Austria Indicts Hoefle for Aiding Eichmann Report Eichmann 'Astonished,' `Nervous;' Lawyer Asks Israel Transport Witnesses VIENNA, (JTA) — The Minis- try of Justice reported that Her- mann Hoefle, 49-year-old former SS officer who was arrested in Salzburg, has been charged with having been an accomplice of Adolf Eichmann in "solving the Jewish ques s e y sai t a Th as carried out after r ceipt of documentary evidenc from the German Stat- Prosec tion Office, *ndicatin e had leading o1= the of Jew i cently repres JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Adolf postponement in case he was not on the La Plata River but when no suitable Israeli craft was avail- Eichmann, Nazi genocide expert, ready for the date. was reported "astonished" early Publication of the first chapter able, the decision was made to this week to learn his sentence of a book by Moshe Pearlmann, abduct him by air. The search probably would not be passed on leave as special press advisor and capture of Eichmann were to the Prime Minister's office, on organized in Tel Aviv and carried before May. out under the supervision of He goes on trial March 15 for the Eichmann seizure, revealed Israelis with the help of 'the mass murder of 6,000,000 that the original idea had been three six other Sephardic Jews of Jews and other "crimes against to bring the Nazi to Israel by Balkan origin whose nationalities ship. humanity." were not disclosed. In Pearlmann's account, as it Eichmann told his defense at- The definite tip on Eichmann's torney Dr. Robert Servatius and appeared in Dever, one of Israel's whereabouts came from a South assistant counsel Dieter Wechten- leading - newspapers, the plans American Jew who was not bruch in a 90-minute interview called for picking up Eichmann known to Nazis in Argentina as Tuesday he thought his sentence a Jew and who gained their con- • would be passed sooner. Wachten- fidence. According to Pearl- GLADING bruch reported his client ap- mann's account, the Nazis told DR. ROBERT SERVATI peared "rather nervous." the undercover Jew that Eich- Meanwhile, Servatius has asked mann's "widow" had married a defense attorney for . Na Israel to pay the costs of trans- "Clement" and was living in mass-murderer Adolf Eich- 7 Buenos Aires with Eichmann's mann, is shown buying his portation of overseas , witnesses Judge Common Pleas children. Careful investigation plane ticket in Bonn for for the trial. Israel. Asserting that the $20,000 sum Nathan Ziprin, in his syndi- disclosed that Clement was in for fees and expense ated column, "On the Record," fact the long-sought Nazi. to him by the israe overnment ued by Seven Arts Feature • h to ,cover . would not be e icate, quotes the following Sale or Lease expenses, he such witnes le from the Israeli scholar, LaGuardia' •sly "in principle" Pr A. Freud, correcting what asked, for "Service Is Important" ting the number of Dr. rend- claims to be an error Eichma without Best Location in Area ... e planned to have of = ct in Quentin Reynolds' witne The s t e r of Fiorell t to Israel. bro Best Deals All-Ways "M ister of Death," the account Guardi Mayor of New SEE e attorney pointed of e activities of Adolph Eich- was of the million est Germany -paid n: were enses for trials ag *nst UN 4-2300 cam The Letter that country and s in- AT BR 2-2470 terr The book on Eichmann by who cluded such co s for Hanley Dawson Chevrolet, Inc. tin Reynolds, "Minister of We count In 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd., 1/2 block W. of James Couzens published recently in The Governm in the U. S. A., which uses mater- of h ays. petted e ial collected in two Isralei jour- Wint hoped Servatiu by he nalists, who appear as co-auth- the qu ready for the tasting date Foundation, Theodor ors, contains a chapter on the he h 15. He trial here ck,de- brief events following the "Ansch- Gemma LaGu reserved th ght to see s in luss' of Austria (1938). There scribes her we read that Eichmann appoint- Ravensbru , a Nazi conce tra- ed "one of Vienna's leading tion ca , her reunion a year Jewish citlens, Adolf Boehm late with her daughter and d s crn, their subsesuent (erroneously described as "pro- g r fessor") to head all the various r ase from, the cam imprisoned in Zionist and Jewish organiza- Sunday, February 12, 7:30 P.M. tions" and ordered Boehm "to rison• in a e I Allied b summon all the other Jewis Limited number of excellent seats available at leaders to his office." Then fo their libera BOX OFFICE PRICES soldiers. low the words of one of th at the There isevidence participants of this meeting th Tickets on sale in Mercury Theater. Lobby only Guardia Boehm was on this occasio case of Gemma From 5 P.M. Sunday, February 12. seen for the last time. "A few luck was the su•t of much cussiori betw the Gernian days later, having completely