THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 • Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich.. VE 8-9364 Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class • matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher AU STRIAN REPA GOV ERNMENT RATrON DEPr. SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the fourth. day of Shevat, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Bo, Ex. 10:1-13:16. Prophetical portion, Jer. 46:13-28. Licht Benshen; Friday, Jan. 20. 5:14 p.m. VOL. XXXVIII. No. 21. - Page Four January 20, 1961 U. S. Jewry Faces Its Educational Challenge American Jewry is an entity. It has a great responsibility to the Jewries throughout the world, especially . those who are in need of assistance in their battle for physical and spiritual suste- nance, and it lives up to that duty. Yet, in its internal affairs, in handling its manifold problems, it resorts to its own resources. . . Especially in matters related to edu- cation, the Jews in this country are seek- ing ways of creating a systein that will provide the means necessary for the formation of a well-informed community that is rooted in Jewish traditions and that is able to interpret them within the framework of American libertarian ideal- ism. * * * In large measure, the efforts of the American Jewish community are succeed- ing. Great advances have been made in establishing higher standards for our schools and in encouraging adult educa- tional programs. It stands to reason that we never at- tain all we aim for. Always • hoping for - the greatest advances, we are tirelessly seeking ways of encouraging parents to enroll their children in our schools. At the same time, we tell the parents that they, too, must seek - knowledge. While the maximum is seldom attainable, it is safe to say that the progress of the past century in the field of Jewish education, has been phenomenal. Nevertheless, there is endless bewail- ing, at international gatherings, of an alleged collapse in Jewish cultural. activi- ties in this country, and the intimations are that American Jewry is on the verge, of total assimilation. This is a most de- plorable attitude, and the exaggeration of the negative aspects of the issue is most regrettable. Much remains - to be done in acquiring the high standards desired for the Jewish educational programs in this country. Naturally, we strive to enroll nearly all of the Jewish children in our communal schools. But even the compulsory public school systems cannot attain totality in literacy, and the advances made by Jew- ish schools in the last two decades are heartening and compare favorably with any other system. However, we are never fully satisfied, we recognize shortcomings, we seek im- provements and increased interest. But it is doubtful whether the judgment that is passed on American Jewry by ,Euro- pean and Israeli leaders can stand the test of reality, and we - challenge the pragmatism of the constant taunting of American Jews by those whose major concern should be an exchange of expe- riences with us, in order that both Israeli and Diaspora Jevvries may best be served by improved educational programs. * * As we stated at the outset, American Jewry is an entity, and we nearly always depend upon, our own resources. The most serious problem facing the Ameri- can Jewish educational system is the lack of teachers. We have an exchange pro- gram with Israel for the utilization of available Israeli Hebrew teachers in our school systems. But if we ,.were to depend entirely upon Israel for our teachers, Israel would be impoverished — since Israel, too, urgently needs good teachers. We must, therefore, come to the reali- zation that American Jewry must - resort 'to its own manpower in the conduct of its schools, and our kinsmen in other lands must accept it as a fact for them- selves as Well as for the Jews - of America. - Therefore, we must deal with realities .practically. We must face the issue as it exists without permitting external judg- ments, which often are clouded by mis- understandings, to affect our thinking and our planning, and wemust recognize that we are always dependent upon our own resources. * * * Here we come to the root of the prob- lem. We need more teachers, and there, is 'need for the best training programs for the preparation of teachers fcT Jewish schools in America. Those who have any conception of educational activities in all spheres know that the teacher-shortage problem is a universal one. Our public schools are as seriously affected as our Jewish schools. But it is' more difficult to attain our goal, because it must, of necessity, be bilingual — and in the several classes where Yid- dish is taught, it is. tri-lingual. Then there are the specialized classes, like Talmud, which require very able teachers. The community must recognize that there are great responsibilities to solve these issues. FOrtunately, they are being faced with dignity, and we hope they can be met successfully. * * * - • To the credit of the Jewish commu- nity it should be pointed out that; in tackling the teacher problem, attempts are beina made to provide the salaries that should b be offered the teachers who are so urgently needed. It is in the Jewish school system that pension plans now are in