Parley Gets U.S. Look at Zionism immigrants would not result in that youth should come to Is- the world. Galut no longer exists in the adequate absorption. He said rael with Judaism and meet there was no doubt that Israel Israeli youth uneducated in traditional sense, he added, and could not offer the same stand- Jewish principles, She said it was "absurd" to adopt the could be achieved via same approach toward western (Direct JTA Teletype Wire emigrated to Israel out of fear ards as the United States and Zionism countries as was taken in re- to The Jewish News) of anti-Semitism in the United that emphasis should be placed Judaism. Rabbi Max Nussbaum of Los gard to east European coun- on pioneering in Aliyah. JERUSALEM — The views of States. Lea Adini of the Hapoel Angeles, a Zionist Organization tries. Citing the large number American Zionists with regard Judge Levinthal said it was HaMizrachi Women of Amer- of America leader, said that the of returnees from Israel. in the • to various aspects of the Zion- not fair to evaluate Aliyah ica urged a unified education Jewish state was an essential United States, Rabbi Nussbaum - ist movement were expressed from the United States as to "homogenize" the nation. instrumentality for the contin- said the absorption methods at Tuesday's session of the disappointing or to consider She said it was unthinkable uity of Jewish life throughout needed overhauling. World Zionist Congress during it as havin g come to an end. the general debate following Israel, however, must strive the main speakers. to create a way of life that Rabbi Irving Miller, President will serve as a challenge to of the American Zionist Coun- every young man and woman cis, told the delegates that to be impelled to settle in American Zionism was a "pre- Israel, he said. • Rabbi Joseph Shubow of Bos- cious treasure" for Israel, for which strengthened indications unprecedented renaissance," in (Continued from Page 1) the Zionist movement and for ton, a Zionist Organization of Replying to the question whe- that the Prime Minister had both religion and culture and the Jewish community of Amer- America leader, c r i t i c i z e d ther he said that Jews who live been quoted out of context. that it was facing the future ica and warned leaders both in Prime Minister David Ben- outside of Israel are godless, The range of Jewish organi- "with hope and confidence." Israel and in the United States Gurion's criticism of Zionists Ben-Gurion stated: Herbert B. Ehrmann, presi- zations originally taking issue neither to tamper with nor to on the Aliyah issue and said, "The formulation of what I included the American Jewish dent of the American Jewish underestiniate this potential. "Don't rub salt in our wounds. am supposed to have said Congress, American J e w i s h Committee, said both the Citing the recent decision of Don't de-Zionize us." Remarking amounts to a distortion of my Committee, Union of American Committee "and the Jews . the Jewish Agency to transfer that many Jews stayed behind words and of my intentions. Hebrew Congregations, a n d throughout the United States many functions to the Zionist in ancient Babylon, Rabbi Shu- A major part of my speech Union of Orthodox Rabbis of and the world" were "grieved Council, Rabbi Miller expressed bow asked: "If American Jews was devoted to the theme of the United States and Canada. and shocked" by the Prime the hope that the transfer work side by side with you, are the vital need for Aliyah. I The anti-Zionist American Coun- Minister's views. He noted would be one of depth and not they to be blamed because, due explained why the State of cil for Judaism also protested. that his organization had al- to hiStorical causes, they are Israel needs more educated merely a technical one. ways maintained that "emi- Dr. Joachim Prinz, presi- gration to Israel must be an He said that for these not in Israel?" dent of the American Jewish Jews. Mrs. Simcha Rabinowitz of act of free choice" which functions, the Zionist move- "On this theme, which as you Congress, said the Prime Min- Toms River, New Jersey, a know concerns me most pro- ister's "wholesale indictment" "certainly cannot be con- ment in the United States former President of the Miz- foundly, I went into some de- of all Jews outside Israel sidered a necessary and vital would require large _sums rachi Women's Organization tail. At one point I was addres- would be "unequivocally re- part" of the Jew's religious which would undoubtedly be of America, told the dele- ing myself specifically to the jected by the Jewish commu- faith. mobilized. To do this, he gates that emphasis must be Ehrmann accused the Prime added, a sympathetic atmos- minority of Orthodox Jews, and nity." placed on' traditional relig- I reminded them that - according phere must be created so Dr. Prinz, a Reform rabbi, Minister of violating "an ex- ious, as well as secular edu- to the Talmud, some of the