Servatius Allowed to Talk Privately with Eichmann; Objects to Bonn's Refusal to Help Finance Trial (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to • The Jewish News) pressed the hope that the Eich- mann trial w o u l d not last longer than two months. He also said he hoped that only a part of the 5 , 0 0 0 pages of •Eich- mann's confessions, made in reply to police interrogations, would be read into the court record • and thus shorten the proceedings. Dr. Servatius revealed that the . Eichmann family received a b out $5,000 for Eichmann's memoirs published in Life and that the family gave him $4,000 of that sum as part of his de- fense fee. F o r e i g n correspondents were taken on a tour for the first time of the area and the court building in the center of Jerusalem where the trial will be held. The building is surrounded by ,a thick wire fence. The single entrance to the building will be guarded by police sitting in a bunker- like enclosure behind a thick concrete wall. * * * FRANKFURT, (JTA) — Hes- sian S tat e Attorney General Fritz B au e r announced that testimony to be given in Israel by Adolf Eichmann may affect war crimes charges made here TEL AVIV—Dr. Robert Serva- tius, the Cologne attorney who will be defense counsel in the forthcoming trial of former gestapo colonel Adolf Eich- mann, returned Tuesday night from West Germany and • an- nounced he would remain in Israel. He said his headquar- ters are now in Jerusalern. He brought with him. an aide, Ditter .Wachtenbruk, and a sec- - retary, and said he might make one or two more trips to Europe in connection with the trial, which will begin March 15. Servatius will be permitted to talk privately with the accused Gestapo officer. Minister of Justice Pin-has Rosen said that reports that Dr. Servatius would not be allowed to talk privately with his client were "based on a misunderstanding." A movable wall of bullet proof glass has been prepared for the prison ,where .Eichmann is being held, to make possible the private meeting which Servatius has demanded with his Nazi client. The glass wall will be taken into Eichmann's cell to divide it into two sections for meetings between the Cologne attorney and the Gestapo. Colonel. The two men will be able to see each other but will not be able to transmit any objects, such as documents, to each other. C.on- versation will be through micro- phones and earphones on both sides of the glass wall. Under the arrangements, no guards will be present at the meetings but Eichmann's move- ments will be under observation from another room. If the at- torney wants to give any docu- ments to Eiclimann he will have to call a guard from . outside to hand them through the glass wall. Both Dr. Rosen and Minister of Police Behor Shitreet re- ported to the Israeli • Cabinet about details concerning the trial of Eichmann, scheduled to open here March 15. The gov- ernment expects that the - trial will be observed by about 350 representatives of the world's press, r adio, television and other news media; 100 observer's from foreign diplomatic mis- sions; as well as by jurists and attorneys representing various organizations. (In Cologne, Dr. Servatius announced he would file a - legal complaint against the Bonn government for refus- ing his request to pay ex- penses and fees for his de- fense of Eichmann.)• A side issue touching on the Eichrnann case was decided by Israel's Supreme Court, which rejected a petition by Israeli television and newsreel -photog- raphers who complained that they would be discriminated against in their efforts to cover the trial. They objected - to a contract made b e t w e en the Government Press _ Office__ and the Capital Cities Corporation, an American - firm, which has been given exclusive rights to film the Eichmann trial. The domestic organizations com- plained that agreement consti- tuted "discrimination, inequity and favoritism." The court ruled that the con- tract between the Government Press Office and the American firm was valid.. However, the Supreme Court pointed out, the contract is not binding upon the court in which Eichmann will be tried. That bench, the Supreme Court ruled, will have the power to determine its own procedures. Dr. Servatius said that if Eichmann is convicted and sentenced to death, the ver- dict would be appealed im- mediately. The Cologne attorney ex- against Dr. Hans Globke, right- hand man to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Dr. Bauer tied the Globke case to Eichmann as he opened a formal criminal investigation i n t o the accusations b e i n g leveled against the Adenauer aide. Dr. Globke; who is State Secretary and the man who runs Chancellor Adenauer's of- fice, is being accused of having aided Eichmann in 1943 in the deportation of 10,000 Jews from Salonika, Greece, to Nazi ex- termination camps. Another witness being called in his probe in the Globke case, Dr. Bauer said, is Prof. Karl Burkhardt, a 'Swiss citizen. As representative for the Interna- tional Red Cross, Dr. Burkhardt negotiated with the Nazi regime for the transfer of the 10,000 Salonika Je w s to Palestine. Those negotiations were unsuc- cessful and the Jews were de- ported to death' camps instead. A third witness sought. by Dr. Bauer is a former officer in the SS, the Hitler Elite Guard • in which- Eichmann was a colonel. That officer, according to the Attorney General, was in charge of the deportation of Jews from northern Greece. Refusing to reveal the man's name, "for t a c tic al reasons," Dr. Bauer said the man had been last known to be living in Syria but had disappeared after the ar- rest of Eichmann last summer. The Globke case took still an- other turn when the German District Court at Wiesbaden re- jected an application from the State Secretary for the confisca- tion of the latest issue of the influential w e e k l y magazine, Welt Bild. The magazine printed an article charging that Dr. Globke had not only written- the official, Nazi legal commen- tary on the Nuremberg anti- Semitic laws p a s s e d by the Reichstag in 1 9 3 5 , but had helped draft those laws. * * * Pass Special Laws for Eichmann Trial • JERUSALEM, (JTA)—An am- endment to the Israel court pro- ceedings law, providing special arrangements for the trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann, passed its third and final reading in the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, by a vote of 39 to 16, and became law. The trial opens March 15. A clause was added reviving the special British Mandatory law providing for implementation of death s ent en c es by hanging. Capital punishment was abolished when Israel was proclaimed, ex- cept for wartime treason and ,Nazi crimes. However, there has been no death sentence. passed since the Jewish State was created and there was no provision in Israeli law for implementation of such a sentence. Turkish-Israel Sports Pact ISTANBUL — Sports contacts Eichmann's Aide Arrested between Turkey and Israel, which BONN—Harry Wentritt, an en- gineer who invented the infamous "gas van" for quick and "effi- cient" killing of Jews, as part of Adolf Eichmann's extermination program, was arrested, as were three of his assistants, after hav- ing been traced through Nazi doc- uments recently examined in Washington by Dr. Erwin Schuele, a representative of the West Ger- man government. were suspended under the regime of Adnan Menderes, have been resumed, and authorities here are now allowing Turkish teams to go to Israel and Israeli sports groups to visit this country, the firsz, contest being a meet between Israel's Hapoel basketball team and the Galatasaray basketball squad. Classified ads bring fast results! 4 4 -4 MICHIGAN IS WATER UNLIMITED . 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