20 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, January 13, 1961 — Judith Katz to Wed Robert M. Komorn lo41•1•00=1.c1111111.4,411111.1141M/141/!414•111.111111111.111111113 ■ awry On the Aff This Week's Radio and Television Programs of Jewish Interest MISS JUDITH KATZ At a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Katz of Santa Rosa Dr., the engagement of their daughter, Judith Gail, was announced to Robert M. Komorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Komorn of Steel Ave. The bride-elect is a sopho- more at the University of Mich- igan. Her f i a n c e attended Wayne State University and is presently a student at the Uni- versity of Michigan Medical School. An Aug. 21 wedding is planned. I JWV Activities SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN AUXILIARY will meet Monday evening at the home of Minnie Alpert, 20560 Rutherford. Co- hostess will be Shirley Horo- witz. Plans will be made for a party at the Ann Arbor Veterans Hospital, to be given jointly with the Post. * LADIES AUXILIARY, Depart- ment of Michigan JWV, will crown a "Queen for a Day"—to receive a five-day vacation for two at Oakton Manor—at the paid-up membership affair to be held Feb. 21 at Cong. Bnai Moshe, announces Mrs. Sidney Cohen, chairman. A court of honor will be comprised of those who have brought three or more women into JWVA since Febru- ary, 1960. The contest is open to all JWVA members. * * BLOCH-ROSE, Lt. ROY GREEN and ROBERT J. RAFELSON AUXILIARY will gather for a joint culture meet- ing Tuesday evening at the JWV Memorial Home. Mrs. Philip Bernstein, past Department pres- ident and past president of the League of Jewish Women, will speak on "The History of Jewish Music". A social hour, with re- freshments, will follow the lec- ture. Guests are invited. Rossen Is Elected President of Hebrew Benevolent Society At the last general board meeting of the Hebrew Benevo- lent Society (C hesed Sh Emes), Nathan P. Rossen w elected to serve a third term president of the institution.' d Also elected to serve a e- term were Louis Rose, as- president; Ben Schneider, ing urer; Solomon Rubin, rec and secretary; and Morris Do Edward Miller, trustees. by To fill a vacancy crea the demise of Peter S., old- cted stein, Harry Portner was a trustee, also. SPECIAL Time: 4 p.m. Sunday. Station: WWJ-TV, Channel 4. Feature: Veteran actor Ever- ett Sloane will narrate, , and Maureen Stapleton, Walter Abel and George Voskovec will por- tray notable figures in educa- tional history, in "A Question of Chairs: The Challenge of American Education". Produced by Don Kellerman for the Pub- lic Affairs Department of CBS News in co-operation with the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, the program deals in dra- matic form with problems faced and overcome by American edu- cation in its three-century evo- lution. During the broadcast, Henry E. Schultz, national chair- man of the ADL, and Label Katz, president of Bnai Brith, will present the annual Ameri- ca's Democratic Legacy Awards of the ADL to the Presidents of three universities: Nathan M. Pused, Harvard; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Notre Dame; and Abram L. Sachar, Brandeis: , Comedian Paul Lynde and actors Mark Richman and Hend- erson Forsythe also will take part. Srere Is Re-Elected to Head Sinai Board Women Pace-Setters of Allied Campaign Hear John S. Grauel I.Vayburn-Ga-berman Troth Announced Members of the Women's Pace-Setters Division of the 1961 Allied Jewish Campaign will be addressed today by John Stanley Grauel, Protestant mini- v7.277 S t er, former crew membe of the refu s, ship Ex eat at the b. Lakes Mrs. arold inson, A. Pace Setter chai an, re- port hat the mee g was omen for from who g •$200 t Mrs. Robinson Mrs. Robinson expects t hat the women raised more than $50,000 at the meeting. Assisting Mrs. Robinson were Mesdames Leo Mellen, Alfred L. Deutsch, David Maxwell Jospey, fer and Joseph Mrs, Robins& there are more who gave be $500. - MISS NANCY WAYBURN Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Way- burn of Canterbury Dr. an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy, to