. A former South African Rab- bi who was forced to leave that ei _try because of his views on the racial question, will address the opening dessert luncheon meeting of the Detroit Women's Division of the American Jew- ish Congress 12:30 p.m. Sept. 8 at Temple Emanu-El, Oak Park. Dr. Andre Ungar, assistant rabbi at Temple Bnai Abraham, Newark, N. J., will describe the dilemma of South African Jewry over the racial segrega- tion policy, apartheid. Mrs. Sallan Lurie, program chairman for the Detroit Worn- en's Division, recalled that Dr. Ungar had taken a leading role in the deliberations of the com- mission on International Affairs of the AJCongress at its recent national biennial convention in New York. The Detroit Women's Division has extended a welcome to all the Jewish Women of the com- munity to attend the meeting. Dr. Ungar, whose present temple is served by Dr. Joachim Prinz, president of the Amer- ican Jewish Congress, was born in Hungary and emigrated to England after the war where he studied at Jews College. He was ordained by the late Rabbi Leo Baeck. During his stay in England, he received his doc- torate in philosophy at the Uni- versity of London. In South Africa, Dr. Ungar was rabbi of Temple Israel in Port Elizabeth, the scene of many out-breaks of racial vio- lence over the apartheid poli- cies of the South African gov- ernment. Before he came to the United States, he served con- gregations in England and Canada, following his expulsion from South Africa. Mrs. Dan Shapiro, president of the Detroit Women's Divi- sion, will be installed along with her other officers and board preceding Dr. Unger's talk. Camp Thunderbird Stages Convention The election campaign and mock convention at Camp Thunderbird, Grass Lake, re- sulted in vict or y for Alan Sugarman and David Frieden- berg. They were elected camp co-directors for camper coun- selor day. Victorious as camper head counselor at Thunderbird was Fred Levine. Marsha Kaplan heads the medical staff. Assist- ants elected to camp posts were Mark Weisberg, Steve Kaplan, Jerry Sugarman, Stuart Martin, Lenny Weiss, Laurie Garris, Barbara Kramer, Judy Weiss, Dale Kramer, Carol Glassman and Beverly Mutchnick. I I WHY WORRY I ! Leave Evervthine to Us Weds Ted Gans Women's Clubs Annual Israel Report Meeting Postponed Until Sunday, Sept. 11 The SUBURBAN BRANCH David Safran, chairman of the which was to have been held on of the Detroit Section of the NATIONAL COUNCIL of JEW- Detroit Israel Bond Organiza- Sunday morning, has been can- ISH WOMEN will present a tion, announced this week that celled. "Back to School Fashion Show" the scheduled annual report He stated that it has been 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home meeting of Detroit bondholders, found necessary to postpone the of Mrs. Arthur Gould, 10454 meeting and to hold it simul- Ludlow, Huntington Woods. A taneously with the pre-High dessert luncheon will be served. Dutch Airlines Offers Holy Day rally on Sunday The Young Set Children's Shop Private Tours of Israel morning, Sept. 11. will provide the clothes and For those who would rather children of the board members For the will act as models. Co-chairmen travel privately than in groups, Perfect Affair .. Mrs. Robert B. Golby and Mrs. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is Milton E. Lichterman invite all offering six tours to Israel and members and guests to attend. Europe. The Dutch airlines, in con- The affair will also see the in- and His Orchestra stallation of new officers and junction with American Travel UN 3-3737 Abroad, Inc., which is respon- board members by President MRS. TED GANS James L. Van Vliet. They in- sible for all land arrangements, clude Mesdames Emanuel has provided for hotels, sight- Sharon Lynn Levitt, daughter Baker, Herbert Burdick, John seeing trips, surface transporta- PLASTIC FURNITURE of Mr. and Mrs. Al Levitt of W. Dreifus, Marvin Fleischman, tion, meals, transfers to air- COVERS MADE TO ORDER Outer Dr., and Ten Gans, son Henry B. Frank, Marvin Fren- ports and tips on these six or READY MADE of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Gans of kel, James Ginn, Ronald Green- varied itineraries. An 18-day tour visits Paris Woodingham Dr., were wed re- berg, Don Hartman, Herbert CALL ANNA KARBAL cently in a candlelight cere- Hiller, Norman Katz, Walter and Rome before devoting 10 LI 2-0874 mony at the Sheraton-Cadillac Klein, Frank Levine, Harold days to Israel. A 31-day tour, Hotel. Rabbi Milton Arm of- Marko, Sidney Morris, Balfour which includes 15 days in Israel, ficiated. Peisner, William Rattner, Mel- also visits Rome, Lucerne, Paris, Larry Paul The bride wore a white peau vin Rosenhaus, Lowell Salas- London and Amsterdam. Furniture Service The 37-day itinerary has the de soie gown trimmed in chan- nek, Irving Steinberg, William tilly lace and seed pearls. The Steinberg, Donald Weil and same 15-day tour of Israel plus Refinishing & Repairing ccurt train was also appliqued Madelein Weisberg. Members- visits to Istanbul, Athens, 7579 W. McN1CHOLS in the lace. A crown of seed at-large are Mesdames M. Mor- Vienna, Lucerne, Paris, London UN 4-8440 UN 2-7949 pearls held her illusion veil and ton Barak, Albert Cole, Richard and Amsterdam. A 