01 ■ 01•0.111•11. II OM (NEM. 411111.• 0 ■ 11,111. ■•• ■ 11 ill 0111.11•115.0 41.1111. ■ 111,11101. AIM. 11111•141-11•11111.011•H/Z Happy New Year A & L DOOR CO. TI 6-4008 8930 Brandt .411M0 ■ 11,111 ■ 11.1•111 ■0■ 1111.11 ■ 04!0 ■ 10.∎041111111,1 ■■•■ OAINIO11411111111.0 ■ 11WIli 0411=11.•••••04 ■ 11 ■ 0•11••• 41=1. Happy New Year AIR FILTER SALES & SERVICE CO. "Clean Air Is Our Business" Industrial — Commercial 642 East 10 Mile — Hazel Park — JO 4-6461 New Year Greetings to All Our Friends and Patrons BROWN'S CREAMERY FO 6-2060 538 W. 7 Mile Rd. between John R and Woodward Best Wishes of the Season ED DE YOUNG Speakman Showers — Weisway Showers Valvesi Boosey Drainage Products American Lathurn Soap Dispensers LA 1-7180 10813 Whitehill Holiday Greetings GENERAL ELECTRIC SIGN CO. TE 1-2020 3939 Grand River GORMAN & THOMAS, Inc. Extend Greetings for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to Their Many Friends and Patrons WO 1-6946 219 Majestic Bldg. !ast.suutasistsuist.suummsuist_ Happy Holiday GREAT LAKES TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Michigan Ford Tractors Distributors 2100 E. Maple Rd., Birmingham JO 4-6705 str000000am0000rraoaciaortsm Best Wishes for a Happy New Year EVERKRISP FOOD PRODUCTS CO. EVERKR1SP "All the Name Implies" Tasty Crisp Popcorn Everkrisp Potato Chips 5333 VERMONT cor. Kirby TY 8-0200 Physician-Philosopher's Gift to Judaism Maimonides' 13 Articles of Faith By DR. ERNEST PHILIP (Standard Feature Syndicate) "From Moses till Moses there arose none like unto Moses," was posterity's verdict on Moses Maimonides (1135-1204), the most influential Jewish thinker in the Middle Ages. He was not only a great physician, whose services were eagerly sought after by kings and emperors, but also a brilliant expounder of Judaism, a renowned philo- sopher with views far ahead of his times, a man of great kind- ness and gentleness. A native of Cordoba, Spain, he and his family had • flee r the city because of the ing Almohades. Th. Fez, then to vario n- re centers until, after ore ad- dering, more trials, nd rest ventures, • famil and securi in Et: Only 23, a•monides, always & liant scholar, an ea r, i y ical commen- started s h n a h while tary on he eine. Shortly after stud g e a physician, he havin b was n e court physici n to po- Sultan laladin of Egypt his sition h held to the en f the life. He • ied an id y the mourn people a whole wo de for the Besi s en for men Perpl d, lace their faith who nal basis, he wrote upon a his Sira a brilliant commen- principles of Juda- tary on ,t ism, the sence of which is the 13 articles, expresse the authoritative which bec creed of th ewish Faith. They are: with perfect faith 1. I beli ator, blessed be His that the name, is e Author and Guide of every ng that has been cre- at He alone has made, ated an e and will make all does thing .elieve with perfect faith 2. :e Creator, blessed be His the is a Unity . . . and that na is no unity in any manner t and that He alone I unto ho was, is and will r G. lieve with perfect faith Creator, blessed be His t is not a body and that He ee from all the accidents matter, and that He has not any form whatsoever. 4. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, is the first and the last. 5. I believe with perfect faith that to the Creator, blessed be His Name and to Him alone it is right to pray and that it is not right to pray to any being be- sides Him. 6. I believe with perfect faith that all the words of the proph- ets are true. 7. I believe with perfect faith that the prophecy of Moses, our teacher, peace be unto him, was true and that he was the chief 3. I Aid to Farmers of the prophets, both of those that preceded and of those that fol- lowed 8. I believe with perfect faith that the whole Law, now in our possess-ion, is the same that was given to Moses our teacher, peace be unto him. 9. I believe with perfect faith that this Law will not be changed and that there will never be any other law from the Creator, blessed be His Name. .... ........ 10. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, knows every deed of the children of men and all their thoughts, as it is said, it is He that fashioneth the hearts of them all, that giveth heed to all their deeds. 11. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, rewards those that keep His commandments and punishes those that transgress them. 12. I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah and though He tarry, I will wait daily for His coming. 13. I believe with perfect faith that there will be a resurrection of the dead at the time when it shall please the Creator, blessed be His Name and exalted be the remembrance of it for ever and ever. Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons RAY'S BRIDAL SALON Gowns for All Occasions 10909 Grand River WE 3-4636 KOSHER POULTRY Poultry - Eggs Free Delivery Mile UN 4-6963 13420 W. 7 Cordial Holiday Greetings J. V. SHARKEY Wholesale Lumber I KE 3-0550 r •INFOOMIIINIAINWO ■ l111•1104,11•111.11.1 ■ 04 ■ 0111•11.0.11•411 Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons BILLY'S 1 i RESTAURANT & DELICATESSEN i x 19171 Livernois i UN 3-3298 i I LIIIIIIH.MMOaM.!0 ■ 1111111M+1 ■ 1•1 ■ 0•11110.0.11.4141M.. sumas...sussuuLa_uutsssss Happy New Year SHAPIRO-MUNSON Plumbing and Heating Contractors 7233 . E. 8 Mile Rd., 1 BIk. W. of Van Dyke Warren, Mich. JE 6-9087-88 Holiday Greetings TELEPHONE SECRETARIAL SERVICE, Inc. Your Telephone Answered When You Are Out 1 For 24-Hour Services Anywhere Call TR 2-8000 Also Office and Business Address 3049 E. Grand Blvd., Security Bldg. New Year Greetings to Our Friends and Patrons WARNER & WARNER ENGINEERING 828 Farwell Bldg. WO 2-7118 Best Wishes for a Happy New, Year ADAMS THEATRE WO 1-8525 RYNNE CHINA CO. Largest White China Dealer in the Midwest Everything for China Painter Imports from France, Germany and Japan This farmer spraying grape vines at an Israeli settlement is an example of the intro- duction of technology and ag- ricultural development made possible by the Israel Bond campaign. I -.1•11 . 0■ 04■0111 •11.1111”0- ■ 01111•11,04111111104 ■ 11.. New Year Greetings To All • SS ROSENBERG'S Although 700 years have 44 W. Adams Best Wishes For a Happy Ne To Our M Friends and passed since their formation, the 13 articles have not lost their persuasive truth and have remained the most popular definition of Orthodox Juda- ism. They have formed the basis for many religious hymns, such as "Yigdal Eloheem" — "The living G-d we praise, ex- alt, adore .. ." a jubilant paeon ,of the Creator's bounties. 222 W. 8 Mile Rd. 1 Blk. W. of John R LI 2-8700 Hazel Park