11P N Quiz Box By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX O eo 1-4 a) 0 C5.5 ri ri z 1:0 J) 1-3 E-1 r:4 E-1 (Copyright, 1960, JTA, Inc.) What is the meaning of the four species used during the Sukkot holiday? Various interpretations have been given by Rabbinic sources. Some explain that the four plants indicate the combination of various qualities found in human beings. For example, the citron having both frag- rance and taste represents the man of learning and good deeds. The palm branch, representing a fruit which has taste but no fragrance represents a man of good deeds with little learn- ing. The myrtle branch having fragrance but no taste repre- sents a man of learning with few deeds. The willow branch having neither taste nor frag- rance represents the individual with little learning or good deeds. Other sources claim that the shape of the four species represents four types of organs in the human being. The citron represents the heart, the palm branch reflects the spine, the myrtle leaves look like the eyes, and the leaves of the willow branches look like the lips. The underlying thought seems to be that unity of various types of people, or of the best products of human organs, is desirable in order to bring about pros- perity and salvation. Why are the four species waved in six directions? (East, west, north, south, above and below?) Some claim that these move- ments are executed to indicate the omnipotence of the Al- mighty who is present every- where, including the Heavens and the earth_in all four direc- tions. Others claim that the motions were representative of a desire to art evil sources from whatever direction they come.- Still - others felt that the pointing of the palm branch in alp ,of these directions acted as a thwarting agent to confuse and frustrate the intentions of Satan. Rovner Progressive Farein 'to Hold Party R 0-V N E R PROGRESSIVE FAREIN will hold a Simhath Torah party 6 p.m. Oct. 16 at the meeting hall, 3754 Mon- terey, announce co-chairmen M. Wasserman and. Bruche Grus- kin. Community singing will be led by Joseph Siegal. President Isaac Gruskin will announce the new staff members for the organization's 34th annual cele- bration, why there's no heat like flameless Mrs. William Buchnan Chairs Home Relief . Society Donor Event The Home Relief Society has named Mrs. William Budman chairman of the 38th annual donor dinner dance to be held Oct: 25 at the Town and Country Club. Co - chairman is Mrs. William Bonin. The event will feature Hal Gordon and his orches- tra and a floor show. Prizes will include two trips to Eastern re- sorts. Other c o m- m i t t e e heads Mrs. Budman for the affair are Mesdames Sidney Tauber, Abe Katzman, Abe Sinaberg, Barney Schatz and Raymond Suhd. The Society's next meeting will be held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Baer Keidan, 18455 Santa Barbara. A dessert lunch- eon will be served. Beth El Young Adults Give 'Harvest Dance' The Young Adult Group of Temple Beth El will open the new season with a dance 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the temple's Franklin Memorial Hall. "Harvest Dance" will feature the music of Lem-lard Stanley. Refreshments will be served: All single adults between the ages of 21 and 35 are welcome. To Chair South African Jewish Board of Deputies .. Charge German Official, Marbach, Lied About War Crimes in Greece KIEL, (JTA)—Karl Marbach, president of the Schleswig-Hol- stein Financial Court and Nazi wartime administrator for the German Army in Salonika, is on trial in criminal court here on charges of giving false testimony in the trial of Max Merten on war crimes in occupied Greece, including the deportation of more than 100,000 Jews. Merten, who succeeded Mar- bach in Salonika, was convicted by a Greek military tribunal and sentenced to 25 years imprison- ment. He was released on am- nesty to West Germany in 1959 pending retrial by a German court. Marbach was accused of giv- ing the false testimony in July 1958 when he was questioned about executions and deportations in wartime Greece. Marbach had claimed that during his service in Salonika he had never heard of any "acts of revenge" against the civilian population. It was proved subsequently that he had counter-signed a number of in- criminating documents. Meanwhile Merten, in a letter to the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung, admitted that the paper was correct in reporting that a Greek court charged him in March 1959 with responsibility for the deportation of 46,000 Jews and the inhuman treatment of 56,000 Salonkai Jews, as well as with the shooting of hundreds of Greek partisans. However, he asserted that it was "not at all certain" whether criminal pro- ceedings would be opened against him by the West Berlin court now examining his case. Hebrew Union College Honorary Degree Given Brochure Is Published Dr. Zyl, London Rabbi on Jewish Family Purity Dr. Werner Van der Zyl, Lon- don rabbi and director of Eng- land's