Center Symphony Orchestra, !Tullius Chajes Mark20thAnniversaryatConcertTnesday; Paray to Conduct One of Chajes' Works Around the World... A Digest of World Jewish Happenings from DispatcheS of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Other News-Gathering Media. THE ,DgTRpIT J United States PORTLAND, Oregon—College fraternities and sororities in Oregon's six state-owned colleges were given this week a two- year deadline to end religious and racial discrimination or face withdrawal of recognition by the state Board of Higher Education. SCARSDALE, N. Y.—The Scarsdale Golf Club, which came under sharp attack from a local Episcopal rector, when it barred a young man from a dance on the ground that he was born - Jewish, announced that from now on any member is free to invite any guest to the club. NEW YORK—Rassco Financial Corporation, which was established nine years ago to finance the acquisition of real property - in Israel by American investors, announced a regular cash dividend of eight dollars for 1960, the same sum as in 1959 . . . Moses Feinstein, a well-known Hebrew educator, was honored at a dinner celebrating his 40th anniversary as founder and dean of the Herzliah Hebrew Teachers Institute. Israel This photo, taken 20 years ago, shows Julius Chajes conducting the first concert of the Jew- ishh Center Symphony Orchestra. Chajes is standing, in the center of tile photo. In the back- ground is the Center Choral Society which participated in that concert, in 1940. Chajes Paray Julius Chajes' 20th anniver- sary with the Jewish Community Center and the 20th anniversary of the Center Symphony Or- chestra and the Center Choral Society will be celebrated at the next Center Symphony Concert, —which also will be observed as Jewish Music , Month Festival— at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Aaron DeRoy - Theatre, 18100 Meyers. Mayor Louis C. Miriani will proclaim Feb. 7 as Julius Chajes Day in Detroit in honor of this event. The program will be an all- Chajes concert. Paid Paray, conductor of the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra, will conduct Chajes' Piano Concerto in E and Chajes will conduct the world premiere of his sym- phonic poem, "Eros." Tenor Jacob Barkin will be featured in the Israeli shepherd Song,• "Adarim" and, with cell- , . Artur Bach- man, in • "By the Rivers of Babylon." The 'Central Wood- ward Christian Church Choir, M i a n• Lin- coln, conduc- i; The Cen- tral Choral Societ y, Barkin Chajes, c o n- ductor; Barkin, _soprano Dean Taylor, and baritone Irving Rosengard will present t h e 142nd Psalm, 8easont ticket holders will fill the theater for the concert, but $1 • tickets are available for .a largescreen, closed circuit telecast to the main hall. Paul Paray, conductor of the Detrbit Symphony Orchestra, will guest-conduct his first corn-: triunity orchestra when he ap- pears at the Center. Paray, who joined the list of French im- mortals in 1950 when France elected • him a • Membre de l'Institut, has been conductor of the Lamoureaux Orchestra and the famed Concerts Colonne Or- chestra. Tenor Jacob Barkin, cantor, concert singer and radio-TV art- ist, has been cantor of the Geary Street Temple, San FranciSco, Adas Israel .Congregation, Wash- ington, and Beth Shalom Con- gregation, Pittsburgh. He has soloed with the National Sym- phony Orchestra, the Sesquicen- tennial Watergate Concerts, and in opera, singing the lead in "Rigoletto," "La Boheme" and others. Chajes was born in Lwow, Poland in 1910, the son of Dr. Josef Chajes, noted surgeon, and pianist Valerie Chajes. _He gave his first recital and also wrote his first composi- tion for piano at the age. of 'nine and his first string quar- tet at 13. At 15 he played his Romantic Fantasy with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. In . 