Janis .Brown IVeds Illilliarn Wetsman omen's eitths (More Clubs Page •3) toff, Un 4-8455, or Mrs.- Ruth PYTHIAN SISTERS will di s _ Gotleib, UN 2-1368. A regular cuss plans • for their annu a l meeting will be held Monday cuss plans for its annual charity night at the home of Mrs. Betty dinerd at the next meeting at the Kroker, 21640 Church, Oak Temple Wednesday. The public Park. is invited to the join Pythian Sisters and Knights of Pythias cos- AVIVA CHAPTER, Pioneer tume Halloween party Sunday. Women, will meet Wednesday * .* at the home of Mrs. Bert Ablitz, - ZEDAKAH CLUB will giv e 18503 Fairfield. Martha Rosen- its annual fall membership to a feld will review Moss Hart's 12:30 • p.m. Monday at Templ e "Act Ope." For information, call Israel, announces Mrs. Pau 1 VE 6-6318. * * * Deutch, culture chairman. Mrs. Women's Division Board of Morris Adler will be the key speaker. AMERICAN JEWISH CON- * * * GRESS will meet 9:30 a.m. Nov. BETH AARON SISTERHOOD 2 at the home of Mrs. Sam will feature Mrs. Harry Ober Pollock, 19240 _ Greydale. Mrs: stein in the first of its new serie s Gabriel Moscow will report on MRS. WILLIAM WETSMAN of book reviews 10 a.m. Tuesday the paid-up membership meeting announces Mrs. Ben Z. Freeman set for Dec. 14: Janis Evelyn Brown, daughter chairman. Mrs. Oberstein will re * * of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown view "A Peculiar Treasure," b y CHAIM WEITZMAN CHAP- of Shrewsbury Dr., was wed to Edna . Ferber. Ticket • chairme n TER, American Jewish Con- William Morse Wetsman; son of are esdames M Samuel - Wasser - gress, invites married couples Mrs. Frank Wetsman of Coving- man and Joseph - Lovy. Breakfas t who are interested in the Con- ton Dr. and the late Mr. Wets- will be served by the committe e gress program to join them at man, in a cdrernony performed of Mesdames Jack Kanrfers and • a meeting scheduled 8:30 p.m. by Rabbi Morris Adler Oct. 16 Ida Gellman. For • tickets, cal 1 Nov. 8, at the home of Mr. and at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. UN 4-5641, or UN 2-6900. Mrs. Kurt Singer, 18036 Strath, * * * The bride wore an original moor. A travelogue of Leonard gown of antique peau de sole RADOMER LADIES AUXIL _ Bernstein's trip to Israel will be with long-fitted sleeves draped- IARY will hold an executive shown, followed by election re- into a poufe above the elbow. board meeting 8:30 p.m. Tuesday turns. Dr. and Mrs. Eric Billes, The open neckline and front at the home of Mrs. Bessie 23211 Radclift, Oak Park, will panel on the molded bodice and Adler, 18685 Schaefe_, to discuss be hosts to the cha .1/1. dome-shaped skirt was appli- plans for the December dono qued in peau de lange lace. A dinner at the Mayfair. Mary Queen of Scot cap of peau * * * de lange lace and short finger- MASSADA CHAPTE Pio- tip veil of ivory silk illusion neer Women, will hold board comprised her headpiece. meeting 12:30 p.m. M day at Susan Brown served her sis- the home of Mrs. Ma Kirsch- ter as maid of honor. Brkdes- baum, 19738 Monte Vist - to dis- maids were Lois Levi, Joanne cuss plans for coming nd- Brown, Mrs. David Schain of I raising projects. Hyattsville, Md.; Cheryl Harwin, * * * Margie Stein and Mrs. William BNAI DAVID SISTERHOOD Lichtig. will hold a board meeting - 8:30 les of five c ncert pro- William Davidson was his s, feat • flown cousin's best man. Ushers were p.m. Monday at the home of rtists, wi e . present by William Saulson, Byron Gerson, Mrs. Jack Bilsky, 13521 Ro Dave Lewis of Bard Enter ses Saul Saulson and Dr. Jonathon mary, Oak Park. Co-hostesses be Mesdames Dave Liebow • on during t 1960-61 season. wo Uhr of New York. of the certs Ober eatu the After an extended honey- Golden and Morris * * * retur gage 0 TA, moon to Hawaii and the West , and KINNERET CHAPT a Pio- the Coast, the couple will reside on e versa- neer Women, will me noon THE Roslyn Rd. en actor and Wednesday at the Hayim een- tile sta o is currently ap- berg Center. Mesdames W• India Cancellation Roman and Nigel Brock will pearing on Broadway in P''The •c". Relates Haffkine speak on "United States Econom- Sound Story in `Judaica Post' ic Policy in the United Nations," y pr• ation Mayor IS A commemorative cancella- it was announced by Preside C. ani is joining Presid t tion celebrating the 60th anni- Mrs. Rae Feinberg. Mesda er- Dwight D. Eisenhower in d versary of the founding of the Blanche Lesser and Rose ct. 23-29, as N nch- signatin Haffkine Institute in Bombay is man will host the desser R A n and TION the subject for the leading ar- eon. A fund-raising lunc oit. d noon WEE in ticle in the October issue of the games party will be "Judaica-, Post," a journal of Saturday at the horn of Mrs. Hay' CO ork in philatelic Judaica published in Ann Fisher, 19365 M Ica. Mrs.' Miriam Freeman is co stess. "SPA ACUS ch comes Detroit. ,* * Theater, Nov. Eli Grad is the journal's BETH ABRAHAM SIS er Ustinov went to Japan editor. Author of the main story this HOOD will present a "National for a vacation with his family. * * • month is S. H. Elijah of Bom- Issues" program featuring Wen-. bay. The cancellation, he in- dell Miles, Republican, arid