Prof. Halkin, Next Midrasha - "Council's Kosher Meat Study Shows Prices Lecturer on Hassidism, Thursday Match Other Meats; Kosher Meat Dealers Dr. Abraham Halkin, associate Adopt Program to Govern Selling Practices professor at the Jewish Theo- Dr. ABRAHAM HALKIN logical Seminary, will be the next speaker in the Midrasha Institute lecture series. His topic will be "Hassidic Influence on Jewish Literature." Dr. Halkin will speak at the Esther Berman Branch of the United Hebrew Schools on Thursday evening. This lec- ture only has been deferred to Thursday, in deference to the opening dinner of the Allied Jewish Campaign, which will take place on Wednesday. The theme of the entire lec- ture series is "The Hassidic Movement — Its Influence on Jewish Life and Thought. Hassidism's Enemies Feared Excesses, Heresy Against Traditional Judaism, Kazis Says "The more the Hassidim were persecuted, the stronger they became." It is no wonder then, that the Hassidic movement flourished in the 18th century: - its persecutors were many. Rabbi Israel Kazis of Temple Mishkan Tephila in Newton, Mass., pointed out this fact Wednesday evening at the second in a four-part Midrasha Institute lecture series on the Hassidic movement. His topic dealt with the opponents to the movement. ' Chief among these `Mitnag- dim,' Kazis said, were the rabbis who looked upon Hassidism as heresy and who saw a threat to their authority in the hero- worship of the masses for their local "rebbes." But the sources of animosity by the rabbis toward the East European religious revival were manifold. They objected to the changes in liturgy from the traditional prayers, to the extra- long Shacharis prayers, to the "religious acrobatics" and "crude, uncouth excesses" in worship, and to other manifes- tations of a "lack of decorum." Opposition began to take the form of excommunication of the Hassidim, and soon Hassidic countermeasures were being in- stigated. But, Kazis said, the struggle could have been re- solved had the fundamentalist leader Gaon of Vilna been will- ing to meet with Shneor Zal- man,"the Hassidic leader. There was thus no opportunity for Zalman to show that Hassidism was a perfectly legitimate move- ment which channeled the masses away from heresy and the would-be Messiah Shabatai Zvi. ecam o great, The s Kazis s , that both es ap- peale•r aid from the vern- men • charges of sub rsion wew l led at the H. dim. T pro em was•, he s , only with e "Con- w which s ution of h h of all r ogni • up J ish a lesser zis • cued ion of the de th op • Mas ents of the En- lightenment) to Hassidim, "the daughter of darkness" as the historian Graetz described it. Unlike the writer Peretz, who later grew disillusioned with the Enlightenment, the Maskil- lim. saw no beauty in the prod- ucts of the "primitive" Has- sidism. Himself a Hassidic descend- ant, Kazis stressed that the movement possessed little that was "new." "Within the frame- work of orthodox Judaism," he said, "Hassidism merely picked out the emotional elements and deepened the inwardness of re- ligious experience. "You might say it was ortho- doxy with some heat added to it," he said. Defense Minister Lets Slip Name of Mystery Officer in Lavon Case (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM7--Shimon Peres, Deputy Defense Minister, ad- mitted Wednesday in the Knes- set thaf he had made public the name of the senior army officer implicated in the security disaster of 1954 when Pinhas Lavon, the ousted secretary-general of- the Histadrut, was minister of de- fense. The officer, who. was accused in a ministerial committee report on Dec. 25 of having forged a document to make it appear that Lavon had signed the order for the 1954 adventure, had teen. forced to resign from the army.. His name has been withheld by Israel security officials. Questioned in • the Knesset, Peres said he had divulged the name of the officer last month before a Tel Aviv student meet- ing but he attributed the lapse to a "slip of the tongue." Ire WINO A study of kosher meat retail- ing in Detroit has been completed by the internal relations commit- tee of the Jewish Community Council. Dr. Samuel Krohn, committee chairman, states that the study was carried out under the direc- tion of a sub-committee