Russian Anti-Semitism Exposed at H • Continued from Page 1 • Mission in Israel. In a special Prof. Bernhard Zondek, head of message to the convention, Pres- Hadassah's department of ob ident Eisenhower characterized stetrics and gynecology, and Hadassah as an organization pr of e's s o r of obstetrics and whose health and social welfare programs have brought strength gynecology at the Hebre University - Hadassah Medical and hope to many abroad. "At School reported on the results the same time," said the Presi- of five years of experimenta dent, "the efforts of this organi- tion which led to the discovery zation to promote greater under- of a method of determining standing of the major issues whether a fetus is in danger the confronting our country have last four months of pregnancy. done much to advance respons- Dr. Zonde k, internationally ible citizenship at hoine." known as the co-discoverer of Mrs. Benjamin Gottesman, na- the Asheim-Zondek test for tional treasurer, reported that pregnancy and for his work on Hadassah has raised $10,900,000 f em ale endoctrinology, has during the last 12 months. This spent more than 30 years in his figure, she said, represents an search for such a method. increase of almost $500,000 over The "ever-mounting campaign the monies raised during H against Judaism and individual sah's 1958-59 fiscal Jews" which is now being con- Hadassah goal fo e cal ducted by newspapers in the year 1959-60 w ,33 , 00. Soviet Union was deplored at 7-POINT OLUTION the opening session by Dr. A seven- t resolution call- Miriam K.: Freund, president ing upon next Adminis of the organization. tion in shington to " Dr. Freund, who just return- ously sue" a progra ed from the Soviet Union, econoi progress, po al where she participated in the stabil and peace in 25th International Congress of midd East as "necessa Orientalists in Moscow, said that Ame a's security and "during the last year alone, the defe of freedom" was a opt- major newspapers in different ed the convention of Ha- Soviet republics have carried dass The resolution urge about 100 articles that were the inistration to: clearly anti-Jewish in content 1. Middle and intent." 2.'Tak s to insure "I am referring to articles that an a shall not result where no doubt was left as to in the Middle ast. 3. Continue economic assistance to the Jewishness of the person Israel and the Arab people under the pilloried by stress upon all Jew- conditions set forth in the Douglas- Keating amendment to the Mutual ish aspects of his given name Security Act, authorizing the Ad- and surname; upon his Jewish ministration to withhold American from countries which wage friends and relatives, upon his assistance economic warfare against other na- contact with the synagogue," tions also receiving assistance from States. she said. "No one knows how the 4. United Intensify United States efforts to insure that the Suez Canal is opened many more such articles have the shipping of all nations without appeared in the more obscure to discrimination. 5. Emphasize to the Arab nations newspapers of the Soviet Union. that the United States will not toler- They all have this in common: ate discrimination against American They emphasize that the Jewish firms which do business with Israel. 6. Promote efforts for- the satisfac- religion is subservient to a for- tory resettlement of Arab refugees in Arab countries. eign state and therefore is 7. Take the initiative in promoting treasonous; that pious Jews as e direct negotiations between Israel and drunkards, hooligans and embez- the U.A.R. Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin, zlers; that Jews are anti-social mercenary characters who do former national president of wrong to innocent Russians and Hadassah and acting chairman of the Jewish Agency, took is- Ukrainians. sue with Ben-Gurion's assertion POTENTIAL DISASTER . "I must stress with all the that the Zionist movement was gravity I can muster that these the "scaffolding of a building," articles in the Russian, Ukrain- and must come down, now that ian, Lithuanian and Moldavian the State of Israel has been languages, are fraught with po- established. Mrs. Halprin tential disaster and cannot but stated: "Mr. Ben-Gurion—aware of the af- destroy any possibility of achiev- fection, the good will, the admiration that most Jews have for the State ing amity between Jews and of Israel—believes that the need for a non-Jews in the Soviet Union," Zionist movement may have passed. In this view, he has neither the sup- Dr. Freund warned. port of his Government nor of his "The Jews of the Soviet party. But we, Hadassah, who are a major part of the Zionist movement, Union should have restored to give answer of our own. them not only full equality of "He compares the movement to the 'scaffolding of a building' and sug- treatment, both as individuals gests that. now that the building is and as an ethnic and religious complete the scaffolding must come down. He is in error in the analogy group, but they should be per- he draws. The Zionist movement was mitted to have contacts with never the 'scaffolding.' Rather. it was an integral part of the building their fellow Jews abroad as well itself. We helped Iay the foundation as reunion with the remnants stone. We are a retaining wall. A who breaks such a wall, does of their families elsewhere," builder so at peril to the safety of the build- the Hadassah president con- ing itself. And so we answer the `no' to Mr. Ben-Gurion, not be- tinued. "The Soviet Union can word cause we have vested interests, but earn nothing but good will because we—as he—are custodians of Jewish history and responsible for everywhere by a change of Jewish survival. `line' in this respect." As custodians we know that the task is far from accomplished. In The o • • ng session was also facing the next decade and the re- addre d by arman, sponsibilities which are already fore- seeable, it is our fervent belief that the only a movement bassador I s r el's dedicated to the es, and Bru Mc- totality of Jewish life firmly com- ed to the belief in the unity of of mitted D iel • rmer administra the Jewish people, recognizing in Is- ited States Opera ns rael the centrality of Jewish life in e of Itall M (D ect' Th e to Release Zind e Wi ews) West r • rman T inis y Moi y for- o extra- ested Ital al convicted dwig Zin • an school t er, who was after escaping in N nab 0 - Irv IF YOU TURN THE . / UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN I, Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. from Germany while awaiting sentencing. Zind was about to board a ship at Naples for Libya, where a teaching job awaited him when he was recognized by Is- raeli sailors along the piers. They called Italian police who arrested him. He is now in an Italian jail. Officials here expressed opin- ions privately that they were not certain the Italian govern- ment would honor the extradi- tion request. There is no extra- dition treaty between Germany and Italy. Classified ads bring fast results! rley its cultural and spiritual .asp working to support Israel not peripheral task but as a cent only such a movement can sponsibility and undertake that it imposes. "To remedy the situati to return to the study of the le, to the ethics of the prophet must be a major task in the d de that lies ahead. We must es lish in this great land of ours a chly flourish- ing American Jew'. community, which can and will aintain strong spiritual and cultural inks with the Jews in Israel. "Israel has the righ Jews, born in liberty, its preservation, aware cisely it must be guar their contribution to the Israel's democracy. Americ trekking to all parts of the world o bring their knowhow and their skills to newly emerging nations. Surely the American Jew cannot do less for Israel." At the convention banquet, A Michael Comay, Israe delegation to the Um. ed Nati 5, said that "the Middle East s remained . a troubled spot, b the world has come to see t t the ten- sion flows f t struggle the orld—par- xpansionist Nasser re- ical medicine and rehabilita- American commui on the tion, reported on his research true meaning an philosophy in the use of short way of onism." Mrs. cobson as- diation fo great s ed that "too ny,. unfriend- thritis lie c ditions es hav een trying to Mrs. Um aco e th ty objectives of caled it n ders o onism, ecially now that dassah 'take -a am- the S of Israel is estab- paign t ucate the total li - NM ME MN III Mil Holiday Special ONLY AT SPITZER'S J. SPITZER Cultured Pearl Mezzuzah 79` With Chain Regular $2 1 dler, head of I partment of phys- 25 Differently Styled Sterling Silver Kiddush Cups from $1.25 up lidera" By /risk by Eastern Jewelry Mfg. Co. I A REAL VALUE ST. 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