3,300 Jewish Families Left Lebanon in 12 Months Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News JERUSALEM — A total of 3,500 Jewish families have left Lebanon during the past 12 months, Falastin, the Jordanian Arab air- „ooV6 toswo" Review oo ss Learning to Live Together Israel's Pipeline Editorials Page 4, VOLUME XXXVI I Mich --No. rtic AS. "? 034 daily, reported from Beirut. There are an estimated 30,000 Jews in Lebanon, about one-third of them refugees who had fled from the Syrian region of the United Arab Republic. ISH NE N./1 F--11 of Jewish Events igiish-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle ted in a Shop ,,,,7„ -lUnion Self-Haters' Infamy Russian Broadcaster's Apologetics Commentary Page 2 17100 W. 7 Mile — VE 8-9364 — Detroit 35, August 19, 1960 $5.00 Per Year; Single Copy 15c Federal Group Libel Bill Backed by Jewish Veterans Morocco Suspends Its Cable Communications with Israel Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News JERUSALEM.—The Moroccan government has suspended cable communications with Israel, the International Telecom- munications Union informed the Post Office here Wednesday. The move was apparently made in deference to the policy of the Arab League, banning all contacts between league mem- bers and Israel. Earlier this year, under pressure from the Arab League, Morocco stopped mail service with Israel, caus- ing considerable hardship to tens of thousands of families in Israel who are unable to correspond directly with relatives in the North African country. Former Guard at Dachau Sentenced for Defamation Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News MUNICH.—The 25-year-old son of a former Dachau camp guard was sentenced Tuesday to seven months' imprisonment. for slander and defamation of the dead..The prisoner, Martin Siegier, created an uproar among visi , ors to the museum erected at the camp site when he told an attendant that the crematorium had been constructed by the Americans after the war as a propaganda device. Siegler also said to the attendant, a former inmate of the camp, that "they must have forgotten to shove you into the oven." The prisoner claimed his father was an SS guard at the camp who had been sentenced to a 15-year jail term but had served only five years. MIAMI BEACH (JTA) — A resolution to launch a nationwide campaign at all echelons in support of a federal group libel bill, specifically to combat hate organizations like the American Nazi Party, was adopted here Monday night at the closing session of the 65th annual convention of the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. The convention gave unanimous approval to the JWV's national battle against hatemongers. In a major address at the convention, Philip M. Klutznick, leader of Bnai Brith, spoke to the veterans about the role of Jews in support of commitments to fellow Jews abroad. He said it was not less American but more American to help others achieve "the happiness which comes from life in a democracy and a free land." He mentioned American Jewish links with Jews in Israel, Morocco, Europe and elsewhere. The JWV adopted a strong civil rights resolution and called on Presidential candidates of both parties to support it. I. L. Feuer of Youngstown, Ohio, a World War I veteran, was elected as new national commander of the organization. • The veterans presented their bronze medal of merit to Lawrence Gubow, Michigan commissioner of the State Corpo- ration and Securities Commission, for his Work in combatting the Grosse Pointe housing discrimination screening system. The Arab boycott against American Jews figured strongly in the early sessions • of the convention and strong arguments were advanced for a counter- boycott of the Arab League States. A list of American concerns which had yielded to Arab pressure and refused to trade with Israel was read to the assembly. Shimson Arad, Israel Consul in New York, told the convention that Arab boycott claims were exaggerated and that only a comparatively small number of American firms had actually yielded to Arab pressure. Retiring National Commander Bernard Abrams announced that the JWV had asked the Government to investigate hate groups such as the American Nazi Party. In a telegram to Representative Walter, the Pennsylvania Democrat was urged to expose the so-called "fat cats" giving money to the American Nazi movement. Leaders of 'A trothening Continents' Confer at Weizman'', Institute International Conference Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News REHOVOT, Israel—Appreciation of Israel's med- ical help given during the present emergency tc the Republic of the Congo was expressed here MOnday night by a Congolese representative attending the International Conference on Science in the Ad- vancement of New States. Scientists and statesmen from 29 countries are here as delegates to the conference which opened Monday for two weeks of discussions. The thanks for Israel's help was expressed by Francois Silaut, director general of the Infants Welfare Institution in the Republic of the Congo. He told the conference that his people "desire to learn from Israel's example." Israel has a medical team of physicians, nurses and medical technicians at work in the Congo now. Abba Eban, Israel Minister of Education and, as president of the Weizmann Institute here the host of the conference, delivered the