AP All THE JEWISH NEWS Between Two Fires Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 . Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich.. VE 8-9364 Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-sixth day of Tebet, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Vaera, Ex. 6:2-9:35. Prophetical portion, Ezek. 28:25-29:21. Licht Benshen, Friday, Jan. 13, 5:06 p. m. VOL. XXXVIII. No. 20 Page Four January 13, 1961 Top on Our Communal Agenda: Our Schools While there is uninterrrupted recogni- tion of the need for continued and undi- minished aid to Israel, and for assistance to downtrodden Jews in lands of oppres- sion, there is now an established policy of giving priority to Jewish educational efforts. All communal programming in this country now is aimed at advancing the educational processes, and at providing the best in cultural services. Yet, in spite of the earnestness with which the objectives are pursued, the means of attaining success in the advance- ment of Jewish cultural undertakings is not an easy one. In some communities, the need is for more buildings of a modern nature to match the type of structure in which the child gets his public school education. In ' other instances, parents have to be in- duced to send their children to Jewish schools. Also, there are the problems of the daily Hebrew school as against the limited one-day-a-week Sunday School. , All of these obstacles fortunately are being overcome in most instances. What remains to perplex and to trouble the Jewish communities is the shortage of teachers available for Jewish schools and the continuing tendency on the part of parents to approve of a minimal time for studies. It is as a result of the latter that the Bar Mitzvah has become a terminat- ing point for studies for our boys, and either the confirmation or consecration the conclusion of Jewish studies for girls. The search for solution to these prob- lems has become one of the major obliga- tions of the Jewish educators. * * * Detroit Jewry is fortunate that the latter difficulty is being met with com- mendable courage by our educators. Under the guidance and inspiration of our United Hebrew Schools, there already is in practice a requirement under which a boy, to become a Bar Mitzvah, must have had a minimum of three years of Hebrew studies. Now, the Detroit schools, with the cooperation of synagogues, are setting up new requirements, under which, to become Bar Mitzvah, a boy will have to acquire a five-year Jewish educatidn. Under such a plan, there is hope that "Bar Mitzvah Judaism" will be reduced to a minimum and there will be a new lease of life for Jewish educational efforts. There is one obstacle in the path of this new program: the so-called fragment school, conducted by private teachers, or by non-cooperating synagogues, which en- courage the made-to-order Bar Mitzvah ceremonies which offer preparations for Bar Mitzvah in the shortest possible time, to suit the desires of some parents. It is a sort of "Bar Mitzvah Judaism" that com- petes with normal and wholesome edu- cational practices and which must be opposed with the utmost firmness and earnestness by all of us. The "fragment" school provides many handicaps. It interferes with communal planning. It fails to cooperate in setting up desirable curicula, it encourages limita- tion of studies. It is in the best interests of our communities that there should be wholesome and recognized communal school systems, and it is to the credit of the Jewish community of Detroit that such a system does exist. True, there remains the problem created by the Yeshivah and its claims for increased communal support. There re- mains the issue involving the Day Schools. There is hope, currently entertained, that the afternoon classes of the Yeshivah will be merged with the Hebrew Schools, thereby solving a portion of the Yeshivah problem. The Day Schools' issue also in- volves the Hillel Day School, and that portion of the issue will have to be re- solved a bit later. * * * Meanwhile, there remains the most serious problem of all: that of the short- age of teachers and the difficulty of ac- quiring them. The teacher shortage is so pressing that Jewish schools in this country have had to establish an exchange system, to bring Hebrew teachers to this country on a temporary basis. Several exceptionally good instructors have come here as a result of such a plan. They have brought their Skill to our community, and have benefited many people. But such a system of teachers' exchanges has its drawbacks. As soon as an able Israeli instructor becomes integrated into misr community, he has to go back to Israel, and the new teachers who come here then have to grope their way into the scheme of American customs and to find their way into the hearts of American students. While their services are vital, much more sound and more permanent means must be found to assure the best teaching staffs for our Jewish schools. That is why the idea of a Midrasha, the College of Jewish Studies, which has become one of the proud adjuncts of our Hebrew schools, is so vital to us. But much more is needed to fulfill the great need for teachers. * * * These problems should be given due consideration when we take into account the responsibilities we have assumed in the Allied Jewish Campaign. Included in the drive's objectives are not only the overseas and the local causes, but also several very important _ national