The Bnai Brith convention voted a record budget of $6,900,- 000 for 1960 activities, allocating slightly more than half of its JeWish youth programs. The budget increase is about $250,000 over the current year's expendi- tures. "This budget reflects Bnai Brith's awareness of the fantas- tic population growth and the fact that this generation of teen- agers and college students shows a far greater receptivity to Jew- ish ideals and values," said 'Maurice Bisgyer, executive vice- president of Bnai Brith. He pointed out that the increases authorized for Bnai Brith's three major youth agencies "are min- imal 'when judged against the requests for additional services made upon them in the Jewish communities." In addition, the national ex- penditure for adult Jewish ac- tivities was also increased. Ap- proval was granted to Hillel Foundations to establish its stu- dent programs on four additional campuses next year. These are at Muhlenberg College in Allen- town, Pa., Texas Western in El Paso, the University of Mel- bourne in Australia and Oxford University. By HAROLD U. RIBALOW (Copyright, 1960, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Now that the Olympic Games are completely over and all the reports in, here is my final re- port. There were more than 50 Jewish athletes competing in Rome. They won two gold medals, four silver medals and three bronze medals. The Israeli team was shut out—no medals at all, no points at all. Tamara Press, the Soviet shot- putter, won a gold medal, and her sister took a silver medal, 80-meters hurdles. . Izzy Berger, the American weightlifter, took a silver Medal, but that was a disappointment, for it was thought he'd win a gold medal again. Alan Jay, the BritiSh fencer, was eliminated in the foils finals, but took a silver medal in the epee. Russian Jews did pretty well. Woolf Portnoi was third (bronze medal) in the long- This unusual structure is the ammonia storage tank at horse event in gymnastics. Haifa's giant Fertilizers and Chemicals plant, whose expansion Blumel, who beat out John has been financed in great part by funds derived from the Thomas in the high jump, is - Israel Bond drive. Fertilizers and Chemicals, the most im- Jewish. portant branch of Israel's rapidly developing chemical in- Mark Midler, a Russian Jew, dustry, is now not only providing Israel's farms with all the was the captain of the Soviet chemical fertilizers they need, but has also established the fencing team which won three foundations of a growing export trade in chemicals. , gold medals. Toronto Re-Elects Phillips as Mayor - To Revise German Textbooks JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Two Israeli history teachers have been invited to West Gerthany under UNESCO auspices to re- vise the treatment of Jewish his- tory in German textbooks and to draft outlines for accurate treatment of the subject, it was reported here. The disclosure was made by Aryeh -Kubovy, chairman of the Yad Vashem, the Memorial Authority, at the fifth-meeting of the Authority's Council. 019s0-pn.ainard Co.. e atomic age (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TORONTO — Mayor Nathan Phillips, the first Jew to head this city's municipal government, was -reelected Wednesday to his fourth two-year term, which will give him a record of eight years as mayor of - a central Canadian metropolis. Olympics Report e would ever find him holding a No fo ing test tube aloft d shouting, ureka!" His laboratory as rocki ir; his apparatus, an nqui A from this rocking air . ula "ng mind, he f in e to that e given a Atomic Albert Eins Germany, in 1879. He r tific education in Switzerland, worked in the patent office there, and in 1914 re- turned to Germany as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Academy of Science. He remained there until 1933, when he renounced his citizenship in Hitler's Third Reich. He came to America and continue work at the Insti to for Advanced Studie iversity. Alb t Einstein P. LORILLARD COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1760 ■ COPX.7 ims litera and us. is theories paved the wa ex- the freeing of nuclear energy, to cepts of ploration of space, and to ne that are the light and motion. a on which the Atomic A little man whose contemplation broadened the horizons of science to the farthest reaches of the universe. A man who, in his own lifetime, took his place beside Archimedes, Gallileo, and Newton. First with the Finest Cigarettes through Lorillard research. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, December 9, 1960 NEW YORK, (JTA) — Preju- diced attitudes toward Jews are commonplace among people liv- ing in the European area of the Soviet Union, the Bnai Brith International Council reported at its annual meeting here. Analy- sis of a series of "depth inter- views" of Soviet refugees and emigres "strongly indicates that after 23 years of Communist rule, popular anti-Semitism re- mains deeply embedded in the Soviet culture," declared Philip M. Klutznick, Council chairman. The published study, prepared by Dr. William Korey, the Coun- cil's research director, showed that 35 percent of the respond- ents held anti-Semitic attitudes. Of this group, 10 percent were "violently hostile." Another 25 percent held negative stereo- types about Jews. The sampling was conducted in 1950-51 by Harvard University's Russian Re- search Center. Former Soviet citizens who had involuntarily left their homeland, were probed for their views and attitudes on a wide variety of subjects. Klutznick said there is "no available evidence" that Soviet authorities have taken any ac- tion "to reduce negative stereo. typic thinking about Jews." The study showed that about eight percent of the respond- ents recalled the, Soviet statute which forbids anti- Semitism but most of them considered the law "a device demonstrating that Jews were favored by the regime." The study also showed that "violent hostility was not limited to the unsophisticated" and that "prejudice toward Jews was particularly strong among Ukrainians." About ten percent of those in- terviewed, including many who registered no hostile attitudes toward Jews, spoke freely about widespread anti-Semitism in the U.S.S.R., the study said. The small number of Jews in the sampling also reported that anti- Semitism was "strong" in the Soviet Union. The Council concluded its ses- sions by reelecting Klutznick chairman. A surprise presenta- tion of the Bnai Brith President's Medal, the organization's highest award, was made to him at a banquet that opened the two-day meeting. In presenting the award, Bnai Brith president, Label Katz, cited Klutznick as "a leader among leaders in his vision, dynamism and eloquence, as spokesman the world over for creative progress in contempo- rary Jewish life." Elected Council regional vice chairmen were Frank Goldman, of Lowell, Mass.; Jack Morrison, of London; Paul Jacob, of Mul- house, France; Irvin Epstein, of Tel Aviv; and Egon Glucksmann, of Buenos Aires. Bonds Aid Chemical Industry - . KlutzmcK Reports to Bnai Brith on Russian Anti-Semitism Survey