JERUSALEM, (JTA)—A pre- trial conference of the court, prosecution and defense decided on the ground-rules for the trial of Adolf Eichmann which will open here April 11. The court will sit in morning and afternoon sessions Monday through Thursday. It will hold one session on Friday mornings and recess over Saturday and Sunday. At the suggestion of Attorney General Gideon Hausner, who will be the chief pro:. utor, the conference agreed on tie admis- sibility as evidence of documents in the original German or English languages and complete transla- tion into Hebrew will not be required. The three-man court will hold a further session next week to determine other court proCedures, the question of language or lan- guages to be used in the court- room and whether or not photog- raphers will be permitted to work during the court sessions. Dr. Robert Servatius reportedly queried the propriety of partici- pation in the trial of Judge Bin- yamin Halevi in view of his characterization of Eichmann, at - " another trial, as "Satan." It was understood that he accepted ex- planations offered and the ques- tion of Judge Halevi's participa- tion was considered closed. Israel Closes Bureau Which Prepared Eichman Data TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Israel's famed Sixth Bureau, set up last May to collect and prepare evi- dence to be presented against Adolf Eichmann for his crimes against humanity and crimes against the Jewish people, was formally mustered out Sunday. In its nine months of existence, the bureau collected evidence against the Nazi executioner on three continents which will be the basis for the charges Eich- mann will be called upon to answer when he goes on trial in Jerusalem next month. Inspector-Gene lice Jo- seph Nach • took last parade of staff a brief c p y at Eichm prison in the n of Isr , and thanked the n for t diligent wor me recording its nd gs ex- ing or he bur ugh 20 artmer ned with CO= zl occupa- or here Nazis ay have taken - A .Convalescent Home of Rare Beauty anc(Distinction ALLEN PARK . CONVaif$CENt NOM 24 ilour. Nursing Service BRAND NEW/ LATEST EQUIPMENT MODERATE PRICES A Lome amidst beautiful surround• tags whore the core and comfort of the 'convalescent - or aged is our first 'consideration. Permanent or transient privet* • semi-private coo=• ,wards serene nursing 9150 ALLEN RD. ((or. Wick) ltl THE CITY OE Al1EH ?AU ' Ees DIFORMATION Call DU 6-2150 EXT. 202 refuge. Its investigators had Ger- man Foreign Office files and other German archives weighing more than 400 tons to sift through as well as documentary material supplied by other gov- Court Overrules Servatius Protest (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Dr. Robert Servatius, the West German attorney who will defend Adolf Eichmann in the Nazi's trial here next month, ex- pressed stone objections Mon- day to plans to televise the trial proceedings. He said that witnesses, re- acting to the publicity of being televised, would exaggerate their roles in the European holocaust as well as their claims and charges against the former Gestapo colonel ac- cused of directing the exter- mination of the 6,000,000 Jews of Europe. Bringing up the subject at a pre-trial meet- ing with the three judges who will sit at the 'trial, Dr. Ser- vatius contended that televis- ing the trial would be i,eneath the court's dignity. Attorney General Gideon Hausher, who will direct the prosecution, replied that the presence of the cameras wou actually force witnesses think twice before spea Noting that the Nure rg trials had been filmed he Attorney General said. th the Eichmann trial as an ev great historical. signifi required being record film. ernments and anti-Nazi organiza- tions. They also studied the records of the Nuremberg and other war crimes trials Some of the information ob- tained by the Sixth Bureau in- vestigators dealing with war crimes did not involve Eichmann but other Nazi war criminals. This material was sorted out and cata- logued separately. In all, the bureau questioned 120 witnesses, of whom 49 are scheduled • to confront Eichmann at his trial. Commander Avraham Selinger said that other witnesses may also be called. The