Arts and Crafts Group Argentina and Israel Arts and Crafts Group Sign Trade Agreement of The Young Israel of Northwest BUENOS AIRES, (JTA) — A Detroit will meet 24 p.m. Sun- trade agreement establishing day. the most favored nation prin- Classified ads bring fast results! Covenant Books already have I great personalities and signifi- ' escaped from Lisbon and the ciple in commercial relations become proverbial gems in liter- cant events it: Jewish history. I Inquisition, and came to New- between Argentina and Israel SHOWER OF STARS ature for the youth. Published The two newest Covenant vol- port, RI, in 1752 to reassume • was signed by Pi XMAS SPECIAL his Jewish faith and to abandon jointly by Farrar, Straus and umes add to the splend Dec. 18-Jan. 3 I Israel's Min' ommerce Daily per person. ame Duarte for Aaron. Cudahy and the Jewish Publica- serifs. Double Occupancy. y, and Dr. Diogenes r of the flagship Hope, and I tion Society. of America, the a Hart-I Fri Add $3 for meals. a, Argentina's Foreign I 50 of 215 rms. titles in this series deal with teacher-ho l wife, ' Aaron opez gained fame and Ta Star Entertainment • and his ship traveled to is author of "Builders of fortu ister. chedule of Activities st Indies and to Africa. inselor Supervision for JerUsalem — In the Time of the The-NEW The mee • Teen Progams • Gala was an American patriot e author I Nehemiah." She w• as & New Year's Parties ral in a sy sch when the battle ensue enant book, of • an earli the ing . ith the British he lost his flag he day all e Prophet." binet ember who also HOTEL • MOT' _ •APARTMENTS ' ship Hope to the enemy. on Hop • r e OCEAN F He knew the meaning of free- r I Arturo mi Mr ir pre- HOTEL •Poal•Cabana Club Daily • wt. Po ready has to dom, and he readily gave his rented Frondizi with a message •• THE OCEAN AT 17th ST. Per • FREE all so that his new homeland MIAMI BEACH an earlier Covenant Fnfer of friendship from President Pers. Dbl. • Detroit Office: 00 , "Border Hawk: August should. retain it. When the battle Ben Zvi of Israel and discussed Occ. 50 of FAMILY UN 2-7560 - was won, he regained his ship. 160 Rms. MO1 Bondi. " or Your Travel • Now to tee your travel agent * * * but, tragically, his life ended the trade agreement. Agent Dec. 18 Write for Brochure P Sapir told Dr. Taboada that Mrs. Hyman did full justice at that point. 15th ST EACH. FLA to the story of Ezra and Ne- The famous president of Yale the ' Israel government had de- daily per hemiah in "Builders of Jeru- University, the Christian and tided that visitors fromArgen- person, PARADISE MOTELS narrative Hebraic scholar Ezra Stiles, tina did not need Israel visas on double occ., Jan. 4-22 came to comfort Mrs. Lopez. their passports. Th mmon- $ the Seco 40 of 130 Completely ealth, with the Prop t Ne- The name Aaron Lopez was not I ficial later rooms. Air Conditio Minister' of in forgotten by his adopted Alsog Dec. 18 -* hemiah and the Scribe Ezra, '" Jan. 4 1 • , and the two ex- ired country. "The voice of Aaron" I Ec with the events that i ged shoptalk. Sapir was FREE PARKING eir work, with heir de ation was respected. It was a great PLANNED ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTLY ON TH CEAN AT companied o hi visits by A XMAS-NEW YEAR'S EVE FESTIVITIES alem. name that now lends itself as of Je 11I3rd ST., MIAMI ACH, FLA. URAVCHIK Owner-Moms BEN KAHN. Mar. r. Mordechai vi the Israel be en- the subject for a splendid narra ich Write Direct or See charge d'affa• s. rents as tive. Your Travel Agent b / Complete! it Conditio en, has one their elder m- • ts so well ap- special B- our time. There is M .1 DIRECTLY ON THE OCEA an interesting element in the ' 191st ST., MIAMI BEACH character of Bani, Persian-born Write for Brochures nephew of Nehemiah. The latter Detroit: had great love for Israel while I LONDON, (JTA) — A severe ence, but through nuclear arma- UN 4-3190 OCEANFRONT at LINCOLN RD. MIAMI BEACH retaining affection for his na- , attack on Israel, containing ment and the continuation of tive Persia. But Bani started off charges that Prime Minister the cold war. This is a natural • e, osity towards Is- Ben-Gurion keeps on saying consequence of the policy of Is- ed affection that "Israel will remain secure raeli ruling quarters, which are 27 HOLES t excluded as long as the Israeli Army car- trying to develop the country for his birthplace ADJOINING HOTEL DIRECTLY ON T ries out the task of frightening any concern for Isra along the road of militarism IN THE HE lesson.. its neighbors with its strength," and preparations for aggression -.WAITING. Events taught Bani LINCOLN lders of is published in the Red Star, *--CONGESTION-: He later joined the Private Beach against the Arab countries," the To Dec. 1 • Pool • 1 % Air o sense official organ of the Red Army article concludes. . That in Jeru N EW T Conditi land of in the Soviet Union. love for red • Coffee 9 UOLES ADDED TO OUR FAMOUS 18 - • Cockta - as a new- , but • s • "It is