Workmen's Circle 'Books Abroad' Carol Castleman To Wed Leon Falk Program Is Weapon Against Reds Women's Clubs (More Clubs Page 20) Plans are announced for the Benjamin R. Stickney, program the U.S. Information Agency' in - A talk on the stock market BETH ABRAHAM SISTE R- executive of the Office of Private developing similar projects in and investments by a represen- HOOD Supper Social to be held Cooperation with the U.S. Infor- other major cities. tative of a brokerage firm will 6:30 p.m. March 26 at the syna- mation Agency, called upon the All interested citizens and • or- gogue, according to Mrs. Hyman highlight a meeting of the Workmen's Circle of Greater De- ganizations are•invited to contact YOUNG ISRAEL CENTER OF Crystal, vice-president and fund troit, to initiate a "Books Abroad" Title and Mrs. Moses Caplan at OAK WOODS SISTERHOOD raising chairman. Assisting Mrs. program as part of the United KE 7-5440, or to write to them 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Isadore Singer, president, are States President's "People-to- at the W. C. Educational Center, synagogue. Mrs. M. Traeger is the following chairmen: Mes- People" Friendship Program, in 18340 W. 7 Mile. dames Israel Halpern, Ray program chairman. A discussion the idealogical struggle to combat of the Passover holidays also Dunn, Meyer Lullove, Sidney Communism. will be featured. Refreshments Ring, Isaac Tennenhouse, Na- Classified ads bring fast results! A provision than Kaufman, Ralph Rice, will be served. been for • Monroe M. Harry Ribiat, Shabtai Acker- * * * Want The Best? Title cal chairman, and NORTHWEST DETROIT man, Harry Eichenhorn and oses Capl n a e ry, k the Folks Who've Had CHAPTER, Jewish National Sidney Schlaff. Helping with r the pur Home for Asthmatic Children arrangements are Mes dames AM BARNETT representat• and Children's Asthma Re- Irving Schlussel, Alvin Topper, and His Orchestra greater Max Ellenbogen,' Nathan Yost, populati earch Institute and Hospital Harry Greenbaum, Sam Cash, fields of bus' LI 1-2563 will hold a business meeting educa- 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home George Cohen, Louis Last, MISS CAROL CASTLEMAN Henry Pokart, Julius Klempner tional, ser r of Mrs. Harry Raf, 15221 Park, Ratner. s and religio Oak Park. Plans will be com- and Morris * Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Castle- ans, * * to inaugurate a one or two pleted for the annual tag days "Detroit's Finest" WOMEN'S AMERICAN ORT, man of Birchcrest Dr. announce ks campai'n to c• rood to be held by the combined De- the engagement of their daugh- Huntington . Woods Chapter, eading mg the troit chapters early in April ter, Carol, to Leon B. Fal American be se Volunteers may contact tag day will hold its annual dinner- son -of Mr. and Mrs. Harl KOSHER CATERING dance 7:30 p.m. April 22 at the abroad. chairman Mrs. George Frank, Falk of Hillsdale. An Ap Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. Fea- It is t intent o 8-9797 VE 6-1897. UN 1-9449 tured will be the music of Frank wedding is planned. * * * men's Cir - e The third in a series of book Paul. For reservations, call Mrs. LI 3-8063. oaks in re er to cou - reviews sponsored by the edu- Martin Myers, * * * ct the flo of Communist prop ngagetnents. cation committee of CONG. YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR gand . 11 b nt BETH SHALOM SISTERHOOD At a recent dinner party r. thr And His S. atio • will be Andre Schwarz-Bart's CHOLEM will hold an open rd- Age CONTINENTAL ORCHESTRA they, "Last of the Just," 12:30 p.m. meeting 12:30 p.m. Monday at and Mrs. Irving Lelgant o en- ed. ens o etroit Wednesday in the synagogue the home of Mrs. Joseph Shif- more Ave. announced t _ UN" 3-7626 er, social hall, 14601 W. Lincoln, man, 19750 Canterbury. A book gagement of their da ontribu review by Mrs. David J. Cohen Lillian, - to Robert Leon Pric rious collec Oak Park. Mrs. Frank Nelson , out the metropolitan ea. will be reviewer. A dessert will be given following the so- Chicago, son-of the late Mr. and Mrs. Barney Price. A June 25 luncheon will be served, accord- cial hour. • * * tickney has requested Joseph MUSIC BY wedding is planned. ing to Mrs. Victor Moss ; edu- orelik, national field representa- CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women, * S. * eation chairman. Guests are in- recently participated in cere: tive of t Cir , Announcement is made of vited. currently in t i- monies for a room to be dedi- * * * rection t Cir cated by the Shevitz family in engagement of Doris Bara In honor of ORT Education memory of Chana Malka Shevitz daughter of Mrs. Pearl Bar . .1 in initia. . this proje UN 3-6283 ' Month, guest speaker at the at the Hayim Greenberg Center. and the late Rev. Osher Bara has been w • March 12 meeting of 'TOWN Three, of the Club's members, to Samuel'Tron, son of the la AND COUNTRY CHAPTER, Eva Basin, Sarah. Lankin and Mr. and . Mrs. Louis Tron. A Womens American ORT, will be L. Cohen soon