Linda . G ranet to Wed Windsor Jewish. Comn Joel E. Weingarten Herzog at Israe Yaacov Herzog, Israe am- bassador to Canada, wi e hon- ored by the Windsor ish corn- munity at a mass rael Bond diive rally Dec. 11 the Jewish Center in Windso Detroiters also a invited to attend the event. Windsor's bond drive dude also an Israel fashion sho to be held 1:30 p.m. De 18 at the Elmwood Casi s o. will mark t first e at ench show i• s MORE PEOPLE USE MISS LINDA GRANET Mr. • and Mrs. Ralph M. Granet of Adrian Rd., South- field, announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Lee, to Joel Edmund Weingarten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wein- garten of Cberrylawn Ave. The bride-to-be, a member of Phi Sigma Sigma sorority, is a senior at Wayne State Uni- versity and attended the Uni- versity of Michigan. Her fiance, a graduate of the University of Michigan, is pres- ently attending Wayne State University College of Medicine and is affiliated with Phi Delta Epsilon. A June 29 wedding date has been set. OPE ING SUNDAY, NOY. 27th A OUR NEW LOCATION door from their 229 WYOMING 2nd Present location ssion will be s y p • a $100 bond sale of $300 i g Youn ults of Young Israel of Me olitan Detroit will hold its t meeting 7:30 p.m. Sun- da t the home Irwin oh 9 Wiscon M r still open t 1 years old a aduate. For informati all Liman, DI 1-9909; ,El Fer- z, DI 1-5803, o xine Ba- w, LI 8-60 ' • Their Usual Quality Meats & Poultry • Kosher Delicatessen • Hot Bar-B-Q'd Chicken - Ducks - Turkeys Liquid sweetener • Plus A Self Sery Meat Department SWEETER THAN SUGAR YET NO FOOD VALUE r With A Complete Selection of • Kosher Frozen Foods refreshing, calorie-free Young Israe Adults Met •ers ME IN? CALL, WE'LL DELIVER ... UN 1-4770 CAN' Recommended by doctors foi diabetics. overweights and to-cal. orie diets. Use for beverages. 'desserts, cooking. Pure. Corn. pletely harmless. 4 Oz. 7 75: KAPLAN BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats - Poultry 18211 WYOMING nr. Curtis GUARANTEED NON-FATTENING AT FOOD STORES EVERYWHERE WE SELL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS — THE BRANDS YOU KNOW YOU CAN TRUST ! . AT OUR OAK PARK MARKET TRY OUR STRICTLY. n Tr z FINEST SELECTION IN THE CITY! BAR-B-01 CHICKEN BEST YOU EVER TASTED! STRICTLY V2 HOT DOGS or KNOCKS " I Dr. Shmarya Kleinman will report on the World ORT Con- gress at a luncheon given by the Workmen's Cir den Ring Club 1 dne at the Wo 's Circle Cente Klei .fi n was one of • the Mich. n delegates to t ses- sio which were he Lon- do England, last h. e also visit s an rael, and w epor n these *sit k. The W m- ircle n's Divisi n hold a sert uncheon p.m. Tuesd at the ircle Ce er. Sol P. ltimore f the Co- dinatin ouncil on uman Re atio ill be the est speake uests are in- lb. TRAY SERVICE DAIRY or MEAT! SUPER SPECIAL ! Heinz CITY BRAND VEGETARIAN Fresh Smoked Delicious Nat., Skinless or Foot Long Your 69 C Choice tr We Skin, Bone & Grind Fish Free of Charge! $ 1 29 ea. Workmen's Circle Golden Ring Club to Hear Noted Speakers FOR YOUR PARTY ... OR OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS TRY OUR STRICTLY Fresh Fish & Sea Food S&W California's BA 0 T ANS JUICE . ? ? _ 9` r's PURE I I or GRAPE Whole AM APRICOTS CAMPBELL' I • Tuesday OnlY Nov. 29,' 1960 IT WILL Su. WORTH YOUR . WHILE None to Deble•s or Minors. I GOOD ONLY • TUESDAY, ■ NOV. 29 FIT FORA KIWI FROZEN FO FROSTY ACRES FANCY, IMPORTED Red Raspberries - EMPRESS 10-oz. —11- pkgs. MANDARIN ORANGES 89c pkgs.29 STREIT'S or HOROWITZ MARGARETIN CRISCO MATZO MEAL 2 boxes Pure • Vegetable KRAFT PHILADELPHIA EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER! REDDI WHIP CREAM CHEESE Crosse & Blackwell NUT ROLLS (All Varieties) BUY 4 CANS AT REG. PRICE GET l CAN FREE! (Pure Cream) 4 cans 99 c 3-oz. Extra Fancy INDIAN RIVER IMPORTED CUCUMBERS GRAPEFRUIT STRING FIGS Long, Green Pink or White 48 Size 4 r 29' I 39 fo 4 for 2 9' We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities Unique Entertainment: Sunday, Dec. 4th ... 6 p.m. YOM TOV ERLICH YOUNG ISRAEL CENTER OF . OAK WOODS Chassidic Musician and Lyrist (Badchen) L W. Schlussell irmen ? LIMIT 1 Colipbn Per Customer ; Tomat vi NOODLES . MYSTERY SPECIAL - - ► 16-oz. can Save 26c WITH THIS COUPON ROLAND oneless 24061 Coolidge Highway Dr. Israel Wiener Vice-Chairman Isdor Sosnick Organizations Reservations Con TO 9-7928 or WO 3-0050 Lazar Hammes Secretary Jacob Field Advisory Committee