THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, February 24, 1961 32 Eichmann Trial Arrangements Near Final Stages; List Correspondents' Sabbath Rules • Continued from Page 1 • ing embarrassment to those who planned and supervised the de- guard . communal buildings and sel, Servatius, to answer the cution expenses. The estimate are still alive will not keep us portation of Jews from 15 coun- would even attempt to appre- question in his prison cell about does not include the cost of 1 from bringing up names in court tries and disobeyed his superiors hend would-be culprits. Globke. capturing Eichmann and bring- or even calling them to testify, if in • order to increase the numbers Ex-Minister Globke Claims Bauer offered a reward ing him to Israel, and court necessary." of 20,000 marks ($4,760) for of deportees and continue the He Aided Jews in Germany expenses. The defense attorney said slaughter even after Himmler The information service of the information leading to the arrest of Dr. Josef Mengele, also that Eichmann, now wear- himself had reversed the policy governing Christian Democratic Foreign correspondents ing army khaki in his deten- towards Jews. • Union Tuesday supported State the "selection" doctor at the covering the trial of Eichmann tion cell, was "aware that he Dr. Robinson points out that Secretary Hans Globke's claim Auschwitz concentration will not be able to use, on could have been treated dif- Eichmann's rank of Lieutenant that he had aided the Jews by camp. Saturdays, the special com- He said investigations con- ferently" by his captors than Colonel was due in part "to the remaining in his post in the munications facilities being set the promise of a fair trial and general camouflage that sur- Ministry of the Interior under ducted by the Frankfurt Prose- up in the court building, the the procedure of even being rounded the final solution of the the Nazi regime. At the same cution office against persons in- Ministry of Labor, decided allowed contact with his fam- Jewish problem. It was part of time, the CDU accused the Social volved in crimes at the Ausch- here Tuesday. ily. this camouflage not to demon- Democratic Party of aiding the witz camp had revealed that . After consultations with the Commenting on another aspect strate openly the importance of Communist German press agita- Mengele was still alive and last 1tlinistry of os s, the Police of the case, Servatius said that he the office and of the person deal- tion "which in connection with reported living in Argentina. Ministry and the Government In- felt contempt of court had been ing with_ the implementation of the Eichmann case has been run- The Argentine government still formation Center, the Labor demonstrated by the publication this solution." ning in high gear since July has not replied to a request for Ministry decided that the press Mengele's extradition made by of Moshe Pearlmann's book, "How Fails to Halt Publication 1960." would have adequate facilities the West German government Eichmann Was Captured," partic- of Eichmann Material in Israel The CDU service charged that in January, 1960. through existing regular Sabbath ularly the material dealing with Servatius attempted to pre- by "misinterpreting the activi- communications facilities, and Mengele disappeared from the events following Eichmann's vent the publication of Eich- ties of State Secretary Hans that the court building, including seizure last spring. West Germany last summer mann's memoirs in the after- Globke in the Nazi Ministry of shortly after the seizure of the press rooms, need not remain The Ministry of Justice, re- noon daily, Yediot Ahronot. Interior the Social Democratic open on Saturdays. ceived Wednesday a claim ad-; Claiming that the memoirs Party had aided Soviet propa- Nazi Adolf Eichmann. The The question of Sabbath opera- dressed to the Jerusalem Criminal related to issues which would Bonn Foreign Office has since tion of the special communica- Court from Dr. Ostrovski, a be brought before the court ganda and had selected a bad filed notices with the Govern- and useless election campaign tions facilities in the court build- noted Polish international law during the trial, Servatius tele- ments of Brazil and Chile for ing, which was raised iri the expert, demanding from Eich- graphed the paper that publica- issue." Mengele's extradition. A Jewish The Christian Democratic film producer, Artur Brauner, Cabinet meeting Sunday by Jus- mann the sum of one billion dol- tion would mean contempt of Agency said that Globke tice Minister Pinhas Rosen, was lars on behalf of the widows and court. said in Berlin that he would had been a member of the referred to the Ministries of orphans of those murdered in After the editor of Yediot resistance . movement under offer a 10,000 mark ($2,380) re- Labor and Posts at that time. Poland by the Nazis. ward for Mengele's capture. Ahronot rejected the attorney's the Nazis and that opponents Court Bars Display While trial sessions will not be Eichmann Plea to Be: He protest on the grounds that of the Hitler regime had re- of Documents on held on the Sabbath, the corres- Was Only Obeying Orders much of the material and other quested him to remain in