A Heavy Volume THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Circulation Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath. the eighteenth day of Elul, 5720, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal. portion, Ki Tavo, Dent. 26:1-29:8. Prophetical portion, Is. 60:1-22. Licht Benshen. Friday, Sept. 6, 6:34 p.m. VOL. XXXVIII, No. 2 Page Four September 9, 1960 Must Prevent 'World Offensive Against Israel' Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, one of the ablest interpreters of the Zionist idea, in an address before the annual conven- tion of the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica, refuted criticisms of the American Zionist movement by declaring that "Zionism was the architectural design, the material out of which the State of Israel was built, and the will that built it," and declared: "Zionism will remain Israel's sure and main support in the days to come. It would be folly to break the cask, and still hope that the wine will be retained . . . nor is there any other cask available into which the wine can be poured and conserved." Another distinguished Zionist leader, Dr. Emanuel Neumann, in an address at the ZOA convention, added the following in an evaluation of Zionism's role in Jew- ish life:_ "The Zionist movement has cre-• ated the State of Israel and sponsored the Great Return. It will continue to rally moral and material support for . . . Israel and help to consolidate her posi- tion and defend her rights and legitimate interests against all adversaries. But Zion- ism is not a philanthropy—and vastly more than an aid-to-Israel movement. It has another aspect and dimension of deepest significance to Jewish life in America and the world over. As con- ceived by Herzl, Zionism _signifies a re- turn to Judaism and a Jewish spiritual renascence." While there are differing views on the subject, and some Jewish leaders, in- cluding Israelis, notably David Ben- Gurion, are inclined to minimize the posi- tion of the Zionist movement in Israel's role of statehood, it is to be hoped that the views of the two quoted leaders will prevail, in view of recurrent dangers to Israel and to all Jewry from antagonistic forces, some of them anti-Semitic. * * Related to the discussion of the cur- rent position of Zionism is the movement that was urgently advocated at the ZOA convention, for the creation of a unified Jewish voice, an American Jewish Assem- bly, that should speak for American Jewry on all .issues relating to Jewry. The two matters—the strengthening of the Zionist movement and the evolve- ment of a unified Jewish force are closely associated. It Would, indeed, be folly to sacrifice Zionism on an altar of overconfidence, simply because Israel now is an established fact. At the same time it would be suicidal to remain com- placent in viewing the position of Jews. throughout the world. Arab antagonisms often inspire anti-Semitic tendencies, in this country and abroad. We are far re- moved from a panacea of non-prejudice. There always are situations that call for unified Jewish action. Zionist leaders therefore acted realistically both in their resolve to strengthen their movement and in undertaking to encourage the for- mation of an assembly that should be prepared to act in times of crises. ,, * * New dangers face Israel and there- fore present challenges to the Zionists. The Jewish Observer and Middle East Review of London recently warned of a "world offensive against Israel," with "London as center for a new campaign." The London Spectator has been conduct- ing an anti-Zionist offensive that reads like a combined Kremlin-Munich anti- Semitic tirade. A number of recently- published books with anti-Israel attitudes are based on propaganda supplied by the Council for Judaism. It would be unwise to treat the new outburst of prejudice as either a passing phase in an era of Israel's reality or as unworthy of consideration. Out of minor rumor-mongering often develop holo- causts, and out of subtle propaganda can come real danger to a people, to its aspira- tions, to a small state that is fighting an uphill battle for existence. * * * Here is a typical example of the mean- est type of prejudice. In a review of the new book by Jon and David Kimche, in which the two Anglo-Jewish correspond- ents 'describe the background of the Is- raeli war of independence, the reviewer Editor's Note: A collection of law works showing the contribu- goes so far as to suggest that Zionists tions Jews made to American law opened at the Bnai Brith building engineered the calamities under Hitler as in Washington last week. a weapon for statehood. Referring to the Kimches' "conventional triangular An Expose of Hitlerism approach to the war—the British, the Arab, the Jewish sides of the hill," the reviewer had the audacity to write that "what they thus suppress is one of the most massively important features of the entire Palestine struggle—namely that Zionism deliberately arranged that the Elie Wiesel was 15 when he and his family were isolated in plight of the wretched survivors of Hitler- a ghetto in Sighet, the Transylvanian small town, with his family. ism should be 'a moral argument' which They felt secure there for a time. Then the Nazis began to move the West had to accept." them into concentration camps. His mother and sisters were re- This is a shocking accusation. The moved, never to be heard from again. With his father he went death of six million Jews at the hands of through the infernos of Birkenau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Buna. Nazi-ruled Germany indeed