32 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, September 2 3, 1969 — See Fading of Small Communities as Italy's 30,000 Jews Show Urban Trend By TULLIA ZEVI (JTA Correspondent in Italy) (Copyright, 1960, JTA, Inc.) ROME—Italy's 30,000 Jews, grouped into 23 communities, remained stationary numbers during the past year but tended to move increasingly into cities with large Jewish communities. The trend foreshadowed the dis- appearance of the smaller Jew- ish communities. Milan and Rdirre are the tw major centers of Italian Jewisl life. Milan, Italy's largest in dustrial center, offers sub stantial educational and job op- portunities, and it exerts a great attraction not only for Italian Jews living in the smaller towns but also on foreign Jews who have established their own com- munities within the Jewish com- munity. They include Jews from Syria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey and a large group of Ashkenazi Jews. The Milan Je . sh corn- munity totals 8,000 p ons. unun- The largest Jewish with ity in Italy is that of o of- 11,238 persons, ac Rome's ficial statistics. ff, says the Chief Ra r Pr Jews in Rome nu ,000, includi s the e t such intern e p s as F • 0 org -uz ations and t Unite dusty' , as well as • m- bers f the internatio I colony of artists, students, t desmen nd journalists who f quently take up residence in R le last- ing several years. The doors of Rome's ghetto were opened 90 years ago. Jews poured out into the life .1111 ■ 14.11111.1411 ■ 04 ■ 0•11•111.41001•041 ■0■ 11.010410.0 Best Wishes on New Year To Our Friends and Patrons GAYLORD JEWELERS See Us Before You Buy For Lowest Prices Diamonds - Watches - Luggage - Silverware Typewriters - Radios 20152 West 7 Mile Rd. KE 3-6090 J. L. Stone now at Gaylord's ., ........c...............................o....J 1 Happy New Year Canvas Products Tarpaulins - Wholesale prices Immediate delivery Established over 25 years 10411 Capitol, Oak Park LI 7-0730 New Year Greetings New Year Greetings HARRY M. GOLDFARB FELDBRO QUALITY MEATS WO 1-4645 - WO 1-4646 WO 1-1196 Res. UN 3-0776 20233 W. 7 Mile Rd. Between Kentfield and Heyden BONDS FOR ALL COURTS Surety Bonds - General Insurance Office: 1317 BEAUBIEN ST. Detroit, Mich. KE 4 - 7522 Harold and Bob Want to Meet You Season's Best Wishes STUDIO FLOWERS & GIFT PACKAGES L■. Imported Foods and Delicacies in Unusual Containers Make Marvelous Gifts for the Holiday FRESH FRUIT BASKETS Far All Occasions — Prizes for Bingo Parties a Specialty Ask for Free Catalogue — Complete Display at All Times City-Wide Delivery Three Times a Day TOwnsend 8-8442 13516 SECOND AVE., Corner Davison 11 111011111111110111/ 00 Holiday Good Cheer HANNAN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Inc. G.1. - F.H.A. - Conventional Mortgages Businesses and Apartments Member: Mortgage Bankers Ass'n. VE 8-8220 18200 Plymouth Rd. Greetings on the Holiday INKSTER LUMBER CO. 27540 MICHIGAN AVE., 1 Block W. of Inkster Rd. LO 3-1600 1 DETROIT INSTITUTE OF MUSICAL ART Instruction in All Instruments and Voice — Opera Workshop Speech and Theatre Arts — Ballet Piano Teacher Training Program Piano Classes for Children 4 to 6 Years 5330 - 50 JOHN R (Art Centre) — TEmple 1 - 2870 Branches: East Side and Dearborn Member of the National Association of Schools of Music Greetings for a Happy New Year DETROIT LAWN CUTTING CO. Since 1918 — Harold E. Hotchkiss 4005 Seyburn WA 1-0910 To Our Friends and Patrons Best Wishes For A Happy New Year YELLOW SYSTEM, INC. Milan refl•cts the industrial character f the city and of Northern taly. Important in- dustr . s uch as cotton and =nufacturing and paints ap ned and managed by r Ws. Jewish educational and cul- tural activities occupy a major area of Jewish communal ac- tivity, as in most free countries, and there were important de- velopments in such . activities du lig the past Jewish year. L December, a new die- r y and pre-vocational m e n school was inaugurated in Rome. esigned to accommo- date 700 • upils, the school cost $250,000. onstruction of a kin- dergarte for the school is ex- pected to start this year. In Mil. 1, a site for a new Jewish s ool has been pur- school will cost an chased. T ,000,000, with half estimated of the mon coming from the Claims