Globke's Nazi Activities pondents were expected to file LONDON, (JTA) — Dr. Rob- facts about Eichmann had al- background stories on Saturdays. ert Servatius, the Cologne at- ready been published by Life office. His position had en- Documents dealing with the It was decided to reroute the torney who will direct the de- and other publications, the abled him to give •timely activities during the Nazi regime warning of criminal measures city bus line which passes in front fense of Nazi Adolf Eichmann paper appeared with a two-page of Globke which were intended of the court building for the in the trial in Jerusalem in Eichmann story accompanied planned by the Nazis, the as part of an "Eichmann Docu- duration of the trial. Work is be- April, Monday said in Haifa by photostatic reproductions of CDU service stated. mentary" exhibit which opened Globke asserted he had pre- here Saturday, have been con- ing completed on the construc- that Eichmann's defense for his material in Eichmann's own tended to be friendly to the fiscated by order of a lower tion of a 12-foot high steel mesh war crimes would be that he handwriting. fence to block off two streets acted under orders. After failing to secure a court Nazis and had been able to court. prvent even more drastic anti- from the vicinity of the court Visitors to the opening of the Servatius told the Haifa cor- order barring publication of the Jewish legislation by remaining exhibit, which was sponsored by during the trial. respondent of the Sunday material, Servatius s aid he Trial sessions, due to get Times that Eichmann had told would leave it to the Ministry in office during the Nazi the Association of Victims of Nazism, witnessed a scuffle when under way in mid-April, will be him that "I neither know nor of Justice to take action on the regime. Globke, who has been under the court was executed as West held five days a week, from care what they will do to me, matter. heavy fire for some time German journalists tried to Montlay through Friday. I followed the orders of my Lawyer for Jews in on charges of partiCipating in prevent an East German tele- Israeli courts, which normally superiors -just like a soldier. I Communist Germany Leaves the Nazi anti-Jewish campaign, vision team from filming the hold sessions every day but took the oath of an SS officer for Eichmann Trial made the statement in an inter- scenes. Saturday, do not meet on Sun- and then another oath and I Jewish communities and indi- view with the Frankfurter Newspapers close to the Gov- days in cases involving Chris- had to take orders." viduals . in East Germany will be Allgemeine Zeitung, in defend- ernment Christian Democratic tians. Servatius said he was "sure" represented at the trial .of Adolf ing his decision to stay in the It was learned that two-thirds the trial of the Gestapo colonel Eichmann by Freidrich Kaul, Ministry of the Interior after Party published an interview last of the 400 foreign press repre- who directed the extermination East Germany's leading Com- the Nazis seized powe: in 1933. week in which the State Secre- tary asserted that he had been sentatives, expected here for the of 6,000,000 European Jews munist lawyer, who left for Tel Discussing charges that his able to prevent even more drastic trial, have indicated that they would be a fair trial, adding that Aviv. The Jewish communities and commentary to the Nuremberg anti-Jewish legislation by remain- will stay for the first week or ten "the Israel government must be days only and may return here anxious to assure this since any individuals are seeking to act laws had worsened their appli- ing in office during the Nazi appearance of unfairness would as secondary plaintiffs at the cation to the Jews, Globke regime. His interview was called later for the judgment. • The detailed charge sheet be immediately exploited by anti- trial - which is due to open in said that he was then aware a "one-sided attempt at self- Jerusalem during the second that his commentary might be justification" today by the Social against Eichmann, was slated to Semites the world over." misinterpreted later and added: Democratic Information Service. week in April. The West German attorney be submitted to the Jerusalem "If. I had foreseen the later de- The official party publication said he had not yet decided West German Protestants District Court Wednesday. velopment of the Jewish ques- stressed that Globke had left A trial court will then be whether he would put Eich- Urged to Follow Proceedings tion, I would not have written open some "doubtful aspects" of formed of two district court mann in the witness box or The Protestant Church in whether he was going to ad- West Germany asked Germans the commentary." He insisted his -activities in the Nazi Interior judges under the presidency of a vise Eichmann to plead guilty. not to close their eyes and ears however, that the commentary Ministry. He had not mentioned, supreme court justice, presumably Emphasizing that there was to the expected revelations had softened some of the harsh- the party organ charged, that he Justice Moshe Landau. er Nazi maesures. had been the Ministry's co- Eichmann's defense attorney, no denial that millions suffered of the coming