Women's Helen Marx to Wed Alan C. Ross Club activities PAULA STARK OFFICER'S CLUB will meet noon Saturday at Howard Johnson's Restaur- ant, 10 Mile Rd. at James Couz- ens. For reservations, call EL 6-0205. * * * PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB will hold a business meet- ing 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Sholem Aleichem Institute. DIAMOND PENDANTS YOUTH EDUCATION SHAAREY SHOMAYIM SIS- LEAGUE President Mrs. Jules TERHOOD will serve as host- Sanders has called a broad meet- esses for the congregation at a ing for Monday at the home of Tu B'Shvat evening 8:30 Wed- Mrs. Jack Munson, to be pre- nesday at the synagogue. Enter- ceeded by a luncheon at 12:30 tainment will be provided and p.m. Plans will be completed refreshments will be served. * * * for the Feb. 15 fund-raising at the Elmwood Casino, featuring CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, record and TV star Jane Mor- will hold a paid-up membership gan. For tickets, call Mrs. Mun- tea noon Wednesday at the home * * * son, DI 1-0805. of Mrs. Nathan Fink, 20040 AU sizes and Shapes * * * NORTHWEST YOUNG IS- Carol, announces President At Prices RAEL SISTERHOOD will hold On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Blanche Rose. Israeli movies will a board meeting Monday eve- Sylvia Druckman, student assist- be shown, according to Mrs. That Will Amaze You! ning at the home of Ann Wein- ant in the home economics de- Sylvia Stashefsky, membership Visit ith the Lattin's stein, 17376 Cherrylawn. • Presi- partment at Wayne State Uni - chairman. * * * dent Mrs. J. Katz will outline versity, will speak before - the .....„„., plans for an Israeli shower to PASADENA STUDY CLUB, at SHOLEM ALEICHEM INSTI- QUALITY- MISS HELEN MARX' be held Feb. 14 at the syna- the home of Mrs. Simeon Freed- TUTE WOMEN'S DIVISION JEWELERS gogue. man, 18227 Prairie. Mr. and • Mrs. Jac •Mar of will hold a membership tea 1 * * * * * * . NINE MI ROAD p.m. Saturday at the home of Fenmore'Ave. :annot th en- ROSENWALD LADIES AUX- DALE 20, IGAN a ter MAIMONIDES MEDICAL SO- Mrs. Sam Jacobson, 18500 Steel. gagement . of . the ILIARY, American Legion, will CIETY WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Mrs. Harry Mondry will review Helen,- to Alan C. • ,• • LI 0 hold an executive board meet- announces its fund-raising drive Jan DeHartog's "The Inspect- Mr. and Mrs. • Ear R • • of . K Fri., Sat. to ing 12:30 p.m. Feb. 7 at the will be highlighted by f our or," announces Mrs. Sarah ling Ave., Oak P k. e co home of Mrs. Bessie Forman, weekly kaffeeklatches and a Freedman, culture chairman. will wed . March at Beth A t a 18953 Stansbury. • (More Clubs Page 21) ham Synagogue. special event, "Fashions Ele- Classified ads bring fast results! * * * gante," on March 21 at the MISHKAN ISRAEL SISTER- Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. The HOOD will hold a luncheon kaffeeklatches will be held Feb. 12:30 p.m. Monday at the syna- 17 at the home of Mrs. Louis gogue's social hall, it was an- Leipsitz, 3481 W. Outer Dr.; nounced by Mrs. Belle Cohen. Feb. 24 at the home of Mrs. Friends are invited. Call Mrs. Max Steiner, 18482 Roselawn; Cohen, LI 7-7396. March 3 at the home of Mrs. * * * Sidney Baskin, 20235 Strath- CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM moor; and March 10 at the home SISTERHOOD will sponsor a of Mrs. Meyer