THE PERFECT GIFT for Any Occasion THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review lEi of Jewish Events Brings the World to your fingertips By means of . • — or — Mail the Coupon Below TODAY • 4 • The ♦ ** Jewish News 4% .1 LOUIS MORGINOFSKY, 17219 HARRY H. MALINAS, 18301 Washburn, died Dec. 30. Sur- Fenmore, diesi Dec. 27. He leaves vived by his wife Gussie; three his wife Belle, two sons, Melvin sons, Hyman, Norman and Ger- and Russell; four brothers, two ald; and six grandchildren. ' sisters and two grandchildren. * * * * * DAVID RICHARDSON, 1195 JOSEPH AARON DIAMOND, Bruce, Windsor, died Jan. 4. 3265 Calvert, died Dec. 31. Sur- He is survived by a sister, Mrs. vived by his • wife Esther; two Helen Cohn, and two brothers, sons, David and Albert; three Saul and Val Richardson. daughters, - Ruth, Leona and Mrs. Arthur Freedman of Pennsylva- nia; two sisters and 12 grandchil- dren. - * * * CHARLES PAUL DRUKER, In loving memory of Esther 14024 Pembroke, died Jan. 1. Schwartz, who passed away Jan. Survived by his wife Sally; a son, (Unveiling announcements may be 6, 1960. Sadly missed and always Joseph of Niagara Falls; a - inserted by mailing or by calling remembered by her husband, daughter, • Mrs. Morris Weingar- The Jewish News office, VE 8-9364; announcements must be ac- William; son, Seymour; daugh- den; two brothers, three sisters Written companied by the name and address ter, Florence Schwartz; and and four grandchildren. of the person making the insertion. * .* * There is a standing charge of $3.00 family. for an unveiling notice, measuring EVA ALEXANDER, 13222 S. an inch in depth.) * * * Order Female Physician Norfolk, died Jan. 2. She leaves two daughters, Selma and Mrs. The family of the late Harry L. 'Convicted of Nazi Acts Samuel Marks of Palm Beach, Shapiro announces the unveiling to Halt Medical Practice Fla.; two sisters and two grand- of a monument in his memory BONN, (JTA) — West Ger- children. Interment, Toronto, On- at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 8, at Clover Hill Park Cemetery. Rabbi man authorities ordered Dr. tario. * * Adler will officiate. Relatives and Herta Oberhauser, 49-year-old physician convicted of war I HARRY H. NEWMAN, 17160 friends are asked to attend. crimes against women impris- Pennington, died Dec. 29. He oned during the war at the leaves his wife Eve; a son Irvel; Dr. Emil Rothman Dies; Ravensbrueck concentration three daughters, Mrs. Philip Rob- camp, to stop practicing medi- bins, Mrs. Robert Victor and Obstetrics-Gynecology cine, although she is still ap- Mrs. David Stron; a sister and Chief at Sinai Hospital pealing a court order barring eight grandchildren. Dr. Emil D. Rothman, chief * * * her from further medical prac- of obstetrics and gynecology at tice. ADOLPH E. ROTH, 10331 Joy, Dr. Oberhauser had been sen- died Dec. 28. He leaves two sons, Sinai Hospital, died Jan. 3. A tenced - to 20 years' imprison- Harry and Murray C. of Clover- Detroit physician for 37 years, ment as a war criminal by the dale, Mich., four daughters, Mrs. Dr. Rothman, 60, lived at 25704 Nuremberg War Crimes Tribu- Saul Raub, Mrs. Roy Patton, Mrs. Ivanhoe, Huntington Woods. He was a diplomat of the nal in 1947, but was released Morris Zaremberg and Betty after serving only five years. Roth; two brothers, three sisters, Board of Obstetrics and Gyne- She resumed her practice. Two eight grandchildren and eight cology, an emeritus staff mem- ber at Highla. -neral weeks ago, a court in Hamburg great-grandchildren. Hospital ruled that she - is barred from * * * ent and chief of o staff practice because of her war s, and a charter member' SAMUEL B. KEMPNER, 15803 