45-day tour, she carried a crescent bouquet Pr e n t i s, John Redfield and which has the same itinerary in of white orchids and stephano- Charles Rubiner, advisor. Mrs. Israel, also includes Rome, Florence, Venice, Lucerne, In- tis. John Dreifus will be hospitality terlochen, Geneva, Paris, Lon- Mrs . George Simmons was chairman and Mrs. Herbert - Nil- don, Brussels and Amsterdam. her sister's matron of honor. ler will supervise hostesses for The Soviet Union is visited on Bridesmaids were Barbara Yar- two of the tours. One is a 31- rows, Lois Rosner and Sandra the afternoon. * * * For fine color movies day trip which includes the 15- Levitt. Mrs. Nathan Wolok, vice pres- day tour of Israel plus visits to of your wedding Dr. Robert Gans served his brother as best man. Ushers ident of the RADOMER LA- Amsterdam, Helsinki, Lenin- Call were Marvin Horwitz, Neil DIES AUXILIARY, will be grad, Moscow and Kiev. The Zales, Stanley Cohen and hostess to members and friends other one has the same itinerary at a game party 8:30 p.m. in Israel and in addition there George Simmons. The couple departed for a Wednesday at her home, 15420 are visits to Amsterdam, Hel- Miami Beach, Fla., honeymoon, Oakwood, Oak Park. Proceeds sinki, Leningrad, M o s c o w, followed by residence on Geof- will go to charity. For informa- Stalingrad, Rostov, Sochi, Kiev tion, call Bessie Adler at DI and Rome. frey Ct. in Oak Park. 1-5526, or Lydia Slakter at VE 6-8174. * * * JULIUS ROSENWALD LA- DIES AUXILIARY, Unit No. 218 of the American Legion, has elected the f ollo wing officers for 1960-61 season: Mes- The LOUIS STONE CHAP- dames Frances Green, presi- TER Night Bowling League will dent; Lydia Slakter, vice presi- hold a meeting for all inter- dent; Bessie Forman, 2nd vice ested bowlers 8:30 p.m. Thurs- president; Ann Weil, secretary; day at the home' of Ethel Ann Gottleib, treasurer; Clara Goldenberg, 17321 Santa Rosa; Shaperio, chaplain; Jean Wein- Those wishing to respond traub, historian; Tillie Sable, should call Mrs. Goldenberg at color bearer; Lillian Greenfield, UN 4-0109, or Thelma Seder at sergeant-at-arms; Minnie Weber- man, Ida Stein and Bertha UN 1-3094. * * * Goldstein, executive board. Out LOUIS STONE LODGE will going president is Mrs. Helen hold its annual picnic Aug. 28 Wolf. * * at Lola Valley Park. The picnic TOWN AND COUNTRY will be a drug shower, with do- nations of vitamins, medicines CHAPTER, Women's American and bandages to be sent to the ORT, announces it will hold a Penrickton Nursery School for theater party Aug. 28 at North- visually handicapped children. land Playhouse, featuring "Two Food and games will be feat- f,,r the Seesaw" with Dana An- drews. Tickets will be sold on ured. a first-come, first-serve basis. For further information, call Free Grandstand Show Dolores Friedman at GR 6-1722. * * Again at State Fair DETROIT LINK No. 57 of The Michigan State Fair will the Golden Chain, will give a continue its policy of offering games party for husbands, wives a completely free Grandstand and friends 8:30 p.m. Monday Show, Donald L. Swanson, gen- at Jericho Temple, 18495 Wy- eral manager, announces. oming. Refreshments will be Except for the State Fair served. For information, call 250-mile auto race on Sept. 11, Bea Leland at UN 4-4878. * * there will be no ticket takers Mrs. Irving Chaiken, presi- at the grandstand. ummiest Tell your mom they hove the y The Grandstand Show will dent of the NEW LIFE CHAP- clothes for your younger sister and begin opening day Friday, Sept. TER, American Medical Cen- 2, with daily performances at ter at Denver, Colo., will open ■ ■ brother, too. 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., and the first meeting of the sea- will feature a tremendous va- son with a membership drive riety show including the Sal- 12:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at the Max- ter's Ice Review in addition to ine Sheldon Gallery, 19368 Liv- a terrific fireworks display fol- ernois. A pr o g r am entitled lowing these shows on the "Creative Living, a Decorat- nights of Sept. 6, 7, 8, and 11, ive Accessory Show with with acts of particular interest Props" will be presented by to children and the entire fam- Maxine Sheldon, Ilona Altsh- uler, Mildred Friedman, Bren- ily. Swanson points out that for ton Carroll and Murray and the price of admission to the Co. Mrs. Harold Goldburg and State Fair grounds, all shows Mrs. Louis Parzen, recent dele- No. of 9 Mile and exhibits are free except for gates to the annual conference the coliseum programs and the in Denver, will report on the Open to 9 developments of the Eleanor midway features. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Roosevelt Institute for Cancer Classified ads bring fast results! Research, Mickey Woolf WHAT EVERY BRIDE SHOULD KNOW . SID SIEGEL TO 8-2705 the gang said Activities 0 when they saw the clothes I bought at Small Fry's new Jr. Hi Dela (Sub- teen s•zes). Their styles for school are "way out"! P WYN and HAROLD LANDIS HOME CATERING • STYLE • ELEGANCE • BEAUTY WYN-HAROLD CATERING Phone KE 2-4411 SmaiL 3h1,/, jouthionA. 23077 Coolidge 1 5-T HE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS —Friday, August 19, 1960 Former S. Africa Rabbi to Address Congress Women