43rd Anniversary of a Letter THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association ; National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class. matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. • PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M: SLOMOVITZ HARVEY - ZUCKERBERG Circulation Manager Advertising Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the fifteenth day of Heshvan, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Ve-yera, Gen. 18:1-22:24. Prophetical portion, II Kings 4:1-37. Licht Benshen. Friday. Nov. 4, 5:05 p.m. Page Four VOL. XXXVIII. No. 10 November 4, 1960 To the Polls--With Faith in Our Ideals Tuesday will be the Day of Judgment for the two major parties in American politics. For the millions of Americans who will cast their ballot, it will be a Day of Judging. There are 84,000,000 qualified voters, and the predictions are that 67,000.000 will cast their ballots. Would that all the 84,000,000 had studied the issues and re- solved to express their preferences at the polls! While personality problems inevi- tably crop up in any political campaign, the issues are the causes at stake, and con- cern over problems affecting the people Must lead to evaluations of facts involved in a crucial political controversy. The first concern on the eve of the election is that the voters should make use of their franchise and of their rights as citizens, and that there should be as few absentees from the voting booths as possible. Then there is the obligation to avoid yielding to panic and being swayed by propaganda which this year has been seriously affected by appeals to racial and religious prejudices. When the final ballot is accounted for, and we learn who our next Chief Execu- tive will be, there is this certainty: as in the past eighteen decades, the verdict of the electorate will be accepted as the in- evitable decision of the majority of our people, and we shall settle down to the business of continuing a life of confidence and dignity as Americans who are deter- mined that the democratic way of life should survive and should serve as a guide for all the peoples of the world. Because this is so inevitable, we be- lieve, with all the confidence that should motivate the American people, that the political contest should be viewed in the spirit of faith, with a sense of spiritual strength that, regardless of the results, the American idea is stronger than any single party, and the American way of life will provide courage to those who are to be chosen to this nation during the coming four years. . * * * There are, indeed, serious party dif- ferences. Surely, there are preferences that will motivate the manner of our bal- loting,. Yet, whoever is President, we are to elect, at the same time, a new House of Representatives, a third of the United States Senate, and there still is function- ing a reputable and dignified Supreme Court. And there are the people of the United States, who cannot be swayed by bigotry, whose motivations are along the lines of the ideals of our Founding - Fathers. These guides, whether they are in the forefront of governmental leader- ship or behind the scenes, serve always to admonish the Chief Executive of our nation that he has a great duty to per- form, that, - once elected, he becomes the Chief Executive of the entire American people. In such a spirit, we must have faith that no matter who becomes our Presi- dent this nation will always strive to rise to great heights of _ honor and love of justice. In this spirit, we urge all citizens to cast their ballots and to have faith that this nation. under God, will continue to be a guide to humanity in striving for liberty and justice. The rich did not respond, and the poor of that day — at the turn of this century —did not possess the "penny a day." The process, therefore, was a slow one, and while Jews prayed for the Messiah it took a long time for them to create the Mes- sianic idea through practical work in Palestine. Yet, while the translation of Prof. Schapira's proposal into action was slow- moving, the JNF made its contribution to- ward the strengthening of Jewish life in a measure unequaled by any other idea. It introduced productivity into a ghetto atmosphere which had stifled enterprise and compelled Jews to be luftmenshen air-inflated people — who depended for their sustenance on luck, on trade — mostly among themselves—on the least- secure opportunities in areas of oppres- sion. They were stifled by the ghetto walls, and they were prevented from get- ting into farming and other productive pursuits by governmental restrictions. Jewish National Fund pro- Came _ - - •-- the - - 'Zionism Under Soviet Rule' Guido L. Goldman provides an interesting background to Zionist activities in Russia and the manner in which the move- ment was treated by the Soviets, in "Zionism Under Soviet Rule (1917-1928)," published by Herzl Press. This 136-page pamphlet describes the Russian setting; the extensive Zionist activities in the early days after the revolution, the movement's conflict with the Bund and the prejudicial attitude towards it in Jewish Communist ranks. But the Bund suffered a fate akin to Zionism. The "baneful effect" of the- Yevsektsia activities on the fate of Zionism was the result of evolutionary occurrences that grad- ually led to the total banning of Zionism.. Yevsektsia, the Jewish section of the Communist party, "definitely stated its objective of effecting the total liquidation of the Zionist movement." It took many months to bring about the destructive objeCtive and "early 191:9 was the period in which the destruction of Jewish 'national' institutions