will depart for May wedding is planned, to be attended by the immediate Mrs. Selma Becker, national Israel. families. vice-president of expansion. The * * 5 5 5 meeting will be held at the BAGLEY NORTH, Hadassah Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kurian, of home of Mrs. Gerald Rosman, will hold its spring bazaar noon 13341 Irvine, Oak Park. Mrs. Wednesday at Cong. Bnai Chicago Blvd., announce the en- Lillian Beal and Mrs. Mollie Moshe. Featured will be booths gagement of their daughter, Ruby will represent the Michi- for antique jewelry, white ele- Marion, to Lt. Paul. Ratner, son, gan Region of ORT. The slate phant treasures, gifts, knit ar- of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ratner, for the executive board will be ticles, baked goods and Passover of Scarsdale, 'N. Y. Miss Milian presented at the meeting at sweets, among others. A com- attended the University o which co-hostesses will be Mrs. plimentary luncheonette will be igan and • aching y s Samuel Deitch and Mrs. William served. In charge, of the event el . -r fiance Fitzerman. ended th • Millbrook hoot are Mesdames Jack Kaufma * * * and Cornell University, a is chairman; George Carson, Plans are being completed for man. Fishman and Bern at present serving as Brit lieu- he Suit That Grows With You" the annual fund-raising lunch- man. tenant in the Uriited States * * * eon of DETROIT WOMEN OF Army A • wedding is ailored to personal measure- Women, pl ALPHA OMEGA Dental Fra- CLUB TWO, Pion ments for Young Men made will meet 12:30 p.m ednesday ternity April 26 at Temple Is- with enough cloth so that alter- 4g Center, rael, Manderson and Merton at the Hayim Gree Rds. Chairman Mrs. Jack Zon- according to Pres]. nt Mrs. B. ations will continue to retain der announces the event will Rose. Guest spea r Mrs. Z. Israel the same look of custom-tailor- ay feature a fashion show and a Pincus will discu Habonim ing year after year. Windso rith will spon- number of unusual prizes. Pro- Youth in Detroit, an rs. Rose aeli, night of entertain- ceeds will go toward the Israel will discuss the late up Dental School and locally for news. Mrs. M. Plafkin, cultural ment at the Windsor Jewish needy dental patients. Mes- chairman, will introduce the Community Center, Monday eve- Start him off into Man- dames Ed Warrener and George speaker. Luncheon will be ning. Refreshments will be hood the right way with served. All are welcome. Leib are in charge of gifts and served. • * * a Steve Petix Custom Plans are being made by the decorations, while Mesdames LIV,ONIA, Hadassah will Bnai Brith of Windsor for the r 7433 W. McNichols Tailored Suit. - Leslie Moss, UN 1-6227, and Edwin Schneider, DI' 1-1514, are present its original musical vari- annual installation and dinner UN 2-4517 ety- show "Mr. Wonderful" 8:15 dance at the Elmwood Casino on arranging tickets and seating. Open Wednesday and Thursday 'al 9 P.M. p.m. March 28 at the Riley May 3. * * Junior High School, announces LADIES OF YESHIVATH President Mrs., Arthur W. BETH YEHUDAH and WOM- Bruckoff. In charge of the affair EN'S SABBATH LEAGUE an- are Mesdames .;Ilaymond Zelch, nounce the 36th annual banquet Hy Eizelman, Sidney Rosen- will be held 6 p.m. April 25 at blum, Joseph Grossman and Holiday Manor. An Oneg Shab- Seymour Kaplan. bat will be held 2 p.m. March 47300 W. 12 MILE RD., 17 Miles from Northland 25 at the Yeshivah Building, Blodgett to Address Dexter at Cortland. * * * Sinai Medical Staff A spring fashion show will highlight a meeting of CITY Meeting on Tues The quarterly me sta OF HOPE CANCER FIGHTERS spi 12:30 p.m. Monday at Holiday meeting of Sinai esd , in the Manor, announces program vice- be held 8 p.m. om at the hos- president Mrs. Max L e v y. main lecture pital. Luncheon will be served. * * * Guest aker will be Dr. lod TEMPLE BETH EL SISTER- James B be e9 0 HOOD announces a lecture and the boa discussion series on the first five Service, ho • n - ON OUR OWN CAMP GROUNDS books of the Bible, beginning rent B e C id 11 a.m. March 21 with Dr. Rich- problem • COOK-OUTS • C-I-T PROGRAM • OVERNIGHTS Dr. I. era ard Hertz on "Genesis." Other Hauser, chief • EXCELLENT DOOR TO DOOR TRANSPORTATION .• topics will be "Exodus," March of staff a inai, will- report 28, by Dr. Hertz; "Leviticus," recent sta t_ Totem Pole is offering its weekly day camp program at a specially reduced rate for all enrollments April 4, by Dr. Harold Hahn; tee - problems. mode by March 20, 1961. During this time, a regular $22.00 enrollment will be only $19.00. "Numbers," April 11, and "Deu- This -will be followed by dis- For further information, or to make teronomy," April 18, both by cussion of staff problems with Dr. Hahn. A buffet will be comments and questions from your enrollment by phone: served. The public is invited. the floor. - . HOROWITZ 'I Rosenow the boy being MitIvah E AVON - $ 4 9 5 0 Totem Pole Day Camp is pleased to announce the opening of .a new 25' x 60' SWIMMING POOL CALL L.I 6-6174