THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, November 18, 1960 Faith in the Almighty over Doorpost Is Reminder to Bnai David Aids Israel Bond Sales Mezuzah remind him to ever keep his e inhabi- BY RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX which watches (Copyright, 1960, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Congregation Baal David- recently mobilized for action in support of State of Israel Bond sales. Shown at the organiza- tional meeting from the left are: Melville J. Richman, congre- gation president; Rabbi Hayim Donin, Morris Brandwine and George Flesch, Israeli leader who confCrred with the congrega- tion's spokesmen. Kennedy Urged 'to Protect Rights of American Jews in Arab Lands ATLANTIC CITY, (JTA)- President-elect John .F. Kennedy was called on here by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America to protect the rights of American citizens against re- strictions imposed by any foreign governments on grounds of race or religion. The resolution, adopted unani- mously by the 1,000.delegates at- tending the Union's 62nd anni- versary biennial convention, was aimed at the Arab states prac- ticing such discrimination against Americans, including some in the United States Armed Forces. The resolution also called on the next President "to do all in his power to put an end to the illegal blockade against Israeli shipping through the Suez Canal, practiced by the United Arab Republic. Another resolution "earnestly" called on the Government of the Soviet Union to give Soviet Jew- ish citizens "full, untrammeled freedom to exercise their right to practice their religion, teach Hebrew and Yiddish to their chil- dren,, and engage in Jewish cul- tural activities." The resolution called on the Soviet Government to protect the Jews "and their religion from discrimination and persecution." Moses I. Feuerstein, president of the . Union, announced that the organization, in cooperation with Histadrut Seeks More Arabs the Rabbinical Council of Amen- Ca, is sending a spiritual leader to India next month, to furnish leadership to the 21,000 Jews who recently formed the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congrega- tions of India. At the closing session, Feuerstein, of Malden; Mass., was elected to his fourth two-year .term as president. .. Zionist Leader sks Kepnedy •• • on Issues Aff ting ughts holy and dedicated to Almighty. SEE IT NOW PADDY CHAYEFSKY's HIT THE TENTH MAN Directed by TYRONE GUTHRIE thru Thurs. Evgs.: $6.90, 5.75, 4.80, 3.60. 3.00. Fri. & Sat. Eves.: $7.50, 6.90, 5.75, 4.80, 3.60, 3.00. Wed. & Sat. Mats,: 04.80, 4.30, 3.60, 3.00, (Tax Incl.). Encl. self•addressed, stamped env. and suggest 3 alternate dates. 0TH THEATRE,45 st.w.of eway..N.Y.3 ▪ CC 1' 1•••• .11.11.0 11111 ountry's Number one balladier"—San Francisco Chronicle. ED MCCURDY "One of the finest folk singers in. the world" — Rawhide T.V. and radio star with recordings for Electra, Folkways, Riverside, Van- guard, Tradition and others. APPEARING NIGHTLY NOV. 19 TO DEC. 8 (except Mondays) First show-9 p.m., performances until dawn. Special Program Thanksgiving Night FRIDAY, NOV. 18—LAST EVENING WITH ROWENA Special program with folk songs of many lands UN 2-4455 Livernois CAFE GALERIE, 19940 NORTH OF OUTER DRIVE NMI IMO IOW MIN illMa I I I I I I I j. . NOW OPEN 0 t.1 OKYO - CHOP SVEY CHA NESE-AMERICAN FOOD ac I 15838 W. 7 MILE Bet. Forrer 1 - $ and Prevost . 1.7 NEW YORK, (JEA) Three of the Z( A; an or. Max • SS- rman Mid- 1 baum of Hollywood, "burning issues," affecti TAKE OUT SERVICE: BR 2-9783 • p is the dle East peace and the t curity and of the C icil. The ionist Or- ;,..:<.X4eKTK ■ RF7.K.CiCK*1;TX*IKT.f , 5W.T.ZW77 :•>77.4. 