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August 12, 1960 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1960-08-12

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, August 12, 1960-24

Fair Election Practices
Commission Reactivated

Neumann Rejects Claim There Is 'No Jewish Vote'

Emanuel Neumann, honorary
president of the Zionist Organ-
ization of America, and mem-
ber of the Jewish Agency execu-
tive, termed
assertions by
some Jewish
that "there is
no Jewish
vote" as "inac-
curate and
He asserted
that "the Jew-
ish vote is an
Dr. Neumann unorganized
but potent reality," and that
"American Jews are in this
respect no different from other
groups of citizens making up
the American electorate."
The Zionist leader spoke at
a reception tendered him by the

Zionist Organization of America
at Hotel Pierre on the occasion
of his recent return from
plenary meetings of the Jewish
Agency executive in Jerusalem,
and the European Conference
of General Zionists held in
Antwerp, Belgium. He said:
"The Jewish vote is an unor-
ganized but potent reality.
Assertions to the contrary are
inaccurate and misleading and
convince nobody — least of all
practical politicians and mold-
ers of public opinion."
Dr. Neumann voiced the view
that "the reactions of American
Jews to specific situations and
issues are influenced by their
own backgrounds, traditions
and sentiments," adding that
"this is both normal and legiti-
mate in any democracy." He
stressed that no one can com-
mand or "deliver' the Jewish

vote. Nor can their support of
any party be taken for granted>
"It must be courted and won,
as is the case with other rec-
ognized groups of the American
electorate," he declared.
Dr. Neumann dwelt on the
issues that will confront the
forthcoming 63rd annual con-
vention of the Zionist Organ-
ization of America, to be held
here Aug. 25-28. He maintained
that "American Zionists must
be vitally concerned not only
with Israel, but also with the
major problems of Jewish life
on the American scene."