force, and teachers in Jewish schools today have the same status of dignity and respect that is accorded to teachers in our public schools. This type of approach must continue. It can serve to encourage more of our young people to enter the Hebrew teach- ing profession. It should serve as an ad- monition to our kinsmen everywhere that we are not blind to the realities of the educational duties, and it should convince Jewish leaders in other lands that solu- tions to our educational needs must come from ourselves for ourselves, just as their shortcomings — which are as great as ours — even in Israel — -must be elim- inated through their own efforts. Burial of Torahs—Sym bol of Spiritual - Unity Algerian Jewry conducted a solemn and very sad ceremony when it buried, silently, the Torah scrolls that were dese- crated in the ancient Casbah quarter synagogue. There were no speeches—just a silent procession, and the kaddish was recited. What it meant was that Algerian Jewry was cementing its links with its heritage by emphasizing the spiritual unity of Israel. It mourned the desecra- tion of Torahs with dignity, and it re- affirmed its link with its inheritance by reciting the prayer for the dead. Then its life began anew, and the Torah read- ing continues. That's the symbol of our spiritual unity. Undying Israel mourns its losses whenever there is a calamity, but life always goes on. The spirit of Israel re- mains indestructible. Dr. Robert Gordis Evaluates Man sQuest for True Religion In "A Faith for Moderns," published by Bloch, the dis- tinguished leader in the American Conservative Jewish move- ment; 'Dr. Robert Gordis, meets many challenges. He offers a guide for Jewish living among moderns and his inspiration for religious devotion stems from highly scholarly approaches to the subjects dealt with in this interesting book. The mutually indispensable justice and love, the search for righteousness, "to walk humbly with God," are principles pro- posed for the ultimate goal in life. Dr. Gordis quotes the Chinese sage Mencious who said: "I love life and I love righteousness; if I cannot have both, I choose righteousness." His own conclusion is: "Vital religion believes passion- ately that man can have both and have them abundantly." Dr. Gordis evalutes the quest in religion for psychological security. He states that there is no need to divorce the mind from the heart, that the people living in the 20th century "have it within their power to achieve a faith by which to live." He admits that religion has often been the instrument of evil, but he emphasizes that it was not its cause. He assesses the negative factors in religion and notes the positive contri- Dr. Gordis butions of vital religion. Posing the question "Why not one religion?," and recog- nizing "the undeniable appeal" of a universal faith, Dr. Gordis points out that every religion includes three elements—beliefs, rituals and an ethical system—and that there are "important divergences" in all of them. "Those who advocate a universal religion," he writes, "ig- nore two ,of the three elements, beliefs and rituals, and they content themselves with urging little more than an ethical code . . . An ethical code . . . lacking vitality and staying power, will be unable to face the challenge of man's weakness or meet the competition of other seductive philosophies that preach the contradictory gospels of aggressiveness and self-indulgence, of self-deception or despair . . . In sum, conformity is neither possible nor desirable. What is needed is universal understanding based upon knowledge, and an openness of the spirit resting upon humility . . ." "Basically," Dr. Gordis declares, "philsophy and religion are both concerned with man's relationship to the universe, and both are deeply personal . . . A man's outlook on life, call it his religion or his philosophy, will determine his character and fate." "Even in the quest for objective truth," Dr. Gordis adds, "religion renders significant service . .. The- scientist has a perfect right to have his own religion, theistic, agnostic, or atheistic as it may be. But when he speaks on the issues of life, he should be aware of the fact that it is as a man and not as - a scientist that he speaks." His interpretation of morality and its foundations, his views on immortality, his explanations of prayer and of man's relation to God are among the vitally significant elements in faith that are brilliantly described by Dr. Gordis. His book emerges as an important contribution to the study of religion in action. "A Faith for Moderns" is an excellent guide that- helps modern man "keep that faith." Rabbi Umen's Reflections In "The Nature of Judaism," Rabbi Samuel Umen, of Man- chester, N.H., who formerly held a rabbinic post in Muskegon,' Mich., reflects on many subjects. - In this interesting book, published by Philosophical Library (15 E. 40th, N.Y. 16), Rabbi Umen covers a variety of subjects, giving his views that are rooted in Jewish traditions. He evaluates democracy and religious freedom, culture, existentialism and Judaism, science, the synagogue and a score of other subjects. "The Nature of Judaism" reveals that the author has made a deep study of the subjects he comments upon and that he has been deeply influenced by Jewish values.