Elaine Zuder Will Wed Harvey Wax 3IUMFORD S People Ma NULF M. PINS of New York as been appointed direc- for o the Bureau of Personnel and aining of the National Jewis Welfare Board. e s Native Detroiter M A R V I RUBINSTEIN, w h o rec y passed . the Michigan Ba Ex- amination, is now doin post- graduate work in Isra will compete with other leading amateur golfers in the men's MUSIC BY division of the third annual Inter-Country Clu . • it tional Golf amen an. 3 a * * * the Holl ac I MAX STERN of N York, Hollywoo * businessman and Je UN 3-6283 h corn- DR. munal leader, has en ap- AN of By SUSAN KOBEL pointed national chaff ty, New York, an of Co the Joint Overseas Com SZAJKOWSKI, I sion Mumfordites trooped back to of the Union of Orth d r and research worker o ox school Tuesday, convinced that ish Congregations of Ame I Franco - Jewish • • • y w e vacation periods should come Fine Photography * * * elected fellows more often. For 15 students, e w Candids Professionally Finished es the holiday meant a 10-day tour I DR SAMUEL SA mEL , A t the dae n n For Appointment Phone so- of of Mexico, co-sponsored by provost of Hebrew U Col- ciet.3071 LEIBECK 25 a t KE 1-0104 Jewish . • Charles Braun of the Mumford lege-Jewish Institute o eli n gion i Amer- i in New York, has bee l • ected The faculty. Next Friday evening, Mum- president of the S o c i * * * ASTIC FURNITURE MISS ELAINE L. ZUCKER ford's band, orchestra, vocal and Biblical Literature and MANUEL BERLATSKY COVERS ti dance groups will combine tal- sis, the national organizatio New York ha Mr. and Mrs. • Robert Ashman ents for the annual Winter Music America's Bible scholars. MADE TO ORDER or READY MADE !director Fiel ervic of Ne A,7 York City announce the i Festival, 8 p.m. in the school * * * Nation are engagement , of her daughter, auditorium. The program will CALL ANNA KARBAL STUART SCHWA . , 980 Jewish C u ente vl- .Elaine L. Zucker, to Harvey feature classical, popular and Whitmore, champion LI 2-0874 the sion. - - •-- Wax, son of _Mr. and Mrs. Reu- foreign compositions. Soloists Franklin Hills , Countr Club, ben: D. Wax of Lauder Ave. will be Roger Grekin on- the DR. LEO AM, spiritual Miss Zucker, alSo the daugh- trumpet; Sybil Oshensky, violin; leader emple Israel, gave ter i of the late Nathan Zucker, and Sandra Acker, piano. Beitner Resigns Po is an alumna of Adelphi Acad- I A week-end of skating and to- yer for Government last ay at t II • 111 emY and Lesley College in bogganing is in store for Mum- as Assistant Prosecutor; cere- ies at Cambridge, Mass. Her fiance is ford's 12th graders who go on Returns to Practice ich Governor hn vv a -on took the oat of a graduate of the University of the annual snow trip to Echo - Elliot I. Beitner has resigne Michigan where he was named Valley, winter sports resort near as assistant prosecuting attorney ffice t was the eighth e that abbi Fr • to the Phi Beta Kappa honorary Kalamazoo. The group will leave for Wayne County, it was a I at inaugur e x e society. He is affiliated with Jan. 14 and return the following. nounced this week. e- Orchestra & viously, he Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. He evening. Saturday night dancing yer He was assigned as a tr . I at the inaugu also is a graduate of Harvard will offer a rest from the "stren- lawyer with the Circuit Co t ate Entertainment Governor University Law School and a uous" activities. IVi y, and Criminal Division. meMber of the Michigan Bar ch of the Beitner, who quit his post 0 he had of 'date Susan Weiner won a gold six times that Association. A June 24 wedding plaque competing in the Detroit return to private law pract mg Governor Williams is planned. ken the oath. Round Table of Christians and was appointed to the Prose Jews oratory contest. She de- tor's Office in April, 1958. Premier Names Jew feated ten other speakers to win graduate of Wayne- State Uni- the second-place award. The versity Law School, he was first to Turkish Assembly other Mumfordites won awards in his class throughout his ISTANBUL, -(JTA )—Erol in the Round Table's Brother- freshman, junior and senior After g o studio and seein Mike; a young:Jewish attorney, hood poster contest. Leslie Berg years, was editor in chief of the was named- by General Cemal and Shirley Ann Kollenberg Wayne