st crimes. e College of Obstetrics and Cherrylawn, died Dec. 30. He ynecology. - his wife Ida; two • son Univeisity of California leaves Dr. Rothman leaves his wife George Kent and Irving H.; to Make Unprecedented four g. andchildren. Minna; a son, William A.; two - brothers, P r. Arthur of st * * * Study on Anti-Semitism a ter, Detroit a An unprecedented five-year LOUIS GANTZ, 371 d five urlin- Mrs. Ma i study by a major university to game, died Jan. 3. Su ved by J grandch' dre determine the present status his wife, Gussie,. a so r. . and extent of anti-Semitism in - Gantz of Greenfield, I the United States and the "fac- ter Mrs. James Gola tors which maintain it" was an- ranee, Calif.; and fi nounced jointly 'by Dr.' Glenn dren. * * T. Seaborg, Chancellor of the University of California, Berke- HYMAN N During - the coming ley, and Henry E. Sch•ultz, na- Gardner,- 0 week Yeshiva Beth tional chairman of the Anti- Survived Yehuda will observe wo Defamation League of Bnai sons, Leon the Yahrzeit of the a Brith in New York. following deported daughte da;- and two s - The study will be made under friends, with the * * * the auspices of the University traditional M e mo - by its Survey Research Center. rial Prayers, recita- ANNIE HARRIS, Ann Arb tion of Kaddish and Dr. Charles Y. Glock, director ed Jan. 1. She leaves her h studying of Mish- • and, Harry; a son, Dr. Sam;'t of the Center, will coordina nayes. the five year program. - daughters, Mrs. Jose Finn Mrs. Sol Dr. Seaborg and Sch Hebrew Civil •two broth revealed that the study Teves Jan. begin early next year "t •ro- I grandchil dr Mr. Damen 22 10 duce an accurate and co •re- Ida Boesky • 22 10 hensive picture of anti-Se ism Myron Rosenthal 22 ' 10 in America, to assess its c ent Beckie Mason 23 11 status and extent, to ma its David Drazin 24 sources and identify f 12• ranites - •rs Designs Minnie Handler 24 12 which encourage and sustain Reasonable . Davison cor. Lawton TO 8-6923 DI 1-1175 ROSE REINSTEIN • 4 * Name * Address City Zone State 44 4 Enclosed $5.00 (If to be sent as gift, please give name of sender.) • 4 Name A I I I I I I I I I INN 1 I I A 11•1•11•1111•1111 MN All I= NM ra Kaufman DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS . Monument Unveilings • , . ORDER YOUR SUBSCRIPTION OR GIFT SUBSCRIPTION NOW CALL YE 8-9364 ♦ 17100 W. Seven Mi. Rd. * Detroit 35, Michigan OBITUARIES Rose, Jeanette and Norma Lewis, 19464 Tracey, have desig- nated a room in the 'Detroit Dormitory at the BAR - ILAN UNIVERSITY in Ramat - Gan, Israel, in memory of their par- ents, brothers and sister. Members of the Lewis family are known in the Detroit com- munity as ardent Zionists. The new Detroit Dormitory in which students from all over the world are now living and study- ing, was dedicated' on Dec. 22nd. In Memoriam _ Direct teletype from the capitals of the World and from our own Nation's Capitol, with special representatives in the White. House and both Houses of Congress. * Lewis Sisters Establish Room at Bar-Ilan in Memory of Family 19 Dex - of Phoenix, Ariz., formerly of Detroit, Acknowledges with grateful appreciation the many expressions of sympathy extended by relatives and friends during the family's re- cent bereavement. Moe Sherman Kopel Dworkin Nathan Goldman Harry Morrison Archie Hoffman 24 24 24 24 24 Allen Lawrence Leach 25 13 Sadie Maltzman Max Schlange Jacob Sukenic 26 26 26 14 14 14 Mollie Weinga rden Lillian Epstein Rose Bloch 28 28 28 16 16 16 Beatrice Shoob 29 17 12 12 12 '12 12 Yeshiva Beth Yehuda 12305 Dexter WE 1-0203 The finest tribute fo a loved one: final arrangements by THE IRA KAUFMAN CHAPEL •, .'", ."Vs- Vp• : , ,:$••••• 41 . '"" •