ISH NEWS — Fr iday, March 17, 196 1 — 20 THE DETROIT JE fixion." A continental breakfast will be served at 10 a.m. Social Wed Aug. 20 Women's Cluhs MISS ROCHELLE FLEISCHER Mr. and Mrs. George Fleischer, 17182 Woodingham, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Rochelle Gara, to Arthur S. Lieberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lieberman of Steel Ave. The bride-elect attended East- ern Michigan University and is now a student at the Wayne State University College of Edu- cation. Her fiance is a graduate of the Detroit Institute of Tech- nology and will enroll at the Des Moines College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Sep- tember. An Aug. 20 wedding is planned. Pianist Marilyn Lucas to Solo with WSU _ _ _ Symphony Orchestra Marilyn Lucas, 18-year-old pianist, will be soloist with the Wayne State University Sym- phony Orchestra, under the di- rection of Valter. Poole, 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Com- munity Arts Auditorium. No ad- mission charge. Miss Lucas, who will be heard in the "Concertstuck" by Weber, has been studying since the age of four. Presently a pupil of Julius C h a j es, she has fre- quently appeared as soloist with the Center Symphony and has also given - solo recitals. Cur- rently, she is a piano major at Wayne. Dinner at DARBY' is a real tr • Visit Our ew SKYLIGHT ROOM. C ktail Lounge a Bar • Al. I.ER THEATRE Snacks . Delight 4:0 LUNCH N A Pleasu Resv. UN. 2-6742 SEVEN MILE at WYOMING , JEWISH WOMEN'S EURO- ?EAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- TION will hold a board of directors meeting noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Ida Tuben, 13274 N. Norfolk, to make ar- rangements for the annual donor affair. In charge of the event will be Mesdames 0. H. Kavieff, chairman; Ida Goldsmith, Elsa Palmer, Jack Seder, Rabi Bess and Bert Harvitt. * * * M4SHKAN ISRAEL SISTER- HOOD will meet Monday at the synagogue to hear an address by Rabbi Stoliman on "Passover in the Home." Refreshments will be served. A games night will be held 9 p.m. Thursday in the , social hall, featuring prizes and refreshments. * * * NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet Wednesday, 12:30 p.m., at the home of Rose Finklestein, 24250 E a s t w o o d, Oak Park. Frieda Metz, presi- dent, announces a rummage sale, to be conducted Monday, at Vic- tor Hotel, Highland Park. * * • • NORTH WOODWARD BRANCH, Jewish Women's European Welfare Organization, will hold a luncheon and games party noon Tuesday at Fed- erals Department S tore on Grand River Ave., announces Sarah Winokur, chairman. Als in charge of the event are L Curtis and Rose Zuckerm Proceeds. will go toward support of widows and orph For information, call BR 3-6 * * MEDICAL AID GUILD hold a board meeting and lunc eon noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Blau, 18509 Pennington. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Max Neuman and Mrs. Harry Stoll. * * * MUSIC STUDY CLUB will present a program entitled "America's Music" 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ted Powers, 8572 Huntington, ton rs. Pow- • ded in ate. In s will m are Bett Kowol- the pr chavie anist; Rhoda sky, Sh. es, soprano; Leo Mogill, rg, ac- 4, • r; and B. la Gol # mpa st. rman is Mrs. raver. 0 eer en 12: the Golden Chain, will give ari TER, For the tesday at the home of "outgoing" luncheon for Worthy Edward Miller, 18024 Perfect Affair . . . Matron Mrs. Esther Horowitz ggs. Guests invites . 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at Ran- ucci's. Guests are invited. Fob" reservations, call Mrs. Sophia UNIVERS and His- Orchestra Rosen, DI 1-3950. sorin dassah, is UN 3-3737 * * * guard Players perfo "Rivers in the Desert" b the comedy " s will go to it 1 Nelson Gluecic will be reviewed . sah edical Organiza- at the next meeting of the the or resery •*ons ••s- UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS tio Fine Photography en, g• WOMEN'S AUXILIARY 12:30 • t Mrs.