7 K7M 1=77::::;7.,;. ruling . b y of t of Israel, call for "s rl decisive" action by Pr 'dent- ganization of na- annual caw elect John F. Kennedy, THE NEW • of at the ZO tional executive committ Bress- Daily 7 a.m. - 2:30 a.m. d to serve th • en the . Zionist Organization Fri. & Sat. to 3:30 a.m. h community o America was told here by Dr. w ole in all its facets that Emanuel Neumann, president of Am SERVING • -e up a strong, vibrant the World Confederation of o BREAKFAST • LUNCH • siThe most atic 'Jewish life." • General Zionists. beautiful DINNERS and the proposal to enla no • Neumann, addressing t h cocktail lounge t ' World Zionist Organizat' AFTER THEATER SNACKS ZOA Council, cited these urg in Detroit by inclu 'ng oth 1 e Je questions facing Kenne ALL WELCOME e groups a d sa . AFTER BOWLING stopping the arms race in DRESSED AS YOU ARE Middle East, and correctin a was pro ganiz • The food and SUZANNE TOBIN resulting military imbala e; equate th service is eople. At the Piano Bar ending the illegal blockade f with the ewis better than ever before the oubt t Expres the Suez Canal to Israeli s edicted BANQUET MURAL ROOM ping; avoiding the election f plan wou work, he NOW AVAILABLE emselves ionists the United Arab Republic that the • ACCOMMODATING UP TO the United Nations Securi "will have o c • nue to bear 125 GUESTS 20231 James Couzens onist responsi- he brunt o Council at this time. of the posi- S ies, Other principal speakers at e new forces which BR 2-0644 the two-day extraordinary meet- FREE PARKING ing of the Council were Max may or may not join the World • ANOTHER BOESKY'S AT 12TH AT HAZELWOOD Bressler, of Chicago, president Zionist Organization." 1 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BOESKY'S : 0 (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Some 16,000 Arab workers in this country now are members of Histadrut, the Israeli Federation of Labor, comprising 8 per cent of the total Arab population as against 35 per cent of the Jewish labor force, with membership in the trade unions, figures issued by Histadrut disclosed T u e s d a-y. The statistics show that 80 per cent of the Arab wage earners in Israel are employed by enter- prises owned by Jews. Histadrut made these figures public as part of a campaign to enroll more Arab workers in trade unions. According to His- tadrut officials, many Arab workers in Israel employed in agriculture receive wages be- low trade union standards and - -get inadequate social welfare benefits. Finkelstein's `The Jew to Have .Third Print .• • Affixing a "Mezuzah" upon the doorposts of the house is commanded in the Bible, where it is written "and thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house." (Deut. 6:9). This is said to refer to select- ed verses in the Bible which are written upon a scroll that is placed upon the doorposts of the house. It is stated that • •ur- o l l hi pose of affi is so th one ould remin • himself•hav aith in the Al- might whe' - er he enters or leav the use (Sefer •a-Chi- nu , , 423 e sy he p se b 00 on th ind tha we he indful of the res ce Ir • • suits 'mighty bot the busines and pr SS wel orld outside eh eriences in our domes ye claimed ome. The f the Mezu- nc th oecupants of zah pro ro evil spirits. . the e idea t, at the Mezuzah epresents the divine power is already o tants of th e T mud (Yerush- found in , 1: , where a for- almi, P h r is t d that a Me eign r will ep watch over hi I t as been entaries co etc of he home ting it threshold, i es nit with whit his 11 s threshold s within ritual outlook bo without the ho . The Me- laced there h is therefo . Announcement was mad' is week that Herper and Br ers edi- will issue the third revis His- tion of "The Jews, Th tory, Culture and 10 !ion," edited by Dr. Louis Fin stein, Chancellor of the Jewi Theo- logical Seminary of Am ca, on Nov. 25. first This encyclopedic wo the was published in 1949, a revised. edition appeare 1955. The pfesent two volumes, to- talling 1900 pages, represent 18 years of research, study and writing, involving 40 individual contributors. ENTIERTAINMENT CENTER LIVERNOIS 8 MILE AREA Coming Attraction OPENING NOV. 28 The fabulous MR. T. C. JONES w Appea FINE ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS PER WEEK to ? LIPS CO RONNIE t in Mambo and Jaz The F MARTIN O (Female Impersonator) R by Spare RIB "KN CKER "SON • FO LIZING OUR FAMOUS CHICAGO "Ember Ribs" ar-B-Q or Southe N Fried CHI RO • French Fri or La anti an VERY HUR BAND 0 and e aturin ancers Murr Art PA unc 1 Buff- A Gour All Y Served Daily to 2. $150 Delight an Eat .. dings, r Banquets, Wed ties and Bar Mitzvahs. UN 1-9546 204S0 LIVE100111 IYear 8 ATTENDANT PARKING For Ihtsergafions mg he Ultima Sensational Sauc Famed for her hi - t04. - 1.9546 • Bar-B-Q • Fresh L ner) rol : Johnny Vann (Detroi Featu r HAM SH Deli ry — Di • Room — Carry-Out 4-7700 111111111•11111111111 iftOKER BAR-B-Q Delivered 1'4 MI To Your Factory. Home, Office or Hotel 20135 LIVERNOIS - UN 4-7700 2919 BRUSH ST. - TE 3-1100