move- ments. Included among them are educa- tional agencies, like Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning of Phila- delphia. It is to be hoped that out of these institutions will come scholars who will pursue the teaching profession and who will contribute towards the reduction of the teacher shortage. Other means must, however, be found to solve that problem, and our national and local agencies should not rest until the need is filled. The problem is not limited, of course, to the Jewish schools. The shortage of good teachers is a universal problem. That being the case, the Jewish community's burdens are all the greater: if it is difficult to secure a good American public school teacher, how much more difficult is it to find a good Jewish teacher? The problems outlined so far are far from exhausted. They are multiplying rather than decreasing. It is not only the need to educate the youth that is so vital. There is also the need to educate the adults, the necessity for proper adult education programs. All are linked into a single issue, necessitat- ing careful planning and firm action. To solve these problems, vast sums will be needed. American Jewish commu- nities. in their vital concern for the best educational media, will be called upon to provide necessary means for the support of the type of school system that will best serve our purpose. This need will no doubt be properly filled. Possessing the_ means, our educators must exert their energies to provide the manpower and to set up the finest and longest-lasting educational systems for the training of our youth and for the creation of well- informed Jewish constituencies. 'Call It It Sleep' Re-Published ; Henry Roth Acclaimed by Geismar, Ribalow and Levin Only the choicest works by the world's outstanding novelists merited the treatment now accorded to "Call It Sleep" by Henry Roth. This novel first was published by Ballou in 1932. It has now been re-published•by Pageant Books -(84 5th, N. Y.) Its significance, however, is not alone in its having been re- printed—in a large and very attractive book. The new book, in its new format merits special attention because of the critical essays that precede the text of the novel itself. Maxwell Geismar, one of the most brilliant critics of our time, is the author of a critical introduction. The history of this novel and its author's background and present activities as a farmer near Augusta, Me., is contained in an interesting essay by Harold U. Ribalow. In addition, there is a personal appreciation of "Call It Sleep" by another eminent novelist, Meyer Levin. In its totality, this new book—the novel "Call It Sleep" and its accompanying evaluating articles—is a treat for lovers of good literature. The novel itself, Roth's only published novel—he had worked on another which never was turned over to a printer—depicts life on New York's East Side as the young author had seen it 25 years ago. It is a graphic description of family strife that begins the moment a family is reunited upon the arrival of the wife and son from Europe. There is brutal d8-3cription of the poverty under which David Schaergl, the hero of the story, grows to manhood, the degradation that is felt throughout, the father's suspicion of his wife, the sadness of conditions in the Hebrew school of the time. It is when David is taken to a hospital, having been dared into a fight, and burned on a third-rail track, and then is returned h6me to find his mother's affection, his father's awakened con- cern, that there develops the title for the book, as David is asked by his mother to "go to sleep and forget it all": "He might as well call it sleep. It was only toward sleep that tinder of the dark, kindle out of shadowy corners of the bedroom every wing of the eyelids could strike a spark into the cloudy such myriad and such vivid jets of images . .." The novel's power lies in its interpretation of the adaptation of the immigrants of that time to the new American way of living, the distortion of English, the forms of conversation, the Yiddish transliterations. The skill with which Roth absorbed the manner of speech of the newcomers of that time probably will not be re- peated again, and "Call It Sleep" must therefore be considered a classic that preserves the lingual conditions of an era. Besides, it perpetuates knowledge about the gloomy conditions of a period in American Jewish history that will be remembered only through a work like this. When a full study is made of the evolvement of social conditions among American Jews, "Call It Sleep" will be one of the chief means for genuine resource and research. That is why the history of the novel's emergence, so ably written by Ribalow, is of such immense importance. Besides, Ribalow takes the reader to Roth's present abode and reveals the personal life of the brilliant author. By the same token, Geismar's critical essay is significant. Geismar points out that in "Call It Sleep," "the use of language is beautiful, the use of details in the novel is admirable; and these are the bricks of a novelist's craft." Meyer Levin's personal appreciation declares: "I know of no more perceptive work in any literature, dealing with a child's con- ditioning." The readers of the re-published "Call It Sleep" will share the hopes of those commending the novel that its author, Henry 'Roth, will resume his literary activities and that new works will come from his skillful pen.