- ndids Professionally Finished rt 594; Mrs. p.m. Wednesday at the Esther For Appointment Phone Berman Build- -2860; and KE 1-0104 EIBICK N 3- ing, at 18977 Schaefer. Mrs. ROSE CLUB Alexander a "Las Vegas Night" OSENBLAT ORCHESTRA Sanders w i 1 eview th Saturday at H im Gree ne Detroit's Favorite M.C. berg Cent book in tribu and His -Entertainment purchased Specialty— to the fort members. coming Isra Weddings & Bar Mitzvahs Bar Mitzva Florence el, LI •- KE 8-1291 UN 4-0237 Year. Mrs. Al- eeman, chair- b er t Elazar, :::::•axx■ ox:::•:.c•:::x.x.:4,:xxwaKt, BE AARON SISTER- •Mrs. Sanders chairman of OD'S book review series an- PLASTIC FURNITURE c the day, an- nounces the fourth an ast re- ■ COVERS nounces the Auxiliary Chor • . i view wi MADE TO ORDER Group will render Israeli so 11 . or READY MADE Thursda in A dessert luncheon will X V H. cial hal X CALL ANNA KARBAL m served by social* chairman ,,. Maurice Gorreli LI 2-0874 Charles Heiman and her econd Cruci- :ix.;77i:e7X•1•;:- ::•:•.:•::::>:*:•';:::• ■ .:i7iaeal Samuel's mittee. Mrs. Jacob Axel president; invites all and gu Mickey Woolf EDAH STUDIO - ii * * * A general meeting of the JEWISH NATIONAL FUND be LADIES AUXILIARY Tue- y - eth held 12: 0 g a Aaron r Thatcl report presi nt, ash- nati al assembly held • y" and ingt , and "Happy m," recent "Stairway to Jer ill be shown, Israeli mov . rogram chairman Mrs. oilliam Schumer. Social chairmen Mesdames William Hordes, Abraham Goldstein and Julius London will serve a des- sert luncheon. Hostesses will be Mesdames . Peter Chodoroff, Abraham Panush and Maurice Schubiner. Friends are invited. * * * A special initiating meeting of OAK PARK CHAPTER, Or- der of the Eastern Star, will be held 8 p.m. Thursday at 150 \ester, Ferndale. Flor e n c e Striph, Lillian Luzkow a a Aa ged Circle Three have hair fashion Style Ross and guest artists B will be chap- Mr. Ralph. Mo ter members id guests. Hair eauty tips, prizes fashion new ents w'll b and refres •ted. mbers tured. All * * HOM OR AGED EN'S A LIARY will ion of_ officers old its e oliday Manor, an- Monday resident Mrs. Walter nounc The Home's Choral will A game arty lun roup will present a musical program. Refreshments will be be held y HUNTI TON • UP, South Oak- WOODS served. Guests are invited. land Count hapter of Hada DETROIT LINK, Order of sah,, 12.30 p. Tuesday ames Raven Art Gall Couzens. Prizes and a bake sale will be featured. Proceeds will go toward Youth Aliyah. For information and tickets, call Ruth Garber, LI 6-1764. BRAVERMAN° KOSHER MEATS COME AND SEE SAVE $$$ YOU BREAST OF BE CHUCK ROA PICKLED T RIB LAMB BREAST OF JUMBO EGG GROUND BEEF FRESH—KOSHER MADE 13500‘Lilliir 89 65 49 75` 29` Doz. 55 21bs. 97 LAST iliANNTITIESDL DI CORNER OF HARTWELL chairman is Mrs. Jack Kanners. (More Clubs on Page 23) * * * AESCULAPIAN LADIES AUXILIARY will hold a board meeting 12:30 p.m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Michael Wai- ner, 18083 Wisconsin. Luncheon will be served. Board members are urged to attend. * * * Mrs. Florence Drapkin will review "Papa's Golden Land" at a meeting of AVODAH CHAP- m .. -. A'T'HAN & IRVING'S Kosher Meat & Poultry Market OUR MEATS AND POULTRY ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED AND GRADED CHOICE. AND. "AAA" PRIME. SEE OUR DAILY SUPER SPECIAL POSTED PRICES UN 1-7237 18275 WYOMING — FREE DELIVERY — UNDER STRICT SUPERVISION OF , THE VAAD HARABONIM , O. Our Poultry Is Killed Fresh Daily Choose your favorite style of : • HOROWITZ-MARGARETEN. • • • • FISH ops-ill-regte Qualify! liquid sauce . jumbo or -size portions. ma de. with) DE LUXE aristocratic PIKE and WHITE FISH exclusively with homey thick, shimmering jelled sauce • • • • • • • • ALL KOSHER FOR PASSOVER • •000410••••••••••••••• DISTRIBUTED BY: GREENFIELD NOODLE & SPEC. CO . TRinity 3-2212 600 CUSTER AVENUE RECOMMENDED BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS • r CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE <1 ■ ••••0 ■ 1000 ■101■0■1% We Clean - Household Items Ex- clusively MiN001 ■ 01, 0• ■ ••0 ■ •1• Drapes • 'Cur Lamp Sh REMOVING W Phone us for FRE s • Corn s • Quilts DO ALL T D INSTAL ee Estim TW 1-1818 CORATING SUBURBAN PHONE ENTERPRISE 7818