opening address at the working session, on "The Problems of the New States." He pointed out that whereas only three independent African states, with a total popu- lation of 30,000,000 people, had been represented at the United Nations when the world organization was established, the UN now includes 20 new inde- pendent states with an aggregate population of 230,000,000. "Acquisition of a flag by a new state," said Eban, "is not enough. In the awakening continents, the attainment of political freedom has not been at- tended by a parallel liberation of their peoples from social and economic ills. Across Africa and Asia, hundreds of leaders of newly liberated states find themselves suddenly charged with responsibili- ties at once formidable and inspiring. The problems they face cannot await solutions that have evolved by many generations. Unless democratic institutions prove themselves responsive to the challenges of economic welfare, they will fall into dispute and eclipse." The aim of the conference, declared Eban, is "to seek wider understanding of the fact that scientific knowledge and technical capacity are just as essen- tial to a community's welfare as availability of natural resources and .capacity." B. P. Koirala, Prime Minister of Nepal, told the conference that problems of various underdeveloped countries are "rather similar," requiring joint dis- cussion of ways to solve those problems. Gabriel Lisette, Deputy Prime Minister of the Chad, expressed the hope that the underdeveloped countries would gain from "this confrontation of scientists and statesmen—the statesmen who repre- sent the hard realities of .political independence. Quoting the late Dr. Theodor Herzl, founder of political Zionism, who had told the Jewish people in regard to their aspirations to Zion that "if you will it, it is not a dream," M. Lisette declared "this expression is also valid for the African nations." Among the many messages received by the con- ference was one from U Nu, Prime Minister of Burma, who told the assembly that "while material conditions among the new states may have remained largely unchanged, their aspirations have risen." Dr. Arthur Lewis, president of University Col- lege of the West Indies, delivered an address in which he stressed the fact that the basic economic objective of the new states is "to achieve self- sustaining growth." "This," said Dr. Lewis, "requires the devotion of one-quarter of the national income for public ser- vices and capital accumulation." Most of the under- developed countries, however, he said, are at present devoting only 15 per cent of national in- come for these purposes. New states, said the educator, must double the present taxation. Dr. Lewis told the conference that the leaders of the new nations find it difficult to find top aides "who are both reliable from the point of view of the new, revolutionary situation, and also have the • necessary competence and experience." He warned that new nations consider foreign aid as "important but only temporary," saying such re- sources must be used for building economic inde- pendence. The liberation of peoples and the closing of the economic and spiritual gaps between them with the aid of science and technical know-how will ensure world peace and raise the family . of nations to the peak of material prosperity and spiritual advance- ment, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declared at the opening session of the conference. Defining the gathering as "a historic event of inestimable importance," the Premier said that the conference was closely related with "the two most momentous revolutions in the annals of the human race--political and intellectual." Mr. Ben-Gurion said that "gaining independence is not the end of redemption" but its beginning. The material and cultural gap between nations should be closed, the Premier asserted. He said that the people of the world must not only be liberated, but must be more or less on the same level in status and in their material and spiritual capacities. It was the duty of the rich and highly developed countries, the Premier stressed, to extend all material and spiritual assistance to wipe out regrettable and dangerous differences between economic and cultural standards. Referring to American aid to the European countries crushed in the Second World War, Ben- Gurion said that such aid had achieved wonders. He noted, however, that the center of gravity had passed to Asia and Africa, the home of the great - majority of the human race. This aid, the Premier declared, that should give them agriculture and industrial development, better education, housing and health services—material and spiritual progress which these countries need— should be founded on mutual confidence and re- spect and the utilization of all achievements of humanity and its scientific and technological dis- . coveries in sincere cooperation. Greeting the participants representing the 14 Asian and African states, as well as those from Europe, Australia, the Philippines and North and South America, the Premier expressed the fervent hope that the deliberations would contribUte to the unity of all mankind and speed up progress' bene- fitting every man, woman and child throughout the world without distinction of race, color, class or religion and that the timely and noble aspirations • of the conference would be realized.