I'm very happy that I'm Hall at the MM• us three times as old as Israel, doesn't it? But seriously, we're all very proud of Israel and her wonderful progress. I'll be seeing you at Cobo Hall on November 64) 2nd! 417 ri) • r. o NO: SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT DR. JOSEPH J. SCHWARTZ rs. Wednesday, November 2nd — 7 p.m., Cobo Hall Admission open to all 1960 Israel Bond holders For Reservations, call Israel Bond Office 8522 W. McNichols DI 1-5707, DI 1-5716 (Please cut and mail this reservation form)" Inaugural Dinner Committee 8522 W. McNichols Detroit 21, Mich.. Vice President of the Israel Bond Organization, former Director-General of J.D.C., and former Executive Vice-Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal will be the Guest Speaker at the ISRAEL BAR-MITZVAH YEAR INAUGURAL DINNER JL414* VILlatt ,t0,0 I I I I Please reserve per place. Places at $6.00 1 ❑ My check for $ ❑ My .check will follow. Name Address I is enclosed. 1 I .