16 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, September 3 0, 1960 -- Look Article Analyzes Four Israeli Problems . Look magazine has jumped the gun by publishing, - in its current issue, a 19-page report on Israel, on the occasion of the Jewish State's approaching 13th —Bar Mitzvah — anniversary, to be celebrated in May. The article, entitled "Israel Today," by J. Robert Moskin, edi- tor of Look, deals with many aspects of life in Israel and the issues facing the state. It treats the subject as a "land of con- flict . . . contrast • • . hope," describes its "growing pains and power," tells of the status of all faiths, analyzes the "conflict over young minds," gives an ac- count of the people who settled there, the country's leaders and the attitudes of American Jews. The American Jew feels deep affection—but no allegi- ance—to the state of Israel, the article declares. This re- lationship will continue in the future, it states, "unless a Hitler should someday rise in the United States." Moskin, author of the article, recently returned from an ex- tensive tour of Israel, said many American Jews disagree with the stand of the Israeli govern- ment that all Jews belong to "the Jewish people" for whom Israel is now home. "American Jews admire Israel as a refuge for the persecuted and take pride in its progress," Moskin wrote, "but feel no obli- gation to it as a state. They re- gard themselves as an integral part of the United States. "Jewish delegations from this country have appealed to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion to accept the fact that American Jews have no sense of 'dual loyalty'." Moskin writes that the four "overwhelming problems" that hold the key to Israel's future are: 1. How to teach its two mil- lion Europeans, Orientals and Africans to live together. 2. How to settle the quarrel between the Orthodox minor- ity and the secular majority. 3. How to stand on its own economic feet so it need no longer lean on reparations ar from Germany and s from the United ith pea 4. How to m its Arab ene es." o covers The Look title Israe life of a education an fa ily, chang- successful he kibbutzim, • an ing life o _future leadership the .natio . W E I JACK a • unal York co chairma been na board of o rseers of t ege of Einstein KO USDA CHOICE JWV Activities OAK PARK POST will hold a membership stag at 9 p.m. Wednesday at the VFW Hall, Nine Mile Rd. and Manistee. A member of the Oak Park Safety Department will be guest speaker, and the film "D-Day" will be shown. Refreshments and other entertainment also will be featured. Actives and prospective members are in- vited to attend. A membership drive currently is being con- ducted for American veterans of Jev.' - h faith. For informa- tion about requirements for membership and activies, call Commander Guttenplan, LI 4-7634. * * * The next regular meeting of ROBERT J. RAFELSON AUX ILIARY is scheduled for 9 p.m., Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Bernard Schwartz, 18675 Ken- tucky. Irving S. Cane, Past De- partment Commander and cur- rently Fifth area Commander, will speak on the 1960-61 fund raising campaign, announces Mrs. Jack Iden, president. Mrs. Abraham Schwartz, junior ' vice president, will report on final arrangements for the joint membership party to be held in conjunction with the Post, Oct. 8 at the Memorial Home. A High Society games party will be followed by a late sup- per. Post and auxiliary mem- bers are asked to bring pros- r—ctive eligible members. For reservations, call Mrs. Samuel Iden, LI 7-0654. * * * The Child Welfare Commit- tee of the Sgt. MORTON A. SILVERMAN AUXILIARY opened the new - season recently by presenting the girls divisio of the Juvenile Detention Hom with a large selection of r cordings and record albums. Mrs. Samuel Malkes and Mrs. William Sniderman made the presentation. * * * Liberman-Eisenberg All Faiths Ask o Resist Engagement Told NCR Reli on in Politics A tional Jewish coordinat- a ing ency comp g or, zatio nati . 