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September 23, 1960 - Image 70

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1960-09-23

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, September 23, 1960 -- 70


Hearfy Thank You to
Our Advertisers; Warning
Against Misrepresentations


New and Repair Special

UN 1-5075

PAINTING, 3 or more 5-room apart-
ments. $75 each 2 coats. Evans.
WA 5-9691.

FATHER AND son. Will work reason-
able. Use best odorless paint. Free
estimates. Best references. Mr.
Edleman. TR 5-2561.


Lost Mongrel Puppy. Black
& Brown markings with white
on chest. Very friendly. Vi-
cinity Jas. Couz. & Carol.
Please. Reward. BR 3-1165

Detroiters met with Israel Ambassador Avraham Harman at
the national conference of the Israel Bond Organization in Wash-
ington Sunday. Left to right: Al Borman, Phillip Stollman, Am-
bassador Harman and David Safran.

Israel Bond Conference Reports
Expansion of Economic Programs

Special to Jewish News


MINK STOLES, designers samples.
Luxurious. Latest styles and shades.
Days DI 1-6338, evenings MA 6-2235.

BEST PRICES PAID for men's suits,
top-coats, and shoes. TU 3-1872.

Mexico Honors
Israel Minister

Eshkol, Israel's Finance Minis-
ter who heads a special Israel
mission to the celebration of
Mexico's 150th anniversary of
independence, was received by
President Adolfo Lopez Mateos.
He was accompanied by Mor-
dechai Shneerson, the Israel
The Finance Minister pre-
sented to President Mateos an
ancient Menorah on behalf of
the Government of Israel. The
President also received the
visiting Israeli Parliamentary
delegation headed by Devorah
Netzer, Deputy of the Knesset,
Israels' Parliament.
More than 1,000 persons
attended a mass meeting in
honor of Eshkol which was
organized by the Jewish Cen-
tral Committee and the Zionist
Federation of Mexico. The meet-
ing was held in the hall of the
Jewish Sport Center.
Eshkol was greeted by Ze-
mach Portnoy, president of the
Zionist Federation, and Dr.
Sigmund Bibring, president of
the Jewish Central Committee.
The Finance Minister was feted
at a luncheon attended by a
group of Jewish community

WASHINGTON — A group of
Detroit Israel Bond leaders par-
ticipated in the deliberations here
last week-end of the National
Planning Conference for Israel,
sponsored by the Israel Bond Or-
In a major address to the con-
ference, Israel's Finance Minis-
ter Levi Eshkol told of the prog-
ress made by Israel in penetrat-
ing European, African and Asian,
as well as American, markets.
Wider financial assistance to
Israel through the sale of Israel
Bonds was urged by Israeli and
American leaders at the con-
Describing the progress
achieved, Eshkol pointed out that
the exports of Israel, which
amounted to $46,000,000 in 1950,
will reach $340,000,000 thi_, year.
Major addresses at the confer-
ence were delivered by Dr. Abba
Hillel Silver, Israel Ambassador
Avraham Harman and Austin J.
Tobin, executive director of Port
of New York Authority. The lat-
ter said that Israel depended on
freedom of the seas for her con-
tinued economic activities.
Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, execu-
tive vice president of the Israel
Bond Organization, reported that
$450,832,000 in Israel Bonds
were sold since the inauguration
of the campaign in May, 1951.

The 600 delegates voted to
intensify the campaign for the
sale of $75,000,000 in Israel
Bonds during 1960 in order to
help finance a blueprint of
continued development of Is-
rael as outlined by Prime
Minister David Ben-Gurion.
In a cabled message to the

conference, the Prime Minister
called for greater financial aid
An Israeli Parliamentary Mis- to enable his country to wel-

sion arrived meanwhile for a
visit on invitation extended by
a Mexican parliamentary group
which visited Israel this spring.
Members of the Israel mission

are Dvora Netzer, head of the
mission; Biny a min Arditi,
Michael Hazani, Emma Talmi,
and Haim Lior, acting secretary
of the mission. Members were
Met at the airport by Senator
Maxmilian Ruiz Castaneda and
by members of the Jewish com-

Prominent Israeli scholars

are attending two international
Congresses being held here. Dr.
Robert Bachi; profe'ssor of star(
tistics at the Hebrew University
in Jerusalein, is representing
Israel at the International Con-
gress of Sociologists here. In
another auditorium, the Con-
gress of Universities is holding
its convocation, with I s r a e l

being represented by Prof. Ben-
jamin Mazar, rector of the He-
brew University; Arie Dworet-
zky, vice-rector of the Technion

at Haifa; and Prof. Bachi.