trial in Israel. He also argued that he had advisor on "the Jewish question" The synod, or parliament, of Dr. Robert Servatius, planned to and millions perished during leave for West Germany again the Nazi period, Servatius said t h e all - German Evangelical been able to help many persons and that during the war, he had Thursday in a new bid to obtain that "from the viewpoint of jus- church, accepted a declaration persecuted by the Nazis while made several trips- to German- financing of defense costs from tice, this is unimportant, for of attitude toward the Eich- serving in the Interior Ministry occupied territories where he and that he had during that negotiated with high Nazi of- the West German Government. Eichmann does not deny theSe mann trial. ficials on problems concerning The Cologne attorney contends facts. He only questions his The trial- will confront the time maintained close connec- there are precedents for such responsibility for the deaths and Germans anew with the historic tions with many clergymen and Jews. payments for the defense of the suffering." facts of the Nazi era, the resolu- leaders of the resistance move- ment. Explaining his own position, tion said. Nazis charged with crimes out- Yiddish Writers Slated side of Germany. the attorney said that "we our- He emphatically rejected British Jews Warned The attorney also said that if selves in Germany suffered charges, made by Dr. Max Mer- for USSR Publication West Germany provides such aid, from the Nazi party — those of of Fascist Activities tens, the former Nazi war ad- PARIS, (JTA) — For the he would- refund the $20,000 us who did not belong to it, and During Eichmann Trial ministrator in occupied Greece, first time in a number of yearS, New attempts have been made Israel has agreed to pay him, I did not — and now everybody that he had intervened to pre- two works by Jewish writers part of which has already been wants to know the truth. I came to organize and coordinate the vent the liberation of 10,000 will be published in Yiddish in here to determine the truth, not activities of various fascist move- Jewish men, women and child- the next few days in the Soviet given to him. Servatius and his assistant, just to repeat somebody else's ments in Europe and other parts ren from Salonika. He also told Union, it was reported here of the world, Sir Barnett Janner, the Hamburg newspaper, Die Hebrew-speaking West German version or opinions." Board president, and John Dight. Welt, that he was denying out- from MoscoW by the Neue attorney D. Wechtenbruch are W. J. C. Document Refutes chairman of its defense . commit- right recent allegations that, as Press, Yiddish Jommunist now meeting Eichmann daily in Eichmami Defense He Was tee, told the Board of Deputies an official in the Nazi govern- paper. The paper said that al four to five-hour sessions prepar- Only Cog in Nazi Machine volume by David Bergelson and of British Jews. ment, • he had been in touch a volume of poetry by Ascher ing his defense in the trial now Eichmann's claim that he was Dight warned that the forth- with Adolf Eichmann. scheduled to open April 9. only a cog in the Nazi machine Schwartzman are due to appear The prosecution brief handed which exterminated 6,000,000 coming Eichmann trial in Jeru- Dr. Fritz Bauer, Attorney in the Soviet capital. Both auth- to Servatius when the statement Jews was refuted by the World salem might. be used by fascist General of Hesse, said here that ors are dead. of the charges was published Jewish Congress in a 10,000- elements for political capital on the refusal of Eichmann to tes- It was also reported that a contains about 1,500 documents, word study entitled "Eichmann- the lines already published in tify to the allegation that number of works by 'Yiddish ranging from one to 100 pages. Master of the Nazi Murder their press—that if atrocities had Globke had prevented the liber- writers will appear in Russian taken place, it had not been in ation of the 10,000 Greek Jews translation during the coming Eichmann himself wrote or Machine." dictated 4,000 pages of statements According to the report, pre- Germany, but in Israel against ended the connection of an in- week. Translations of two vol- to police. He named in the state- pared by Dr. Nehemiah Robin- the Arabs. vestigation of the charge by his umes of works by David Bergel- There may be organized at- office. He added that he had son and one of poetry by Perez ments many who took part in the son, director of the WJC In- mass murder of European Jews, stitute in Jewish Affairs, Eich- tempts, he said, to deface syna- turned over the investigation Markish are in preparation. including persons now in official mann was the center of the gogues and Jewish communal against Globke to the prose- Both authors were among the positions in both West Germany "web" dealing with the extermi- buildings in Britain. He denied cution office in Bonn. several hundred Jewish intel- nation of European Jews. The that the Jewish Defense Com- Bauer said Eichmann had lectuals liquidated in Russia and East Germany. Servatius asserted that "caus- report charges that Eichmann mittee - was preparing to safe- refused, on advice of his coon under the Stalin regime.