THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association ; National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich.. VE 8-9364 Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the nineteenth day of Tebet, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuch& portion, Shemot, Ex. 1:1:-6:1. Prophetical portion, Is. 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23. Licht Benshen, Friday, Jan. 6, 4:58 p.m. VOL. XXXVIII. No. 19 Page Four January 6, 1961 Need for Israel-Diaspora Understanding Two extremely able leaders followed believe that in time it will be possible to in the tradition of World Zionist Con- raise not only the cultural and spiritual gresses and delivered brilliant addresses standards of the people in Israel to a level in Jerusalem, evaluating the position of as high as that in any other country, but all Jewish communities, including Is- that we will also be able in time to raise the economic level so that it will not be rael's. much lower than that obtaining in most Viewed in their totality, the addresses advanced countries. For that purpose we of Dr. Nahum Goldmann; president of still need much skilled manpower from the World Zionist Organization, and Is- the prosperous countries." rael's Prime Minister bDavid Ben-Gurion While this is accompanied by an assur- were equivalent to the historic messages to the early Zionist Congresses tradition- ance to American and Canadian settlers that they will not be handicapped in their 'Late Summer Fruit' ally delivered by Dr. Max Nordau. efforts in Israel, it carries with it a prac- While at early Congresses the analysts tical approach that has been recognized as were compelled to consider tragedies in- valid in many American Jewish quarters. volving massacres and threats to the phys- What may amaze many Americans is that ical existence of JeWs in many lands, the Ben-Gurion should look upon his plan as Dr. Isaac Lewin, distinguished orthodox Jewish leader, pro- evaluators this time were compelled to either misunderstood or little understood of Jewish history at Yeshiva University, has incorporated fessor deal with the spiritual as well as the _ in the Diaspora. It would be far more 15 of his most noteworthy essays in a new book just issubd by physical problems. wholesome if some of the appeals were Bloch Publishing Co. under the title "Late Sum- Goldmann and Ben-Gurion really dif- made without doubts, which at times mer Fruit." border on suspicions. fered very little, if at all. While the first The variety of subjects dealt with in Dr. spoke as the head of Diaspora Jewry and Lewin's collection includes religious freedom, There may be an exaggerated fear in the latter as the head of the Israel gov- Ben-Gurion's further assertion that the the status of Jews and their yeshivot in Poland, ernment, both were concerned with the the yeshivot that have been exiled since World Jew is subordinated to a non-Jewish War II from their original habitations, shehitah, mounting assimilation in many lands, authority, that Jewish life in the Diaspora the question of free access to the Wailing Wall, with the decline of Yiddish and the need "is compressed into a small corner, with- the fight against religious discrimination and for another medium of expression to re- out roots in the reality surrounding it." other topics. place — not supplement, but to replace, While it is true that there is a "tremen- An authority on basic Jewish laws, Dr. as there was general agreement that Yid- dous gulf between the Jewish sphere and Lewin became known as the defender of Shehi- dish practically is on the way out; both tah before various governmental bodies, and civic one," primarily in Moslem coun- agreed on the need for Hebraizing Jewish the his article on "Human Rights and the Protec- tries and in the Soviet orbit, we wonder communities and Jewish life; both ex- at times whether American Jewry's posi- tion of Shehitah" has special merit. pressed anxiety over the alleged indiffer- tion Similarly, since it was at his instigation that Dr. Lewin is fully understood. ence towards things Jewish among the the UN sub-committee on the prevention of discrimination and Jewish youth; and both agreed that there American Jewry possesses great pride the protection of minorities decided, in 1952, to study the prob- should be increased immigration to Is- in its heritage, and many young Jews lems involving religious discrimination, his essay on "The 'Basic rael, including settlers from western manifest it with dignity. The devotion to Rules' Against Religious Discrimination" is a valuable guide for countries like the United States. Israel is great not only in the field of students of religious liberty. In his discussion of free access by Jews to the Wailing Wall, philanthropy, but also in the sphere of * * * indicates that it meets all the requirements of - the Universal investments and primarily in the Hebrai- he Dr. Goldmann's view that as long as zation process. Golda Meir advised that Declaration of Human Rights and he expresses the hope that "the prac- Jews were persecuted Jewish communal Jewish newspapers that are printed in the study of discrimination in the matter of religious rights