THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, December 9, 1960 61 Israel Histadrut Campaign MORRIS L. SCHAVER MORRIS .LIEBERMAN Honorary Chairman Chairman HARRY SCHUMER IRVING POKEMPNER 1st Vice-Chairman Honorary Chairman VICE CHAIRMEN Sam Kaufer Hyman Lipsitz Jack Malamud Mrs. Chana Michlin Sidney Shevitz DIVISION AND TRADES CAMPAIGN COUNCIL FARBAND David Sislin Norman D. Katz L.Z.O.A. Herbert Pincus Sam Yagoda NORMAN COTTLER Treasurer Abe Medow Morris Brodsky Max Bros Helen Posner PIONEER WOMEN Mrs. Sophie Sislin ORGANIZATIONS Israel Burnstein Nathan Rose Max Rosenthal Jacob Glazer Solomon Rubin Gerold Goldberg William Schumer- Shmukler oigel Silevr Berl Heorshen Harold Silver Wi liom Hordes Julius Singer Paul Sislin Kahn Mo rman of Exec. Board a Selman • Harry Gonte Ben Harold Toby Slabosk s Kane Nathan St uel Kane TRA UNI id Chaney orris Colema rney Hop ac Litwak McNamara Spitzer Mo IP D. GOLDSTEIN Morris Ross Glazer Samuel J. G SCRAP TR Sam Sc Moe Ma Secretary Louis Levine Alex Berson Paul Brickner • Adele Mondry FURNITURE Aaron Berg Earl Weinga ISIDORE L. SHRODECK Albert Berke Harold Kempner Dr. S Walter E. Klein D . Stein eitelboum a_nfred Werner Richard Kramer Alter Winemon Benjamin Laikin BERNARD LINDERMAN Financial Secretary Myra 40 Years That Changed A Wilderness IN 1920 IN 1960 A handful of Jewish pioneer workers gathered in Haifa— then a little Palestine port town — and founded a central organization called HIS- TADRUT . total membership was only:'4,433. 700,000 working men and women belong to HISTADRUT — agricul- tural and industrial pioneers, lab- orers, technicians, professionals: an aggregate family of 1,081,000 men, women and children. IN THESE 40 YEARS They transformed a wilderness, cre- ated a new physical as well as social landscape . . reshaped the lives of people from many lands — people without skills or material resources with little learning or culture ... with wounds unhealed ... with fears • and suspicions unallayed . . . but the job is far from done ! . . . in the 1960's HISTADRUT will . . . focus attention on: • rooting new immigrants in DEVELOPMENT AREAS • rehabilitating the URBAN SLUMS • Consolidating BORDER SETTLEMENTS by providing the newcomers with medical care, vocational training, cul- tural and other facilities which make for a sound community of • happy men,-women and children, SUPPORT. THE 1961 DETROIT HISTADRUT CAMPAIGN YOUR PERSONAL LINK WITH THE "PEOPLE" OF ISRAEL