questioned the Prime Minister's plicit understanding" arrived at that the potential of Ameri- cation: "otherwise we -will commandments of the Jewish "religious competence," a n d ten years ago with Jacob Blau- can Zionism would not be lose the younger generation." religion destroyed. are linked with the said the statement was' a "dis- stein, then American Jewish Ezra Shapiro of Cleveland, a She said this was the only Land of Israel. tinct disservice" to Israel and Committee p r e s i den t, that General Zionist leader, said way to assure continuity and "As an example of this, I non-Israel Jewish communities." "nothing should be said or done that "if we advocate the unity existence of the nation. Dr. Prinz also said the Prime which could in the slightest de- quoted the Talmud which says Dr. Sara Feder, president of at of the nation, it is wrong to one point that 'whosoever Minister should be advised that gree undermine the sense of deny the continued existence the Pioneer Women, urged dwells outside the land of Israel American Jewry, far from fac- security and stability of Ameri- more Zionist emissaries for the is likened to one who has no ing extinction, was enjoying "an can Jewry." of the Diaspora." He proposed the disbanding Diaspora: "Let's create such a God.' I did not coin this phrase. of all Zionist parties outside Zionist attitude in the United The only thing. I did was to I s r a el because "they are States and Canada that our quote the Talmud on this point nothing but stumbling blocks" youth will arise and say 'our . to those Jews who believe that to the expansion and unity of place is in the state of Israel,' every word in the Talmud is A Digest of World Jewish Happenings the Zionist movement. He add- she said. obligatory to them. Certainly, I Dr. Joseph Tannenbaum of from Dispatches of the Jewish Telegraphic ed that it was wrong constant- do not think that American Agency and Other News-Gathering Media. ly to bear down on non-Israeli the Zionist Organization of Am- Jewry is godless, and it is sense- Jewry while declaring simultan- erica said that just as Israel less to attribute such a thought Africa - eously that a full understand- was preoccupied with internal to me." ing between all parts of the security, so American Jewry CASABLANCA — A weekly publication, "Trait d'Union," Goldmann strongly deplored Jewish people was being sin- was preoccupied with the the misinterpretation of the pas- devoted to the interests of the Jewish population of Morocco, struggle against assimilation. sage in Ben-Gurion's speech re- faced the threat of -a ban after its director, Victor Malka, was cerely sought. Judge Louis Levinthal, of He said more instructors from ferring to godlessness of Jews interrogated at length by Moroccan police . . . Jewish communal Philadelphia, a former Presi- Israel were needed and added who do not emigrate to Israel. life is slowly being rebuilt in Agadir, which was shattered by an dent of the Zionist Organiza- that Hebrew should become the He declared that the interpre- earthquake and tidal wave last year. The Jewish population now tion of America, declared that second language of American tation given was totally unwar- numbers 500, but most of the one-time residents still have not many American Jews who have Jewry. returned and are living a few miles away in Inezgame. • Paul Goldman of the Mapam ranted. settled in Israel did so in a JOHANNESBURG—The major part of the $230,000 estate of "It was clear to all of us, in the United States said that quest for a different - kind of and especially it was empha- Dr. Solomon Speelman has been bequeathed to assist non-Jewish Jewish life. He challenged the "without vision" even the most sized by the Prime Minister, students, especially Japanese,.at the Hebrew University. The fund suggestion that American Jews favorable conditions provided to that only a minority of Jews is for students who wish to study Jtidaism in Israel for purposes were considered governed by of spreading it in Africa and Asia, "more particularly in Japan." this approach," Goldmami said. United States "It was clear to the audience NEW YORK—The second performance of the Israel Bond - that there was no intention on the Prime Minister's part to Hanukah Festival at Madison Square Garden on- Jan. 2 was persons. A total of $110,250,000 has Executive. He urged "a revision ascribe godlessness to those attended by more than 18,000 (Direct JTA Teletype Wire sale of Israel bonds in the New York - been raised through the to The Jewish News) Jews who do not emigrate to of values" among American Israel or to Jewry outside of metropolitan area since the bond campaign began in 1951. JERUSALEM — Israel's Min- youth. istry of Education, in partner- At present, he said, "there is Israel generally." Europe Goldmann also bitterly de- ship with the Jewish Agency, is too often the sneaking suspicion BONN—Reports of negotiations for a West German