John Specialists of the ' forms us is a tribute to the Dingell, D e m o c r a t, as guest EPILE man who saved millions of In- speakers 8:30 p.m. Monday, an- N wi discuss " dians from the scourge of the nounces President Sabina Singe ents of A Child With Epi- plague epidemic which was ram- Ann Lullove is program c lepsy Should Know Today," 8:15 p.m., • ednf pant in India at the end of the man. A question and . period will follow the t 19th century. Lafayette Shelby "In 1893," writes Elijah; refreshments will be s * * * Israel, "Waldemar Haffkine was called ch CHANA CZENES to India to fight against the CHAP- Rodin, euro ist, plague epidemic. He founded, TER, Pioneer Women, meet E. Ki er, socia in Bombay, the plague research 12:30 p.m. Monday at the * * institute which bears his name." Greenberg Center to hear Mrs. Also in the October issue is 'Mendelson review Senator John ROBERT GESSNER, profes- an historical background artkle F. Kennedy's "S t r at e g y for sor of motion pictures at New on the issue of two stamps of Peace." Refreshments will be York University, opened the Palestine, by Mark Vainer of served by Ann Erman and Fanny University of Michigan Depart Denver, Colo.; an article en- Woodrow. ment of S * * * titled "Commemorative Labels a t Honor Benjamin of Tudela," by. LADIES OF YESHIVATH of to Look at Movies Arieh Lindenbaum of Tel Aviv; BETH YEHUDAH AND WO d TV." * and "Israeli Souvenir Sheet EN'S SABBATH LEAGU Features Old Ghetto of Prague," hold its 33rd annual don DR. ERNE by editor Grad. eon Nov. 1 at Holid for of th eu- For reservations, cal rology og- Center Camera Club to Meet stein, DI 1-3523. A r raphy ette i nd James MacMillan of Ansco ing will be held assis professor of neurology will discuss "Illustrated Night Tuesday at Youn at W e State University's C Photography," a shooting lecture, Dexter Blvd. lege Medicine, will * • at the next meeting of the Jew- o the CONG. BETH MOSES S ish ..Community Center Camera ouncil for Cltib,. at 7:30 p.m., Monday, at HOOD will hold its rummage Epilepsy 8 p.m. Thursday at the the Henrose Hotel. All camera sale Monday and Tuesday at the McGregor Library, 12244 Wood- synagogue. Pickup service for ward, Highland Park. enthusiasts are invited. rummage donors can be arranged Classified ads bring fast results! by contacting Mrs. Rebecca Tar- Classified ads bring fast results! : , Dr. Kapustin to Be Guest of German Federal Republic on 4-Week Tour Dr. Max Kapustin, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dation at Wayne State Univer- sity, has accepted an invitation to be the guest of -the govern- ment of the Federal Republic of Germany for a four week study tour through the Federal Republic and West Berlin. He will be a member of a group of personalities active in religious and church life, composed of 10 clergymen of various faiths from all over the United States. The tour will start Oct. 31 from Cologne-Bonn and will e on Nov. 28. This study trip will offe im the possibility to becom per- sonally acquainted with esent day Germany. Arran ments have been made to m with representatives of publ polit- ical, religious and cult 1 life. There will be ample ti for the members of the gr to go out on an individual b to make personal contacts an gain a more intimate picture of various aspects of life in Ger- many today. Rabbi Kapustin will lecture at several universities and fur- ther some research projects by renewing a number of academic contacts.. He will devote him- self in particular to acquiring firsthand information on she Jewish community in Germany. Flaboni S i or Youn abonim meeti will be eld 2 to 4 p. undays and a monthly "0 S abbat" for children to - the Hayim Greenb it been annou Yo have discussions ea Friday evening and interest g p meetings Su day evenings. O n of Fall & Winter .me Brand I Men's Clubs Suit Slacks Sport C is Topcoats ADAS SHALOM MEN'S CLUB will meet for a break- fast and talk by a guest speaker following the ceremony of tefil- lin 8:30 a.m. Sunday in the Board Room, announces Allen Warsen, program chairman. We will remodel your old suit to the new popular Continental model! DAVE DIAMOND'S MUSIC IS THE Complete Expert Altera- tions on LADIES' and MEN'S Clothing. BRIDE'S BEST FRIEND UN 4-4346 WO 2-4814 [ LAMP SHADES by IDA ROSE Tuxedo Rentals Perfect Individual Fitting Formerly Ida's of Grand Ave. RADOM • Shades Custom Made • • Repaired • Relined Tailors, Clothiers & Cleaners • Recovered 22155 Coolidge, Oak Park PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE Pickup & Delivery: LI 7-1511 Dl 1-1000 Open Sunday 1 1 -3 Photography by re JACK GORBACK Specializing in Quality & Service Natural Color Specialist UN 4.6040 Weddings Bar Mitzvahs Commercial UN 3.8532 Member Northwest Professional Photographers Guild .we're reducing again... DIKING PRICES BROCHURES after all that's our specialty!) 3,000 COPIES COMPLETE national brochures TY. 8-1559 BUY THE BEST .. . PAY LESS AT MAN'S KOSHER POULTRY & FISH MM. Killed NCY FRYERS . lb. 29c UMBO CARP . . lb- 19 We Skin, Bone and Grind Fish Free FREE DELIVERY: CALL DI 1-4525 Or Stop in at 13523 W. 7 MILE RD. near Schaefer °Rh,. Good October 23 thru 28