1 Jewi• th and Jewish • ils States Inc Unit es- troit' said t • Is ffilia- tions ut reli 'dates is don of a ne rinciple o n o reli s liber b a stat s ov xecutive the al Co ty ati VI ry Counc called 1 a is of all fait establishment dire us test for public of a r office." at statement stress T o ste osition t en ' th a lon w e s t z b all the o n is that relig s affil' debate a proper matter n political con intro- nst warn e political • er ductio of religious Id life of voting.lots that av strife a other countrie " plagu et Ca 'dates of and he pa p ano r. po c he stat ent obser s. " • ne churc' r reli- can ate of oup." giou "- MISS SUZANNE LIBERMAN Mr. and Mrs. Reuben C. Liberman, 528 Cambridge S.E., Grand Rapids, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Suzanne May, to Donald Louis Eisenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Eisenberg, 21961 Beverly, Oak Park. The bride-to-be, is a junior at Michigan State University. Her fiance is a student at Walsh Institute of Accountancy. A June wedding is planned. Center Symphony Season to Sta Tuesd ish Center Symphony The a, Julius Chajes, con- Orc du r, will open its 21st as ; :30 p.m., Tuesday, 0 lo- e Aaron vi t will be mist. _ by uct Chajes ahms. eethove Mozart and d in the strovsky ill be fe o No. 4 in zart Violin Co ajor. e available at the Center office. Season tickets also SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN are available. AUXILIARY will hold a meet- ing Monday evening at the Bnai Brith Memoria, Home. Hostesses will be Yetta Glass and Sara Lan- Austria; kin. President Ruth Wolfe an- for L nounces that members and their Ann • ceme has husbands are invited to attend made f the f mation the Post's annual wienie roast first ai Brith 9. Reservations may be sine the des c io of made t the meeting or by ord by the N is in a 1930s s. Wolfe, WE 5-2240. ge has b T new calling Plans ar being completed for nam in me ry of th e given at the D. J. nent 'ennese bbi a ne of a party t e for Children, Oct. worl Zi•leaders, Healy anno Ho ces child welfare the n. •erez Chajes, late c airman innie Alpert. Games the an uncle of Julius Chajes of f. hments will be fea- a one wishing to assist Detroit. t The new lodge will be the 1 Mrs. Alpert, VE m second to be formed in former -2 Nazi territory, another lodge E olment in the University already having been founded e A ert of chigan real estate program in West Berlin last year. wine. 1. year was nearly 3,000. MAN'S It MEATS COME AND SEE YOU WILL SAVE $$$ 1st CUT LAMB CHOPS ... Lb. 79 BREAST of BEEF,trimmed Lb. 8 9 Men's Club BETH ABRAHAM M r s t CLUB will present the , "A social of the new sea p.m. Night of Stars," at 8 all o Tuesday, in Nusbaum Morris the synagogue. Presid Davis announces the rogram, to which all affiliate roups of special the congregation a 1 feature guests are invited, d Sammy Hal Gordon, Mickey Woolf, orchestra le ers and entertainers. Master f cere- o s i n. monies will be Max ed. . Refreshments will be Lb. SHOULDER STEAK GR 00ND R BFEF YOUNG BEEF LIVER 98` 2 Lbs. 97 Lb. 49 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. CORNER OF HARTWELL DAH STUDIO Fine Photography andids Professionally Finished For Appointment Phone. KE 1-0104 EIBICK DAVE DIAMOND'S MUSIC IS THE BRIDE'S BEST FRIEND WO 2-4814 UN 4-4346 LARRY'S RADIO SERVICE Reliable - Guaranteed Television Service Larry Gerendasy Radio - TV - Phonograph City License No. 525 DI I.3784 NORTHWEST DETROIT and Orchestra UN 4-9485 Our Sincere Thanks For Your Cooperation in Placing Your Holiday Orders Early. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE CLOSED SUKKOT, THURSDAY & FRIDAY, OCT. 6-7 NATHAN & IRVING'S Kosher Meat & Poultry Market 18275 WYOMING FREE DELIVERY—UN 1-7237 DER NEW OWNERSHIP OF DAVE NATINSKY WYOMING-CURTIS ESH FISH & SEA FOOD Large Assortment of Fresh Fish and Sea Food Daily We Skin, Bone and Grind Fish Free of Charge. 18273 WYOMING, 1 /2 block No. of Curtis WE DELIVER — UN 2-9677 A Happy, Healthy New Year to All For Your Sukkof -Holiday --MRS. GRUNT'S cholimy • . • KNISHES : ILTE • KREPL CH ore . . . NEIDLACH and AILY FAVORITES S WE AS OUR FAMOUS LES & TOMATOES D FISH • DILL PI PIC • PIMENTOES SAUER AUT ' • And A Full me of Kos r Frozen Foods ION OF QUALITY CA Y FULL SE S, FRUIT and VEGETABLES • G 1 Av•ble ON at 18 CALL UN 1-9645 NT'S MARKET 2 WYOMING near CURTIS •EN SATURDAY NIGHTS TO 1:30 A.M. FEATURING THE FINEST SELECTION OF SMOKED FISH! RECOMMENDED BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS • Lb. DI 1-2345 University of Michigan School f Music presented 133 concert rogrgms last year. M/0.0 ■ 041M•04•111 . 1 1■ I. . We Clean Household Items Ex- elusively and CURTAIN 0■ 13411 ■ 04•110.0 Drapes • Curtains • Cornices Lamp Shades • Quilts an WE DO ALL THE REMOVING AND INSTALLIN Phone us for Free Estimat FREE S CITY WIDE and ,SUBURBAN SERVICE ri/ 1-1818