Women's Cluh activities CHANA CZENESH CHAP- ads and reservations for the TER, Pioneer Women, will meet donor luncheon Nov. 28. Friends 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Hayim are invited to attend the meet- Greenberg Center to hear Mrs. ing. * .* * Samuel Linden review "Advise and Consent," by Allen Drury. JEWISH WOMEN EUROPE- She will be introduced by Mrs. AN WELFARE ORGANIZA- Edith Sauls. Refreshments will TION will hold a meeting at noon be s e r v e d by hostesses Mrs. Monday at Jericho Temple, 18495 Esther Lichtenstein and Mrs. Wyoming. A report on the recent Reba Goldberg. Guests are wel- home cooked. luncheon will be come. given, and plans will be submit- * * * ted for coming events. A dessert ROCHEL LAYA STEPINER luncheon will precede the meet- AID SOCIETY will hold a social ing. * * * meeting at the home of Mrs. M. St on e, 14130 Wales, Oak PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT Park. CLUB will meet at Beth Joseph, * * * 12:30 p.m. Monday. Mrs. Avner ZEDAKAH CLUB has an- Naggar will review "New Face nounced the appointment of in the Mirror," by Yael Day- chairmen for the Dec. 7 donor an. Luncheon will be. served. luncheon at the Sheraton Cadil- Friends* are invited. The donor lac Hotel. A fashion show, the chairman, Mrs. J. Kobrin, an- Arthur Murray Dancers and nounces that the luncheon will be prizes, including a two-day stay held Nov. 30 at Temple Israel. at the Concord Hotel in the Cats- For tickets call LI 6-6918 or UN kill Mountains, will be featured. 2-7208. * * * Mrs. Maurice Knopper is donor chairman. Her committee consists PURITY CHAPTER No. 359, of Mesdames Ben Chestnut, ad Order of the Eastern Star, will book; Lazar Shapiro, pledge; hold its first meeting under Samuel Wexler, reservations and the new administration, 7:45 Paul Deutch, program. p.m. Monday, at Eastern Star * * Temple, 80 W. Alexandrine. Re- A regular meeting of JULIUS freshments will be served. * * * ROSENWALD AUXILIARY, American Legion, will be held at EQUALITY CLUB will meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at 17556 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, at the Wyoming. Members are asked to home of Mrs. Meyer Wein- attend. Sarah Jacobson and Rose garden, 19151 Monica, to plan Gelman will serve at the USO for the 33rd annual donor from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednes- luncheon to be held Dec. 12. * a day. Members donated cookies. Dr. Franz Polgar, noted hyp- notist, will probe "What's on Deadline on Monday Your Mind?" at the monthly meeting and complimentary des- Deadline for all organizational sert luncheon • of TEMPLE news items is at noon on Mon: BETH EL SISTERHOOD at days. Copy henceforth arriving 12:30 p.m. Nov. 14 in Franklin after that hour will be retained Memorial Hall. The meeting is for the following week's issue— open to the public. if timely. Organizational publicity a a * writers are asked to cooperate A regular meeting of Y H in observing this deadline. EDUCATION LEAGU 11 be held Monday at the ome of , 18934 RADOMER LADIES AUXIL- Mrs. Louis Babc ames Alan IARY will hold an executive Washburn, with M rice Lezell board meeting at 8:30 p.m. Mon- Robinson and Brasch will day in the home of Mrs. M. as co-hostesses. Lashman, 23500 Beverly, Oak present a pro m • on floral Park. Donations to the Torch arrangements f the home. All d to attend. Drive and City of Hope will be members are * a discussed. A regular meeting is HOME RELI SOCIETY will scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Tuesday hold its monthl at the Workmen's Circle Center, noon Nov. 11 a oard meeting 18340 W. Seven Mile. Members Mrs. Jack Levitt, e home of are asked to attend. eports will be given on the re- * * ent donor dance. A dessert DETROIT,JUNIOR CHAPTER, 1 uncheon will be served. Jewish National Home for Asth- * a * matic Children at Denver, will AVIVA CHAPTER, Pioneer hold a discussion of the cam- Women, invites the public to at- paign issues at 12:30 p.m. Mon- tend a games party and white day in the home of Mrs. Alfred elephant sale 8:30 p.m. Thurs- Shevin, 17525 Wildemere. Rep- day at thd Hayim Greenberg resenting the