Israel Will Compensate Refugees if They Are Integrated in Arab Lands Israel Uncovers UNITED NATIONS NY dl ti of my, Govern- there are gross inaccuracies in , .declarations (JTA) Israel reaffirmed its merit, that if a solution by all the relief rolls maintained by furnishing relief to Arab refugees in Israel. Tciday, he said; one Antiochus Stone willingness to compensate dis- integration in the Arab world the United Nations Relief and placed Arab refugees for prop- were actually carried out, and Works Agency for Palestine Refu- Israeli out of ten is an Arab. JERUSALEM, (JTA)—A large "For reasons which have been erties they left behind in Israel, if the international assistance stone on which eight letters are gees in the Near East. Emphasiz- made sufficiently c 1 e a r," he if integration of the refugees offered in 1955 were avail- ing that he does not blam e stated, "we cannot now contem- engraved, furhishing official doc- "in the Arab world were ac- able, Israel would be pre- uments dating to the days of UNRWA for these inaccuracies tually carried out." ' pared to pay compensation, he insisted, however, that no , plate a fresh influx. of Arabs who King Antiochus III, a Syrian have been nurtured in hatred to- The offer was made here be- even before the achievement genuine cleansing of the relie ruler who reigned between 223 fore the General Assembly's of a final peace settlement, rolls has been e f f e c t e d by f ward Israel for 11 years." How- to 183 B.C.E., has been dug up ever, he told the committee, "in Special Political Committee by or the solution of other out- UNRWA, in spite of many de - the context of a solution by in- in kibbutz Hefzibah, north of Tel Ambassador Michael S. Comay, standing problems." mandS, including a demand for tegration in Arab lands, we do Aviv, the Government Depart- chairman of Israel's delegation Ambassador Comay told the such cleansing made by a Gen- not exclude further extension of ment of Antiquities announced. to the United Nations, in his The documents consist of six committee, however, that "in eral . Assembly resolution last the family reunion scheme." first major speech before the fixing the level" of such corn _ year. Jordan's Foreign Minister, letters written by King Antiochus committee, which has been dis- pensation, other factors would On the Arab insistence for Musa Nasir, addressing the Politi- III, and two from the Chief cussing the Arab refugee prob- have to be taken into account "complete repatriation," Co- cal Committee, called for turning Priest Ptolemy. All the letters lem for two weeks. compensating Israel for Jewish may told the committee: "As back the clock by wiping off the deal with administration of jus- Comay referred in his one- properties. "It would be neces- every disinterested observer books the Palestine Partition reso- tice and the protection of the hour add -Gen- sary," he said, "to take into ac- knows, there is no realistic civilian population. lution adopted by the Urii era amma nt Jewish property in areas outcome, short of war which Nations in 1947. 0 ccording to a of two year o, in which c as the Jewish quarter in would destroy the State of Is- step, he said, w vernme set ts, are amend th • e UN Chief ged economic t City of Jerusalem, and rael, and resettle the refugees o the Arabs. • s the first of their d fo d in integration of the entire Middle tie Je *sh villages in the Jeru- among the ruins. Such an injustice" do eps, the Jardanian Israel, and yield imps tant for- East in such a manner as to salem d Hebron districts, as alternative 'solution,' however, "interim" rth- Foreign mister propos/c1 that mation about conditions in make possible the integration well as e claims of half a mil- is not one in which Israel is ern Israel, as- well as the furth Jewish immigr of the Arab refugee' irk the lion Is •1 citizens for the prop- likely to cooperate, or which rative methods Isra the hould be forbidd Arab countr , erty have had to leave be- the United Nations could sho ministrati of the pay rents for that, 9 hin • various Arab countries, tolerate." Antioch an ommunal prope , called reta an R which no Arab Govern- Comay declared: "In saying an UNRWA sho d Great," wa father of its