1933 he was the honor prize winner at the First 'Inter- national Competition for Pian- ists in Vienna, - and one year later was appointed head of the piano department at the Music College in Tel Aviv, Israel. For two years he - conducted the Jerusalem Male Chorus and did extensive research' work on an- cient Hebrew Music. He came to the 'United States in December, 1937, and was signed to play in three recitals in Town Hall, as well as over the CBS radio network from coast to coast. His "142nd Psalm" for mixed voices and organ was performed at the New York World's Fair (1939), at the convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congrega- tions (1942), and at the annual concert of the American Guild of Organists in New York (1944). From 1941 until 1945 Chajes held the position of music direc- tor of Detroit's Temple Beth El and taught composition at the Institute of Musical Art, . af- filiated with the University of Detroit. In June, 1946, he con- ducted a chorus of 2,000 voices at the Automotive Golden Jubi lee in Detroit's Briggs Stadium, before an audience of 35,000. The premiere of Chajes' Sabbath -Evening Service took place in New York's Temple Emanu-El under the direction of Lazare Saminsky, Dec. 20, 1947. On May 4, 1949, the' first an- niversary of the State of Israel, the New York Philharmonic Or- chestra, under the direction of Izler Solomon, performed his "Hymn of Freedom" and his orchestral arrangement of "1-4- tikvah" in New York's Carnegie Hall. In November, 1949, the De- troit Halevy Choral Society pre- sented him with a speCial award for outstanding contribution in the field of Jewish Music. Chajes' workS are often per- formed by Robert Shaw and Fred Waring; his songs are in the repertoire of Jan -Peerce, Richard Tucker, Jennie Tourel and Regina Resnik, and Mischa Elman has played his violin works on numerous occasions. His "Adarim" and "Palestinian Nights" are world famous. Chajes played his "Piano • Concerto" for the first time with the Vienna Symphony Or- cLestra in 1952" and a year later with the Detroit Smyphony Or- chestra under the direction of Paul Paray at the Masonic Temple. His "Song of Galilee" was per- formed last summer at a Choir Festival of the Mormons by a mammoth chorus of 10,000 voices. He has given more than 300 concerts in the U.S.A. and Canada and makes yearly con- cert tours to Europe. In 1940 Chajes was invited to Detroit to become director of music of the Jewish Com- munity Center, then located on Woodward Avenue at Hol- brook. Mrs. Abraham Cooper, present chairman of the music committee, was also chairman in 1940. Center music students have fared well. Kurt Saffir is now assistant conductor of the Metro- politan Opera. Isador Saslav, violinist, became a member of the Detroit Symphony. David Zauder, an orphan from a Ger- man concentration camp, who started his instruction at the Center at age 11, now plays trumpet with the 'Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. At present, there are 21 scholarship students among the large enrollment at the school. There are 15 teachers, includ- ing Mischa Mischakoff, concert- master, and Charles Sirard, first bassoon of the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra. Other successful Music De- partment projects are the Cen- ter Symphony Orchestra and the Center Choral Society. JERUSALEM—Former President Eisenhower paid tribute to Israel's national character, "the essence of her strength and greatness," and pledged •continued "sympathetic interest" in Israel's affairs, in a farewell letter to Prime Minister David Ben- Gurion . . . A bill to postpone rabbinate elections for ten months passed its first reading in the Knesset, and was considered assured of passage after two more readings . . . A total of 65,000,- 000 pounds ($36,400,000) will be invested. in Israel irrigation projects this year, according to a statement of "the Agriculture Minister. The Knesset is considering a bill to establish a central part authority, consisting of a nine-member board of whom only four would be government officials . . . Israel faced the pos -: sibility of a- general strike' of all school teachers, after high school teachers went on partial strike, demanding higher pay and regarding,- while the government took the position that it would not negotiate unless the limited shut-down was brought to an end. TEL AVIV—Evidence against 70 Nazi war criminals has been prepared by a special deparement for the investigation. of Nazi crimes in the Israeli police department, and will be trans- mitted soon to West German authorities in the expectation that this material will help West German officials bring to trial many war criminals still at large .. . Malben, the branch of the Joint Distribution Committee in Israel which is taking care of sick, aged and handicapped immigrants, will spend 18,500,000 Israeli pounds (approximately $10,300,000) to aid more