The Oppressed in Many Lands Look to us for aid through United Jewish Appeal ... Our Community Agencies are de- pendent upon funds of 1961 Allied Jewish Campaign Differences in People and Our Campaign Warsaw Ghetto Commemora- tion and the Eichmann Case Editorials Page 4 MICHIGAN A Weekly Review_ Join the volunteer armyofcampaign workers and be gen- erous with your gifts S Jewish Events Michigan's Only-English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Day School Issue Diplomats at Conflicting Bars Ben-Gurion and U.S Jewry Commentary Page 2 Vol. XXXIX No. 3 , 100 1Zingicl ion insgo p 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35, March 17, 1961--$5.00 per Year; Single Copy 15c State Dept. Bars 'Coercive Tactics' Against Arab States; A 4 . L Negates Ac ti onU.S. iirenaihe S ena t e First Court Photo of Eiehmanu: This is the first court photo released by Israel of Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann. Eichmann (left) is shown -here facing Judge Alfred Bach (seated) at Taggart Fortress near Nazareth in Israel. The only- other photograph of him released by Israel was a portrait taken when he was captured and brought from Argentina last year to. be tried in Is .rael. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) - WASHINGTON — The State Department Tuesday made - known that while it disapproves the Arab block- ade and boycott affecting Israel, a decision has been made — on advice of U.S. diplomats in Arab states — for "the avoidance of coercive tactics to achieve Arab compliance with international law." This was revealed by John S. Hoghland 2d, acting Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, in a letter to Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, New York Republican. Commenting on a Mutual Security amendment adopted last year by the Senate, calling for the linkage of U.S. aid with respect by recipients for freedom of navigation and termination of blockades and boycotts like that enforced by the Arab states against Israel and American shipping trade with Israel, Hoghland indi- cated the State Department had decided not to enforce that amendment. The amendment was not a law but expressed the "sense of the Senate" in calling on the executive department to take action. Hoghland said that, based on views from our field posts, the Department has so far concluded that efforts to link the Mutual Security Act directly to the Suez transit question would only intensify the very trade and transit restrictions which "we all hope may be elimi- nated, while at the same time playing into the hands of the Communists by exacerbating Middle East tensions." "It remains our view, unanimously supported by (Continued on Page 3) Gen. Dayan to Address Opening Dinner of '61 Allied Jewish Campaign Wednesday General Moshe Dayan, Minister of Agriculture of the. State of Israel and former Chief of Staff of Israel's Army, will be the featured speaker at the opening dinner of the 1961 Allied Jewish Campaign, 7 p.m. next Wednesday, at the Statler Hotel, announces Paul Zuckerman, campaign chairman. The campaign is the annual fund raising effort- of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Zuckerman said it is particularly appropriate that Israel's - Minister of Agriculture deliver the address that opens the campaign. Zuckerman said the United Jewish Appeal, the major American agency aiding immigrants to Israel and refugees and distressed _Jews overseas, last year received 57 per cent of the funds raised in the Allied Jewish Campaign. As a Jewish volunteer with the British in World War II, Dayan and his fellow-Jewish scouts mapped the rapid advance of the British forces into Syria. It was in this attack against the Vichy French and the Nazis that he suffered the loss of his left eye. In the Israel War of Liberation, Dayan was a commander on several fronts, including JerUsalem. He led the first armored column, comprised of only half-tracks and armored cars, which took the town of Lydda and broke the Arab defense of the neighboring town of Ramie. He was one of the leaders of the action that cleared the invading Egptian troops out of the Negev. Because of his knowledge of the Arab countries and their language, he was selected as a member of the Israel delegation that concluded the Armistice Max M. Fisher Re-Elected President Agreement with Jordan. of Jewish Welfare Federation After his rapid rise in Israel's defense forces, and a year of study at the * * Senior. Officers' School in Great Britain, he. was named Vice-Chief of Staff in 19p 1"n Dedimber, 1954, at the age of 38, he was recalled to Israel from a 1,500 Women's Division General Solicitation iniSsion to the United Nations to accept the top post in his nation's army. Volunteers Out to Raise Goal, of $80,000 %r In 1958, he retired as Chief of Staff and was elected to the Knesset, Stories on Page 5 Israel's Parliament, representing the Mapai party of which Ben-Gurion is a Born in Dagania, pioneer cooperative member. Shortly after, he was given the farm community south of the Se'a of Galilee, portfolio of Minister of Agriculture by General Dayan was reared amid -the dangers Prime Minister Ben-Gurion. and hardships of that hot, arid region of Dinner reservations will be made on a the Jordan Valley. When he was six years first-come-first-serve basis, Zuckerman said. old, and Dagania was on the way to be- He urged that, to avoid disappointment, din- coming a thriving village, his parents left ner reservations, accompanied by payment, it to join another group of pioneers. Thig be made promptly; time they went to the swamp-infested Val- ley of Esdraelon, where they helped to In addition to support of the UJA, Federa- drain the swamps and till . the soil at Naha- tion funds assist 14 local Federation member lal, a new farm settlement. Today Nahalal agencies in Detroit and a , total of 55 separate is in the heart of one of the most pros- local, national and overseas beneficiaries. perous farming regions- of Israel. The 14 Federation member agencies in Young Moshe Dayan served in the Haga- Detroit are: Community Workshop, Fresh nah, the Jewish defense organization, and Air Society, Hebrew Free Loan Association, came to the attention of General Orde Win- Jewish Community Center, Jewish Commun- gate of the British Army. General Win-. ity Council, Jewish Family and Children's gate began to train a group of Jewish de- Service, Jewish Home for Aged, Jewish fenders to fight Arab marauders in the House of Shelter, Jewish Vocational Serv- riots of 1937. Moshe Dayan became one of ice, Midrasha (College of Jewish Studies), the first of Wingate's commando "special Resettlement Service, Sinai Hospital and night squads." General Moshe Dayan in Two Poses its Shiffman Clinic and United-Hebrew Schools. "