Dulle op d i rna has made any compensa- that the future of the Arab refu- . es whose harsh emp is from r of to works Antiochus •• in id help srael C O n offer at all." me gees lies in the Arab world, my inst the Jews led to e Arab efugees for progra tilizina the Comay opened his address delegation says nothing Contrary asmonean revolt headed by er y they left behind t in by telling the committee that to any single United Nations reso- by Israel. the Maccabean family. Israel. Then he to com- he would not stop at this point lution on this problem." He point- mittee: to reply to all the calumniations ed out that the Arab spokesmen "My d n is author- voiced during this year's refu- and their Soviet backers—again You Are Invited to Visit ize inn the previous gee debate by other spokesmen. withbut mentioning any country The Detroit Area's Newest J111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E He did not name either the by ,name—insist on implementa- Arab attackers or those belong- tion . of one single paragraph of Plymouth-Valiant Dealer .--_ ing to the Soviet bloc, who have a basic resolution adopted by the -- = The been hewing to the customary General Assembly in 1948. They . demands that the only solution ignore all other clauses in that --_- --1 of the refugee problem lies in same resolution, he reminded the E. - .. the wholesale "repatriation" of committee. He recalled that the "all the refugees" to Israel ter- 1948 resolution was adopted by 7- E- all of the Security Council's -. . - -. ritory. and The Israel representative told permanent members "including the committee that Israel has the Soviet Union." -1- already released to the Arab ON. THE NEW SOLID Israel has done its full duty --,..- refugees $8,000,000 in -'frozen by the Arab refugees in Israel, . 1961 PLYMOUTH & VALIANT E--: bank accounts, releasing those Mr. Comay declared, so that, as monies in foreign currency. He early as 1952, UNRWA had to 13840 W. Warren LU 2-6800 cordially invite invite - I - recalled that Israel has also take no further responsibility for -... handed over "a great number of you to attend P.._ safe-deposit lockers and valuables "E-- which were left behind by Arab their P., refugees." --- Questioning the figures con- . " *".: stantly cited here, which claim. that there are more than 1,- 000,000 Arab refugees, Ambas- = sador Comay called the. UN's .E _ . attention to various neutral w. = . statistics and reports, including some United Nations docu- i ments, to prove that, at most, the bona fide refugees number - less than-550,000. The refugees can be absorbed in the Arab i lands, he maintained. "The fundamental question," he said, 3 "is whether something more -0 than 100,000 Arab families can .0 be absorbed in a region which t.... contains about 45 million Arabs." The Israeli representative point- E ed to authentic studies showing m_ SAM GOLDFARB PLYMOUTH, Inc. JEWISH WAR VETERANS GIANT SIZED DEALS LADIES AUXILIARIES T 0 A 1 R A L M A ..0._ .._ = SAT., DEC. 17 .,.. . _ -.- 9 p.m. ..-: E.= COBO HALL Dance to the delightful music a.. of HAL GORDON and his Orchestra F-3 -3 . - .s. ft - .., For further = _ Information call . . . WE 3-0846 Donation — $1.00 .F._ : ..- .- - -_- `Immortal Piano' to Be Featured at Hanukah Festival in New York The "Immortal Piano" the Siena pianoforte of legendary -fame, will be a feature of the Hanukah Festival for Israel, at Madison Square Garden, under auspices of State of Israel Bonds, Dec. 19 and Jan. 2. This famous piano is the sub-. ject of the book by Avner and Hannah Carmi, published by Crown and entitled, "The Im- mortal Piano." In their book--which was re- viewed in the Jewish News— Mr. and Mrs. Carmi tell the story of the famous instrument, rumored to be made from the Harp of King David and the Pillars of the Temple of King Solomon. In the course of more than a century and a half this unique instrument traveled from the palace of the kings of Italy to the desert of El Ala- mein. David Bar-Illan, celebrated Is- raeli concert pianist, will per- form on this instrument as part o f an unusual musical and d ramatic program dedicated to E = the 13th anniversary, or Bar 5111moimmunillImmummulle Mitzvah, of the State of Israel.