Leo Baeck College for the Study of Judaism, will re- ceive an honorary degree from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Oct. 15 at ceremonies marking the open- ing of the Cincinnati school's 86th academic year. Dr. Van der Zyl, senior min- ister of the West London Syna- gogue, is one of four religious leaders to be honored at the exercises. The others are Rabbis Eric Friedland, spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Am, Chi- cago; Jacob M. Rothschild, spiritual leader of Hebrew Benevolent Congregation, At- lanta, and Ulrick B. Steuer, spir- itual leader of Temple Beth-El Hammond, Ind. All four will b awarded the Doctor of Divinit degree. JOHANNESBURG, (JTA) — The South African Board of Jewish Deputies elected Dr. Teddy Schneider, a former vice- chairman, as the Board's new chairman. He succeeded Namie City of Hope 'Mr.-Mrs.' Phillips, who is now president Group Plans Campaign of the Board. Arthur Suzman, A meeting of the Detroit Mr. Queens Counsel, and Maurice and Mrs. Group of the City of Porter were elected vice-chair- Hope will be held Saturday at men. the home of the H. A. Lewises on Blackstone Ave., Oak Park. Councilettes to Baby-Sit Leukemia letter returns will on Election Night be tabulated. Plans for the dis- Members of the "Council- tribution of Blue Banks will be ettes," a junior branch of the discussed and a sound movie National Council of Jewish, Wo- from the City of Hope Hospital men, will baby-sit on election in Duarte, Calif., will be viewed. President Molly Lipson pre- night, Nov. 8, as a community service. Those wishing to take sented medallions and pins to advantage of the service, call the members whose efforts were Laura Ross, UN 1-6331, or Irene recognized by the national Krohn, UN 4-2694. Hospital. Edwin Wolf II Heads. Culture Organization Edwin Wolf II of Philadel- phia was chosen president of the National Foundation for Jewish Culture by its board of directors. Wolf; a professional librarian and historian, is president of the Federation of Jewish Agen- cies of Greater Philadelphia and was formerly president of the Jewish Publication Society. Herbert H. Lehman, former Governor and Senator of New York, was named honorary president. Israel Subscribes New World Bank $ Bonds A '78-page brochure clarifying the traditional laws of Jewish family purity, is available free- of-charge from Agudath Israel of America, it was announced by Rabbi Moshe Sherer, execu- tive vice-president of the organi- zation. "Jewish Family Life", pub- lished by the Spero Foundation, is now in its seventh edition, and Agudath Israel has in re- cent years distributed over 10,- 000 copies as a public service. For a copy, write to Reli • osta Not Observance Divisio Israel, 5 Bee Thou rej nC 38. au essfully Here's The Way To Curb A Rupture e U Ranch' dern in At Double U outside the city li son, Ariz., va seback ride, gol the old Indian trai s. The Double U Ranch offers family rates, and special ac- commodations for honeymoon- ers. For color brochures and additional information, write to Babe Mahler, Double U Ranch, P.O. Box 510, Tucson, Ari, see your travel agent- Center era Holds first M me Sum er shooting al ed will b discussed the Jew- at the st meetin • Cen ish Co Club at 8: thusiasts are welcome. CHOOSE FROM SEVERAL TYPES TO MATCH YOUR NEEDS PRECISELY. Built-in electric heat systems may be base- stops Itch—Relieves Pain F r the first time science has w and healing substance stonishing ability to oids and to relieve urgery. In case after tly relieving pain, ile al reduct n (shrinkage) took azing of all—results Most ough that sufferers so t ing statements like ast eased to be a problem!" es h is a new healing sub- The io-Dyne®)—discovery of a -famous research institute. This stance is now available in sup. pository or ointment form called Preparation H®. At all drug county • x's—money back guarantee. in a t oom, even b floor and ceiling. And should 9 ange, you can cond warm up one room without over- heatin ers. Built-in eat may cost more but it's worth every penny in soli nd when you heat your home electrically, illing Plan equalizes heating costs over the year. 2-, gr '.. •. 2 , boards; forced air units or radiant panels set in walls; cable embedded in ceilings. 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He uniform heat--warmth that seldom varies more than two or three degrees 4 UNITED NATIONS, (JTA)— . Israel is one of 29 countries whose banks have subscribed to a new $100,000,000 issue of United States dollar bonds placed in the world's financial markets last week by the International Bank for Reconstruction and De- velopment, the World Bank an- nounced here. The amount of Israel's sub- scription was not announced. The issue is known as "Two-Year Bonds of 1960," carrying interest at three and one-half per cent annually, payable semi-annually. E EcT EVERY ROOM HAS ITS OWN THERMOSTAT TO HOLD ITS 0 TEMPERATURE. The ideal temperature will vary according to p 4 (please print) ZONE 1