THE JEWISH NEWS To the Bottom of a Disease Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Circulation Manager Advertising Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-second clay of Heshvan, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Haye Sarah, Gen. 23:1-25:18. Prophetical portion, I Kings 1:1-31. Licht Benshen, Friday. Nov. 11, 4:57 p.m. VOL. XXXVIII. No. 11 Page Four November 11, 1960 We Salute Our Next President The die has been cast. The nation has rendered its verdict and we join with our fel- low-citizens in saluting John Kennedy as our next Chief Executive. With the current election, an end has been put to the religious obstacle that previously stood in the way of a Catholic being elected to the highest office in our land. Now we are settling down to the business of working as a united nation, of laboring together to provide the entire people with the best services in health, housing and education, and of striving for a realistic and honorable foreign policy. The period of campaign strife, of bitterness and of personali- ties' conflicts has ended. Now all must accept the decision of the majority and resolve to give to the new President the support and en- couragement that is due our Chief Executive. Issues of grave importance are f acing us and are being car- ried over into the term of the next administration. The new President undoubtedly understands the errors of the past and will strive to cor- rect them. Congress will have an equal responsibility in solving the ills of the past, in leading the nation to new heights of glory, in aiming to raise the standard of living of many of the less fortunate of our fel- low citizens, in providing aid for the aged and f or an ex p and e d school system. If the cooperative effort at assuring a program of merit for the next administration is to be exerted without rancor, then we ma well look forward to four years of glory for the nation and • good will among its citizens. Our good wishes go forth to the new President for many years of good health and for the strength he will need to guide our nation through all situations, regardless of how challenging they may be. Tale of Passover Celebration During Civil War Related in I • Botkin s Civil War Treasury • ' B. A. Botkin, one of the world's most distinguished authori- ties on folklore, an outstanding student of American lore and especially of events relating to the Civil War, is the author of another great book—"A Civil War Treasury of Tales, Legends and Folklore," published by Random House. It is a magnificent collection that will enchant the reader, and students of Lincolnia will be especially elated over it. Included in the collection is a story about "Passover in Camp," taken from the Lincoln studies of Dr. Bertram Wallace Korn, Phila- delphia rabbi. This Jewish story relates an episode about J. A. Joel and 20 of his Jewish comrades of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Regiment. They were at Fayette, W. Va., when Passover was approach- ing, and they were granted the right to make a Seder. A Jewish camp sutler, who was leaving for Cincinnati to celebrate the festival with his family, sent them seven barrels of matzoth and some prayer books. A "makeshift Seder was prepared, with the Lincoln assistance of "Yankee ingenuity!" Joel conducted Then came the era of horror — the emergence of Hitlerism. Miss Szold had the service and he described the arrangements, relating about the vision to recognize the needs of the "foraging" for supplies. He then related: Henrietta Szold's 100th Anniversary The opening session of the annual Jewish Book Fair of the Jewish Center, on Nov. 19, will be an occasion for cele- bration for the thousands of members of Detroit Hadassah. That night, the community will pay honor to the memory of the late Henrieta Szold, the founder of Hadassah, and the occasion will be utilized to recall the great humanitarian efforts of the noble woman who not only founded one of the greatest women's movements in the world, but who also was the rescurer of children from Nazism, the noted literary critic, the editor of outstanding Jewish literary works and the inspirer of hun- dreds of thousands of followers. Henrietta Szold knew and under- stood the critical situations that faced her people. A loyal American who was deeply devoted to her native land, she acted in the truest American spirit when she left for Palestine to assist in providing health facilities for the oppressed who sought refuge in the Holy Land. children, and she organized the Youth Aliyah movement, which- became a power- ful instrument in Hadassah's program and which mobilized forces to assist in rescu- ing tens of thousands of boys and girls from the Nazi holocaust. Before assuming leadership in the ranks of the women's Zionist organiza- tion, Miss Szold gained recognition for her literary efforts and as editor of the Jewish Publication Society. The early years of her life are described in the im- pressive book, "The Szolds of Lombard S t r e e t," by her niece, Alexandra Lee Levin, which has ben published by the Jewish Publication Society. A full-length biography is being written by Dr. Irving Fineman. It is not only Hadassah but all of Jewry that celebrates the centenary of Henrietta Szold's birth. She belonged to all Israel, and all Israel honors her name. Hearty Welcome to CJFWF Delegates Issues affecting the American Jewish community and the Israel-U.S. relation- ships are on the rich agenda of the Gen- eral Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, now in session in Detroit. The many changes that have taken place in Jewish life, our communities' educational needs, the economic and social aspects in the status of American Jewry, the problems of the aged and the health and welfare programs will be among the numerous s u b j e c t s to be evaluated by experts in the fields of education and social services. So many complications have arisen affecting Jewish life in the past few years that the discussions revolving around the issues enumerated can not possibly be routine. Important decisions must be made in areas involving the aged and in the search for methods to advance the cause of Jewish education. As the central body representing the welfare funds through- out the United States and Canada, the Council of Federations has the respon- sibility of providing proper guidance leading towards the fulfillment of the total programs incorporated in the func- tions of our communities. Many challenges face the delegates who will convene here next week. We jOin in extending to the representatives of the scores of Jewish communities a hearty welcome to our city and to wish them success in their deliberations. "We obtained two kegs of cider, a lamb, several chickens and some' eggs. Horseradish or parsley we could not obtain, but in lieu we found a weed, whose bitterness, I apprehend, exceeded anything our forefathers 'enjoyed.' We were still in a great quandary; we were like the men who drew the elephant lottery. We had the lamb, but did not know what part was to represent it at the table; but Yankee ingenuity prevailed, and it was decided to cook the whole. and put it on the table, then we could dine off it, and be sure we had the right part. The necessities for the chariutzes (charoses) we could not obtain, so we got a brick which, rather hard to digest, reminded us, by looking at it, for what purpose it was intended." So, we are told, "everything was solemn and decorous" and Joel continued his report of what happened as follows: "We had a large portion of the herb .. . when horrors! The herb was very bitter and very fiery like Cayenne pepper, and excited our thirst to such a degree, that we forgot the law authorizing -us to drink only four cups, and the conse- quence was we drank up all the cider. Those that drank the more freely became excited and one thought he was Moses, another Aaron, and one had the audacity to call himself a Pharaoh. The consequence was a skirmish, with nobody hurt, only Moses, Aaron, and Pharaoh had to be carried to the camp, and there left in the arms of Morpheus." Joel completed his account by stating that "we consecrated and offered up to the ever-loving God of Israel our prayers and sacrifice . . . there is no occasion in my life that gives me more pleasure and satisfaction than when I remember the celebration of Passover in 1862." This is one of hundreds of accounts of events that transpired during the Civil War. The most distinguished scholars and authors are contributors to this volume—through the numerous anecdotes, legends and tales quoted from their works. To Botkin we owe a debt of gratitude for having compiled this excellent collection. His "Civil War Treasury" is a genuine gold mine of interesting reading. 3 Addresses by Rabbi Goldstein Three noteworthy addresses delivered by Rabbi Israel Gold- stein are incorporated in a pamphlet just published by Bloch. Appearing under the title "The American-Jewish Commun- ity—Trends, Potentials, Leadership and Organization," the texts represent addresses Dr. Goldstein delivered before the Synagogue Council of America, Rabbinical Assembly of America and Na- tional Federation of Men's Clubs of United Synagogue of America. Emphasis was placed by Rabbi Goldstein on the role of, re- ligious leadershiP in Jewish life.