and 'national' parties, specifically the Bund, was to be completed." Then the full-scale campaign against Zionism in the USSR was launched in the Ukraine in the summer of 1919. Mass arrests of Zionists took place, yet: "A . central Zionist Bureau was secretly established in Moscow during the late summer of 1920 under the direction of Eliazer Cherikover with the objective of organizing on a national level all clandestine Zionist activities. Secret meetings were held, underground publi- cations were surreptitiously circulated, and the Zionist organiza- tion remained alive, in its handicapped and harassed form, for almost another decade." While the anti-Zionist actions continued, Zionism remained virile. There were two pro-Zionist publications, but the Yevsekt- sia also was work, "the respite was short-lived" and a ."more intensive persecution than ever before" commenced. The description of the "unmitigated persecUtion" is dra- posal, and with it — and its related Zion- a ist inspirations — the encouragement to matic. Zionists were called "counter-revolutionary.. There was minuscule left-wing Poale Zion and by 1924 Zionism in. Russia Jews to turn to the soil, to start digging a "moribund movement." into neglected areas and make them pros- was becoming The persecutions increased and the final years were tragic. per. A "unique exception" was made of the Poale Zion, but Yevsekt- With the JNF idea came dignity and sia even disrupted these leftists. With the introduction of the the emergence of a new pride — the joy Birobidjan project in 1928, the government decided to liquidate of belonging to a people that is once the Poale Zion and the movement ceased to function in that again acquiring the basic means for inde- year. The Russian Hechalutz movement, which was founded in pendence — the soil; the satisfaction of 1918 by Josef Trumpeldor,, who later became a martyr in de- assisting in converting desert-land into fense of the Jewish settlement Tel Hai in Palestine, also pio- garden spots. neered "in the maelstrom." Until 1925 it Maintained ten farms and the Chalutz movement prospered despite arrests. Hechalutz True: the task was by remote control. survived the other movements until 1934 when its grand vision Only a handful of Jews settled on JNF- was thoroughly quashed. Goldman declares that "the liquida- acquired land in Palestine to till the soil tion of this movement is a cogent example of the growth of very con- and to make neglected areas blossom like totalitarianism in the Soviet Union. It demonstrates that by 1928 the Soviet system would no longer tolerate roses. But the acquisition of the land of cisely any movement with loyalties attached to a non-Soviet land, Israel was the task of Jews everywhere, despite the fact that this movement was in practice _ the fore- and the satisfaction that went with re- runner of collectivized farming in the USSR and had from the demption was so great that it can safely start eagerly endorsed Communist rule in Russia." • be said that to the JNF belongs the credit Goldman describes the emergence of the Birobidjan• Move- of having restored pride in productivity, ment and the suppression of Hebrew. He describes Zionism as the dignity that goes with the straighten- a challenge to the total assimilation of Jews, for which • the USSR was striving. Thus, the Communists, seeking an end to in- ing of a people's backs. • the The JNF's great accomplishment dependent Jewish cultural activities, while affirming that . Jews were a nation, was out to expunge Zionism. was much more than an inspiration to "Zionism," Goldman writes, "presented a three-pronged chal- a return to the soil: it' was a call to lenge to Soviet ideology. First, it denied the primacy of the action, to self-respect, to creativity, and social revolution for the Jewish people; secondly, it denied that it meant that the people who were being the Jewish problem could be solved in the Diaspora; and, finally, mobilized for JNF action also would it offered the spiritually oppressed Jew an alternative. Each of defend their rights. It was, in a multiple these three challenges was sufficient cause to prompt the move- . • liquidation." way, a mobilization for the reacquisi- ment's With the emergence of Israel, there became evident that the tion of a- people's self-respect. Zionist feelings persist among Jews in the USSR.. The USSR's The recollection of these positive ac- combatting of Zionist attractions is ascribable to the emergence complishrnents makes the 60th anniver- of Zionism as a solution for many of Russia's three million Jews, sary_ year of the JNF an occasion for gen- the author of this brochure states. He draws the conclusion that uine celebration. It enhances the good "the ideological appeal of Zionism has survived more than feelings that go with a people's resump- three decades of totalitarianism and still remains today as the tion of a place of honor among the most hope of a significant part of Russian Jewry for a better and fuller way of life." creative forces in the world. JNF's 60th Year--Occasion for Rejoicing The annual conference of the Jewish National Fund, to be held here on Sun- day, marks the inauguration of the 60th anniversary of the fund. It is an occasion for re-evaluation of the significance of the traditional fund. No other cause has left its impact upon Jewish life as indelibly as the JNF. It commenced with an idea, promulgated by the distinguished Jewish scholar and mathematician, Prof. Hermann Schapira; that if Jews everywhere gave a penny a day each, for the redemption of the soil of Eretz Israel, Jewish nationhood could be re-established speedily. Russian Jewry's Pro-lsraelism -