17-HOUSES FOR SALE 40-EMPLOYMENT OUTER . DR. - 7MILE rn at Gorgeous 5 bedrm., 2 bath center entrance Col. 1st offering; Spa- cious activity rm. and paneled den, beautiful kitchen, large sep- arate breakfast rm., gas heat, carpets and drapes. This home must be sold! UN 4-4600. J. WM. KLEM oct OAK PARK Kw.4 3 bedroom home, carpeting, - • drapes, vanity, garbage disposal, screened patio, car-port, land- scaped. cyclone fence, must sacri - fice. $1,500 down to assume mort- gage. - 7:3 fr.( 10411 SARATOGA LI 5.6656 ri z PI4 CI) 0.4 • - ST. MARY'S 20077 Near new, large center entrance, 3 bedroom, paneled den, 234 baths, dishwasher, S. & S., air.- conditioning, carpeting and drapes. $31,500. En4 OWNER O • BR 3-6648 OAK PARK E. Beautiful brick ranch, 11/2 baths, carpeting, drapes; gas a.c. heat. Owner must sell. Stansbury-Pembroke Section. Brick 5 room bungalow, as heat, priced $12,500. Make offer. MORRITZ SCHUBINER WE 3-3282 - TE 4-9650 Lesure nr. 7 Mi, Rd. Tell .me where you can find an- other face brick 5 & 5, gas a.c. Income, like this in this area? Carpeting, drapes, large kitchens, tile base, 2 cr. gar. • Oh, yes, it's only 10 yrs. old & a whale of a buy. UN 1-4300. Real Estate Saleswoman • - Warrington - Outer Dr. w level lot in beautiful Green- acres Sub. Street paving, side- walk & water already paid. Full price $3,500. • TYler 6-1003 - - Side. Railroad Spur. Two 2-story storage buildings. • (20x35 and 24x 40.) For information call 50-BUSINESS CARDS TILE DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? Nevi and. Repair Special U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO. UN 1-5075 PAINTING and decorating, finest workmanship, free estimates. Sam Fishman. UN. 1-3265. Steel Landscaping Co. Lawn Construction, Work Guaranteed BIG SALE ON ALL EVERGREENS 23910 W. 7 MILE RD. GROSS • REALTY AT TELEGRAPH CHOICE LOT, Northland. Gardens Sub., 8 Mile-Southfield Section. VE 8-9191. DRESSMAKING 30-A - INSTRUCTION BAR-MITZir instructions by ac- complisher teacher. Joshua Shames. 19318 Roselawn. UN 2-0372. BAR MITZVAIt, -1Hebzew, , Bible, - Yid- dish, English. Call experienced teacher. WE 4-1793. 40-EMPLOYMENT WANTED: Director for small children's camp; experienced, mature, to take full charge. WRITE TO MR. SMITH 1530 ST. ANTOINE DETROIT 26, MICH. By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) - MODERN self-serve market, excel- lent business 12540 Dexter. OWNER UN 4-7383 Also Office Furniture. Any time. Reasonable. 3319 GLADSTONE TY 4-4587 WASHINGTON - A biparti- san front has been opened in Congress by a handful of lib- PAPER HANGING 15734 W. 7 Mi. Rd. BR. 3-0600 erals eager to fulfill the 1960 WALL WASHING AND PAINTING platform pledges of both parties WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE DETROIT REAL ESTATE BOARD IMMED. SERVICE to liberalize discriminatory im- REASONABLE migration laws. 40 A EMPLOYMENT WANTED INSURED President Kennedy's leader- ship in a battle to revise the UN. 4-0326 'YOUNG married man desires full or part-time work. LI 5-8942. McCarran - Walter Immigration FATHER. AND Son will work reason- REFINED lady would like position able. Use best odorless paint. Free Act is anticipated. White House as companion. Part or full time. estimates. Best references. Mr. Edle- aides have promised such ac- Light 'duties. TO 7-4731. man. TR 5-2561. tion. They agree that a first- BABY SITTER, experienced, reliable, ELECTRICIAN, all electrical work, class•nation cannot afford to Mumford Graduate. Days or eve- for free estimates call LI 8-6552. offer only second-class citizen- nings, referenceS. UN 2-5578. GREENBERG'S Building Maintenance ship to naturalized citizens. LADY WISHES general house. work, and Repairs. Specialized. Electrical stay some nights, no small chil- Appliances, door bells, locksmith, They are aware that we brag dren, good references, $40 week. sash cords, window glass, carpentry abroad about American democ- TY 4-0178. _ work. Reasonable rates. TO 94815. racy while excluding Asians WOMAN WISHES days, references. FIRST CLASS Painter. Will work rea- and restricting emergent Afri- Call TR 3-8987. sonably to keep working. Best ref- can nations to quotas of only erences. UN 1-1595. •.' EXPERIENCED child care for vaca- 100 visas a year. . tioning parents, also baby sitting. ATTICS, dens, kitchens, custom Day or evening. Excellent refer- stairways, carefull paneling, general Envisaging a -"new frontier," remodeling, LI 4-4757. ences. Ask for Esther,"KE 7-7395. President Kennedy said shortly LADY WANTS baby sitting by day befo?e the election that- "our or night. Good . references. KE 55 MISCELLANEOUS- present immigration laws fur- 5-8464. SPECIAL Money Saving Offer for new nish a quota system of national 'subscribers to _Readers Digest. Low origins with indefensible over- 45-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rates on renewals. Mel Notis. Phone TO 8-8675. Except on the Sabbath. tones of racial preferenee . . , The inequities and" preference JUNK YARD 80X165 quotas they perpetuate are a FOR SALE OR LEASE Advertisement Shows national disgrace and a handi- cap abroad." Zoning approved. Located on East ELMER M. CLARK Choice 65' brick ranch site. Near School. Must Sell. AND DELIVERY SERVICE GALIN REALTY OAK PARK; 3 bedroom brick ranch, Hi-Fi, air-condit., kitchen booth • built-in. LI 6-0990. OAK PARK Start Congress Drive to Revoke McCarran Act's Quota Clauses LARKINS MOVING We have an opening for an ex- perienced full time saleswoman. Excellent potential for one who is not afraid to work. WO 5-2662 17-A-LOTS FOR SALE 50-BUSINESS CARDS K-E 8-3530 All Kinds of Alterations Call for Appointments UN 3-8283. - 17175 ROSELAWN FOR BETTER wall washing, call James Russell. One day service. TO 6-4005..526 Belmont. LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing Satisfaction • guarantee& Reason- able Free estimates. -UN 4-3339- VE 5-7453 PAINTING and wall washing. Reason- able price. Quick service. 20 years experience. TE 4-5864. I. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter work, no job too big or small. BR 3-4826, LI 5-4035. Michigan's Resource's The second in a series of ad- vertisements, presented as a public, service by the Michigan Press Association, of which your newspaper is a member, and Michigan Economic Development Department, appears in today's issue. Based on the theme, "Michigan Is Everything," the series tells the story of Michigan's resources, vital to most industry seeking suitable locations for plants. Today's advertisement depicts Michigan's abundant water sup- ply, essential to most manufactur- ing processes, plus the living and vacationing advantages of the Water Wonderland. While the amount of water used by industry varies from 640,000 gallons needed to .make a ton of - steel to 25 gallons to produce one gallon of gasoline, water is a paramount require- ment for- almost every industry. "Michigan, long known as the Water Wonderland, has this es- sential resource in quantities suf- ficient to meet all demands of industry," says Jack Sinclair, president of the Michigan Press Association. He suggests that newspaper readers clip the advertisements as they appear from time to time, and mail- them to friends in other states.