and will also include this aspect of the problem and that the efforts were concentrated on the human languages of the countries where they are tices priority wil be given . . with regard to free access to aspect of the fight for existence, but that published should carry a pinah ivrith, a necessary the holy shrines of many of the world's great religions." "a serious problem of our life today" was Hebrew Corner. The Detroit Jewish News A most moving account of the life of his father is presented created by the recognition of Jewish has carried such a pinah for many years, "Rabbi Aaron Lewin: A Biography." It is a heartrending rights, is well understood in communities and whenever an issue fails to carry it— in account of martyrdom of the great scholar and members of his in free lands. The fight for emancipation on exceptional occasions — deep concern family under the Nazis. It is a soul-stirring tribute by a son to his has been won, the distinguished leader is expressed by many readers. That has father. indicated. Yet, there remains concern for proven the value of our tasks. It proves The entire collection is an excellently written, authoritative the status of some Jewish communities, that Hebraization goes on. It would be collection of valuable essays that should serve as guides for most notably that of Russian Jewry. Ben- well for Goldmann, Ben-Gurion, Mrs. Jewish living and as historical accounts. . Gurion, too, spoke with deep concern Meir and others to become acquainted 4, about Russian Jewry's position. with the facts. They would then acquire Then there is the question of Jewish a greater confidence in U.S. Jewry. survival in an area and in an era of free- • * * dom. "We have learned in our past his- tory to survive bad days, we have to learn Adhering strictly to the traditional approach, "Short Jewish The question of Aliyah — of immigra- Plays for Children," by Mrs. E. G. Szemtow, published by Merkos now to maintain ourselves in good days," Goldmann said. It is on this score that he tion to Israel — is more serious. In the L'Inyonei Chinuch British Section, which functions from 109-111 emphasized that philanthropic contribu- course of time, we are certain, more Stamford Hill, London N. 16-, England, fills a need for the tions and the purchase of bonds is not young Jews will evince an interest to orthodok groups. sufficient as "a formal or legal attach- share their know-how with Israel. The author is the mother of Rabbi B. Shemtov of Detroit. ment to Israel," that a solution must be But we must have patience, and the found through education and Aliyah, and Israeli leaders certainly have not ac- The opening play in the book, in three scenes, "The Gift That his special concern was expressed for the quired it in relation to American Jewry. Endures," is excellent for Hanukah. It is brief but effective. status of young Jews in the United States. In four scenes, "The Forgotten Way" emphasizes the values These commenta are not criticisms. * * * a good Jewish life. of They are uttered in the hope of increas- Jewish traditions and holiday joys are described and ap- Ben-Gurion's warnings were similar in ing the Israel - Diaspora understanding nature. He desires a personal bond on that is so vital for both the State and the pealed for in the following plays: "The Fireproof Heirloom," the part of all Jews with Israel. He craves People, for the unity of Israel. in three acts; "The Miracle Happened," a Purim play in three for tens of thousands of young American What we need is just that: under- acts; a three-act play "To Lose . .. May Find"; a one-act play Jews to come to Israel where they should standing. be avoided is rashness of "To No One But Ourselves;" a one act play, "Don't Jump to Con- pursue their studies. He wants Jews from judgment To and unreal pessimism over clusions!," and another Purim play, in two acts, "Shalach other lands to come to Israel, to assist in Jewry's status. The for Israel's se- Monos." the country's upbuilding, and the young curity, for increased battle immigration and for In a foreword commending the plays, L. Carmen, a British Jews to study there. He said: an expanded educational program is seri- Jewish leader, praises the author for presenting the ideals of "I am paying special emphasis on the ous enough in itself without complicating Torah-life in the spirit of the Lubavitcher Chassidim. He writes: younger generation because I believe that it with gripes and attitudes of panic. Let "It is refreshing to see that in these little plays she has broken within the younger generation of Jews in there be amity leading to a strengthened all countries there are latent pioneeribg partnership between us and Israel, and away from the hackneyed historical approach, and has made drives and spiritual needs deeper than let there also be the sort of common a sincere attempt to visualize the operation of Torah ideals and the interest in a salary, an ali+omobile, a understanding that cements kinships and sentiments . with characters with whom the child-reader will feel an immediate kinship." job and a beautiful apartment—though I creates indestructible bonds of unity. Dr. Lewin's Brilliant Essays Short Plays for Children