Things to Do in the Fall THE JEWISH NEWS Iitcorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers. Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co. 17100 West Seven Mile Road. Detroit, 35. Mich.. VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Ehtered as second class matter Aug. 6. 1942 at Post Office. Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ • SIDNEY SHMARAK Circulation Manager Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-seventh day of Ab, 5720, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Re'eh, Deut. 11:26-16:17. Prophetical portion, Is. 54:11-55:5. Licht Benshen, Friday, Aug. 19, 7:09 p.m. VOL. XXXVII. No. 25 August 19, 1960 Page Four We Must Learn to Live Together When the problems involving "chang- ing neighborhoods" began to multiply, the appeals that came from most quarters was: we must learn to live together. In some quarters there were attempts to create "mixed neighborhoods." In the main, however, the live together hopes did not materialize. How far can a community go in endur- ing a state of panic involving what may be called "intrusions" into certain areas by peoples of differing faiths or color of skin? The law dictates that there can be no discrimination. This is now the estab- lished rule of the land, by the irrevocable decisions of the United States Supreme Court. Our two political parties vied with each other to ascertain that strong civil rights planks were included in their plat- forms. Yet, in practice, there is a fear that creates havoc, and there are panicky outbursts that render only evil. * * * Antedating the current civil rights program there were, of course, other is- sues and situations that resulted from class differences. Prior to the Negro- white issue there was the Christian-Jewish issue. Jews were barred from certain areas, and the moment they invaded them —as soon as they "intruded"—the non- Jews displayed the "for sale" signs on their properties. Then, as now, it was as much a question of property values as of racial and religious differences. Then, as now, it also was a class struggle. Somewhere, in another area in Detroit that was hitherto kept intact as "white," a Negro family has managed to gain a foothold. Is there going to be another period of flight? How far can one go? Are we on the path of establishing iron cur- tain barriers against our fellow - Ameri- cans? And — is anyone secure within a ghetto, whatever its coloration, whoever its residents, white or black, Jew or Christian? * * * This is neither an appeal for stronger civil rights programs nor a propagation of miscegenation. It is introspection. Rec- ognizing that the problem exists, we must find a way to live within the conditions of our time. Taking into account the obligation that was so eloquently ex- pressed in ancient Jewish tradition—that diva d'malkuta diva—that the law of the land is sacredly the law of the inhabitants of the land—we must respect the rules set up for us by the representatives we have chosen to govern us. Additionally, there is the human element. Both, the law and the human element, combined, demand of us that we refuse to be parties to the spread of panic which any neighborhood has forced so changes in the life time of the average citizen of this generation. * * Many arguments will be offered. There has been a spread of crime, and some areas have practically become "out of bounds" because of the attacks and robberies that have taken place there. But there are criminals among both whites and blacks, and it is senseless to approach the need for the elimination of crimes by calling it a race issue: it is a human issue, involving the minds of people, most often caused by poor housing, inadequate education, social and economic conditions. The solving of these ills is so great a responsibility, affecting all of us, that it must not be confused with "neighbor- hood" problems. Sooner or later, we must learn to live together, and it is best that it should be sooner. * * * Out of the "changed neighborhoods" problems has emerged an issue of in- heritance of controversies. In one of the areas that has, in the main, been aban- doned by Jews, there remains a structure that served first as a Hebrew school, then as a branch of the Jewish Centers, and on occasions as a synagogue. A cry and hue has been raised that the building should be maintained, that it should .function for the older folks in the area. Community needs dictate that such proposals should be viewed realistically. Our community has established adequate centers in several areas. One immense center has been sold, and a much more elaborate one has been established. There is a magnificent branch in the suburban area. In the meantime, groups of older people are being transported regularly to existing centers for specialized pro- grams arranged for them. But to demand the impossible, to ask for the burdening of the community by continuing activities in an area where only a handful of Jews remain, is unrealistic and impractical. * * * This is only one of the many property problems that have emerged from the changing neighborhoods issue. The many new synagogue and school structures erected in the suburban areas point to the financial burdens that accompanied the "flight" from area to area. In the course of time, such problems will be solved when people will decide to retain their residential neighborhoods. That can result only from learning to live together. The