veteran police investigator said that the witnesses will be people who came into direct con- tact with Eichmann in Germany, Austria and Hungary and Nazi victims. He said no Nazi war criminals would be called', to testify against Eichmann, although their testimony in other trials may be introduced in the Jeru- salem proceedings. The catalogue of the _documents connected with the Eichmann trial makes a 200-page book, Commander Selinger said mann's statement alo 4 pages boun o umes. Only , Deputy Corn- man Av er Lev, questioned E" ann during his long deten- here. He met with the risoner six ho ay, 1 every day. Eichrnann's corded on an. . ter tran- scribed. ed pages were submitted o Eichmann for c rection and signature. The interrogation o mann ceased about two s ago when the charge , the equivalent of ment, was presented Air Adult Education Needs in Growing City. "Urban Sprawl and Adult Editor Martin S. Hayden, Education Needs in the Detroit Judge Edward S. Piggins, and Metropolitan Area" will receive Psychologist Stephen B. Withey expert investigation at the noon will discuss the needs of the ex- meeting of District IV, Adult panding urban population faced Education Association of Mich- with new economic and social igan, Thursday at the Jewish responsibilities. Non-mernhers of the Associa- Community Center, 18100 tion also are invited to attend. Meyers. • IMPORTERS CLOTHIERS HI 1:1 1:1 [FINAL 3 DAY SALE Friday Saturday Sunday Terrific Savings on finest quality custom tailored clothes. Halperin's does not carry over merchandise from season to season. Top Grade Branded lines at 1/2 Off. 23 Suits an imported worsteds 'Coats meres, Crombe ussolana and • orumbo fabrics Topcoats Raglin's, dress coats 87 Sport Coats Plaids, neat checks 88 Pr. Slacks . 1M. Iridescent, Italian imports 24 Suburban Coats Council to Act on Amendment, Hear Address by M. Shapiro "A Profile of the American Jewish Community" will be the subject discussed by Manheim S. Shapiro, director of the American Jewish Committee's department of Jewish communal affairs at the Jewish Community Council dele- gate assembly, Thursday, 8:15 p.m., atTemple Israel. Mrs. Philip Bernstein is chairman of the assembly program com- mittee. Shapiro' comments will relate to the changing ch acter of- America ish co its shi predo forei a n group •ns of these les, activi- ties; purpo futui e of Jew- ish organizations. The business portion of the Assembly will include considera- tion of proposed ents to the Council stitution in- crease th embership of Council ecutive from pr ent 42 48 members: Cou it Pre Wink man a repo of th mitt will meet g. C for B 1 of- fer th minces for Council o and for members of the executive committee. Addi- tional nominations may be made Some with fur collars by petition, and the names -of all candidates will appear on the bal- lot at the season's concluding Assembly in May. Members of the nominating committee, in addition to Judge Baum, are: Mrs. Mina Bargman, Mrs. William Burke, Ben Harold, Mrs. Joseph Maltzer, Dr. - Irving Posner, Dr. Leonard Sidlow. The Sisterhood of Temple Is- rael will be hostesses at a social hour following the assembly. In a communication to Senator Patrick V. McNamara, Winkel- man expressed the concern of Council member organizations with the 'plight of Moroccan Jewry. Raincoats - Sweaters - Jackets SUNDAY 10 to 4 P.M. EXTRA SPECIAL Shirts, Sport Shirts Knit Shirts values to $13.50 S only Open This Sunday Only 10 to 4 p.m. Due to the low prices. a small cost for alterations. Cash Only . * No C.O.D. * No Layaways - aiptrtia AO SAFEWAY RIVER TRAINING _ CLOTHIERS • IMPORTERS Spring Special AVE $1 0° PER HOUR 19157 Livernois — Above 7 MILE ROAD Dual Controls Open Monthly, Thursday, Friday 'Til 9 p.m. TO 9.7600 LI 2-6742 Attention: Chevrolet Buyers! FOR AN HONEST DEAL, BETTER THAN BEFORE, plus SERVICE AT YOUR DOOR, see or call me personally at SHORE CHEVROLET HARRY ABRAM Res. LI. 8-4119 12240 JOS. CAMPAU, TW 1-0600 8 blocks South of Davison I'm as near as your phone 4i114r.4 RED STOTSKY Res. LI. 5-5866 9 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, March 10, 1961 Court Rules Set for Eichmann Trial Procedure; 400 Tons Evidence Sifted