LONDON, (JTA)—Four American ships will be re- moved from the Jordanian Government blacklist because their owners reportedly presented • guarantees against resuming trade with Israel, it was reported from Amman. The ships are the Exchester, the Exporter, the Exbrook and the Montego Sea. At the same time, the American ship Lipscombe Lykes has been added to the blacklist, the report stated. (The Exchester, Exporter and Exbrook are part of the merchant fleet belonging to the American Export Lines, Inc., with headquarters in New York. A spokes- man for the company told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency there was no immediate comment on the report.) Osnos, Stein Chosen Chairmen of Muscular Dystrophy Campaign - Max Osnos and Sol Stein have been appointed Commerce and Industry • co-chairmen for the Wayne County drive of the Muscular Dystrophy Ass o c i a- tions of Am e r i c a, Inc., an- nounces Howard P. Parshall, general campaign chairman. Osnos and Stein will organ- ize financial support among business and professional JERUSALEM Meir, Israel's gn Minister, expressed t o Tuesday that Soviet a ies •ould make all-out its to clear the "atmo- sph ' created by a blood libel s t y in a Soviet newsp nish those respons ad Teporte• The st e Daghes on Aug. 9. Mrs. Meir made statement in reply to in the Knes- MURRY KOBLIN ADVERTISING .ART Brochures • Ads Packaging Catalogs • Menus All Kinds Stuffs NM NM Mil MN I I I I HANUKAH SPECIALS AT SPITZER'S ONLY ... I side the set concerning a photostat of the article which was printed in the ew York Herald Tribune and-, cerning a report of the prom- made by Soviet authorities ndre Blumel, French Jewish der, that the writer of the icle would be penalized. Mrs. Meir said that the article ontained a statement that Jews use Moslem blood for ritual pur- poses and that the newspaper subsequently printed an apology. . There is a large Moslem popula- tion in the area. Asked about statements made by members of the leftist-Mapam party abroad about concessions to Arab states, Mrs. Meir said the Foreign Ministry had re- ceived a report about such state- ments. She said it would be "advisable" that Israeli citizens refrain from expressing views counter to official Israel govern- ment policy. Abraham Rimalt, of the General Zionists, the ques- tioner, said that American diplo- mats had quoted such Mapam statements and he asked whether partisan expression on delicate issues did not harm Israeli policy. IM NM > > 1111 11111 UM ISRAELI IM MENORAH Isadore Sobeloff, executive vice president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, in the prin- cipal address delivered at the luncheon that marked the 40th anniversary celebration of the Mothers' Clubs of the Jewish Community Center, commended the women on their uninter- rupted activities dur past four decad Heading of speakers who repr ted . a number of commu groups, Sobeloff ex- presse he community's satis- facti o in the Moth.Clubs activ* • Golda Meir Hopes Reds Will Clear Atmosphere of Blood Libel Story (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) Sobeloff Commends Mothers' Clubs' Communal Efforts in Forty Years I I Osnos Mrs. Julian H. Krolik, mem- ber of the Detroit Commission on Community Relation s, brought greetings from Mayor Miriani • and read the proclama- tion issued by the Mayor set- ting Wednesday as Mothers' Clubs Day in Detroit. Participants in the luncheon program included Miss Mary n, who w irector of s o ars, the heir • • ception, and he ollowing: Mrs. Joseph Temchin, s- Bregman, Joseph rn- Her Mrs. . George Pos ste . • w, Eu- arshal, Irwin tom lomovitz, Jaffe, Phi an and Mrs. Victor S • Philip F ► Stein groups to aid MDAA's fight against the mysterious, muscle- wasting disease. Osnos, active in civic and government affairs and head of Sams, Inc., is on the board of Temple Israel, Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, and American Jewish League for Israel. President of Temple Israel and past president of the Pro- bus Club, Stein is also active in civic affairs. He- is affiliated with the Moslem Temple and Detroit Lodge, Bnai Brith. I n addition to sponsoring more than 100 research projects in the United States and Eur- ope, MDAA has built the Insti- tute for Muscle Disease, a $5,000,000 research center in New York City. Locally, MDAA, Inc. suppor the Muscular Dystrophy Cli in the Detroit Memorial pital. Under the direction of Max K. Newman, the supplies physical and oc tional therapy, appliances ucation and encourageme SEE JOHNNY LEBOW AT HANLEY DAWSON CHEVROLET 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd. UN 4-2300 1 BIk. West of Jas. Couzens `Motorama Bal Tickets on Sale • Tickets are now being sold for the "1960 Motorarna 1 sponsored by the Michigan Jew- Reg. $1 ish War Veterans and its Ladies $3.75 Auxiliary; announced chairmen 1 Louis Kogan, junior vice com- mander, and Mrs. Na. han Feld, uxiliary senior vice president. al Gordon and his orchestra be featured at the dance e held Dec. 17 at Cobo Hall. V Commander Gerson der and Auxiliary President s. Albert Rosen state that roceeds of the dance support the many projects of JWV, in- cluding service to every vet- erans hospital in the state, Chil- dren's Hospital, the Franklin Settlement Home, the Girl's Di- vision of the Juvenile Detention, the D.. J. Healy Children's Home and the U.S.O. Members of the lathes auxil- iary meet to sew cancer pads and see to the aid of needy veterans' families. The group Chain sponsors scholarships on a non- (Rhodium Finish) sectarian basis to children of veterans and helps to maintain SHOP Reg. a researc wing in the Tel Hash- $2.00 EARLY omer Hospital in Israel. A program of Americanism includes the presentation of HEADQUARTERS FOR HANUKAH DECORATIONS, American flags to schools and RECORDS, GAMES, ELECTRIC MENORAHS, ETC. scout troops plus the always important maintenance of a leg- HEBREW BOOK islative officer in Washington who is the active spokesman in & GIFT CENTER Congress for JWV, "The Patri- otic Voice of American Jewry." "The House of Bargains Where You Always The Jewish War Veterans Me- morial Home is also supported Save $1 on All Best Book Sellers" by this single fund-raising ef- I UN 3-0543; UN 3-1557 I fort. Tickets may be obtained 1 18294 WYOMING by calling WE 3-0846, or DI ■ 1 BIk. N. of Curtis NM MI 1-3963. 111 MI MI Mt MS 111111 IM M A NM MI 50 OTHER STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS ®5 . 79 , SPITZER'S E & B Brewing Co., Inc., Detroit 5 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, December 2, 1960 Arabs Lift Ban on 4 Ships, Owners Stop Israel Trade •