Jerusalem Names Street
on Mexico's 150th Year

come and absorb additional hun-
dreds of thousands of immi-
grants. He expressed the hope
that the new immigration would
also include Jews from Eastern
Ambassador Harman told the
delegates that in less than ten
years "the Israel Bond Organi-
zation has flowered into a po-
tent and dynamic vehicle of
constructive effort for the State
of Israel. It has established a
pattern of cooperative endeavor
which has enhanced the dignity
of the people of Israel and en-
abled them to demonstrate their
capacity to achieve economic
Dr. Silver, chairman of the

board of governors of the Is-
rael Bond Organization, refer-
red to the fact that three im-
portant events would be cele-
brated by the Jewish people
this year: the centenary of
the birth of Theodor Herzl,
founder of the movement for
the establishment of Jewish
State; the 13th birthday (Bar
Mitzvah) of the State of Is-
rael and the tenth anniver-
sary of the founding of the
Israel Bond effort.

Abraham Feinberg, president
salem street was dedicated in of the Israel Bond Organization,

declared that close ties of
friendship and cooperation be-
tween Asian and African coun-
tries . and the State of Israel
Jorge Daessle Segura and Israel have been established despite
Foreign Minister Golda Meier the "fences of isolation which
participated in the ceremony.
the Arabs set up around Israel

honor of Mexico on the occasion
of the 150th anniversary of inde-
pendence of the Latin American
country. Mexican Ambassador

through their system of boycott
and blockade."
As a first major step in the
Fall campaign for Israel Bonds
which will be inaugurated with
the beginning of the Jewish
New Year 5721 next Thursday,
the Conference decided to em-
bark on a special High Holiday
effort in synagogues throughout
the country.
Michael A. Stavitsky, national
chairman for High Holy Day
activities, reported that more
than eight hundred Orthodox,
Conservative and Reform syna-
gogues will take part in the spe-
cial High Holiday effort for Is-
rael Bonds, and he estimated
that a minimum of $8,500,000
would be raised through this
Julian B. Venezky, National
Chairman for Regions of the
Israel Bond Organization, stress-
ed the importance of work at
the regional and community
In an address to the Confer-
ence, Mrs. Jan Peerce, Israel
Bond National Women's Divi-
sion Chairman, paid tribute to
the tens of thousands of Ameri-
can women in the Women's Di-
vision "who are ardently dedi-
cated to the building of a strong
Israel. To watch them in action
is really to learn the meaning
of devotion to a cause," she
Community leaders pledged
increased activity for Israel
Bonds. Among those reporting
was David Safran, Detroit, chair-

Soviets Follow
Czarist Tactics
of Anti-Semitism

NEW YORK, (JTA) — "The
tactics of Soviet anti-Semitic
propaganda follow closely the
pattern established some 80
years ago by the Czarist re-
gime," The Christian Science
Monitor writes in an article
analyzing the anti-Jewish pro-
paganda conducted by Soviet
The leading American news-
paper says that the Soviet pro-
paganda machine "uses the
same trumped-up charges
against Jews and appeals to
the same emotions in the popu
lation" as did the anti-Semitic
press in Czarist Russia.
"The Russian programs at the
end of the 19th and beginning
of the 20th centuries which
shocked the world were the
outcome, and more than one
Soviet Jew has asked what the
result will be this time," the
article stresses.
The paper quotes from ar-
ticles against Jews which have
appeared in various Soviet
newspapers in the Ukraine,
Byelorussia, Bukovina and Ka-
zakstan. It cites especially an
anti-Jewish broadcast of the
Ukrainian radio station in Ki-
rovograd. '
"The attacks against Jewish
religion occupy first place in
the anti-Semitic campaign," the
analysis establishes, adding that
"during the past 12 months,
these attacks have steadily in-
creased in number as well as in