• • distributed by all three religi-
The reactivation of the Michi-
gan Fair Election Practices ous groups in an effort to keep
Commission has been announc- bigotry and prejudice out of the
ed by the Rt. Rev. Richard S. forthcoming presidential elec-
Emrich, bishop of the Diocese tion campaign.
* * *
of Michigan, who has been des-
ignated chairman by Gov. Wil-
Detroiters named to the Com-
mission include Rabbi Morris
Adler, Lester Dodd, Dr. G. Mer-
rill Lenox, Edward M. Turner,
The Anti-Defamation League
Stanley J. Winkelman, Mrs. Jo-
seph Wolas and Walter Klein, of Bnai Brith reported to the
who was appointed secretary.
Michigan Fair Elections Prac-
Others are Nelson Brown of tices Commission that reports
Mason, Rt. Rev. Arthur F. Buk- received from across the state
owski and Rev. Henry G. Kui- indicated a sharp increase in
An insurance policy of $50,-
per, both of Grand Rapids; Dr. bigoted appeals based on reli-
000 was turned over to the
Irwin J. Lubbers of Holland and gion and race in the 1960 state
Foundation of the Jewish Na-
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven of and national election campaign.
tional Fund
The ADL informed the com
b y Theodore
The goal of the Commission, mission that a spot check, with
K op p elman,
Bishop Emrich stated, is to 26 Michigan communities re-
guard against the intrusion of porting, indicated a "high and
a n d philan-
racial or religious issues and significant increase in anti-
thropist of
of unethical campaign practices Catholic literature circulating
Scranton, Pa.,
in any political contest in Mich- throughout the state."
and the schedule of the are participating with financial
for the pur-
ADL explained that while tails
Port Development in
pose of plant-
Now that the major party none of the material referred Ashdod
Israel were announced by of Ashdod, attended the recep-
ing a forest of
conventions have been conclud- was distributed by candidates Frederick
25,000 trees in
ed and the campaign lines have in the present Michigan pri-
?Israel bearing
been drawn, the Commission mary or by candidates seeking consulting engineering f i r m of the consulting engineering
Koppelman Koppelman's
stands ready to do its part to national of f i c e, anti-Catholic commissioned by the Israel gov-
expressed his "deep ap- name. The Theodore Koppel-
insure that regardless of what extremists are importing litera- ernment to design the facilities firm,
preciation for the bountiful co- man Forest will be part of the
party or candidates emerge vic- ture published outside this for the City of Ashdod.
A reception was given in the operation and assistance re- Freedom Forest, which is being
torious in November, America state.
on all levels of the Israeli planted in the vicinity of Jeru-
The ADL report state d: Plaza Hotel on the occasion of ceived
will also be the winner," he
government, as well as from salem and serving as a symbol
"Four periodicals with strong
The commission, commenting anti-Catholic bias worthy of plan for the port development. interested private citizens in of the friendship and coopera-
tion of the two freedom-loving
on a statement setting forth the note, circulating in Michigan,
Philip M. Klutznick, American both Israel and America."
He particularly thanked Levi nations, the United States of
"ground rules" which will guide are Western Voice published by Jewish leader, and Oved Ben
Eshkol, Israel's minister of America and the State of
its deliberations, emphasized its Rev. Harvey Springer, Colorado;
finance; Yitzhak Ben-Aharon, Israel.
own non-partisan character and Methodist Challenge published
that it does not propose any lim- in Los Angeles by Bob Shuler; Ruling on Resort Ad minister of transport; and the
latter's predecessor Moshe Car- Hebrew Corner
itations on full and frank dis- Christian Heritage (formerly
cussion of issues that may prop- The Converted Catholic), pub- Will. Be Appealed by mel.
The master plan for the port
erly come before the electorate. lished in Long Island, and the Anti-Bias Agency
development is based on cargo
It warned against appeals to Voice of Freedom, published
NEW YORK, (JTA) — The forecasts and on various eco-
racial or religious bigotry, and in Nashville, Tenn."
pandering to prejudices which
Other anti-Catholic materials New York State Commission nomic and beach data. It calls
create inter-group tensions; this, circulating in the state derive Against Discrimination indicat- for an off-shore development of
together with the ethical level from a woman who signs her- ed it would appeal against a protected water-sheds by the
Translation of Hebrew Column,
of the campaign, will fall within self Mrs. F. M. Standish, San decision by Supreme Court Jus- means of breakwaters.
The plan is divided into two Published by Brit Ivrit Olamit.
its concern.
Francisco; Book and Bible tice Kenneth S. MacAffer in
The Seminar of the Kibbutzim is
The Michigan Fair Election House, Gainesville, Fla.; Mer- which he ruled that the phrase main phases of development: a a unique
kind of educational insti-
Practices Commission was ap- rill J. Fox of the Federal Party "s e r v i n g Christian clientele first complete phase for 16 tution. Three hundred students
every year and acquire a
pointed with the concurrence of in Chicago, and Osterhaus Pub- since 1911" was not evidence of
wide knowledge in the subjects of
30 berths. Construction will be nature study, farm economy, social
the chairmen of the two major lishing House of Minneapolis.
scheduled according to the education and the psychology of the
parties. Complaints of unfair
* * *
This phrase appeared in re- country's port-capacity demand. pupil, etc.
In this seminar no one pushes the
election practices will be re-
sort advertisements promoting
or gives them marks. The
The first immediate construc- students
ceived by the members of the ADL States Bermuda Trowbridge Farm, an inn at
students themselves are interested
tion stage is being called "Citrus in attaining the highest achieve-
Commission or by its secretary, Prejudice Abated
Kyserike, N. Y. The commis- Phase," since its main aim is ments. For this purpose they re•
Walter Klein, 163 Madison, De-
Anti-Semitic discrimination,
ordered the resort to stop to enable the export of about ceive all the help required. The
troit. The commission's head- long practiced by Bermuda re- sion
interest themselves in the
the phrase. It issued this 350,000 tons of citrus fruit. An teachers
students after lesson time too. The
quarters are 1700 Cadillac sort hotels, is today a thing of using
laboratories and libraries are open
extensive reduced-scale model to the students at all times.
Square Building, Detroit.
the past, according to a study
The Seminar of the Kibbutzim was
At a two-day conference of published by the Anti-Defama- of Robert E. Sachs of the Bronx testing program is being carried established
the Kibbutz move-
and the Anti-Defamation League out by the Ministry in two hy- ment 20 years by ago.
Catholic, Protestant and Jewish tion League of Bnai Brith.
At the beginning,
chiefly the
draulic laboratories in France, kvutzot and kibbutzim,
leaders in Washington, five
but in the
The study reveals "radical
Trowbridge Farm appealed and the results of all tests will course of years, many students
basic principles to govern the changes" in guest policies of
from the cities and country towns
discussion of religion in the Bermuda resorts so that they this order and was upheld by be incorporated in the detailed joined
the seminar.
1960 political campaigns were "could rid themselves of both Justice MacAffer, who said that design of the port structures.
The Seminar of the Kibbutzim has
It is • anticipated that the acquired a good name in Israel and
formulated, it was announced the practice and the stigma of the words might be called de-
its graduates are welcomed by all
by Rabbi Max D. Davidson, anti-Semitism," Benjamin R. scriptive of the clientele of the citrus wharves will be ready for educational institutions with open
president of the Synagogue Epstein, ADL national director, resort but did not "suggest that partial use by October, 1963. 4\ arms.
other than Christians are un
Council of America.
Rabbi Uri Miller of Baltimore, declared.
ADL sent Harold Braverman, wanted or excluded."
vice-president of the Synagogue director of its national discrimi-
The opinion of the Justice,
Council, and Rabbi Bernard nations department, to conduct which is now being appealed,
Bamberger, president of the the survey at the urging of cited advertisements reading
Central Conference of Ameri- the Bermuda Trade Develop- "Italian cuisine," "French cook-
n, 41nprt
can Rabbis, were the two Jew-
Board, a Bermuda govern- ing" and "Kosher diet observed"
ish representatives at the meet- ment
ment agency. The request for and asked rhetorically whether
these "would establish that the
.11e?ri - nivri 19in KIn tn441nrri - '144 p
The five principles which the survey followed news re- author was engaging in a dis-
last January which
emerged from the discussion ports
trikn) .irr?n
charged an American repre- criminatory phrase."
- "Nri , pt7 nimnp ninpu
1. Ii is proper and desirable that
n'o'n nK trittm tr -r?tm oo)
every public official should attempt Bermuda hotel with engaging Katanga Rabbi Asks
to govern his conduct by a personal in a program designed to reduce
ntr- pe?
conscience that is formed by his
Jewish patronage.
Aid for Congo Jews
religious faith.

