O CO Cr3 Oi as z O Gail Weinberg Wed Detroit Chapter of Hadassah Slates Schiller-Schwartz to Gerald J. Sukenic Study Sessions for 'Education Day' Engagement Told The study groups of the De- troit Chapter of Hadassah will hold an all-day session from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sept. 20 at the Hadassah House. Planning this "Education Day" are Mesdames George Rubin, vice president of educa- Center Symphony Concerts Listed for Current Year An all-star program featuring outstanding concert artists has been announced for the 1960-61 season of the Jewish Center Symphony Orchestra. MRS. GERALD SUKENIC Under the direction of Julius In a recent evening ceremony Chajes, well-known conductor, at Cong. Adas Shalom, Gail composer and concert pianist, Weinberg was wed to Gerald Jay Sukenic. Rabbi Segal and Cantor Fenakel officiated. The newlyweds are the chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weinberg, 23400 Cloverlawn, Oak Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sukenic of Huntington Woods. The bride wore a satin gown with a bodice of Alencon lace. Her fingertip veil of white illu- sion fell from a tiara of pearls, and she carried a Bible mount- ed with white flowers. Francene Weinberg served as her sister's maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Arlene Glass- man and Carol Slafkin. Lynn Levine was junior bridesmaid, and Sheryl Sukenic, a niece, was flower girl. JULIUS CHAJES Lawrence Sukenic was his brother's best man, and ushers the symphony will present, dur- included Dennis Michaels, Dr. ing its 21st season, six Tuesday Alvin Michaels, Louis Feldman, evening concerts in the Aaron Melvin Rosenblatt and Nolan DeRoy Theater. , Weinberg, junior usher. -The Center Symphony is com- After a month in Florida, the posed of skilled amateur musi- couple will reside in Oak Park. ians, augmented by several pro- The bride is a senior at Wayne fessional musicians, including State University. some from the Detroit Sym- phony. Fredy Ostrovsky, outstanding U.S. Jewish Teenagers young violinist and member of Called 'Less Religious' the Boston Symphony Orches- tra, will open the season Oct. Than Other Faiths STARLIGHT, Pa. (JTA) — A 11. Gordon Staples, assistant national conference of Jewish concertmaster of the Detroit youth group workers was told Symphony, and Paul Olefsky, that American Jewish teenagers former solo cellist of the De- tend to be less committed towards troit Symphony, will perform formalized religion than Catholic Brahm's Double Concerto on Nov. 30. or Protestant adolescents. Jacob •Barkin, tenor, noted But this tendency on the part of Jewish teenagers to be less cantor, and Chajes, in his own accepting of dogma is not to be piano concerto, will be heard mistaken for lack of identification Feb. 7. Violinists Abraham and with their religions or disinterest, Elaine Mishkind, new members Dr. Daniel D. Raylesberg" of Bay- of the Detroit Symphony, will side, New York, said in a paper be heard in Bach's Double Con- delivered at the annual staff con- certo March 14. Mischa Kottler, distinguished ference of the Bnai Brith Youth Detroit pianist, and Mischa Mis- Organization. Dr. Raylesberg, a psychologist- chakoff, concertmaster of the social group worker, said that Detroit Symphony, will be solo- Jewish adolescents — along with ists at the final two concerts, their non-Jewish contemporaries April 18 and May 16, respec- —go through a phase of question- tively. There will be a Young ing and doubting religious dogma People's concert, Oct. 30. Vio- and institutions, but with one linists Emily Adams and Isidor major difference: Jewish adoles- Saslov also will be heard April cents, on the average, seem to 18. Tickets are on sale at the Center. show a greater tendency to ac- cept the teachings of science where these are in apparent con- tradiction to the teachings of re- ligion than do Protestants and Catholics." The Jewish college student has "less background and orientation Rabbi HERBERT GOLD- in his religious traditions" than STEIN, professor of homiletics undergraduates of other faiths, at Yeshiva University, recently the national director of Bnai published the first volume of Brith Hillel foundations stated. extensive commentaries on the Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn cited 613 Biblical Commandments recent campus studies in report- ever done in the English lan- ing that Jewish students "seem to guage. The book is entitled "Be- be more unsure of their religious tween the Lines of the Bible." * * * convictions and particularly un- Dr. VIKTOR E. FRANKL, of aware of their relationship to history and contemporary real- Vienna, world famous Jewish psychologist, will deliver a ity." series of five addresses—Oct. A score of years ago a Miami 16-20—at the Cathedral Church Beach convention was a rare of St. Paul, in Detroit, under event. Today this all-year