31-TRANSPORTATION 50-BUSINESS CARDS LEAVING for Los Angeles, October 16th, will take 1 or 2 passengers. Share expenses. References. UN 4-2333. DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR LEAKY ROOF REPAIRED .. . ACT NOW BEFORE THE SNOWS COME! 40-EMPLOYMENT Call Reeve's Employment Service IF YOU NEED GOOD DO- MESTIC HELP. DAY OR WEEK. LOOK FOR ME IN THE YELLOW PAGES Call KE 3-3208 or GA 2-0055 LI 4-5138 COMPANION, more for home than wages. Very light housework, no children. LI 7-9682. CARPET CLEANING, Vonschrader method, guaranteed and reason- able. Call for free estimates. TE 4-7857 - WE 3-1571. 75% Comm. NATHAN DeROVEN. First class painting and decorating, paper hanging. Work myself. Reason- able. Call LI 4-5213, UN 4-5667. Experienced Real Estate Sales- men only. Live Suburban office. LI 8-7200 ALL REPAIRS, brick, cement, plas- ter, pointing, porches, chimney, steps. UN. 2-1017. MAN wanted to work in pawn shop. 473 Gratiot. CARPENTER WORK of all kinds- Porch. floors, steps, kitchen cabi- nets. doors. panelling. Work my- self UN 4-1897. American DRESSMAKING, all kinds of altera- tions. Call for appointments. UN 3-8283. 17175 ROSELAWN. Young man under 30, for Fur- niture - Appliance chain store. We will train you in all phases of retailing. Some selling exper- ience required, not necessarily furniture - appliance. Good start- ing salary, opportunity for ad- vancement. LARKINS MOVING AND DELIVERY SEPVICE - Also Office Furniture. Any time. Reasonable. 3319 GLADSTONE TY 4-4587 Phone L. RAIMI CENTRAL OUTFITTING COMPANY UN 1-1094 PAINTING and wall washing. Rea- sonable price Quick service. 20 EXPERIENCED cook, steady job, years experience. TE 4-5864. Jewish style, also baking. 13311 Linwood. 1. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpen ter work, no job too big or small BR 3-4826, LI 5-4035. Typist - Mailing Sec'y. Shorthand Unnecessary Salary Attractive Call Adas Shalom Synagogue Sunday Morning - Week-days. UN 4-7474. 55-MISCELLANEOUS . BEST PRICES PAID for men's suits, top-coats, and shoes. TU 3-1872. 1 IL BE NIPPY To HELP You cross 77a Vi - Pect.. 57-FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FURNISHINGS ORIENTAL RUG, Sarouk, good con- dition, not worn. 10.8 x 17.3. Call MA 6-7040. 6 PIECE Mahogany dining room set, electrical kitchen appliances. Elec- tric clothes dryer. UN 4-5004. Canadians Study Area Geology The faculty and students of the Geography Department of Water- loo University College of Kitch- ener, Ontario, today ended a week visit at Camp Tamarack, in Ortonville. The students examined the geology of the camp and sur- rounding countryside, developed a land use map for the camp and studied possible solutions for re- habilitating several existing lakes which are being lost because of extensive weed growth and material that has for many years been deposited in the lake. N111111•11111•1111111=n11111 ■111■ BUYING! SELLING! RENTING! FATHER AND SON. Will work rea- sonable. Use best odorless paint. Free estimates. Best references. Mr. Edleman. TR 5-2561. PAINTING and decorating, finest workmanship, free estimates. Sam Fishman, UN. 1-3265. TILE EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wanted. Call BR 2-1138 after 6:30 p.m. DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? New and Repair Special U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO 40 - A - EMPLOYMENT WANTED UN 1-5075 GIRL desires position as reception- PLASTERING and decorating. ist. Part-time. SUperior 8-6673. . Cement work. TY. 7-5654. EXPERIENCED lady desires work 3- 4 days week caring for babies, BASEMENT DAMP: Clothes dryer need venting? Call Wolfe, BR school children. UN 3-9067. 34446. FLAT ROOF and gutters installed and repaired. Tining work, free estimates. KE 2-0783, TR 3-0412. 45 - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MODERN self-serve market. excel- lent . business. 12540 Dextei. ORCHESTRAS, all occasions, rea- sonable rates. Colorful presenta, tions. Carlos Rivera Orchestras. VA 2-9226. GOOD INCOME, commercial build- ing, all leased. Trade for North; west section home-by owner.'Call WO 1-8394, evenings KE 3-2535. ROOFING PAINT STORE We Stop Any Leak! 5 Year Guarantee East Side Detroit. Mixed popu- lation. Room for expanding or to work out of store. Owner retir- ing. Price approx. $5,000. OLD ROOFS MADE BETTER THAN NEW VANDERNOLEN PAINT STORE 11226 MACK AVENUE SAVE 50% Commercial - Industrial Apartments - Residential No roof too large or to small. EXCELLENT opportunity, sacrific- ing meat market, mixed location. T e r r i f i c business-over $7,000 monthly. Illness forces selling. Reasonable. KE 5-2466. For Free Estimates Call Salomon Roof Spraying Co. WANTED partner for Waste Paper Shop business, or will sell. TA 5-6044, call between 9 - 6. 50-BUSINESS CARDS Steel Landscaping Co. Lawn Construction, Work Guaranteed BIG SALE ON ALL EVERGREENS DI 1-5367 23910 W. 7 MILE RD. AT TELEGRAPH KE 8 - 3530 55-MISCELLANEOUS LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339. VE 5-7453. WILL BUY used clothes for men and chil- dren. Boys' gym shoes, and nov- elties, etc. FOR BETTER wall washing, call James Russell. One day service. TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. CALL FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. Free estimates. Call UN. 4-3547. 50-BUSINESS CARDS TO. 8-8561 50-BUSINESS CARDS ALL CITY MOVING & STORAGE CO. all.1.111.1 1.• ■ =...111MEIr VE 8-7660 14948 Meyers Rd. Complete Moving Service No Job Too Large - Too Small Always Open READ AND USE OUR WANT ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS! IT'S THE TOWN'S BIGGEST MARKET PLACE CALL THE JEWISH NEWS