Bigoted Appeals
During Election
Reported by ADL

$50,000 Insurance
Policy Given JNF

U.S. Engineering Firm Completes
Ashdod Port Development Plan

20th Anniversary
of the Seminar
of the Kibbutzim


2. No candidate for public office
should be opposed or supported be-
cause of his particular religious
3. A candidate should be judged
by his qualifications for the office
he seeks and by his position on
issues relevant to that office. He
may properly be questioned about
such issues and about the bearing
of his religious faith and conscience
on them. A candidate's religion is
relevant to a voter's decision, but
only so far as it bears on such
political Issues.
4. Stirring up, fostering or toler-
ating religious animosity or inject-
elements of a candidate's faith
not relevant to the duties of the
office he seeks are unfair campaign
5. Intelligent, honest and temper-
ate public discussions of the rela-
tion of religious faith to the public
issues will, as it has already done,
raise the whole level of the cam-
. .

The conference was sponsor-
by the Fair Election Cam-
paign Practices Committee. The
five principles will be widely

Mexico Appoints
Jorge Segura First
Israel Ambassador

Mexican Foreign Ministery an-
nounced the appointment of
this country's first ambassador
to Israel. He is Jorge Daesle
Segura, a career diplomat who
has served in posts in Washing-
ton, Havana, Prague, Geneva,
Berne, Paris, Guatemala and
West Germany.
Until now, Mexico had been
represented in Israel by a
charge d'affaires. The new en-
voy, whose appointment has al-
ready been approved by the
Israel government, will leave
for Tel Aviv in several weeks.

Fleeing to Rhodesia

TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Rabbi
Moshe Levi, leader of Elisabeth-
ville's Jewish community in
the Congo, arrived in Israel to
consult with Jewish Agency of-
ficials concerning help for
Jewish refugees from the Congo
now in Rhodesia.
Rabbi -Levi . expressed hope
that the Congo's Jewish com-
munity would continue and that
Jews who escaped during the
riots would return when the
situation quieted down. He fur-
ther said that Katanga's Pre-
mier Moise Tshombe promised
to compensate those who had
suffered during the riots. Rabbi
Levi intends to return to
Katanga's capital via Brussels.

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