emerged as He witnessed his father's death shortly before he was liberated, as A moral argument in support of an open the American troops began to move in at Buchenwald. door policy for the admission of Jews His deeply moving story is told in an impressive account pub- into the then British-ruled Palestine. But lished under the title "Night" by Hill and Wang (104 5th, N.Y.). it was the immorality of British perfidy It is another valuable record to be added to the books written by of that time that created a moral issue. the survivors from Nazism. It is additional evidence against the London Spectator's editor and his horrors of Hitlerism. * * * book reviewer also saw fit to charge that Francois Mauriac, in a foreword to "Night," pays tribute to there was a rescue plan in behalf of refugees from Hitlerism, one of them the young author and recalls the scenes he had seen of children supposedly proposed by the late Presi- who were herded together as sufferers under Nazism. "I was one dent Franklin D. Roosevelt. This charge of them," Wiesel told him. Mauriac's consoling words are: "Zion has risen up again from the crematories and the also is a myth. If it is true, proofs should be provided. It would vindicate the late charnel houses. The Jewish nation has been resurrected from President Roosevelt, whose administra- among its thousands of dead. It is through them that it lives tion fell far short of its responsibilities again. We do not know the worth of one single drop of blood, one single tear. All is grace. If the Eternal is the Eternal, the by failure to save more Jews. It was dur- last word for each one of us belongs to Him. This is what I ing the administration of President Harry should have told this Jewish child. But I could only embrace S. Truman that a demand was made upon him, weeping." the Attlee-Bevin government to admit 100,000 Jews—and even that never was The reader will weep numerous times as he reads Wiesel's fulfilled. It was only the emergence of "Night." The Sighet Jews lived a normal life, until the ghetto was the State of Israel that made possible the created for them. Then, on the seventh day of Passover, in 1944, mass immigration of Jews into Israel. "the curtain rose," and "the Germans arrested the leaders of the These writers overlook the fact that Jewish community. From that moment, everything happened very all avenues of escape were closed to Jew- quickly. The race toward death had begun." ish victims of the world's worst curse. For the first time, he saw his father weep. As the Wiesel family Yet, a writer for a responsible periodical was being separated, the females from the males, the Hungarian has the audacity to accuse Jews of police arrived to help the Nazis. "Get on with you, lazy swine," they yelled, and the young author of "Night" declares: "It was from arranging moral claims! * * * that moment that I began to hate them, and my hate is still the only link between us today." As the "race toward death" began, There are misrepresentations in a number of books. In his "Kings and during the final hours in the ghetto, Wiesel recalled: "Night! No one prayed, so that the night would pass quickly. Camels," Grant C. Butler has swallowed The stars were only sparks of the fire which devoured us. Should —hook, line and sinker—the Berger- that fire die out one day, there would be nothing left in the sky Council of Judaism line. It is true that but dead stars, dead eyes." he concludes his book on an optimistic * * * • note—that peace is possible, that Jews the sufferers, as described "Gnawed by fear," the tragedy of and Arabs can get together. But his Wiesel, began at Birkenau. They watched the flames that came solution is based on information gath- by from the chimneys of the crematoria: "Never shall I forget those ered from Israel's vilest enemies. flames which consumed by faith forever." There are scores of similar evidences Then came Auschwitz and Elie became number A-7713, in of a campaign aimed at harming Israel. Auschwitz, which was followed by Buna and later by Buchenwald. That calls for renewal of activities to He recalls the activities of Dr. Joseph Mengele, the notorious Nazi clarify the issues, to present Israel's case butcher whose punishment now is demanded, and the dastardly factually, frankly and realistically and to work of doctors whose job was "to finish off the sick." * * * strive to put an end to propaganda aimed at destroying an entire people. The cam- It was towards the end that "the camp resistance organization paign against Israel is genocidal, the had decided not to abandon the Jews and was going -to prevent Arabs use the term "exterminate," and their being liquidated." It was as the American tanks stood at the Jews must resort to defense so that there gates of Buchenwald that "the SS had fled and the resistance should be no more comfort given to those had taken charge of running of the camp." who advocate gas chambers for Jews. Elie Wiesel had the first chance, after satiating his hunger, in It is evident that a strong Zionist move- the hour of liberation, to look at himself: "from the depths of the ment is needed to assure justice for Is- mirror, a corpse gazed back at me." rael, and that a unified assembly is His "Night" is powerful. It is a story to be shared with all urgent to prevent injustice to Jewry. liberty-loving people, so that the tragedy of Nazism should never Views at the ZOA convention therefore be forgotten, so that the Hitlerite brutalities may never again be were timely, practical and most necessary. repeated. Wiese! Gives Youth's Account of Nazi Terrorism in 'Night'