Philip Gaberman, son of Mrs. David Gaberman of Oak Park and the late Dr. David Gaberman. The bride-to-be attended the University of Arizona and Wayne State University. Mr. Gaberman is a graduate of Wayne State. nned. A May 7 wedding Orthodox L Annual D • ion of Abraham The Srer s preside' of the board Hospital of rustees of Sin Julien s ann•ed by ri • , executive diirec le c t ed as v e-pr idents ere Max M. Fis r, ate S. Shapero and M J. Zivian, secre- ec Irwin Cohn avidson, tary a tre g fast results! IC BY Counts UN 3-6283 • PLA MADE TO or REiAD ALL A - Stand up an be coun d let everyone ow .w stand. BERNARD H. WINER MESSAGE OF ISRAEL Time: 11 a.m. Sunday. Station: WXYZ. Feature: Rabbi Charles E. Shulman of Riverdale Temple, Riverdale, N.Y., will discuss "What Is a Jew?" * * ETERNAL LIGHT - RADIO Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday. Station: WWJ. Feature: "These Are My Brothers" , by Irwin Gonshak will dramatize the story of Jo- seph and his brothers, portray- ing the axiom when evil deeds are committed, every man bears a part of the guilt. * Classified ads bring fast results! . . . TO DWELL Time: 9:15 a.m Station: WJB le an Feature: " be discu Criminal" w Dr. August . Kerber, of educatio 1 so PHOTOGRAPHERS Wayne Stat Uni Court Judg Wa "The Best Need E. Kl Jr., and Wa Cost No More" f th utive Directo Community Co LI 8-1116 LI 8.2266 • RB • Dick Stein Orchestra with Dick Stein • Zan Gilbert Orchestra Very Continental • Townsmen - Whittier • Joe Oddo • Menjo's PHOTOGR Dr. Sams dean of Y ivah Bet and dir or of Young Council presently ecutive of 01 of the Un Congregati ual be guest spe odox dinner of n. 22 at League, 6:30 p.m. Cong. Dovid Ben Nuchim, 12837 Dexter. The program also will feature professional entertainment. Pro- ceeds will go into the building fund of the new ritualarium.' The public is invited. Chairmen in charge of tickets and dinner arrangements are Mrs. Rena . Feit and Mrs. Sho- shana Gold. 0874 KE 1-8196 KE 5-2604 Bar Mitzvahs — Weddings An Invitation to Attend the 4th FRIDAY EVENING LECTURE SERIES Sponsored By: TIKVAH LO EM CONGREGAT YOUNG A OF NORTHWE DETROIT AH NGR = ATION BE Y EVENING, J FRI CON 13, 1961 T EGATI AR UEL -TIKVAH - RETA A ICIPANT DAVE DOMBEY ASSOCIATES IN • RAB BI JOSH BBI LEIZER SAMUEL H. PRERO SPIRO TOP F A HAPPY HOME" "THE INGREDIEN A Ques Ref and Answer P ents w - ye ryone •d will follow the panel discussion. served by the Host Sisterhood. Is Cordially Invited Future Lectures: February 3 and 24, 1961 • • Ali GE THE JEWISH HE Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. Station: WCAR.. Feature: "The World of Sho- lem Aleichem" will be presented by the Culture Commission of the Jewish Community Council in its weekly series of broad- casts. C HOUR . 10:15 p.m. S rday. ation: WJLB. ohn, Feature: Dr. Sa wish ice-president of hair- Community C n tions t al man Of its the 'scu committee, egate forthcomi Assembly OR o Hea Kle man en Con rence nerican nch of Detro Labor ORT 1 hold s annual brunch meeting 1 p.1 Sunday at the Workmen's Ci e Center, 18240 W. Seven e. Speaker will be Dr. Shma a Kleinman, delegate to the orld Congress ORT in Lo n, who visited is in Italy and T s Israe Members and friends are in- vited. The chief difference be een series "E" and series United States Savings Bond this: "E" Bonds are sold at 75 of their face value and interest accumulates to maturity (7 years, 9 months). Series "H" Bonds are sold at full f ace value and interest is paid by Weigh your words carefully the Treasury every six months for the life of the Bond (10 if you wish to retain your bal- ance. years). SHOP at REISMAN New and Most Modern Market 13400 W. 7 Mile Rd. corner Snowden YOUNG HEN TURKEYS ....396 REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMAND! FANCY _ FRESH WHITEFISH FRYERS 29 lb Chicago KOSHER SABLE SALAMI 69b P lb DAISY BRAND PRUNE 3 Pkgs.25c 41111.1111MININIMMOM.... ■ AMPLE FREE PARKING 59 C Fresh, Smoked 69 c and PICKEREL Qt. Btl. 35° C lb FOREMOST SEA SOUR CREAM SALMON STEAK c Can DEMINGS Fancy Cohoe 1 Pint Carton 43c 39 BANANAS 9Fb Offer Good January 13 to 19 U.S. No. 1 MICHIGAN POTATOES lobs.29c WE DELIVER DI 1-4525