Detroiters will honor more tail party preceding the Assem- than 800 out-of-town delegates bly banquet at 1 p.m., Saturday, to the 29th General Assembly of Nov. 12, at the Statler-Hilton the Council of Jewish Federa- Hotel. tion and Welfare Funds with a Irving Kane, CJFWF presi- reception, 10 p.m. next Thurs- dent, will present a talk on day, at the Sheraton Cadillac "The Goals and Realities of Hotel. American Jewish Community The Assembly will convene in Organizations", at the banquet. Detroit Thursday through Sun- Twenty-five Detroiters par- day, Nov. 13. The Council is an association ticipating in the program of of 215 Jewish community organ- the Assembly include Max izations that assists its members M. Fisher, president of the in budgeting, fund raising, and Jewish Welfare Federation, in organizing and administering Judge Theodore Levin, Feder- various welfare and communal a t i o n executive committee chairman and immediate past- programs. Council delegates will also be president, and Isidore Sobel- the guests of Detroit at a cock- off, executive vice president tees that planned the General committee. Assembly and Mrs. Theodore Rabbi Harold Hahn will con- Bargman is a committee mem d u c t the Assembly Sabbath ber. service, 10:15 a.m., Saturday. The large city budgeting Mrs. Bargman will moderate conference will convene 9:30 an Oneg Shabat, 3:15-5:15 p.m., a.m., Wednesday. The Coun- Saturday, entitled "Jewish cil's 23 largest cities will Agencies and Jewish Responsi- undertake their cooperative bilities—What Should be Re- review of 1960 budgets with tained, Dropped, Added". a number of national and overseas agencies. • The chairman of the Federa- tion budget and planning di- visions are Detroit's representa- tives of the LCBC. Irwin S. Simon and Mildred R. Pregerson, co-chairmen, health and welfare division; Louis La- Med and Dr. Norman Drachler, co-chairmen, education division; Jack 0. Lefton and Samuel S. _Greenberg, association chair- men, community relations. of the Federation. Fisher, Stutz will welcome represent- Judge Levin and Sobeloff are atives at the opening session of members of the •CJFWF the LCBC. Irwin Simon will be board of governors. a panel chairman and Green- Fisher will preside over the berg, president of the Jewish general session of the Assembly, Occupational Council, will ma 8:15-10 p.m., Thursday. Topic a budget presentation to LC of the session is "Reorganiza- Dean Charles Brink of e tion of American Jewish Phil- Wayne State Univ ty anthropic Aid in Israel". School of Social Wo . r. , is Speakers will be Dewey E. chairman of a sessi on Stone, chairman, Jewish Agency leadership development :30 for Israel, Inc., and Herbert R. a.m., Friday. Abeles, chairman, Jewish Wel- Invocations, at general fare Fund—I sr a e 1 Relations sion meetings, will be made Committee. Rabbi Morris Adler, Rabbi Leon Judge Levin is chairman of Fram, and Dr. Richard A. Hertz. the resolutions committee and Dr. William Haber of the Uni- will be chairman of a workshop versity of Michigan, will be the discussion "Multiple Appeals", speaker at the opening day gen- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.M., Friday. eral session on the topic "Re- Sobeloff will join Herbert A. appraisal of the Needs at Home MRS. JOSEPH COHEN Friedman, executive vice chair- —Impact of the Basic Services." * * * man of the United Jewish Ap- William Avrunin, associate di- peal, at a general session lunch- rector of the Federation, will eon, 1:15-2:15 p.m., Friday. deliver a paper, 9 a.m., Sunday, Session topic will be "Cam- on "Communication—Relation of paigning in 1961 — Challenge, Federation to its Agencies, and Appraisal and Prospects". Agencies to Each Other". Geore Stutz is vice chairman Morris Garvett is chairman More than 400 women are ex- of the CJFWF program commit- of a community organization pected at a Jewish Welfare Federation Women's Division luncheon in honor of Mrs. Joseph Cohen, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation of New O r l e a n s, at 12:15 p.m., Wednesday, at the Jewish Cen- ter, 18100 Meyers, announces the division president, Mrs. Harry E. August. Women delegates to the Council of Jewish Federa- tions and Welfare Funds' 29th General Assembly, to be held in Detroit Nov. 10-13, and presi- dents of D e t r o it Women's organizations, will be special guests of the division. The meeting will give Fed- eration officers and members a chance to meet women from all parts of the country who will be attending the 29th Gen- eral Assembly. - The decorative theme will honor the Council, an associa- tion of 215 Jewish community organizations that assists its members in budgeting, fund raising and in organizing and administering various welfare and communal programs. The Council also enables its mem- ber agencies to pool their experience. Mrs. Cohen will deliver a talk on "Women and the Federation Luncheon -Nov. 5 for Only. Woman Federation Head Idea." She is the only woman who Is president of one of the Council's 215 member federa- tions. Mrs. Cohen was born and educated in New Orleans, where she has long been active in both Jewish and community affairs. A graduate of Tulane Univer- sity, she has served in many organizations on local, regional, and national level s. A past- president of the New Orleans Hillel Foundation, American Friends of the Hebrew Univer- sity, Hadassah, and Newman School Parent - Teachers Asso- ciation, she has chaired numer- ous campaigns and community studies, including a recent survey on problems of the aged. Mrs. Harry L. Jones is chairman of the keynote ses- sion on Women's Conununal Service, 10:15 a.m. to noon, Thursday. Mrs. John C. Hopp is a workshop consultant. Daniel Honigman, Merle Har- ris, Fred Keidan and Jon Sobel- off are members of a leadership development clinic which will meet 9:30 a.m., Friday. Planned tours for delegates have been arranged to Federa- tion member agencies. Change Your Life in three weeks! One session_ with us rove it to you Keys to namic Personal Ac in activate the whole of you to unprecedented result - getting action in ever a of your life. Our proven course mmand. t. 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No obligation, naturally. 1NSUR ANCE ANALYST 1833 First National Building • Detroit 26, Michigan • WO 1 - 2110 Mats1 usimar Local Community to Be Host to Delegates at Reception Thursday Jammu 25 Detroiters Play Leading Roles at CJFWF Assembly ! 7 a.