Arabs Attack Israel While Hussein Accuses Nasser at Unit d Nations (Continued from Page 1) tine and it is no less so today." Authoritative sources here —as well as in Washington and in New York—expressed "absolute conviction" that the United States has no intention of supporting President Nas- ser of the United Arab Re- public in his bid for a seat on the United Nations Secur- ity Council. All indications are that Presi- dent Eisenhower, Vice Presi- dent Nixon, Secretary of State Herter and Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, former head of the American delegation to the United Nations, are opposed to assisting Nasser to realize his ambition, it was emphasized. The United States will sup- port the candidacy of another of the Afro-Asian states for the seat in the Security Council, these sources said. They indi- cated that Nasser's alignmen with the hostile attitude to bySoviet Premier Nikita K sh- chev against UN Secretar Gen- eral Dag Hammarskjol is ,re- garded as a sure det ent to his ability to secure nerican support. news- Both leading New Y and papers, the New York Ti the New York Herald Tr came out with editorials against Nasser. The Times urged the United States Government not to back Nasser for a seat in the UN Security Council, since he is violating the Security Coun- cil's decisions to keep the Suez Canal open to all nations. The, Herald Tribune said that Nas- ser's talk at the UN, advocating international peace, is meaning- less as long as he refuses to come to peace terms with Israel. "Amity, like charity, begins at home," the paper pointed out. would be willing to meet with Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to discuss a pos- sible peace treaty, he replied: "A just solution of the Pales- tine question must come first. United Nations resolutions are there and they must be carried out. It is not the responsibility of my country to settle the Pal- estine question, but it concerns the Palestinians. I do not think they would agree to my participation in such a meeting." "If we approach the Palestine question in any attitude other than the correction of injus- tices," he asserted, "we would only add to the difficulties. The solution of those problems is not the responsibility of Jordan or any other Arab country. There is Jordan, there is Israel, 'ted Nations- there is t an ns must about just solu ns." As far as the Unite States was concerned, he sai in re- sponse to a question nt the possible c• trib io e U.S. ab refu- to a o ed States ge t •robl nce at the ring about a Unit: Nations solutio ether Jordan was As o reverse its policy of refusing to admit American citi- zens of the Jewish faith, he said: "There is no such "prob- lem at all." He said he did not expect to meet with any other Lst United States officials, having met Secretary of State Herter, and will return home by way of London soon. Israel Foreign Minister Golda Meir did not address the Unite Nations General Assembly We nesday, as originally plan She will address that bod some future • date, it learned. Ben-Gurion Reports on UN Assembly Actions to Cabinet JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion dis- cussed with his Cabinet the latest Middle East developments 'reported from the, United Na- tions, including the addresses made by Nasser and Ghana's President Nkrumah. Nkrumah warned that an Arab effort to wipe out Israel would lead to "global war." He also proposed that the Arab ref- ROBLIN "WORLD'S WORST Advertising Artist" \' a s se r ugee problem ting up ate for the refug their own goy- er - and their own Presi- However, he made it ar that such a s e should e in "some area, on Arab soil, but in sr Israeli circles sider u- mah's remarks lar "par significance," e he s eye- to-eye with sser on many — A 66- now being the Nigerian- ion Co. GS ON JEWELRY!* (One Week Only — October 7th thru 15th 14 kt. Solid -Gold 14 kt. Solid Gold CHARMS NECK CHAINS (While They Lost) 25% off $ 1 88 14 kt. Solid Gold CHARM BRACELETS Regular $14 Regular $66 Regular $110 $ 9 00 36°' 77 00 14 kt. Solid White Gold Values $18 $ 1 0 to $40 LeCOULTRE, HAMILTON, LONGINES, GRUEN .. . And Other Famous Name Brand Watches 40%050% off SPEIDEL WATCH BANDS RING MOUNTINGS $25 5 0% off GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Jewelry Watches Certified Master Watchmaker & Jeweler UN 1-8184 18963 LIVERNOIS ADVERTISING, A RT OPEN MONDAY & THURSDAY TO 9 P.M. The United Arab Republic's delegation at the United Na- tions issued a statement deny- ing a , report that Nasser had decided to side with the West- ern Powers against Khrush- chev's request to replace Ham- marskjold and to move the headquarters from the United States to another country. Prime Minister Saeb Salaarit of Lebanon Tuesday joined other heads of Arab delega- tions to the UN General As- sembly in their attacks against Israel. The Lebanese Prime Minis- ter, addressing the UN Assem- bly, said that the partioning of Palestine by the United Na- tions in 1947 into Jewish and Arab states was an "injustice against the expressed wishes of the majority of the Pales- tinian people." He accused the United Nations of failing to do "justice" to the Arab refugee Without a "just solution" of t Palestine refugee problem, said, "there can be no hope f a permanent peace and stabilit in the Middle East." - Complaining againt Jewish immigration to Israel, the Leba- nese Premier spoke of the Arab refugees witnessing "with an- guish and alarm Zionist immi- grants recruited from the cor- ners of the earth occupying their homes and cultivating their ancestral fields!' "Let me -make it unmistak- ably clear," he declared, "that the Arab countries distinguish between Judaism and Zionism. For the former we have deep reverence and respect. But the latter we consider not only an enemy of the Arab peoples but a constant threat to regional stability and a danger to world peace." Speaking at the Overseas Press Club Tuesday, King Hus- sein of Jordan dealt with Arab- Israel issues and said that the only possibility of solving them was through the United Nations. "The United Nations should bring about a just solution of the Palestine question," he em- phasized. At one point, in response to a question as to whether he problems conferred with Nasser onl, e evening before he made his tatement at the United Nations. *Prices plus Federal Tax .............................. • All Savings Insured to $10,000 By an Agency of the United States Gov't. Michigan's Largest State-Chartered Savings AssOciation Dexter at Cortland • Livernois at W. 7 Mile • W. 9 Mile near Coolidge MAIN OFFICE: WOODWARD AT CONGRESS • FIVE OTHER BRANCHES