The Jewish News wishes to express sincerest
thanks to the merchants, industries and organiza-
tions in our community for their cooperation in
making possible this holiday issue, as well as
previous similar issues.
At the same time, we wish to warn them again
against the misrepresentations that have been in
evidence in Detroit and in a number of other com-

At least three publications — one of them
the organ of a national Jewish organization — have
resorted to the unethical practice of clipping adver-
tisements from the established newspapers in
Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Pittsburgh
and other cities, and give the impression, in their
solicitations, that the copy appeared in their columns.
The Detroit Jewish News joins with publications
in the cities affected in warning against the irrespon-
sible solicitations.

Better Business Bureaus are at work investi-
gating the tactics of the unethical solicitors.
We warn our readers: beware of the disgraceful
transgressions by publications that resort to the
unethical practices of clipping copy of our adver-
tisers and utilizing them for solicitations as if they -
had appeared in their columns.

When in doubt regarding the solicitations call

The Jewish News Office
vE 8-9364

Ethiopia Emperor Haile Selassie
May Make Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

(Direct JTA Teletype Wire
to The Jewish News)

JERUSALEM—Emperor Haile
Selassie of Ethiopia may make
a "personal religious pilgrim-
age" to Jerusalem, it was in-
dicated authoritatively here
Monday after Gen. Moshe
Dayan, Israel's former Chief of
Staff of the defense forces and
now Minister of Agriculture,
met with the Lion of Judah
at Addis Ababa.
Highest officials who would
neither confirm nor deny the
emperor's plans to visit here
said merely that the Negus of
Ethiopia has "a standing invi-
tation from the government"
to visit here at his pleasure and
Gen. Dayan brought to the
Emperor a personal letter from
Prime Minister David Ben-
Gurion as a result of which
closer diplomatic relations may
be established between Israel
and Ethiopia.
In the letter, Ben-Gurion re-
called the close ties that have
existed between the two coun-
tries since Biblical times, ex-
pressing the hope that the
future relations will be even
The Israeli leader also point-

Commemorative Stamp
Is Issued by Israel

Israel's Ministry of Posts
announces the forthcoming is-
sue of a commemorative post-
age stamp on the occasion of
the National Stamp Exhibition
"TAVIV," which is to be held
in Tel Aviv Oct. 9-19. The
stamp depicts a postal courier
—the Jewish Postal Courier of
Prague—from a copper engrav-
ing printed in that city in
1741. It is colored dark olive
and olive-gray.

ed out in his letter that the
center of world interest these
days has shifted from the arms
race to an increase of develop-
ment projects for the better-
ment of every day living for
all peoples.

Israel Ambassador
Goes on Trial for
Perjury. in Tel Aviv

TEL AVIV, (JTA) Yehes-
kel Sahar, Israeli Ambassador
to Austria, is scheduled for
trial here Oct. 2 on a charge of
perjury. He pleaded not guilty.
The case grew out of a libel
suit instituted in-1957 by Amos

Ben-Gurion, son of the Prime
Minister, who was then deputy
Inspector General of Police
under Sahar. The latter, who
was Amos Ben-Gurion's chief,
testified on behalf of the Pre-
mier's son.
Amos Ben-Gurion had sued a
group of vigilantes here who
had published allegations that
he had closed a police file in-
volving a friend of young Ben-
Gurion, Yeshayah Yarkoni.
Amos Ben-Gurion won the
case - after Sahar had testified
he did not know Yarkoni was
under suspicion. He was award-
ed damages but a higher court
later reduced the amount of
damages. In the course of the
judgement reducing the dam-
ages the court accused Sahar
of -perjuring himself. Sahar is
on leave from the foreign serv-
ice pending the court's deter-
mination of the charges against

Zelda Teitelbaum Butman,
Former Detroiter, Dies
Zelda Teitelbaum Butman, a

former Detroiter who was ac-
tive in many organizations and
social service movements here,
died Sept. 15 in Swampscott,.
Surviving her are her hus-
band, Samuel; daughters, Mrs.
Charna Fisher and Cyrille; par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Teitel-
baum, and brother, Dr. Myer

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