Zionist activities. Detroit. dustrial society of the 1960s. The evaluations of the two Emphasis is given to the idea Roosevelts, Wilson, Truman, La- EVENING, that the democratic welfare Follette, Norris' and Black lead IL 1st ARCH 31st and state is the product . of large- to an. understanding of the evo- Cantor JOSEPH BIRNHOLT Officiating scale corporate enterprise; that lution of liberal thinking. They the very bigness of modern busi- are valuable additions to his- WE SUG E EARLY RES ATIONS ness, makes most men wholly torical analyses of conditions in 3-4361 dependent on it for their liveli- our time. The reading of Madi- E ASSOV DINNERS hood, makes government regu- son's "Leaders and Liberals in AVAILABLE FO TAK UT A lation of economic practices an 20th Century America" is an es Open at our own beautiful Tersace unavoidable, necessity." enriching experience. oms. Catering in your home or hall, and * * * Because he believes that "his- all. Born in 1895, Charles A. toric events assume realistic UN 3-4361 vividness when fleshed with the Madison grew up in Detroit, the 8451 WYOMING life stories of their chief par- oldest of five children. Twelve ticipants," Madison selected "for when his father died, he left By JIM SHAPIRO detailed and dramatic study the school two years later and went outstanding liberals in office to work in a Detroit automobile All Mumford students will go during the first half this factory, where he operated a on a full day schedule starting lathe for seven years. At 21 in September. Mumford is now century." He has succeeded admirably he returned to Central High the only . high school in Detroit in his task. The personalities School, .completing the four- on half day schedUles, but the he describes are: Theodore year course in one year, and Hampton- and McDowell ele- Roosevelt, "The Bully Cru- graduated in 1917. At the Uni- mentary schools are going to be sader at Armageddon"; Wood- versity of Michigan he 'com- extended through the ninth row Wilson, "The New pressed four years'. work into grade) thus reducing the number Freedom — A War Casualty"; three, and was elected- to Phi of freshmen entering Mumford. Robert M. LaFollette, "Un- Beta Kappa. A year's graduate Brandeis AZA Was the largest compromising Progressive"; work in comparative literature contributor to the can drive re- followed at Harvard University, Louis D. Brandeis, "Countel cently sponsored by the Student for the People"; Franklin D. after which he came to New Council to help the Negroes of Roosevelt, "Protagonist of the York to become an editor for Fayette County,. West Virginia, New Deal"; George W. Morris, the American Book Company. who registered to vote and are "Eminent Progressive"; Hugo In 1924 he joined Henry Holt now being deprived of food and L. Black, "New Deal Justice"; and Co., now Holt, Rinehart and medical care. Brandeis, winning Harry S. Truman, "The New Winston. He has been manag- the club competition accounted ing editor of their College De- Deal in Eclipse". for more th. Is • the partment for several years. In addition, Madison has in- of food receive He began writing verses at 6,893 po cluded in his book two impor- the age of 18, and later became - • ing girls ar Se tant essays, to illustrate his a regular contributor of book da adie Haw for t thesis, on "The Re lt Against reviews and articles. Madison's ce, to be eld April 14. Laissez-Fake" and " e Dynam- works have been published in Olympics, champions 0 ism of Democra If 500- many magazines. Jewish Center Clas page book is div two He is married to the form will - meet a parts, dealing wit rug- ith Hellman. They have a io from the gle for Social J sti "The aughter. Mr. and Mrs. Madi orr ow ti ght basketball New Deal an d at 7:30 a e e r. ive in Manhattan, and s ante The Brandei their summers at a small cot e will follow ert E. turfing: in Connecticut, where garden g Lee, popu Detroit c jockey. and household chores help edictal Club t Members of busy editor relax from a hea ip to the cam- are planning schedule. He counts his t soft 1 ■ d niversity of Mich- grandchildren, Peter and Cathy, KOSHER POULTRY MARKET 19. among his greatest pleasures. 'Following their first victory in, Kosher Killed True to his editor's taste, his two years two weeks ago, the only hobby is books. He is the brother of Harry girls' swimming team slumped, 27ib Madison, Detroit community_ falling to Redford last week, leader and former nation com- 80-32. Their record now stands C mander of the Jewish War at one victory against two losses. Hen Due to the great demand for OWN FOOD PRODUCTS CORP., BROOKLYN 5, N. Y lb Veterans. Turkeys Capri, Mumford's year book, by "OUR OWN" Gefilte Fish is prepared under the personal supervision seniors, 100 additional issues are of Rabbi Aron Zlotowitz, Secretary of Board of Orthodox Rabbis of Radio Club Officers 13420 W. 7 Mile Rd. The Amateur Radio Club of now on sale. They may be pur- Brooklyn, and is Kosher for Passover. the Jewish . Center has elected chased from a staff member or Distributed By: UN 4-6963 Cliff Wiehr, president; David the Capri business office. NATIONAL WHOLESALE GROCERS CO. Free Delivery Silverton, vice - president, and Detroit, Michigan Classified ads bring fast results! 8938 Twelfth Street Evan Soldinger, secretary. PLASTIC SLIPCOVERS RAINBOW KOSHER CATERERS Fil-UMFOR U S G S . C. H. RO N RGI FRYERS