re- auspices of the lecture series sort captial averages approxi- committee of the Diocese of Michigan. mately a convention a day. People ... Make News tion; Charles Robinson, William Shulewitz, Carl Bayer and Ben Snider. Topics for discussion will in- clude "The Past, Present and Future Aims of Study Groups;" and "Reporters Report Behind the News of American and Zion- ist Affairs." Speakers will include Mrs. Rubin, Mrs. Snider, Mrs. I. Jerome Hauser, chapter presi- dent who will speak on "Zion- ist Affairs;" and Prof. Mel Ravitz of Wayne State Uni- versity on "American Affairs." The following study groups will participate: Rayin, Mrs. Lester Simons; Limod, Mrs. Mickey Farris; Tamid, Mrs. San- ford Bloomberg; Ward, Mrs. Victor Tackman; Aziz, Mrs. Jul- ian Lefkowitz; Ya'ar, Mrs. Wil- liam Shulewitz; Medina, Mrs. Morris Kaner; and Bonim. The Education Day Commit- tee will provide cake and coffee for those who wish to bring their own lunch. President Hauser -reports that a large delegation of Detroit Chapter of Hadassah members will attend the National 46th Annual Convention Sunday through Wednesday in New York City. Mrs. Morris Wayne, UN 2-4445, is in charge of dele- gates' and guests' reservations. r 1114111•111.0 ■ 04 ■ 01•11•1...0. ■ CHNIMOMMO•11 ■ 0 I every On the At, This Week's Radio • Television Pro of Jewish WORDS IVE BY Timer 1 0 f .m., Sunday Station: W Featur The last of 14 logues o the Book P ms will be continuatio discussi on the praise a wonder cludin with a mary pr comments. articipant the series have Amer- ica's outstan en of let- ters, Mark ren, author, critic a Pul . zer Prize-vin- ning po , who is ofe eritus Engli Univ ity, and Ma uel, auth and lect T pro- gra is a pres tion Jew Theologi Se Am ca. JNF Again Issues Tree Certificates for the New Year The Jewish National Fund is again issuing tree certificates as New Year greetings to rela- tives and friends. The specially designed certificate, which at- tests to the planting of a tree "as a Symbol of Life for the New Year, 5721," will again be available at $2 per tree by call- ing UN 4-2767, or by writing to the Jewish National Fund, 18414 Wyoming, Detroit 21. Friends of JNF and Israel, according to Morris J. Brand- wine, JNF president, may again avail themselves of this method of extending New Year greet- ings: Organizations and those MISS ELLEN SCHILLER who are working on projects will receive the usual Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S. for these speci Schiller of Nadine Ave., Hunt- ington Woods, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, El- Israel uartet i 6th Year T len, to Jack A. Schwartz, son newly-es s lished Yeshi- niversity String Quartet of Harry Schwartz and the va foundea as the. Palestine late Mrs. Henrietta Schwartz of w artet 86 ears ago—'n 1874 Southwood Ave., Southfield. in Jeru alem, I 1. he The bride-elect is a senior in esent Isa the School of Education at the an, i University of Michigan. Her fiance was graduated from the Detroit Institute of Technology. Wedding plans are set for next summer. Southern Community Opens All-Day Hebrew School NEW YORK, (JTA)—An all- day Hebrew school was opened in Augusta, Ga., which has a Jewish population of about 300 ilies, it was announced here by muel C. Feuerstein, presi- dent f Torah Umesorah, the nation society for Orthodox Hebre Day Schools. There are 14 p 'p in the first grade of the ol. EDAH STUDIO 71e. lc ;Ids Seliri it 4) cL e itz.0 0.-(1 LA) esijs el Se OP i,-1 M i le Q.J. L.0 bo...1411- u.L.+(6 "ctserrt Fine Photography Candids Professionally Finished or Appointment Phone ICK teok 6r, KE 1-0104 .. n M EL Time: . Sunday Station: Z. Feat . Rabbi Day J. Sel- igson f Cen New ork, is s Yea After— ' butAa So mo Ibn Gabiro * * UNCIL-ALTMAN T : 10 p.m., S• St • WJ Feat ner, president ewish a- tional Fu i auxiliary, will discuss rol and activities of that anizat - . HE JE ime: 11:3 Station: W R Feature: electi siastes," e Bib ical orisms a philoso aid to h been writte ing Solo- mon, in Hebrew and in English by the Hon. Abba Eban, former Ambassador of Is- rael to the United State United Nations. 1: . . . TO LL TOG Time . S y St WJBK- F ure: "Ha from the about W rs," a fi el' ng indust sit er- Universi F an ud • -s presented tional °grams to nmunity year. 'ons in M iga eldon Rott and his SURE h ix e 1 ha-ve- s ( 6 0 4 a Y-NOTES "Music As You Like It" , QV\ %)e. ,,--sr,t,, I LI 7-0896 t,ovi 11 -2.6,4.2.7 THE SOCIAL & CULTURAL EVENT OF THE YEAR See Page 6 second best man at your wedding... (for color too . • . of course) ehic &matt photographer U-N 2-5506 STUDIO: 8440 W. McNICHOLS RD. OPPOSITE MARYGROVE COLLEGE Member Northwest Professional Photographers Guild nno =Inn, ORDER YOUR sonalized JEWISH NEW YEAR GREETING CARDS IN HEBREW OR ENGLISH FROM THE PIONEER 1 PRINTING PHILIP KUTNICK, Prop. Formerly on Dexter 14845 W. 7 MILE RD. Between Lauder and Robson VE. 6-3566