Democrats will be Center. White elephant gifts are John L. Sweeney, legislative as- requested. For information, call sistant to U. S. Sen. Patrick Mc- Mrs. H. Faegin, VE 6-6318. Namara, and Republican spokes- * * * - man will be Robert L. Wittbold, WOMEN OF GEMILUTH candidate for county clerk. For CHASSODIM will give an "Open information, call Mrs. Arnold House Tea" 1:30 p.m. Nov. 14 Schafer, vice-president in charge at the new synagogue, 19371 of programming, LI 1-5094. Greenfield. • * * a a A fund-raising games party VERA BRAMSON CHAPTER, will be held by LADIES OF Women's American ORT, an- MOSAIC - Tuesday evening at nounces a meeting for Monday at Rainbow Terrace. Refreshments the home of Mrs. Bess Sarko, and prizes will be featured. For 18461 Ohio. * tickets, call chairmen Ruth Vasko, KE 5-0195, or Betty DELTA'PHI EPSILON ALUM- Swartz, UN 4-8831. NAE plans its annual Hallowe'en * * * party 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the Mrs. Joe Katz, president of home of Betty Nederlander, 8019 NORTHWEST YOUNG ISRAEL Hendrie, Huntington Woods. For SISTERHOOD, announces a information, call Barbara Kaye, board meeting for 8:45 p.m. LI 7-3191, or Muriel Posner, UN Monday in the home of Mrs. S. 2-0957. * * Wainer, 19167 Pinehurst. Plans will be completed for the mem- Reports on the INFANTS bership tea to be held Nov. 15 SERVICE GROUP annual "Coun- at the synagogue, under the ty Fair," slated for Nov. 27 at chairmanship of Mrs. N. Sukenic. the Sholem Aleichem Institute, * * * will be presented by co-chair- The next social meeting of the men of the event Mrs. Emanuel HEBREW LADIES AID SOCI- Shapiro and Mrs. Sidney Silver- ETY will be held at 12:30 p.m. man at a regular board meeting Tuesday at Holiday Manor. for all committee heads Monday Members are asked to bring in at the home of Mrs. Silverman. Proceeds from the "Fair" will-be divided between the Penrickton Nursery and the Detroit Associa- tion for Retarded Children. Mrs. Harry . Smaller and Mrs. Sidney Cohen will report on the presentation of a $1,500 check to the Association. * * SABRA CHAPTER, Pioneer WoMen, will meet 12:30 p.m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Sidney Ferst, it was announced by President Mrs. David Shus- ter. Irene Saul will speak on the the life of Theodor Herzl. For information, call Mrs. Murray Greenwald, LI 7-6218. (More Clubs Page 31) Town Hall Lecture Gamma Kappa Chi Auxiliary Slates Features Dempsey on Membershi er Russian, U.S. Image Gam i ppa Chi mni "The World's Image of Russia and Us" is the subject to discussed at the second Hall lecture given by ohn T. Dempsey under t uspices of the Detroit Se National Council of Jewis omen 12:30 p.m. Nov. 18 at home of Mrs. David Emerm 9380 .Parkside. Dempsey, n and public fairs director WJBK-TV, also an assoc professor political science a sity of Detroit. Mrs. Ben Schottenfels, vice- president of the Section in charge of public affairs, announces a dessert luncheon will precede the lecture. Aux 11. hold its an al •ership inner 8:30 ursday at the home of Samuel LaFond, 14428 broke. Dinner chairmen Irv- i B • rnstein an arold w mem-, in ttend. fo on, call Mrs. utnic 1-2555. - .8PRINGEL'S CATERERS In Our Patio Room or At Your Home 7 MILE & WYOMING DI 1-4044 UNTRY Shop NEW FALL MERCHANDISE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK NOT A SPECIAL PURCHASE! Not is purchase, but a very s• iai se the fine quality, high fashion suits an• dresses you always find in our regular stock. Take advan- tage of these low, low prices now and outfit your- self for the soon - to - b idays. immed SUITS 0 159.95 - $ NOW 69up Smart, sophisticated suits trimmed with variety of distinctive precious furs. a 2-pc. SUITS were 89.95 to 119.95 NOW $6 9 UP The season's newest styles, in o variety of your favorite fabrics. Transeasonal COTTONS were. 14.95 to 39.95 $1 1 NOW I • to $29 Cottons of many , styles and patterns to gaily take you frofrn one season to the next. _ SORRY NO LAYAWAY • ALL SALES FINAL WIRY glop Discriminating Women's Fashions . 19158 LIVERNOIS "On the Avenue of Fashion" OPEN EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY EVENING TO 9 P.M.