than 42,000 persons in 1961. HAIFA—Construction work began here on a new shipyard -in the Kishon Basin area, to be built jointly by Israel and Dutch interests, with the aid of experts assigned by the de Schelde Shipyards of Holland. Europe VIENNA—Police in Innsbruck were called to break up a clash between two groups of students who came to blows over an anti-Semitic remark shouted by members of one group when Charles Charoff, identified as an American, entered a local coffee house . . . The board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the atoms-for-peace agency of the United Nations, voted here to provide substantial help for Israel's nuclear research, including $250,000 in equipment for nuclear radiation ,detection at Israel's reactor south of Tel Aviv, and the sending of an expert in the design of nuclear reactors . . . Offi- cials of the Austrian Justice Ministry indicated that despite the - absence of an Austrian-Israeli extradition agreement; former SS Captain Franz Nowak, recently arrested here, could be sent to Israel to testify in the trial: of his wartime superior, Adolf Eichmann . .. While German and Austrian negotiators agreed "in principle" on a West German contribution to Austria's com- pensation for victims of Nazism, a number of leading Austrian . organizations of political persecutees demanded that Austria carry - out its long-standing, unfulfilled pledges without waiting for action by Germany. BRUSSELS—The lower house of the West German parliament has contributed 150,000 Deutschemarks ($37,500) for the con- struction here of a Jewish home for the aged. Senators OK Klutznick's Appointment; May Quit UJA, Bnai Brith Chairmanships (Direct JTA Teletype .Wire to The 'Jewish News) WASHINGTON — The Senate F.o reign Relations Committee Tuesday confirmed the appoint- ment of Philip M. Klutznick, American Jewish leader, to rep- resent the United States as Min- iSter 'to the United Nations Eco- nomic and Social Council. The committee cominended KlUtznick for his views and achievements. Klutznick announced that to avoid any impression of partial- ity in his new diplomatic capac- ity, he would resign as general Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, as chairman of the Na- tional Council of Bnai Brith, - as honorary president of Bnai Brith; and divest himself of his inte- rests in the development of the city of Ashdod in Israel. , Chairman J. W. Fulbright, Arkansas DeMocrat, raised a question of whether Klutznick "could take an objective and im- partial view" and if he had "prejudice against Ara'b coun- tries." Klutznick replied that he . ' favored assistance to underdevel- oped nations and would not ex- clude anyone from such assist- ance 'on a basis of religion. . He pointed out that- Arabs were cousins of the Jews and that he was ready to work with the Arabs toward peace and mutual understanding. He said he hoped his service would demonstrate his just deal- ings with Arab nations..Sen Rus- sel B. Long, Louisiana Democrat, expressed appreciation to Klutz- nick, terming his statement a "fine" one and describing his own efforts' to persuade. Louisiana Protestanti to support a Catholic for the Presidency. The Senator voiced hope that the Arabs would respond to Klutznick and co- operate with him. Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon Democrat, said the Klutznick ap- pointment was "good news for world peace," and stated that the "fact you. are an American Jew is fortunate for the country." Sen. Morse said it provided an • opportunity for brilliant men, Moslems and Jews, to get to- gether, and that the results could be "a better understanding." Sen. FuIbright expressed amazement at the totals raised through the years by the UJA. Describing the philanthropy of persons of his faith, Klutznick said such generosity supplement- ed government aid allocations. Sen. Fulbright commented that perhaps Klutznick should be made a member of the Senate and plaCed on the appropriations- committee. Klutznicn espousal of views on foreign aid drew commenda- tion from a number of committee members, and his background in Jewish achievements character- ized as an asset. He was described as a "man of action." Sen. Long told Klutznick "yoilr background doesnl indicate just talk." • Enthusiastic endorsement of Klutznick was expressed by Sen. Paul H. Douglas, Illinois Demo- crat.