headed by David I. Berris, as a result of mounting expressions of concern both by the general public and by spokesmen for the industry. . The findings of the study indi- cate that generally the retail prices of kosher meat in Detroit are comparable with the • prices charged for non-kosher meat in a leading supermarket and lower than prices charged for kosher meat in many other cities. Ex- ceptions to this are found in cer- tain "popular" cuts for which the kosher price runs consistently higher, and are limited to seven of the approximately 26 cuts on sale. Similarly, six types of meat were found to be lower in price at kosher shops than at super- markets selling non-kosher meat. During the course of the inquiry, Draftees May Ask Passover Deferment The National Jewish Welfare Board's Commission on Jewish Chaplaincy has received an offi- cial communication fr Lewis B. Hershey, dir • m, an- Selective Servi draft boards nounting t uested to give " av: have bee sidera orable is= to req possibl the . Jewis trants ed fo r be for he induc ination over. Armed F ed This co . Blumentha , by Rabbi , N.Y., chairman Mt. Ve wi Commission o the J el cti -v . ncy, Cha ions B Op "Jewis ! titl ants bul 'n gives amina- led for sch en April tion , to request 1 an after Passover. deferm Requests for such deferment should be made directly to local draft boards. it was pointed out that strict comparisons may be misleading because of the variations in grade and quality of meat between kosher and non-kosher dealers, differences in the method of cut- ting and trimming, and because of the consumer services such as charge accounts, delivery, and freezer wrapping which are pro- vided by the individual koshe retailer. After discussions betwee p- resentatives of the Co nity Council and leaders of e De- troit Retail Kosher Me ealers Association, a code of ics and practices was develo by the latter organization go ing the selling practices o member stores. Allan Cohen, p 'dent of tion the Meat Dealers stated that the code, amon s other provisions, insures the fol- lowing: 1. Signs on all meats on dis- play will indicate the cut and retail price. 2. A' statement showing weight, type of meat and price will be presented to the cus- tomer when a purchase is de- livered. 3. The establishment and en- forcement of rules and regula- tions for proper advertising and business practices. The newly - formulated code will be posted promiriently in the member stores of the associa- ion. In addition, the association has stated that it will periodically ad- vertise special cuts of meat, at greatly reduced prices, which can be purchased at member stores on a cash and carry basis. During the last month, the ap- plication of the association for membershi • Corn- mum t- its e cutive -committ Participa is . in the Coun study, in addition to Dr. Kro d lter and Berris, inc low, Jack w, Irwin B i Hu an, Allan Smith, Rabbi a Sperka, P. K ow and M. ,Mrs. athan Levy. GRACE YOUR FESTIVE TABLE With Israeli Imported CARMEL WINES CHAMPAGNES and Available in a vari- ety of flavors .- . . made and bottled in Israel, and sent directly to Detroit from Israel's oldest vineyards. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION In Certified Kosher by - Israel's Rabbinate. OIL PAINTING & DRAWING by NOTED ARTIST UN 3-8905 UN 2-6125 A-1 DRIVING SCHOOL Spring Special Low Rotes - Ask About Our Free Lesson MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTOR National Wholesale Grocers Co. For Information: TR 1-0606 Out-of-Town Orders Promptly Filled City and Suburban DI 1-7060 — UN 4-9310 ll? ai 11 'at IDI to . ' Bl la a TWA TCH FOR THIS More Borman Dividends The directors of Borman Food Stores declared a cash dividend of 20c per share, payable April 10, to stockholders of record on March 17. .This compares with 15c per share in the previous quarter. BY HENRY LEONARD ONION SOUP INSTANT MIX True home-made flavor! 'A teaspoon makes a cupful!Just add boiling water. Now you can enjoy a kosher, pareve soup with your milchidige meals. KOSHER for PASSOVER Distributed by Greenfield Noodle & Specialty Company 600 Custer Ave., Detroit Blue Ribbon Foods*Sufferin, N. Y. "Sir, those must be the two Flying Sauceis lust launched by Israel." THIS SHIELD IS YOUR PROTECTION