problem as we have just stated it may not be as . simple as it sounds here. Nevertheless, a way must be found to reach a solution. That's communal re- sponsibility. It is a human duty. It happens also to be the law of the land. , Israel's Pipeline: Triumph Negates Abuse The most amazing phenomenon of our time is the venom that is felt against Israel and the lack of fairness that is often in evidence when Israel's position is discussed. A typical example is the correspond- ence of George Weller, whose anti-Israel sentiments were heard on numerous oc- casions. Reporting from Nicosia, Cyprus, about the Israeli oil pipeline, to which he refers as "an interocean pipeline carrying oil 200 miles acress the Negev," he calls it "Israel's baby Suez Canal." That's an utterly ridiculous descrip- tion. It's a pipeline that is defying Nas- ser's restrictions imposed on Israel, and it should be treated with great respect and admiration as the accomplishment of a small nation that is progressive and industrious and refuses to be stymied by a dictator. Weller may or may not be right in stating that Nasser's stand against Iran is a result of his resentment against Israel's triumph in the Negev and its success in establishing the oil pipeline. But it is interesting to note in his report that the pipeline will mean an annual loss to Nasser of $40,000,000 in canal profits. Israel deserves acclaim as the great democratic factor in the Middle East. The abuse often hurled at her is totally un- worthy when resorted to by Americans. Jewish Stories by USSR Writers • in Random House Paperbacks Random House has just issued a paperback edition of "An Anthology of Russian Literature in the Soviet Period — From Gorki to Pasternak." Edited, translated and annotated by Bernard Guilbert Guerney, this Modern Library Paperback has special interest for Jewish readers. Included in this interesting collection of short stories are two by one of Russia's best known Jewish writers — Isaac Im- manuelovich Babel. They are: "A p h o n k a Bida" and "The Awakening." The anthology contains also "The Master's Prophecy Con- cerning the Destinies of the Tribe of Judaeans," by Ilya Gri- gorievich Erenburg. Also in the volume are: "Panopticum," by Andrei Michael- ovich Sobol, and "The Death of Yun Fa-Fu," by Ruvim Isaievich Fraerman. Boris Leonidovich Pasternak is represented in the volume by "March," "Wind," "Star of the Nativity" and "A District in the Rear." Of added interest is the concluding section, "A Quota of Soviet Saws and Sayings." The editor's explanatory foreword is a brilliant essay on Soviet literature. Of major interest among new Random House paperbacks is "Totem and Taboo—Resemblances Between the Psychic Lives of Savages and Neurotics," by Sigmund Freud, an au- thorized translation with an introduction by Dr. A. A. Brill. Random House has also published the following additional Modern Library Paperbacks: "The Art of Scientific Investigation," by W. I. B. Beveridge; and "The Analects of Confucius," translated and annotated by Arthur Waley. Dr. Isidore Epstein's 'Judaism' "Judaism," by Rabbi Isidore Epstein, one of the most dis- tinguished Anglo-Jewish scholars, has been issued in a paper- back by Penguin Books (3300 Clipper Mill Rd., Baltimore 11). Concerning itself "essentially with Judaism as a religious and a distinctive way of life," this valuable study is presented within the framework of 4,000 years of Jewish history. While it is not a history, it nevertheless has the merits of historical analysis. It goes back to the very, beginning—to Abraham; continues with "Israel's selection" and carries the theme through to the present with a discussion of "The Jewish State and Judaism." There is great merit in this scholarly work in its reviews of the faith, ethics, virtue and religious observances that are imbedded in Talmudic Judaism. Rabbi Epstein sketches Jewish philosophy. He offers a concise explanation of the Kabbalah and the influence of Jewish mysticism on the non-Jewish world. "The Kabbalah," he states, "appealed greatly to the leaders of the Reformation who found in its mysticism a potent ally in their opposition to medieval scholastic society. Christian mystical movements were particu- larly attracted to the Kabbalah because it furnished them with much valuable material for their esoteric pursuits; and it is to the Kabbalah that modern occultist movements turn in their efforts to place the whole of knowledge on a new basis." There is a vast amount of information in the chapter "The Contribution of Medieval Rabbinism." Equally important is the discussion of modern movements in Judaism—Haskalah, Zionism and other recent developments. The emergence of Israel and the Messianic vision, he states, "is identified in the mind of the Jew of today with the purposes of God for Israel, and through Israel for the whole of humanity. Down all the ages the Jew has felt deeply his integral relationship with mankind as a whole. In the self- same spirit the new-born Jewish State feels that the vindication of the Jewish faith and hope of thousands of years is destined to prove of extreme significance for all nations of the world torn by crises, tensions and the fear of wholesale destruction." Thus, he declares, "the noblest Jewish minds have seen Jewish nationalism not as an end in itself, but as a means for the maintenance of Judaism and its glorious Messianic ideals of perfection for the benefit of the whole human race."