govern- planning a new joint department that American youths who go to plored the attitude of American ment loan to Israel have been denied by a Foreign Office spokes- Jewish leaders who reacted with to arrange a program under Israel do so because they cannot man. Rumors of such a loan have been circulating since which Jewish youth. will - be adjust themselves to the Amer- "violent protests" which as- Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Prime Minister David Ben- cribed to the Prime Minister, brought here from abroad for ican environment." Gurion met in New York City last March. On the other hand, he said, without justification, statements high school and university study PARIS—Forty rabbis from France and Algeria met to discuss which were not justified by the Israeli youth must also change in Israel, according to an an- organizational and religious matters, including plans to attract as a whole. nouncement made before the their attitudes. Israeli students, address more professing Jews in metropolitan France to synagogue mem- Rabbi B ern a r d Bergmann, World Zionist Congress Wednes- he said, must have closer rela- president of the Religious Zion- bership. LONDON — Barnett Janner, president of the Board of day morning by Education Min- tions with Jewish students ists of America, also defended and Labor member of Parliament, was from abroad. ister Abba Eban. Ben-Gurion from the criticisms Deputies of British Jews, Eliyahu Dobkin, a member of voiced by other Jewish leaders knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. His name appeared on the Eban addressed the Congress delegates while some 1,500 mem- the Agency Executive, told the in the United States. The - Mii- Queen's New Year's honor list. bers of the youth movement Congress that while there are rachi leader, who is one of the Canada about 2,000,000 young Jews American delegates to the crowded the galleries. MONTREAL—The Canadian Jewish Congress plans to build abroad, only about one fourth of Jewry abroad, Eban de- World Zionist Congress, decried clared, was "never as rich in them are members of Jewish "the fashion in which Ben- a new headquarters called "The Samuel Bronfman House," in of the Congress president on his 70th birthday. The new intellectual talent as it is to- organizations. "Zionism's princi- Gurion was attacked" by Jewish honor building will also serve as a National Cultural Institute housing day." If only "a small fraction pal task," he maintained, "is to organizations in New York. the National Archives, a National Museum and the Congress of these brains could be make an effort to reach these Hadassah issued a state- Library. young Jews and introduce a brought here," he said, "Israel ment here expressing surprise Israel could solve many of her grav- Jewish framework into their that the Prime Minister's re- TEL AVIV — A delegation from West Nigeria, headed by lives." marks had caused such excite-. est problems." Rabbi Simon Federbush of the went and misunderstanding. Education Minister Onabamiro arrived here to explore possibil- Lauding Israel's export of teacherS to new African nations, United States, representing the "It caused no uneasiness or ities of cooperation between the two countries in expanding the Eban told the Congress that Mizrachi Hap o el Hamizrachi, disturbance among the dele- West Nigerian educational system. • . The Israel Philharmonic "Israel is falling short by not complained in another address of gations," the Hadassah state- returned home after a trip covering three continents and fifty cities. . . . A ten per cent price increase for baked goods and - bus providing enough teachers to 'what he called "the shortage" of ment added. transportation, starting after New Year, was expected to result Jewish Agency 'allocations among Before the controversy over Jewries abroad." the speech developed, such in increased government payments of cost-of-living premiums. Another speaker at Wednes- Jews abroad. Another complaint regarding American Zionist leaders as Dr. Financial experts hoped to prevent an Inflationary spiral. day's Congress session, which JERUSALEM—Brigadier Zvi Tsur was installed as Chief of was devoted to youth problems, lack of sufficient budgets for the Emanuel Neumann and Mrs. Staff and promoted to the rank of Major General, succeeding pioneering and education, was absorption of young immigrants Rose Halprin described it as Major General Haim Laskov, retired. Previously Tsur had been Abraham Schenker, a member of to Israel was voiced by Bezalel "restrained," and a good augury Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. for future relations, a reaction the Jewish Agency's New York Weinshall of South Africa. Americans Debate Views on Floor of World Congress in Jerusalem Furor over Ben-Gurion's Speech Before World Zionist Congress Found Baseless r Around the World... Tell Zionists of Program to Bring Jewish Youths to Israel for Study ' O