eign °file: ;rid Adolf kick. lost his sanity, he was sent to a sanatorium. He felt that in co- ma A s. g the. operating with ,Eichmann he gather- • ly israe e Eichma had been a traitor to his people, connection wi ce memorandum and it was obviously this feel- trial is an DI 4-6319 19161 Schaefer '• en, a high official ing of guilt and remorse that by von T erman toreign Min- of the his breakdown." . led to ted June 6, - 19 For. Boys and Girls 3/2 to 13 The above statements on istry, on his effor Boehm—one of the" most dis- porti Congratulates the Congregational and United Hebrew Schools end Eithin n tinguished and devoted Euro- sua upon the proclamation, that a minimum of five years of Jewish i lion Gluck to Mr pean Zionists—are completely education be required for a boy to be accepted for the observ- ve he ,• but rat ca false and unfounded. The true ance of Bar-Mitzvah. possi as• host h story is that soon after the This school, now in its 5th decade, has always maintained the ange. "Anschluss' Eichmann with e standard of a minimum five year curriculum, and our Aar- ortly 1944, e June some Gestapo people came . to Mitzvah , students have established a record of excellence in $12 Passover Packages a, ap- Fiorello . aGu Boehm's factory and told him af the various congregations of Detroit. s demon- befOre a pe that he knew Boehin's "History That Are Kosher for Registration for'this semester as well as for the ews in corn- of Polis of Zionism" and ordered Boehm strat Passover and Are Avail- to discontinue "for the time inemor year is now open. the first anni- able at This Time Only. being" his Zionist activities. versary of the uprising in the Eichmann also ordered BoehM's Warsaw Ghetto, had 'denounced bookcases to be sealed. At the the Nazis for their crimes and meeting of Zionist representa- predicted the downfall of the The Detroit tives referred to in Mr. Aey- Hitler regime, Gemma LaGuar- Mizrachi Office nold's book — which I believe dia Gluck and her Jewish hus- took place in the Palestine - band, Hermann Gluck, were ar- is authorized to send Office in Vienna — Eichmenn rested in their home • Buda- SWIFT these packages NOW said that there were too many pest and sent u x- LUXURIOUS Zionist groups and that their terminati amp. T activities should be unified. He separa , nd Mrs. Gluck w LIVELY Lists of hundreds of needy fam- ordered Boehm and the director ship to ,the notorious cam • ilies are available for inspection SAILING in Ravensbruck, omen for of the Palestine Office to draw by those assisting this worthy From New York every third week: effort. up a scheme for future . Zionist w re, as the - sister S.S. Israel and S.S. Zion, stopping rk's Mayor La activities in Austria. Boehm Passover. CARE packages contain en route at Madeira and Greece as held as h age about 22 pounds of meat, sugar, showed a draft of this scheme dried foods, vegetable shorten- From Mediterranean ports weskit on March 26, 1938 to Mr. Israel et aside for mb ing, oil, chocolate and cocoa. S.S. Theodor Herzl and ( Cohen, Secretary-General of the nant fam Orders must be placed AT ONCE S,S. Jerusalem (in season)] as Gemm Zionist Executive - in London, to asure arrival of packages in by nited time for Passover. who had come to Vienna to in- sought to May, r brother, iorello . vestigate the Jewish situation. d, she 7. Now years It is, of course, untrue that Mail your check for a mini- in New York. mum of $12 NOW to Boehm was not seen again after li his encounter with Eichmann. I • Stabilizer-equipped for myself saw him several times Esta egorsky smooth sailing during the summer of 1938. His • Tem Ong, strictly kosher mental breakdown occurred Chair at Yeshiva U. cuisine later._ A ceremony dedicating the • Lively Israeli atmosphere. So much for the "treason" of David W. Petegorsky Chair in 17596 Wyoming one of the purest characters in Political Science was held at. Consult your travel agent DI 1-0708 the Zionist movement. There Yeshiva University's Klein Hall, —he's your best source of advice are many people who like my- 526 W. 187th St., Manhattan, N.Y. DO IT AT ONCE IF YOUR self have not forgotten Boehm Sunday. The chair is being estab- Owner's Rep: AMERICAN ISRAELI SHIPPING CO., INC. 42 Broadway, Now York 4, RELATIVES AND FRIENDS ARE and who will share my dismay lished in memory of the late CHICAGO OFFICE: 6 No. Michigan Ave.—Tel: CEntral 6-4317 , TO BENEFIT FROM THIS SERV- ICE. at this frivolous • vilification of executive director of the Ameri- ilibilinamOmilkolkoindiodmillaftweriamaramil can Jewish Congress. his memory. Error Corrected in Book on Nazi by Q. Reynolds R. '61 CHEVROLETS M. LARRY STERN BETH AARON . Sisterhood and Men's Club EXODUS HE SEDER FOR YOUR FRIENDS AND FOR !HEDY FAMILIES IN ISRAEL . . Throug CA . - MIZRACHI-HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI