2 — Friday, August 26, 19 60 — THE DE TROIT JEWISH NE Purely Commentary Bernard Berenson, the Twice Converted Art Connoisseur Sylvia Sprigge is the author of a most interesting biography of the world famous art connoisseur and author of many critical works, Bernard Berenson. She has written her work in a spirit of admira- tion and affection for the man she had learned to know and to respect. Her "Berenson," published by Houghton Mifflin Co. (2 Park St., Boston) is the result of many years of research. Regrettably, it is incomplete. It fails to explain to the reader how and why a man who was brought up in a -Jewish environment, who never hesitated to acknowledge his Jewish heritage, who knew Yiddish and Hebrew, should have become converted twice. What caused it? There is no explanation for it. Why did he abandon his Jewish faith? Its motivation remains veiled in secrecy. Miss Sprigge writes that "Berenson was a Jew born and bred, with an Episcopalian baptism behind him." It is doubtful whether there was much loyalty to Episcopalianism, for, later on, "he was received into the (Catholic) Church," and his act actually is viewed that "he was really being received into Italy." "Nominal Catholics" is the way Berenson described himself and his wife. Berenson A lengthy chapter on the Pale of Settlement in Russia, where Berenson was born, provides interesting background data on the great critic and art authority. This chapter is a sympathetic explana- tion of Jewish life in the Pale (Cherto Ossiedlosti). There are some errors in this account. The biographer is right in referring to others like Hayim Soutine and Marc Chagall, who also were born in the Pale of Settlement, as Jews. But she is wrong in listing Debussy as a Jew. In spite of minor errors,. this is a good account, and it is interesting to learn from a footnote by Miss Sprigge that the dis- tinguished Jewish scholar, Sir Isaiah Berlin, and Sir Isaiah's mother had read her chapter on the Pale. It is rather surprising that they did not correct some of the errors, but they are minor and should not be held against the book. Berenson had changed his name from the family name of Val- vrojenski. Miss Sprigge gives an account of the desire of the younger generation of Jews in the Pale to go to the United States rather than to the Promised Land, and at this point she states: "Zionism was not popular in the Valvrojenski household. In later years Berenson wrote: 'I hated Zionism until Hitler's attempt to -destroy the Jews. Now the experiment of a Jewish State is a necessity that can't be avoided . . . the Hebrew language may be swamped by Arabia, and then Israel will sink into another and poorer Lebanon. Absit omen.' " Later, in her account of Berenson's life and activities, Miss Sprigge states: . "Before the Nazis came to power he had never been in favor of the Zionist movement or of the return of Israel to the Jews. But once the persecution started in earnest, he believed that no other course was possible. But he did not financially support this or any other 'movement' Indeed, there were others like him who changed ideological course when Hitler introduced his racial theory: then Jewish ances- try was traced not only beyond conversion, but unto the third gen- eration of grandparents and great-grandparents. Had men like Berenson acted earlier—and helped—most of the six million Jewish marytrs to Hitlerism undoubtedly would have been rescued. The Absit omen could, therefore, be applied to himself. Beren- son, the great art critic, also had chosen to prophesy and pass judg- ment about the swamping of Hebrew and Israel's absorption into Lebanon. All evil aside, Berenson, raised in the Pale of Settlement, emerges as prejudiced about the people from whom he stemmed, uninformed about the great event called Israel that already was a fact in his lifetime, his death having occurred in 1959, at the age of 94. But one must not judge Berenson's motives. He was Lithuanian, but he did not boast of being a Litvak; yet, he acknowledged it. Why did he abandon faith? He is not to be judged without the facts, and the cause of his twice-changed religious faith is not given in the Sprigge biography. In most other respects, Miss Sprigge has written a splendid biography. - * John Scott's Ultra Biased 'Democracy Is Not Enough' - In "a personal survey of the hungry world," in his new book entitled "Democracy Is Not Enough," published by Har- court, Brace & Co. (750 3rd, N. Y. 16), John Scott poses the. questions: "If multi-party parliamentary democracy will not work in the Hungry World during its turbulent development through self-government and independence, education and capital formation, what will work? How are the world's eager new na- tions to govern themselves?" The amazing answer given by Scott is: "A limited and tem- porary authoritarianism is necessary." He qualifies his advice by stating that "it will take years for these nations to acquire the assets and education needed to institute democracy . . . It is for such nations rather than against the USSR or China or communism that the United States must bend its efforts. To achieve this objective, democracy is not enough." The reason we do not formulate "a new and virile ideology," Scott avers, is because "we are overfed, overindulged individ- uals . . . For too many of us the. brotherhood of man has degen- erated into a glorification of the rugged individual . . ." Perhaps it is in the context of such an approach to human values that we can best understand Scott's attitude towards Israel and the Jews. Scott quotes facts and figures to show Israel's progress and he pays a compliment to the Jewish State. He gives the Israelis credit for having made "the desert bloom" and for having "estab- lished both an operative democracy and the highest per capita income in that part of the world, But his emphasis is not on the ingenuity and industriousness Libels Against Israel in New Book • . . The Berenson Story By Philip Slomovitz the United States government and from private Jewish sources. By innuendo as well as by direct implication, he maintains that Israel could not exist otherwise, and he utters this damaging sentiment that sounds as if it were dictated by the Council for Judaism and the Arab League: That Israel should restrict immigraton, that some refugees should be returned to Israel and that the 1949 UN resolution on frontiers should be implemented. "I believe," he states, "the United States should use economic and political pressures to urge the Israelis to do these things. A simple ruling of the In- ternal Revenue office on the tax deductibility of private funds would alone put great pressure on the Israelis." Then he asks another question: "But if the Israelis refuse to compromise?" And this is followed by the most amazing statement yet heard. Scott's unbelievably fantastic comment is: "Russian arms are now coming steadily into the Middle East, to Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt. Unless the Russians can be bought off—Berlin has been suggested as a price though I would oppose any such deal—Israel's military position will soon be quite untenable and a regional war almost inevitable. Rather than allow this to happen, I believe we should consider a radical alternative policy: a United States passport and one thousand dollars to every Israeli who wants to come to the United States to live. We could absorb a million immigrants without trouble. The gambit would cost a billion dollars. But even a regional war would cost us that in the first week." It is Scott's way of saying to Israel: "Commit Suicide!" Which adds to the amazement of the reader who must marvel that a writer of repute, who knows how ridiculous such a sug- gestion is, should have unburdened himself of such a genocidal thought. How naive can a man be? Doesn't Scott know about existing U.S. immigration laws, which would bar all those who would be evacuated from Israel by his scheme? Doesn't he know that Jews who found haven in Israel from the worst persecutions in history were unable to go elsewhere, because all doors were shut to them? Forgetting the bigotry that is expressed in the Scott senti- ments—on the question of tax deductibility and the removal of Jews from their homes in Israel—the ideas he has uttered are so unrealistic and so irrationally fanciful that one wonders how they could possibly pass through the hands of a book publisher's editorial department. One may well be prepared to issue passports and thousand dollar bills to the people in Katanga in the event of increasing Congolese troubles; or to Poles and East Berlin residents, in the face of dangers. But these are not the only blunders and evidences of bias in the Scott book. For instance, he compares Jews to the Chinese, stating that both "stick together" and • "work indefatigably." Then he states: "There is one significant difference between the position of the Jews in Europe and the overseas Chinese in Asia. The population of Israel is 1,800,000. The population of China is over 600,000,000." What's the point? Of course, there are less than 2,000,000 Jews in Israel. They form an autonomous community. There are 10,000,000 more Jews throughout the world who are the Israeli's kinsmen but have nothing to do with and no say in the Israel government. Six million Jews were murdered. What have these facts to do with the vast Chinese population? What's Scott's implication? Another ill-sounding reference to Jews is that leadership of the Communists in the "interracial comradeship against apar- theid" is "mostly white . often Jewish." So, he succeeded in dragging Jews in also in the South African tragedy. John Scott went far afield to utter prejudiced views about Jews and Israel. His "Democracy Is Not Enough" is a most biased and harmful book. Leader Opposes Canada's Aid to Day Schools MONTREAL, (JTA) — Oppo- sition to the granting of govern- ment support of Jewish day schools and private Jewish schools was expressed here by Saul Hayes, executive vice-pres- ident of the Canadian Jewish Congress. "The general practical con- sideration," declared Mr. Hayes, "is that, if tax monies are used for private schools, a great drain on the public treasury will take place, which will not be to the benefit of the citizen and will create very serious arguments." He held that Jewish day schools must be considered private schools. "I believe dogmatically that, if the Jewish schools accept gov- ernment monies, within a few years the whole character of the schools will be changed, and the Jewish day school will be back to the old system of Jew- ish subjects after school hours. Then the whole fuss will be about having Jewish children in a building owned by Jews, but nothing else," Hayes said. As for the position of the Canadian Jewish Congress, he asserted that "actually, Con- gress has not taken any official view of the day school. Nowhere will you find any resolutions to this effect. It is frankly and avowedly in favor of 'bigger and better' Jewish education, and that is all." "I will candidly admit," the executive asserted, "that there is a general feeling that the day schools are good ideas, but only for gifted children, being those who can take a full course ac- cording to the curriculum of the Department of Education in any given province and who can add to this during the school hours, Jewish history, Hebrew and such other - distinct- ly Jewish subjects as give a school a Jewish character. For people who want this for their children, either the community should pay for the gifted chil- dren, or parents should do so, or as is now the case in Jewish high schools, a combination of both. To ask government to do so may or may not run counter to the Congress philosophy, but there is no known or stated po- sition as yet." Israel Names Envoy to New State of Cyprus JERUSALEM, (JTA) Zev end of World War II. Levin, Israel Consul-General in During the period of "illegal" Cyprus, was appointed Ambas- immigration to Palestine, be- sador to that new Republic. The tween the end of the war and appointment was announced of- the rebirth of Israel as a state ficially by the Foreign Ministry, in 1948, Cypriots were most which added that Levin will cooperative with many Jewish present his new letter of cre- leaders and organizations, as- dence as full Ambassador to sisting the immigrants to Pale- Cyprus President Makarios in stine who had been detained at the next few days. Cyprus by the British. The announcement indicated Since 1948, Israel has estab- at least partial failure of the lished firm economic relations United Arab Republic's frantic with the people on the island efforts, pressed in recent weeks, and with its leaders. Spiel Bo- to undermine the long-standing neh, the construction firm and excellent relations that owned by Histadrut, the Israel have existed between Israel Federation of Labor, has an af- and the Cypriot people. These filiate company at Cyprus, and relations, it was pointed out another affiliate is there as a here, stem from very ancient, representive of the Shoham- Biblical times, and were Zim shipping line of Haifa. strongly reenforced after the Many Israelis own orchards on Ex-Nazi May Not HEIDELBERG, ( J T A ) — Prof. Ernst Forsthoff, Heidel- berg University political scien- tist who had been a political theorist for the Nazi Party under Hitler, conceded he was not yet certain that he would be named to the presidency of the Supreme Court of the new Republic of Cyprus. Reports in- dicating that he would be ap- pointed to that post had been received here from Nicosia, the capitol of Cyprus, which form- ally became an independent of the Israelis but rather on' the country's receiving aid from' sovereignty this week. • Head Cyprus Court Archbishop Maarios, presi- dent of Cyprus, was reported having second thoughts about naming Prof. Forsthoff to the high judicial post, after receiv- ing reports about the professor's Nazi past. Forsthoff gained notoriety in Germany in 1933, and was appointed professor at the University of Frankfurt, after publishing a book entitled "The Total State." The book constituted a glorification of Nazism, an apologia for Nazi racist theories and an affirma- tion of Hitler's "leadership principle." Cyprus. Israelis • compose the largest tourist groups visiting Cyprus annually. The Cairo government has been pressing Cyprus to ignore Israel, playing on the allega- tions that Egypt had helped the Cypriots in their struggle for independ- ence and upon the fact that about 13,000 Cypriots li v e in Egypt. It is not yet Archbishop certain wheth- Makarios er Cyprus will open . an Embassy in Israel. The leaders of the new government at Nicosia had planned origi- nally to establish full Embas- sies in only four capitals — Athens, Ankara, London and Washington—relegating all their other legations to consular status. It is hoped now, hoW- ever, that if Cyprus does estab- lish an Embassy at Cairo, it will later tighten diplomatic relations with Israel also. Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, sent a cable to Archbishop Makarios, ex- tending Israel's official recog- nition of the new republic and hope that expressing the friendly relations would be established between the gov- ernments of Jerusalem ,and Nicosia,