Pensler, 19000 Warrington. theater party fund- * * * "Sound of Mu Florence Hen MA LAZARUS CHAPTER, at the Riv . ican Jewish Congress, will form tickets, call Mr e Mr. and Mrs. Irving L d S hreiber, UN 3-0658, n in a presentation of "The Mrs. Bernard Glazer, UN of Israeli Music" 9 p.m. -0305. day at the home of Mrs. * * * Millman, 17371 :Greenlawn, DAVID-HORO ounces Mrs. George Rubin, YOUNG OMEN'S airman. The program will ZAI party ace the origins and develop- Feb. or, a • ments of Israeli folk music, ac- •, -. 4164.- : ,V nounces ex Dorch cording to Zeitli n, assistant to preside t. o ickets an director of Sholem Aleichem formation all Mrs. J. ied- Institute. Attendance by reser- man, U 1-6793, or TS. S. vation only. Call Ethel Lurie, UN 4-6304, or Ruth Miller, UN 4-8446. * * * GOOD FELLOWSHIP. WOM- EN'S AUXILIARY installed a new slate of officers -at the re- cent celebration of its 25th anni- versary. The officers include Mes- dames Guessie Rochman, pres- ident; Ida Berger, vice pres- ident; Lillian Magitz, treasurer; Rae Kaufman and Clara Gross- berg, Secretaries; Jenny Gordon, sergeant-at-arms; Lena Schwartz, hospitaler; and Bessie Soloway and Eve Levin, trustees. * * * AESCULAPIAN LADIES AUX- ILIARY installed a new slate of officers at a recent luncheon. Those taking office include Mes- dames Betty Robiner, president; - Ida Katzman and Estelle Wainer, vice presiderfts; Rebecca Gold- stein and Joyce Gural, secre- taries; and Zelda Tennen and Sarah Smith, treasurers. Elected board members are Rae Margolis, Pearl Pernick, Estelle Kaplan, Ann Koenig and Florence Davis. You'll love Appointees include Baila Aver- buch, Jeanette Schwartz, Millie Breyer, Min Millman, Ida Gaba, Adeline Krasnick, Rose Klein and 8 BRAND BOY-AR-DEE asking f ..•••••• CHEF Jennie Zagal. wonderfully f oodness rim- * * * CHEESE spices, whol me in• LADIES AUXILIARY of the ming with g RAVIOLI ALPHA ZETA OMEGA pharma- gredients- ock, LIMA BEA TOMATO ceutical fraternity will meet at 9 VEGETAR IA AN • GRE SPLIT PEA p.m. Thursday at the National CE • LENTIL Cash Register . Host- CHICKEN 'Just heat 'n'eall esses are Mesames Dick War- ren,, chairman; Al Levin, Nor- 8 IMPR VED FOR YOU! erybody loves these Hear family, guests, 'cheer for . man Rotenberg, Phil Bakst and family favo es arid now they' etter than ever! Perfectly L. Le6n Sinion. Presiding at the that real Italian flavor created by meeting Will be Mrs. Nathan blended by he famous M CHEWITZ cooks=-ready as famed Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. Tender Pack, president, and Mrs. Sam- fast as you c open, h , serve —and every one delicious! little macaroni pies...filled with uel Kabrin, program chairman. MUSHROOM RLEY • CHICKEN MATZO BALLS * a * tangy Italian Cheese...simmered KASHA • CHICKEN NOODLE • CHICKEN KREPLACH SHARONA CHAPTER, Pioneer with savory tomato sauce and Women, will meet 8:30 p.m. CHICKEN RICE • CHICKEN KASHA • CHICKEN (CLEAR) cheese... seasoned the real Ital- Thursday at the home of Mrs. ian way. So much tastier and Leonard Siegal, 13305 Wales, easier than the frozen kind. So Huntington Woods. Isadore Starr will speak on "The Hassidic much thriftier, too—costs only Movement—Its Music and Impact THE B. MANISCHEWITZ CO. • NEWARK, NEW JERSEY about 15c per serving! on Judaism." . • The genius of real Jewish Cooking! Now! 16 Delicious MANISCHEWITZ S , MEATLESS ■ — azimag MANISCHEWITZ