Law Review and was an work ma people say, "Yes, but a portra Gursel, the Turkish Premier, as placed second and third, respec- instructor in legal research at e that would be too expensive." W the school. The recipient of a a representative to the new Con- tively. * * * number of academic scholar- t at all. Fine portrait phota,graphy stituent AsSembly for the Jew- As graduation nears, Mumford._ ships _and awards, Beitner is ish community,- - ; . - - isn't a matter of expens The attorneys' haS been serv- seniors have been colleeting also active in many Jewish • matter of e enc mor prizes. Phyllis Lui and David 0 communal activities. ing as legal advisor for the m a po raft Grand Rabbinate here. He was Drachler were selected e a RePnbliOan -party candidate in ford's recipients proud of . . They will the 1957 elections but lost when Police Yout Visit our ow you what the: Democratic list won. The attend a ecial esentation ban- Shaarey Shomayim Syn. quet n by ayor Louis Mir- mean. Just an appointment. Constituent Assembly will be 0 Mite at Cloyerlawn convened January 6, to approve iani. REGISTRATION n o r seniors earned a new constitution and a new ACCEPTED NOW r Phi Beta Kappa certi- general election law. It will end r Children 3 to 5 s for super' r academi its activities in • October when fi Full Hours a Day a evernent. Th are I general elections for a new orthwest Professional .Photographers Guild 1.20 per Session B din, Robert in, Ge Parliament will be held. Qualified Teachers The 272 members of the lower L in, Joey Ma ndy Serwer Arts & Crafts -- Games houge are elected mainly by . To receive professional groups and politi- Dances & Plays 8MM and 16MM Color Movies -- Color Slides is must maint .6 aver cal parties. Gen. Gursel, using Modern Hebrew 3-D Stereo — Candid Books - WI 3.0 equal to his ;authority to name 12 niem- Transportation Available 8632 McNICHOLS ROAD WEST — DETROIT 21, MICH, berS, appointed representatives LI 1-9769 -- LI 24444 TELEPHONE: UNiversity 4-8484 for each minor ommunity. Ar ur Becker Run I Counts MEDAH STUDIO Larry Freedman - LI 7-2899 gt. ,Atipt _to .SIMCHA NURSERY .. Portraits - Weddings -Bar Mitzvahs • S a, of Edmon • , Al- berta o was King's ter (fr *1935) and later Qu 's P er until his retireme n , -Came to Canada in d there ,•• •- continued the .p Ong tr e he had learned in /sia t 17, he started ' of ranklin printin w5 ich wa he' firs ly ish in estern e of wish t hine , .;samples still imp mr ,nava Enrollment for 1961 camp 4eason is now open. Send your child to Canada's most modern comp estab- lished in 1959. —Religious Zionist program. —Strictly kosher. —Trained professional staff: Write for literature. CAMP MOSHAVA 86 Vaughan Road Toronto 10 Canada for • outhfield C ncil Arth C. Becke ndidate for City Cou ithfield, said he feels more planning should go into ordinances affecting the citi- zens of Southfield and referred specifically to the Parent-Youth Ordinance. He added that citizens should be provided with more newspaper information on hap- penings at Council sessions. . The 42-year-old business execu- tive, who lives at 25275 Kildare, Southfield, is vice president of Becker. Brothers Printing and is associated with many fraternal, veterans and service groups. He attended the University of Hawaii; Wayne State University and Detroit Institute of Technol- ogy where he also served in an instructive capacity. Becker has received certificates and training in sanitation, rhodology, political science and business administra- tion and has served in production engineering at Ford Motor Co., as a government inspector and as sanitation supervisor in Hilo, Ha- waii. A guest at the Hollywood Beach Hotel is just a stone's throw away from the famous land-marks of Florida, Bis- cayne Bay, the Everglades, and the nation's leading race-tracks, Hialeah, Tropical Park and Gulfstream. . at REISMAN'S SHOP New and Most Modern Market . 13400 W. 7 Mile Rd. corner Snowden Specializing in: DAILY hitefish erel LIVE AND FRESH FISH, AND FRESH, KOSHER KILLED POULTRY FANCY FRYE lb E CARRY LETE SEL ION OF OCERIES, FR H RUITS EGETABLES – Cif); Bra •LO GE 1/2-lb. jar AMPLE FREE PARKING _ Our Own 1-1b. 7-oz. Jar . TOMATOES Cello Tube 1 5c Fancy McINTOSH APPLES 3 lbs. 25C .., Offer Good Dec. 30 to Jon. 5 - WE DELIVER DI 1-4525