Conf ence and the rest wry. It • will ac- from Milan 1 1 pu! is from commodate first grade ts. c ■ ege nd will be the larges • vi. school in Europe. There are 790 in the present Milan Jew]. school, of whom only 395 are Italian Jewish children. The others come from other countries, rep- resenting 37 nationalities. The cultural program is ex- tensive, covering Jewish schools, rabbinical college, teacher train- ing programs, textbook publi- cation, Jewish centers and reg- ular contacts with various youth organizations. The Jewish center in Rome will be augmented soon by one to be opened in Florence and a third in Milan. Italy's Jews continue the tradition of taking care of their needy, including the refugees coming to a nation considered the most import. ant European transit country for Jews coming both from the east and the south. However, there has been a steady decrease in the num- ber of Jewish refugees living in Italy temporarily while awaiting permanent settle- ment in other countries. During the past year, only 83 Israel government at the coro- nation of Pope John XXIII. Yet another was approval on Dec. 3 by the Italian Senate of a law against genocide. place on the larger Italian scene of consequence to Italian Jewry. One was the Mediterranean Con- ference organized in Florence last October by former Mayor Giorgio La Pira at which, after some initial Arab objections, Jews and Arabs mixed on a non-governmental 1 e v el for fruitful exchanges of views. Another was the participation of Israel Ambassador Eliahu Sasson as official representative of President Ben-Zvi and the ranks first among . 117 American Greetings New Year Greetings to My Friends and Customers Bud's Northend Shell Service Lube Tires - Batteries Accessories - Road Service 21601 Coolidge, Oak Pork LI 5-9403 The University of Michigan engineering colleges and universi- ties in volume of research con- ducted. New Year Greetings :Cadillac Square Grill 60 Cadillac Square WO 5-0817 o L 70 0 0!0 0 0 0 40 0 0 a Carlo Tile CT Marble Company Genuine Clay Tile 13094 Corbett LA 6-3258 41111011l111010!11!11 11•1•410 ■ 10.0 M1•11, 0•11•1111.011111111.04111.1.041 ■ 0 •=1.1 ■ 1111111111..11 Happy New Year 1 DUMOUCHELLE ART GALLERIES CO. Lawrence F. Dumouchelle Auctioneers — Liquidators — Appraisers 409 E. Jefferson WO 3-6255 ../.11 ■ 41i00.1 •14,0■ 11.•1•0•111•1•041•1111111041111•14,11111111,11.011.0401111.11.11111,041 ■ 1.41 ■ 04•••0•••• ■ 0411M.I.M., ■ •0 ■ 11.0 ■ 0•11M Happy New Year DUNK DONUTS SHOPS Tender — Nutritious — Delicious 22914 Woodward, Ferndale 149 W. 6 Mile nr. Woodward, Highland Park Daily 6 a m. - 12 Midnight — Free Parking 1•11 ■ 1.1=1100 01111.0.1•1111.0•1 ■ 04•1111.1111i 011110.1 0 10 ..111.1101011111.0 MIMI 0 411...111•11.13 ■ 114.1111.14111111M, rkg BEST WISHES i FOR A persons arrived from East European countries, in addition to the 109 already here. Most of them were resettled in places of their choice, including Can- ada, Australia, and the United States. Some settled permanent- ly in Italy. The exodus from Egypt con- tinued through 1958 and 1959 but at a reduced pace. The number of Egyptian Jews re- ceiving relief in Italy decreased from 442 cases in 1957 to 239 in 1958. About 2,500 Egyptian Jews have settled in Italy and 90 _percent have become Italian citizens. A sidelight of JeWish life in Italy this past year was a mani- festation of an increased in- terest in Judaism among non- Jews in Rome. Rabbi Toaff said there were a number of re- -GUESS THERE'S NOTI-IIN' WRONG WITH MY EYES AFTER ALL-DOC-W1-1EN I CAW SPOT A GOOD DEAL LIKE THAT!! . SAVI GS BON BEST EY NOW PAYING We Rent Cars and Trucks Drive Yourself 2121 Cass Ave. quests for conversion from Catholicism to Judaism, the ma- jority, as might be expected, be- ing motivated by a desire to marry a Jew. Each case is ex- amined with special caution. A number of events took The Jewish community of of the city and have opened shops all over Rome since. The old ghetto remains a predominantly Jewish section with an intense and colorful small trade commercial life. DETROIT-DEARBORN CLAWSON-TAYLOR Detroit 1, Mich. Sponsored by a Friend 11111 ■ 011•11.-0 ■ 0.1 ■ 43 1•1 ■ 011111111011111•1 ■ 011111111.011 ■ 44•0111 ■ 0.•••041.M0 ■ 0!.111!0 ■ 411•.0.11101.41 ■ 41 ■ 141iO411,