necessary to point out," • Free f a dedication , the paper writes, "that calls for found realizat . Daily Chair Person Umbr a to his fai I war have becOme a routine and Double rking • Free are in the activities 'daily pursuit of Israeli Zionists. E RESERVE NOW! 80 of 11 • Free ntertain- Rooms time, the events of by- ent, Danci Recommended by America's,Lea gone days that are comparable The question of the revival of Reserve Now For Xmas - Orthodox Rabbi arty New S to experiences in our own day, militarism in the country a Holidays the fanning of mill VID ROSNER'S I On The Ocean at 18 St. make Mrs. Hyman's narrative Miami Beach an outstanding historical novel. dominate all I tens. Donald Bolognese ably illus- "Milita trated this book. FREE OVERLOOKING. THE OCEAN * * ec ~ d fig- rael has sachet ure, com POOL *CABANAS Aaron Lopez, hero of Alex- AMERICAN PLAN • 3 MEALS DAILY ander's book, which was illus- state bu ality is Supreme Only Per Pers $17to$20 Dble Oee Bless, this trated b y Bernard Krigstein, tinues. "Ne NOWNED FOR KASHRIJTH Jan. 3-29 (a.luel$ ings us closer to our own in their opimo , Mar. 12-22 AND QUALITY SINCE 1932 e GALA XMAS & tl e. It is the story of an insufficient. For this reason CALORIE AND SALT-FREE DIETS r SwiMniing NEW YEAR PARTY ms with Private gout: 3 UNSURPASSED STERLING MEALS DAILY A erican patriot, of a man who Israeli Government imposed ad- for ADULTS and JUNIORS Service from .Street Leint. ditional new taxes on the popu- Gay Day & Nighttime Activities! COMPLETE WINTER RESORT onaitionid & HenIed? • 27 HOLES FREE GOLF 'Rooms •Ave;11 able-4 lace last August. Israeli papers POOL • LAKE • ENTERTAIN- Write for free color brochure MENT • DANCING NIGHTLY THE PRIDE OF ointed out in this connection Send for Photo Brochure KOSHER HOTELS ON THE OCEAN • 67th STREET, MIAMI BEACH,PLA e government is seeking N. Y. PHONE: GR 7-0863 • 1 means additional sums Frank I. Rase, President AMER A LUXE E ‘111 estim d at 10 million dollars AND LT- DIE S. for the urchase of arms. NE IR-:co. es 12So Ss On "In ad *ton, the Israeli Gov- sway Os: ROSEN • ment doing its utmost to SHER C N elo e _war industry which SONABLE:::: • DEBATE RA P...:WEEKLY. AND SEASONAL American or Europe oy rious concessions. The As Deed sod Hawed on of war material in Maui Eats SUPER SPECIAL RATES FOR ountry has reached a very Prints kith XMAS - NEW -YEARS HOLIDAYS Write for rochure gh lever—so much so that ar- Rat rangements have been made for e g■t °°'‘ is FREE at arms exports to other countries. Bt P' Cl4 the completely air-conditioned Arms exported by Israel go chiefly to NATO countries which in turn meet the needs of the Israeli war industry. It NATIONALLY FAMOUS . • . FOR 50 YEARS EL/GOLF CL is known, for instance, that be- THE FABULOUS ZEIGER KOSHER CUISINE! sides exporting Israeli arms t ithin Here, at an ocean-front resort corn NATO countries, Israel h tel's own guests enjoy FREE unlimited golf on t been granted the right to s sump-. urse -- plus ionshi private 18-hole mit bids for the supply of go mpic swimming in an tuous meals da' to the armies or this organ' nt, y entertai Broa• pool, 1000 foo tion. CLUB • co try round-the- "In the light of these facts, - ach club acres, the object of the statements the See your have made by Israeli statesmen be- Jan. 5 thru 31 hotel, or phone. comes very clear. They believe daily per person live DETROIT repres that the guarantee of peace is le occupancy 6 Ceil Filer not through disarmament or the Sens' 1 12 *gdoa udbytepeorccP.els" realization of peaceful coexist- single rooms ava s ',available at our NCROFT 25 - THE D ETROIT J EWISH NEWS - Accounts of Aaron Lopez, the Marrano Who Became U. S. Patriot, and Nehemiah and Ezra in Days of Jerusalem's Rebuilding, in New Covenant Volumes OS Iv `- CD ED cc' fD 1 COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED . oscow Attacks Seeks to Fan 'Military Hysteria' RICHMOND $ 2 CiA 1ff A KOSHEIR. CUISIVc - . GOLF icitv2kk. za Teen Age Fun Activities 'Supervised by Junior Counselors Night Patrol Write for new Free Color Brochure _ *4e0c.of2.134-0.17ot: ms INCLUDES Full•ourse Breakfa st and Deluxe Dinner Dasil RESERVE FOR PASSOVER NOWT Dietary Laws -Strictly Observed DETROIT OFFICE: UN 4-3190 ON THE OCEAN AT 17th ST., MIAMI ,BEACH, FLA. Jewish Labor Group Asks Ike Plea to Racists President Eisenhower w a s urged to make a personal plea to the citizens and- officials of New Orleans, to permit peaceful integration of their school sys- tem, by Adolph Held, national chairman of the Jewish Labor Committee. Feb. 1 thru$ rj A daily per person - L ot double occupancy Mar. 15 Beach Club. Special rates include 3 meals daily,free golf, all hotel facilities. the completely air-conditioned oo d Beth- Hotel • AND GOLF CLUB • HOLLYWOOD BEACH/FLORIDA "Under the same ownership for the past 16 years" JOHN W. BRAUN, Vice , Pres. & Gen't Mgr. • BEN TOBIN, President ROBBIE ROBINSON, Vice-Pres. & Gen'l Sales Mgr. • CHARLES ROUSSEAU, Res. man Co Ij . Co 03