THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951- Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National $ditorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March •8, 1879. - PHILIP SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Editor and Publisher Circulation Manager Advertising Manager City Editor Rosh Hashanah Scriptural Selections Pentateuchal portions: First Day, Thursday,. Gen. 21:1-34, Num. 29:1-6; Second Day, Friday, Gen. 22:1-24, Num. 29:1-6. Prophetical- portions: Thursday, I Satnuel 1:1-2:10; Friday, Jeremiah 31:2-20. Shabbat Shuvah Scriptural Selections The coming Sabbath, the third day of Tishri, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentatiuchal portion, Haazinu, Deut. 32:1-52. Prophetical portion, Hosea 14:2-10, Micah 7:18-20. Scriptural Readings for 'Fast of Gedaliah, Sunday, Pentateuchal p o rt i o n, Ex. 32:11-14; 34:1-10. Prophetical portion, Isaiah .5'5:7-56:8. Page Four VOL. XXXVIH. No. 4 September 23, 1960 Encouraging Trends for the New Year In the course of stock-taking of the events that transpired during the year that has just passed, of the accomplishments to our credit as well as the shortcom- ings; and as we begin to plan for another year of wholesome efforts, there is cause for inspiration in the knowledge that there are positive approaches to Jewish needs. The year. 5720 may well be judged to have been, comparatively, a constructive one. It is true that it was marred by an outburst of anti - Semitism, by swastika- smearings, by a resurgence of neo-Nazisrn. But the speed with which the world at large rejected the Hitler-type of bigotry was indeed heartening. In Jewish ranks, the answer to the bigots was prompt and firm. There was no dilly-dallying either about an anti-Semite in our nation's capital or when there was need for action against vandals in many lands. It is in the internal sphere that the positive Jewish attitudes were in evidence. Jewish communities showed an earnest desire to advance cultural activities that are so vital to a' people's existence. Many new educational projects were introduced, and while the attainments were not revolutionary, they registered progress in the planning for the training of an informed Jewish constituency. We are witnessing- greater consolidation of school activities. The cooperative efforts between congregations and the communal schools, the trend towards stand- ardizing curricula, the formation of schools of higher learning for the training of teachers—all these arein- dications of sound planning. r144;V American Jewry already 4 has gained acclaim for its philanthropic spirit. Gener- ous giving to relief and re- habilitation movements, sup- port of edu6ational endeav- ors, encouragement to sci- entific research movements, have been the distinctive factors in our activities. Now there is an evident new symptom in our com- munal programming — to create able leadership, to train the youth for an un- derstanding of our needs and aspirations, to encour- age learning as a basis for Jewish existence. Taking into account these new trends, we should feel truly heartened as we wel- come 'a New Year. Naturally, it will remain vitally important for us to strengthen the fund-raising agencies. Without the neces- sary income the new aspira- tions will be valueless. Un- • ess there are sufficient means with which to con- -ct Threat of Religious Bigotry We are a progressive nation. Our country has made great progress in many spheres. Although we are challenged in some areas by the Soviet Union, we are far from backward. In one sphere, however, we are again in danger of retrogressing. As we approach an important Presiden- tial election, we face the danger of a renewal of reli-' gious bigotry that can do no one any good. The extent to which the religious issue is playing a major role in the current campaign is truly disturbing. When the Democratic candidate for the Presidency was making great progress in securing support for his party's nomination, there was hope that the prejudices of 32 years ago had disappeared. But the moment the battle lines were drawn and a Catholic became a nom- inee, there was talk again that "it is 1928 all over again." As a matter of facts, the literature that is being spread, appealing to hate and bias on religious scores, it became apparent that the 1928 bigotries may even be inflated and that we are due for a bitter-debate in the present crucial political campaign. The new tendencies must be discouraged. Religious bigotry must be condemned. There must be an end to bias and discrimination. We can not argue about civil liberties and at the same time endorse religious antagonisms. Fortunately, there is, an organized movement among nearly all religious groups to condemn the evi- dences of religious prejudice in the political campaign. Thei. e is unanimous accord in Jewish ranks against any and all manifestations of religious liberty. It is imperative that the religious issue should be removed from consideration of the candidates for the Presidency, both of whom have joined in an effort to put an end to discussion of religion in politics. The candidates must be judged on their merits. Their parties should be tested only on the score of prin- ciples. All of us owe a duty to the truest American ideals to oppose whatever manifestations of religious bias may be injected in the current campaign. • V. • ,. . tinue our assistance to Is- rael, our support of local and national agencies, all- of our traditional accomplish- ments will vanish into thin air. It stands to reason that the attainments of the high- est standards in our cultural undertakings also will re- quire increased giving to our communally - collected funds. Without adequate support our best intentions will be mere dreams. The aspiration for a stronger cultural entity, however, indicates a will- ingness to continue our best efforts for all the important causes to whose upkeep we are committed. We are on the road towards building better - informed Jewish communities. Even in the process of fund-raising we have been encouraging lead- ership training. All of that is to the good. It is a satis- fying omen for the New Year. • •a •• w • • •• • • • •• • ( 4ir -r * 1: • - •••, - 4•••• - t Pt •